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Chapter 588: The brave man inside the temple with great military exploits. Please vote for me.

Weizi Town in the northeast of Lucheng City.

The first part of the 279th Regiment and the local armed forces and the Japanese army each occupied a hilltop. Logically speaking, the battlefield should be filled with a chilling atmosphere, but it seemed a bit strange at this time.

At this moment, a group of puppet soldiers holding white flags and pushing carts came from the opposite hill. The leading puppet officer held an iron trumpet and shouted as they walked: "Comrades from the Eighth Route Army opposite, don't shoot, Damu."

Taijun asked me to send you some supplies, please don't shoot!"

The person responsible for the full command here was Cheng Jianwu, commander of the 1st Battalion of the 279th Regiment. After a fierce battle throughout the morning, both sides agreed to a ceasefire and rest, and the battle would begin in the afternoon.

As a result, the Japanese army took advantage of this gap and actually sent puppet troops to labor. Cheng Jianwu was a little confused when he saw this. After all, he had never dealt with Hideo Oki and had no experience in this area. If Li Da was capable here, he would directly

I came forward to receive the supplies.

"What are you kiddos doing? Why are you sending people here to deliver supplies to us?" Cheng Jianwu wondered.

"The Oki Taijun mentioned by the puppet army should be Oki Hideo, the commander of the Japanese army this time. I saw that the information issued by his superiors mentioned that Oki Hideo has a good relationship with our Eighth Route Army, and the Fifth Regiment has a lot of contacts with him. Maybe he really gave us

A gift!" said the instructor on the side.

"Yes, is there still such a thing?"

"Hey, it seems like you didn't read the information sent by your superiors!"

After hearing this, Cheng Jianwu felt a little confident, and shouted to the instructor on the side: "You stay, notify everyone, and everyone is on alert, but no shooting is allowed without my order!"


"I want to see what tricks the little devil is playing!" Cheng Jianwu pulled out the short gun at his waist, called to the battalion's guard platoon and jumped out of position.

At this time, a group of puppet soldiers had arrived at the foot of the mountain. Looking at the black muzzles of guns emerging from the position, all the puppet soldiers were facing a powerful enemy, fearing that one of their guns would accidentally go off.

It's all explained here.

Seeing someone running down the hill, the puppet army officer hurriedly stepped forward and said: "This must be the commander of the Eighth Route Army. On the order of Taijun Damu, I sent some supplies for the laborers to thank you for your military service these two days."


Upon hearing this, Cheng Jianwu looked at the several carts behind the puppet army officers. The carts were all filled with supplies.

The puppet army officer hurriedly introduced: "Three heads of freshly slaughtered native pork, one cart of native roasted meat, and two carts of rice. Let's express our feelings!"

When troops in the Tainan Military Region fight, the cooking squad of each company carries food, but the soldiers eat dry food prepared in advance. In summer, it will smell rancid over time. In winter, dry food

It became very hard, and it was okay with boiling water, so I could barely eat it.

When Cheng Jianwu saw these rare supplies on the battlefield, he couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. Then he realized that he was a little rude, but who would refuse the things delivered to his door: "Okay, thank you for me, little devil, guard platoon, all."


"Slow down, I won't give it away!" As the saying goes, if you take advantage of someone's shortcomings, you will take advantage of them. At this time, it was rare for Cheng Jianwu to put on a smiling face.

The sun turned and noon soon passed, but the temporary camp located behind the position was bustling with activity. All four cooking teams of the first battalion were gathered here, preparing meals for the soldiers in front.

"When fighting, it's not easy for comrades to have hot meals. This is the first time I've seen them eat pork and rice!" an elderly man from the cooking class said in surprise.

"Wangtou, what did you eat during the Long March? Tell us more!" asked a slightly younger soldier.

"Hey, what to eat? Eat whatever you can. When crossing the snow-capped mountains, let alone stewed meat, you can't even drink hot water. When crossing the grassland, you can eat highland barley noodles at first, and then bark, wild vegetables, and tree leaves.

, everything that crawls on the ground, swims in water, and eats everything that is edible!”

Lao Wangtou added at the end: "I went back and forth to the grassland three times. Now that I think about it, I am lucky. I am lucky if I can survive!"

"Ah, why did you cross the grass three times?"

"I don't understand, forget it, it's better not to mention this matter!" Lao Wangtou waved his hand, then opened the lid of the big pot, took a spoon and pulled it: "When it's done, notify the comrades on the front line to start dinner.


As the meals were prepared, nearly a thousand people from the first battalion and local armed forces took turns withdrawing to the temporary camp in the rear to eat.

Cheng Jianwu was the last one to arrive with the guard platoon, holding a lunch box in his hand. A soldier taking the meal took the lunch box and filled it with rice. Then Lao Wangtou filled the lunch box with a spoonful of meat.

