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Chapter 229 The Source of Catastrophe in 'The End of the Hungry Ghosts'

The first thing Jiang Qian opened was the experimental notes locked in the drawer.

Since the pen is under house arrest in the item bar and cannot be used, the process of unlocking the lock has become a combination of psychic vision and fangs. The whole process is only a little easier than peeling off a thousand layers of flower buds without damage.

After wiping off the excess venom (saliva), Jiang Qian slowly opened the drawer and took out the experimental notes.

The notebook was very heavy and had been used for most of it. Jiang Qian hid under the table and turned on the battery flashlight and began to retrieve the memory page by page.

This came easily to him.

Soon, a genetic code that appeared three times was quickly marked by Jiang Qian.

All future experimental records will revolve around this genetic code, which means that it is always the same.

Jiang Qian went back further and confirmed the page number where the gene code first appeared.

The recorder habitually marked the date on this page: tober13th (October 13th)

He clearly remembered that the names of multiple psychotropic drugs were recorded on the same date in the drug supplies entry and exit list he had seen in the infirmary...

Jiang Qian thoughtfully closed the notebook, placed it on the table, and continued to look at other contents in the drawer.

They are basically Yin Lisabai’s personal belongings:

Notes, letterheads, books, and magazine fragments that recorded different experimental contents... Jiang Qian patiently flipped through them to retrieve the important content.

Suddenly, a photo of Yin Lisabai and a white-haired old man came into Jiang Qian's eyes.

In the photo, Lisa Bai is slightly younger than she is now, with a smile on her face, clear and translucent eyes, and no sense of sophistication; while the old man next to her has a stiff and dull expression, with sunken eye sockets, as if she is not in a good condition.

Turning over the back of the photo, there is a line of small words written on it: Miss you forever.

There was no signature or other title, which made Jiang Qian a little curious for a moment.

He couldn't help but associate this mysterious old man with the name that appeared most frequently in several published papers that Lisa White had cut out and saved. That name belonged to a biologist with numerous works - Kate.

This name also appeared on a book list that was highlighted. One of the books titled "The Miracle of Genes" was marked as important and urgent. In the brackets behind it, the words "City Library" were written.


Jiang Qian read the information related to "Kate" twice more:

"Dr. Kate, a leading scientist in the field of biology and genetic engineering, has focused on research in the field of genetic variation for more than 40 years..."

Jiang Qian examined the concise introduction to Kate in the material, and suddenly a copy prompt sounded in his ears:

[Tip: The core character of "Source of Catastrophe" has been retrieved: Dr. Kate! Side mission exploration progress: 25%]


The exploration progress of the side mission suddenly advanced from 0 to 1/4, leaving Jiang Qian stunned.

Do you need to "dictate" the content to be retrieved by the copy... After having this concept, Jiang Qian cleared his throat, lowered his voice and dictated all the information he had discovered before, including genetic coding, mysterious dates, input of psychiatric drugs, key books and other information.

, but the progress of the branch line has not continued to advance.

"It seems it's not complete enough."

Jiang Qian silently kept this information in mind. After restoring the objects to their original positions, he stood up and went to the safe where the medicine was stored...

This safe uses a combination lock, which cannot be easily opened with fangs.

Fortunately, Jiang Qian had psychic vision and saw everything when Yin Lisabai entered the password, so the opening process was smoother than prying open a drawer.

[The problem of slow update of new chapters has finally been solved by changing the source. Download huanyuan.change the source here and view the latest chapters of this book on multiple sites at the same time.]

The special container was opened, and the sealed potions appeared in front of Jiang Qian one by one.

All numbers correspond to those in the experiment notes.

The dark green medicine was floating in the closed test tube, flashing some kind of dangerous signal in the dim light.

Jiang Qian

I chose one of them, opened it, and took a closer sniff:

"Well, just a little bit is fine. You shouldn't be able to tell, right?"

As he spoke, Jiang Qian tried to insert his fangs into the test tube, preparing to taste the "poison" himself...

