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Chapter 229: Suppress with firepower, make a fortune

Wang Chengzhu, who was commanding the artillery, felt very aggrieved when he heard Li Yunlong's scolding, but he did not complain. Instead, he stepped up and asked the soldiers of the artillery company to fight back.

The little Japs who used grenade launchers were very thief. Instead of gathering together, the nine grenade launchers dispersed and fought independently, causing a lot of casualties to the new regiment.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Wang Chengzhu finally seized the opportunity to hit the Japanese grenade launchers hard. Eight mortars aimed at the target and killed five Japanese grenade launchers at once.

The Japanese army's arrogance was instantly suppressed. The remaining grenadiers hurriedly moved and were hurriedly mowed down by a new group of machine gunners.

"Okay, Zhuzi, let's hit him like this!" Li Yunlong's praising voice came.

"Listen to my order, disperse the mortars and hit the enemy's firepower points!" Wang Chengzhu ordered.

After the artillery batteries dispersed, they aimed at the areas where the Japanese gunfire was dense and fired fiercely. The new regiment completely suppressed the Japanese firepower.

At this time, on the battlefield, due to the lack of grenade firepower, the Japs were divided into several pieces by a new group of machine gun firepower. Using the truck as a bunker, they could only block the attack from one side.

A Japanese second lieutenant officer who was huddled near the wheels of the truck saw the soldiers in front of him being knocked down one after another. He finally made up his mind to go all out, drew his samurai sword, and shouted hysterically: "Warriors, let me go.


Upon hearing the order, more than 80 Japanese soldiers in the surrounding area responded and rushed towards the new regiment's position.

"The little Jaap is a bit bloody, shoot me the machine gunner!" Li Yunlong shouted.

More than a dozen light and heavy machine guns concentrated fire instantly, and the machine gunners aimed at the rushing Japanese troops.

"Da da da!"

Less than a hundred meters away, the bullets poured out from the heavy machine gun instantly stopped the six Japanese soldiers rushing in front.

The defeated Japanese soldier's internal organs were scattered on the ground, and he lay wailing softly in pain.

The Japanese soldiers behind did not hesitate at all, stepping on the bodies of their companions and continuing to charge.

"Boom, boom, boom!" New groups of mortar shells continued to explode among the Japanese crowd.

After the explosion, bursts of smoke rose, and no one in the charging Japanese army could stand up.

A large area on the slope was stained red, covered with blood and flesh, and stumps were everywhere.

"Damn it, if I had had this kind of firepower, would the little devil still be able to live in peace?"

Then Li Yunlong shouted: "Bullmaster, blow the charge horn!"

After receiving the order, the bugler stood up, and the loud trumpet sound was unique amidst the sound of gunfire.

A new group of soldiers on the hills on both sides jumped out of their positions and let out a killing cry that shook the mountains and forests.

"Come on, kill the Japanese!"

The pace is leaping, one after another, for fear of missing half a step and being overtaken by his comrades.

"Huzi, give me the knife!" Li Yunlong was also excited by this scene, his hands were itching fiercely, and he had to go out to see a few little devils in person, completely forgetting Luo Benzhong's previous instructions.

"Captain, the political commissar told me before..." Huzi said, protecting the sword behind his back with both hands.

"Damn it, am I the leader or he? You will be a guard for Luo Benzhong from now on!" Li Yunlong cursed, but his movements were not slow at all.

Li Yunlong couldn't help but put his knee on Huzi's back, pulled out the big knife on his back with his right hand, then jumped out of the position and went straight to the little Japanese convoy down the mountain.

Seeing this, Huzi had no choice but to follow closely and protect Li Yunlong closely.

The less than a hundred Japanese troops who remained relying on trucks were quickly divided and strangled by more than a thousand soldiers from the new regiment.

Five or six soldiers were fighting against a Jaap. One soldier was held up by a Jaap with a bayonet. In an instant, four bayonets were thrust into the body of the Jaap who was unable to resist.

In just ten minutes, all the remaining little Japs on the battlefield were strangled.

Seeing that the situation was decided, Li Yunlong returned the sword to Hu Zi and shouted: "Sweep the battlefield quickly, leaving no survivors!"

Li Yunlong looked back and saw that local comrades had already arrived with militiamen and young men.

"Captain Li!" the local comrades saluted.

"Immediately take people to load the truck and transport the materials to the designated location to hide them!" Li Yunlong said.


"Zhang Dabiao!"


"Let the soldiers who use the old Hanyang sleeves be replaced by the Little Devil's Sanba Gaigai, and bring all the weapons they can use! Then give the replaced weapons to the militiamen who are transporting supplies!"


Li Yunlong's move was entirely because the New Regiment had captured a lot of money in this battle, and he saw that many militiamen had no weapons. He was so excited that he gave the replacement weapons to the militiamen.

On the other side, Wang Chengzhu and his men were searching trucks one by one to see if there were any artillery shells.

"Captain, commander! We are rich!" Wang Chengzhu shouted, and Li Yunlong was successfully attracted.

"Regiment commander, there are six carts of Type 92 infantry artillery, 75 mountain cannon, 81 mortar, grenade launchers, and various artillery shells! We are sending them!" Wang Chengzhu kept mumbling. He had never seen so many.


Since the Japanese troops transporting them had been suppressed by the firepower of the new regiment, the materials on the truck were not destroyed by the Japanese troops.

At this time, Zhang Dabiao, who had finished counting the supplies, came over and reported directly: "Report to the leader, the specific quantity has yet to be counted, but this time our new group has made a fortune."

"Six vehicles equipped with 6.5mm caliber rifle bullets, three vehicles with 7.7mm caliber heavy machine gun bullets, one vehicle each of Type 92 infantry gun, 75 mountain cannon, 81 mortar, 90 mortar shells, and grenades

Two trucks of grenades, one truck of grenades, and another truck containing 20 boxes of special bombs and a lot of gas masks!" Zhang Dabiao reported.

"Damn it, Da Biao, how many bullets are there in the little Jaap's box!" Li Yunlong was so shocked at this time that his mind was a little hard to turn around.

"A box of 1,440 rounds of rifle ammunition, a box of 540 rounds of heavy machine gun bullets, a box of 4 mountain artillery shells, a box of 5 Type 92 infantry gun shells, a box of 3 mortar shells, and a box of grenade grenades

8 rounds! It is roughly estimated that there are about 300,000 rounds of bullets and 3,000 rounds of artillery shells!" Zhang Dabiao suppressed the excitement in his heart and reported them one by one.

The Japanese army's transport convoy to Changzhi consisted of 26 trucks, 9 of which contained people and 17 of which contained various supplies.

"Damn it, I knew I would make a fortune this time, but I didn't expect that I would be so talented. This is the supply of a regiment of little devils that we intercepted."

Then Li Yunlong's face turned bitter, thinking that these supplies would be distributed to Zhou Weihan and Ding Wei half after the war, and the brigade commander would probably be indispensable too. The supplies that were not yet warm were divided into pieces.

"No, our new regiment cannot work for others in the end. Zhang Dabiao, tell the soldiers to take as many bullets and grenades as they can. There is still a big battle to be fought, and the supplies must keep up!" Li Yunlong's eyes lit up,

I thought of a good way.

After receiving Li Yunlong's order, Wang Chengzhu immediately called on the soldiers of the artillery company to climb onto the truck and unload boxes of artillery shells.

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