On the meal.

"Master Wang, there's nothing wrong with the stuff!" Cheng Jianwu handed over a cigarette as he spoke. Although Old Wangtou was only the cooking squad leader of the battalion, he had been in the military for more than ten years. It was Ding Wei who saw him during the day.

, and very respectful.

"No problem, I checked it as soon as the guard platoon came here!" Old Wangtou said: "How dare I let the soldiers eat the food sent by the little devil!"


In the afternoon of that day, it was not until the sun turned away and the sun was not so fierce that the Japanese army on the opposite side sent out the signal to attack.

The two opposing parties had rested for three or four hours and were in very good physical condition.

As soon as they fought, the sound of fighting even drowned out the sound of gunfire.

"Spread it!" Hideo Oki held a command knife in his hand and shouted forward.

The soldiers under his command also cooperated very well. A group of Japanese troops quickly advanced in a skirmish line, but began to switch defenses with the troops on the front line.

The fierce fighting continued until nightfall, when one unit of the Eighth Route Army was unable to resist the fierce Japanese attack and began to retreat under cover.

The place where the two sides fought fiercely was Weizi Town in the northeast of Lucheng. The retreat of the Eighth Route Army meant that the Japanese army could march straight in and successfully capture Lucheng County.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguoyuedu to read and catch up on books recently. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. Yeguoyuedu is available for Android and Apple.]

The next thing the Japanese army had to do was to rely on the county town and extend from the highway line to the hinterland of the Eighth Route Army. Of course, everything that followed was impossible to happen.

That night, in Lucheng County.

Hideo Oki sat upright with his command knife and said to the telegraph operator on the side: "Immediately send a message to the brigade and regiment headquarters. After a fierce battle between our department and the Eighth Route Army, we defeated three blocking forces of the Eighth Route Army during the day and successfully captured Lucheng County on the evening of September 5."

, it is expected to officially occupy the entire territory of Lucheng tomorrow!"

"Hi!" The telegraph operator copied the contents of Hideo Oki's instructions into the notebook.

The fierce battle between the Eighth Route Army and the Japanese army in Lucheng did not cause any major surprises according to the procedure, but the headquarters of the 24th Group Army in Changzhi received emergency telegrams from the frontline positions one after another.

In Changzhi City, Fan Hanjie had not rested yet at night.

"Have you found out the specific situation? Is there any response from the Eighth Route Army?" Fan Hanjie asked one after another.

"General, the 45th Division sent a reconnaissance force this afternoon. According to their report, when it was dark, the Eighth Route Army retreated from several towns on the outskirts of Lucheng. After the Japanese army occupied the county, they did not send troops to continue the pursuit!


"In my opinion, the Japanese army may continue to carry out encirclement and suppression tomorrow, and it won't be long before they advance to the frontline positions of the 45th Division!" the Chief of Staff reported.

"What happened? Why was there no news in advance? Zhou Weihan boasted that he was a good fighter. Why did the Japanese army advance to Lucheng all of a sudden?" Fan Hanjie was very puzzled at this time. He must know that the Kwantung Army last time

When heavy troops attacked, the Tainan Military Region did not perform so poorly.

The current corrupt war situation, lack of intelligence, and sudden changes make Fan Hanjie not frightened.

"The headquarters, Lucheng, and Licheng are the territories of the Eighth Route Army. According to regulations, our army cannot send personnel to enter. Moreover, the Eighth Route Army's investigation is very strict. Our army cannot obtain effective intelligence sources in its base areas. This battle is still through traders passing through the border.

I found out unexpectedly!" the chief of staff explained.

"But why didn't Zhou Weihan notify us? Even if the Japanese army was caught off guard, they wouldn't have no time at all!"

Just when the two of them were puzzled, the director of the Telecommunications Department of the Military Ministry personally handed over a telegram: "General, a telegram from the Eighth Route Army!"


"Commander Fan of the 27th Army learned that the Japanese army launched a sudden offensive against our unit on the 4th, which caught our unit off guard. Licheng and Lucheng were successively occupied by the Japanese army. However, our army still has the strength and still controls most of the areas in the two places.

, there is still the power to fight back, please don’t worry too much, the Eighth Route Army’s Tainan Military Region is close!” the director of the Telecommunications Department said word by word.

"Weird, very weird. I think there must be something fishy in it. This is not how the Eighth Route Army fights!" Fan Hanjie murmured to himself.

"How do I call the main office back?"

After Fan Hanjie thought for a long time, he said: "Our department is already aware of the current battle situation. If support is needed, we can send an additional reinforcement force or allow your troops to withdraw to the defense area of ​​our 45th Division. Brother, I am anxious.

, I am afraid that the war will corrupt the situation and affect the overall situation of Changzhi. I hope my brother will come back soon!"