A thin but eye-catching figure flashed near the dusty city library, wearing an orange sports suit and goggles.

Canyon Lao Liu has returned to the original state of not finding an organization, being hungry and cold, and struggling to feed himself.

In the past few days, he watched the city library from a distance. Under the crazy attack of the anteater army, the core of the "ant nest" was exposed!

A large number of bullet ants of different types were killed in pieces, leaving behind black corpses.

In the end, the anteater army passed the test and finally successfully intercepted the fleeing "ant queen"! And devoured the plump queen ant in a wild way...

Watching the whole process made Canyon Lao Liu's mouth water.

He ate the dry food left over from home-cooked dishes in the Northeast, endured the strange feeling of hunger, and quietly followed the anteater army, hoping to see who they were and what their purpose was.

As a result, I soon witnessed the opponent attacking a human settlement...

Bloody, brutal, and heinous.

They select the physically fit and high-energy humans in the settlement, infect humans through bites, and expand their armaments.

Seeing this scene, Canyon Lao Liu no longer had the courage to approach these "crazy people", but found a way back to the library to find out why this group of anteaters attacked the ant nest in the library; and the anteaters who had just breached the library

The ant beast army is still having fun in human settlements, and it is obvious that they have no interest in revisiting their old places.

When Canyon Lao Liu returned, all the leaderless crawlers had dispersed, and the city library was able to regain its former silence.

Canyon Lao Liu was avoiding the crawler corpses on the road while thinking about the way to survive in the "Hungry Ghost Apocalypse" dungeon:

"That group of semi-animal anteaters has obviously become a third species, the common antagonist of reptiles and humans. They are at the top of the food chain, and they strengthen themselves and expand their ranks through constant hunting."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! According to Canyon Lao Liu’s observation and speculation, there should be only one true super-species player in the Anteater Legion, and the rest of the members are the result of super-evolution after humans were infected.

This player cleverly hides among the anteater army, giving orders to the infected army that has grown stronger due to infection, to achieve his own goals.

"Currently, it seems that they have strong mobility and purpose. They seem to have mastered the advanced methods of the chosen 'way of survival' and are constantly 'upgrading...'..."

"For them, the way to solve their hunger is simple and crude, and it is nothing more than eating whatever they can catch! They act completely in accordance with their nature, they are self-centered, they act recklessly, and they treat the dungeon world as a back cook... This method is too cruel! Written in

The guide always feels disgraceful, but if you don’t choose, others will take up all the resources..."

In the process of entanglement, Canyon Lao Liu has penetrated deep into the ant nest.

The surrounding bookcases are in dilapidated condition, some have become paving bricks, others have become a breeding ground for ants, and most of the books can no longer be seen in their original condition.

Canyon Laoliu walked aimlessly through stacks of dilapidated books, thinking about multiple-choice questions about "how to survive."

Suddenly, when he was passing by two piles of corroded and rotten bookcases, a dungeon side mission prompt appeared!

"The source of disaster...?"

This was the first time that the dungeon actively contacted him after announcing the coordinates of the players on the first day.

Canyon Lao Liu suddenly became excited!

The dark green liquid in the test tube is colorless and odorless, but it is full of complex biological toxins.

However, this level of poison is not complicated for the three-state fusion super species, let alone fatal. Jiang Qian tasted the medicine in every closed test tube in one go.

Comparing the venom previously sucked from three infected people, it was found that the two had a high degree of overlapping venom.

But the actual purpose of Yin Lisabai's set of medicines is to restore the crawlers to humans; the poison on the infected person

Vitamins are obviously promoting the transformation of humans into dangerous species!

How can these two things be similar?

Jiang Qian tried to find out the reason to explain this sense of dissonance through his unique sense of poison and copy perspective:

"Perhaps the key to infection or transformation does not lie in the medicine at all..."

Jiang Qian's mind whirled with the words "source of disaster" over and over again, and suddenly he had an idea.


The typos and defects will be corrected first..

Crazy elegance

This chapter has been completed!
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