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Chapter 938 Prismatic (9)

"This is... there is pollution inside, and it has even penetrated into the door."

Facing the vision in front of her, Ms. Qing's eyes flickered uncontrollably.

I have to say that this is a very normal understanding.

From the actions of the others who all moved away from the door after seeing it next, we can see what it means that heroes see the same thing.

However, Fu Qian did not answer the call, but turned to look at the small window at the end of the passage.

Unknowingly, the blue, which was deeper than the indoors, was actually tinged with a touch of lavender.

Before paying, I was very convinced that it was not my own visual error, because the lavender color was still deepening and even starting to be bright red.

"what happened?"

His movement undoubtedly attracted the attention of others, and the change in color was quickly noticed.

"Depend on!"

Unfortunately, the answer to Ms. Xingxing's question was an angry curse from the death row brother.

Looking around, I saw him quickly tearing off a glove and throwing it away into the distance.

What you can notice right away is that there are actually some familiar fluorescent lights on the gloves, which not only spread quickly to the surroundings, but have even been stained on the ground.

In fact, this is not the only place. In the keyhole that Fu Qian had just operated, the fluorescence was like a bursting of a dam, spreading violently to all sides, and in the blink of an eye, it had covered most of the door.

In addition, you can see that the areas covered by fluorescent light even form layers of light and dark ripples, which look indescribably weird.

In this situation, it is easy to think of what the death row prisoner just did - he touched the keyhole with his hand.

Fortunately, I was careful enough and wore gloves, so no traces were seen on my body.

After all, this kind of fluorescence doesn't look like a benign existence anyway.

So now the question comes, with such an obvious vision, will there be an answer to the mission behind the door? Do you want to go in? How to enter?

"Let's go! Something's coming out."

Amidst naturally tangled emotions, Kamen, who had been observing coldly, spoke with a firm tone.

And as if in response to his words, a loud noise was heard the next moment, as if something hit the door in front of him heavily.

Fortunately, the door opened inward. There was only a shock and even slight deformation, but it was not directly knocked open.

However, everyone here is a professional. Just from the sound of the collision and the amplitude of the vibration, you can know that the power of the thing behind is far beyond the scope of human beings.

"Quick, there are many more."

At this time, Mask urged again and successfully dispelled the group's final hesitation.

Because there were multiple howls coming and going inside the door, which fully supported his statement.

"Go back the way you came."

As for Brother Honglong, he was indeed an experienced and steady person. He roared and motioned for others to follow him.

I have to say that under normal circumstances, Brother Honglong made a very reasonable choice.

Even if you don’t use this kind of combat specialist, as long as you travel a little more, almost all office workers will have a bloody experience - if you have something important that cannot be delayed, and you are particularly pressed for time, never choose to never leave.

No matter how convenient the road is, it doesn't matter how convenient it appears on the map.

The reliability brought by familiarity is far beyond imagination.

At this moment, returning to the original route also has a very important role, that is, to compare the scene with the scene when you came.

If you can observe the difference, it will effectively help analyze what is happening in front of you.

In view of this, the team members accepted Red Dragon's suggestion almost without hesitation.


Soon after, the group of people looked at another closed door in front of them, looking at each other in confusion.

"Why is it closed?"

Ms. Xingxing could not hide her surprise.

There were absolutely no road warriors present, and with the red dragon as our guide, this was definitely the same route as before.

However, in view of the way the bandits entered the country before, it can be said that no door was closed wherever they passed. The scene in front of them was obviously different from when they left.

In addition to this strange incident, what makes people even more sad is that the strange fluorescence has spread all the way at this moment, and the speed of spread is really alarming.

"It's locked."

He quickly stretched out his hand and tried it. Red Dragon turned around and shouted, calling for the technician.


However, before Fu Qian could respond to the call, gunshots were heard.

It was Mask who took action. He took out a short gun with an extremely artistic shape and fired continuously.

In addition to the previous hand crossbow, this person actually has other long-range means. It can only be said that the preparation is not insufficient.

Not caring to express his surprise, the red dragon took a step forward and kicked the door.

Fortunately, the door here is obviously of much different quality than the one leading to the top floor, and it almost opens with a snap.

However, the red dragon who opened the way retreated instead of advancing, and actually rolled on the spot.

And following his movements, there was a low roar, and a black shadow jumped out from behind the door.

Fortunately, with the help of early evasive actions, the red dragon still escaped this fierce attack.

Even when his body was out of balance, he still stabbed out the bladed spear in his hand.

It was like the sound of a brown paper bag being cut, and the blow successfully hit the target.

In view of the speed of the latter's attack, it actually tore a huge wound directly on itself.

Accompanying this change, body fluids with a strong smell spurted out from the wound, like a rain of blood.

There was no doubt that the red dragon was within the coverage area, and half of its body was poured heavily.

The raider also let out a cry at this time and landed heavily from the air.

If you look closely, you will see that it is a huge black hound with blood all over its body. At first glance, it looks fierce.

At this moment, even though the wounds made by the bladed spear spread from the abdomen to the tail, it was still struggling to get up and continue to attack.


In the bloody scene in front of him, Qing's voice came, and the sound of breaking through the air sounded simultaneously.

The next moment, another black figure jumped out from behind the door and collided with the arrow flying out of her hand.

Amid the whine, the black shadow's forward attack was blocked, and it rolled and fell to the ground.

Qing's arrow successfully helped Red Dragon, who had fallen to the ground, to escape the fate of being hit by a last hit.

The second attacker was a black dog, but it was smaller in size. It was grinning at Qingya, revealing the bright red flesh in its fangs.

The arrow that shot into his head obviously made him go into a frenzy.

Unfortunately, this emotion only had time to express for half a second.

The next moment, the sound of wind and gunshots sounded continuously. The man's head was instantly blown to pieces and his body was nailed to the ground.

"How are you?"

Ms. Xingxing stretched out her hand to pull the red dragon up and asked with concern.

However, the latter did not make a sound, and just looked at the remains of the two dogs coldly.

There is no doubt that it is all bloody, but what is shocking is that traces of fluorescence can be seen in the blood.

This chapter has been completed!
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