"Yes!" the Director of Telecommunications closed the folder and stood at attention.

"General, perhaps the current situation is an excellent opportunity for our department. When the Eighth Route Army is defeated, if we can occupy Lucheng, our department will have a bridgehead to the north!"

"Even if there is a dispute between the two sides in the future, we have snatched it from the Japanese army and regained the lost ground from the Japanese army. What else can the Eighth Route Army say?" the chief of staff suggested.

"No, no!" Fan Hanjie immediately shook his head after hearing this: "I always feel that this matter is unusual. Moreover, although our unit is not weak on the surface, its combat effectiveness has not yet been restored, and it is not appropriate to take the initiative to fight with the Japanese army.

, Besides, the strength of the Japanese army dispatched this time has not yet been determined. Once the fortifications are out, wouldn't it give the Japanese army an opportunity?"

Seeing Fan Hanjie's refusal, the chief of staff stopped insisting.

The conversation was divided into two parts. In Pingshun City, Zhou Weihan and Xing Zhiguo were also discussing the reaction of the 27th Army.

"Fan Hanjie is very enthusiastic and offered to provide some support to our Eighth Route Army!" Xing Zhiguo said with a smile.

"Humph, not necessarily!" Although Zhou Weihan's opinion of Fan Hanjie has changed a little, his prejudice is still there: "If our Eighth Route Army blocks the north of Changzhi, we will take care of any movement first. His 27th Army's days

How comfortable it is to live here, which makes Fan Hanjie feel more at ease than leaving a national army here!"

"That's true!" Xing Zhiguo nodded.

"Call back to Fan Hanjie immediately. There is no need to send troops for reinforcements. Our department can handle it on its own and at the same time order the first regiment to strengthen vigilance!"

Zhou Weihan deliberately did not notify the 27th Army before the battle. His intention was obvious, just to see Fan Hanjie's reaction.

On this occasion, a regiment has been secretly stationed at the junction of Lucheng, Pingshun and Changzhi. Once the 27th Army has the idea of ​​​​moving north to seize territory, it can intercept it.

However, there are many explanations for whether the 27th Army will move or not. The key depends on Fan Hanjie's attitude.


Early the next morning, the city gates of Handan were opened wide, and more than a dozen Japanese army trucks filed out and drove westward in a mighty manner.

The journey was smooth, and when they arrived at Dongyang Pass, the Japanese convoy took a break, and a Japanese major general got out of a truck in the middle.

In the temple, Yong stood on top of the city wall, admiring the endless mountains from near to far. He suddenly felt high-spirited and couldn't help but think of a few sentences.

"The mountain is over there, and I am here. I can really see all the mountains at a glance!" Isamu Terauchi, who was very popular in poetry, showed off for a few words, and then said nothing. However, several Japanese officers accompanying him clapped their hands and applauded.

At the end of the day, Temple Yong and his party arrived at Lucheng along the Handan-Changchun Highway.

Hideo Oki, who had been waiting for a long time, was well prepared. He led a group of people to greet him outside the city. Not only did he also do the publicity work, a reporter accompanying the Japanese army set up equipment at the gate of the city.

As soon as Terauchi got out of the car, the reporter clicked the shutter.

"Nani, Omu-kun, what are you doing?" Terauchi smiled.

"Your Excellency, Brigade Commander, under your command, our troops successfully captured Licheng and Lucheng. Isn't it worth publicizing it? I suggest that we take a photo at the city gate!" Hideo Oki suggested.

Hideo Oki's proposal was in line with Isamu Terauchi's wishes. Isamu Terauchi personally came to the front line just to show that as the highest commander of the Japanese army in the Handan area, how could he not lack his primary military exploits?

"Yusi!" After Isamu Terauchi finished speaking, a city wall near a city gate that was full of craters showed the brutality of the battle, and he immediately said: "Let's do it right here!"

Then more than a dozen Japanese soldiers, large and small, stood together, but the shorter Isamu Terauchi stood in the middle with a command sword in his hand, looking majestic.

After that, Terauchi Isamu did not enter the city, but let Hideo Oki guide him to various battlefields, and each piece of material was born.

When the interest faded, Temple Yong immediately said: "Immediately send a report to General Gangcun. Our troops reoccupied Licheng and Lucheng on the 5th. Except for a few areas, the remaining forces of the Eighth Route Army are still entrenched. The imperial army has returned to these two places."

It’s under control!”

"Hi!" the adjutant responded hurriedly upon hearing this.

"Omu-kun, you are the first to contribute in this battle, and you will be rewarded after the battle!"

"I don't dare. The imperial army can only achieve a great victory thanks to the general's overall command!" Oki Hideo said sensibly: "General, before the 41st Division, the Kwantung Army suffered defeats here, but you led your troops to a complete victory.

, no one can match such illustrious military exploits!"

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