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Chapter 999 The real winner, Mephisto, dont be happy

It's too early.

Mephisto finally appears.

And at this time.

The devil king completed the doomsday prophecy and became a "higher" existence.

His presence envelopes the world.

Just like the original god, looking at the white and endless world to complete his reality.


Mephisto's goal is to complete "creation" and achieve his own holiness.

Just in front of more cosmic beings.

All great things will witness him, witnessing that hell is no longer a prison.

But a completely new and beautiful world.

And at this time.

Everything remaining in the hell dimension is nourishment.

Outsiders who do not belong to the original hell, their will and soul will add luster to Mephisto's stage.

And the depravity that originally belonged to hell!

In this moment of destruction, everything Mephisto will achieve!

This is……

After completing the sacrifice ceremony to the Lord of Hell, the final ritual of the Eye of Basfloros.

It is also an endless tribute to the original owner of this place.

"This is such a holy look."

"Is it just as you thought, that it can proceed so smoothly to such a step?"

"It's really all thanks to you, Miss Miko!"

Mephisto's voice echoed.

He was everywhere in this fixed hell at this time, and it seemed that he was on a higher level than this hell.

He is undoubtedly the master of the stage.

Like a crystal ball in his hands, Mephisto looks inside from the outside.

Become a true god.

And the name that came out of Mephisto's mouth was a holy soul enough.

The beginning of the whole battle in hell.


It all started when the Scarlet Devil King came to the world last time and the Three States Demonic Land fell!

And...the name of Platycodon!

It has become the starting point for most beings to enter hell and want to be saved.


Platycodon was silent.

She clearly understood how many people were here for her.


Including the reward of 100 million witches created in the capital of hell, in the end...

It's just the devil's fun.

It is a small introduction to setting up such a grand stage.

It is the premise of the story.

He was attracted to the battle in hell and fell into the conspiracy of Mephisto's achievements!

at this time……

It seems everything has settled.

even though……

It was Kikyo, the gods and demons who faced the hell wizard named Belasco.

In the battlefield field of Velasco.

There is an extremely powerful surge of energy mixed here, not to mention the sweeping doomsday ripples.

It is the explosion from the "world" and the masterpiece of Mr. Fantastic, plus the energy of the void and the immortal bloodstone.

It's become a mess here.

It can be said that...

The area surrounding Velasco is the most intense and conflicting point in the entire region.


Even with such multiple and strong forces, each ripple of destruction can be regarded as the complete destruction of the living planet.

Faced with the appearance of Mephisto at this time.


This time it was no longer a slow flow, but a complete stillness.

after all……

When God created the world, everything should be peaceful.

The same goes for time.

Mephisto enjoys all this, he is like the master of the final victory.

Not caring at all about the attention projected from outside the hell dimension.

No matter where these attention gifts come from.

From now on.

The King of Demons will never be trapped in hell again, and will never leave this dimension because of evil.

And the strength gradually becomes weak, and everything becomes full of hesitation and uncertainty.

The name of the Lord of Hell.

Those who achieved success in hell are also limited by this scorched earth world.

Asmodeus and the others found their freedom.


This is giving up the body of the hell lord, and their will is reborn on the scale of the real world.

And Mephisto...

To create such a huge situation is to announce it to the existence in the universe.

"The name of Mephisto should also be true and great, and there should be no more scruples."


Mephisto has not lost his power.

But the hell that restricted him disappeared again, and the devil king was truly free.

at the same time……

"Little King."

"We meet again. I told you last time."

"3000 years?!"

"This time is too short and too powerless."

Mephisto is giving his acceptance speech.

At the same time, he felt the endless power that began to flow back towards him after destroying hell.

The power of a new world.

No need to be real!

The power of rich dimensions on the scale of the original endless hell.

After digesting all the debris in it, the power began to flow back towards himself.

at the same time!

It seemed like a huge claw that expanded from a higher dimension.

Slowly crossing the spiritual sky of Yama Hall.

There is no destruction.

Rather, it is like appreciating some kind of treasure and feeling everything that is enough to delight you.


Inside the Yama Hall.

Sitting in the king's palace, the little king's expression was calm.


The anger in his heart and his desire to kill this old devil never stopped for a moment.


The control of things went awry at this moment.


The real master here has regained control of everything, and the Yama Hall seems to be condensed in amber.

Completely falling into some kind of calculation.

at the same time!

As a part that does not belong to hell, as one of the alien life forms.

The world controlled by Mephisto rejects these wills.


Can we just watch everything that happens?!


Unlike the previous Death Apostles who could hide in the dark force dimension and watch the show.


In a completely frozen world, the passages to the dark force dimension are all locked.

"As expected of Mephisto."

"All the circumstances have made him successful. He is not satisfied with being the master of a country after death."

"The end of hell."

"The definition of what makes Mephisto the truest man of power!"

The Apostles of Death knew exactly what was happening.

Once Mephisto completes the induction of power, the new world born from the destruction of hell will completely belong to him.

This lord.

He still has the name of King of Devils, and this will become his pure title.


He is also not restricted by the Lords of Hell.

He can lead his army of demons to fight wantonly and rush from this old hell to reality!

So called...

The devil cannot easily leave hell, it is a nightmare for sinners and bastards.

Nothing like this will ever happen again.

Mephisto doesn't have to worry about anything anymore.

Your strength will not become weaker just because you left hell.

Just like...

Those kingdoms of gods spread throughout the universe have powerful rulers.

The so-called Zeus, the so-called Odin, and so on.

Mephisto is just like them, he can go wherever he wants and has unlimited power.

So amazing!

As for the Death Apostle's surprise, Mephisto didn't want to pay attention to this cosmic existence at all.


About the supreme human being I witnessed last time.

rest assured……

When he completes everything, Mephisto's ambition will shock everyone.

On the contrary...

The Supreme Sanctuary gradually faded away, because the three major protections of Kama Taj were reopened.

The female mage who stayed in the Yama Hall made Mephisto feel funny.

"Kama Taj's little thing."

"Perhaps Ancient One has anticipated all this and is one of the viewers of this scene."

"I won't make things difficult for you."

"When the world belonging to Mephisto is completed, the name of the Supreme... Hahaha."

Mephisto's laughter.

When he has a complete and rich "reality", he can give birth to his own supreme being.

Just think about it...

Those former devils were reborn and also took on the name of mages.

Maybe he can get a Sanctuary for Mephisto too!

Ha ha……

Apart from not liking bald heads, there is nothing wrong with Gu Yi.

Oh, right.

Mephisto slowly shifted his target, which was like a huge finger penetrating from above the ant observation dish.

Slowly poked Piaomiao City!


King Zhou in the form of a great demon.

This unparalleled tyrant in history has undergone successive changes.

As a result, the breath all over his body was filled with anger.


In this still world, there is pure demonic energy and the demonic knife in the hand.

They are all like plastic models. Although they look real, they are unshakable.


A strange floating island blooming with the power of time and space, the pink-gold light transformed by the rich spiritual power.

The Misty City has also become a huge model in the hands of Mephisto.

And now.

Mephisto's target is the mage king in Misty City!

"I really want to thank you."

"It was you who opened the key to the end and made all this happen."


The fat mage was frozen in it.


Now even Steve Strange is completely unable to move.

The unique soul of the original Doctor Strange in Destiny can still maintain his will.

And looked at everything happening in front of me without knowing why.


This is unparalleled and can shock all major events.


Mephisto's tone was high.

He looked with great interest at this small character model in the stage play that he controlled.


Ancient One, Ancient One, doesn’t the so-called supreme name seem ridiculous now?!

Maybe you have chosen a new destiny.


Steve Strange is such an excellent soul, Mephisto will put it to good use!


Not just Stephen Strange, but everyone present.

"rest assured."

"Those of you who still have a clear will will never forget the great will of the world!"


At this moment.

Mephisto has transformed himself into the foundation of the world, and he represents everything here.

A world that is unique to him and is real but not false.


The vast scale of hell will transform into a boundless new universe.

It's alive!

It is everything dominated by the great Mephisto!


"Is this the result you want?!"

Mr. Fantastic sighed.

"Is there any flaw?!"

Lord Doom also ignored Mephisto's soliloquy.


He has pure hatred for the devil.

As for Mr. Fantastic, there is real sympathy between him and Reed.


"The subversive power of the name of this ritual is beyond anything we can imagine."

"It's done now."

"We became frozen toy figures on the stage, and you finally met Mephisto."

"But what can you do..."

Mr. Fantastic was very helpless.

Give him enough preparation time, enough research and information search.

This absolutely genius man would not be so passive.


Everything happened too fast.

From the war in hell, to the impact on the earth in the real world, to the destruction of everything heading towards the end.

Mr. Fantastic can only come up with the only plan!


He didn't even finish gathering the Fantastic Four, he just bombed a wave of Belasco.


Being in the control of Mephisto, his consciousness is excluded by Mephisto.


Mr. Fantastic seemed to want to smile bitterly, but he could stretch and stretch his body at will.

He couldn't even move, and the expression on his face remained frozen.

It’s really uncomfortable!

"Both of you."

"Please don't interrupt casually when the master is celebrating. This will make me very disgusted."

"Although we are old friends."

Mephisto's voice echoed into the spiritual realm.

Mr. Fantastic and Lord Doom showed no surprise at all.

In such circumstances.

Mephisso has all the initiative, and it is impossible to hide spiritual concepts from him.


"Doom was just discussing how to beat you to death."

Lord Doom's tone remained the same as before.


"Are you expecting a monkey wielding a stick, or a... ball-shaped creature that is constantly struggling and trying to resist me."

"to be honest."

"Victor von Doom, from what I know of you, you will bore me very quickly."

Mephisto's tone was full of regret.

"on the contrary……"

"Working with you to help bring about the apocalypse...Galaxy Beast Body and Majin Buu."

Mephisto who controls them all.

He has begun to read the existence of Waiter and Fat Buu, and has shown great interest in them.

"What a wonderful creation they are. They are much more interesting than you."

"It should also belong to Mephisto."

Faced with Mephisto's ridicule, Lord Doom could only feel a deep coldness.

"What a coincidence."

"They must be thinking the same thing as me now, they want to turn you into a devil..."

Lord Doom said half of what he said.

The second half of the word was replaced by a noisy voice, which was crazy gibberish.

"Devil's Pie!"

"Mephisto's Avocado-Mexican Devil's Pie, remember to add more chili sauce and cauliflower..."


This is suddenly incorporated into the spiritual connection.


It was a certain immortal but foul-mouthed mercenary, and with the mercenary were Colossus and Wolverine.

Faced with such a situation.

Lord Doom suddenly laughed.


"Your genius is not reflected in the realm of magic, but Doom is the master of magic particles."


"The voice of magic will tell you the importance of talent, in the original existence of this hell!"

"You are not the only winner."


Lord Doom witnessed all this with an extremely serious voice.

"The winner has already appeared."

"She...is the last hell lord left in hell, the doomsday you want."

"Dum won't allow it!"

"She doesn't allow it either!"

"Is it the birth of a new cosmic reality, or the recurrence of the old hell system?"

"Mephisto, you are happy too early.

This chapter has been completed!
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