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Chapter 1082. Under Kings protection, run away, Gwen.

Spider-Gwen and Mary Jane's Secret Warehouse.

This was supposed to be a band rehearsal base, but now it has become a superhero colony.

That's right...


"I'm supposed to be a superhero, but now I feel like a wanted criminal!"

Spider-Gwen holds her head.

She didn't have a headache because of the sensory feedback from the symbiote spider using the abilities brought to her by C.C.

What makes her sad is...

When SHIELD's armed helicopter was about to crash, he obviously rushed to help.

But I encountered hostility!

Even if those sentry robots self-destruct, they will still completely wipe her out.

This is simply too unfortunate.


"I know you're feeling very unhappy now, but you'd better calm down a little."

"The truth is..."

"As a spider disaster promoted by Mr. Mayor, you have always been New York's number one enemy."

Little Reed told the truth.

Even though Spider-Gwen thinks she is a good neighbor in New York, but...

She has never had a positive image in the news media.


It just changed from a unilateral condemnation by Mr. Mayor to a pursuit by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Hmm... they probably mean the same thing.

"But I didn't do anything."

"This makes me sadder than the cross-world problem. I obviously want to do something good."

This is what Spider-Gwen is struggling with.

Whether it's fighting evil or becoming a superhero, her intentions are good.


Whether it's the lizard thing or Hell's Kitchen, even Harry Osborn is ignoring her now.


Why is this city delisting itself?

Spider-Gwen was deeply hit, especially by the lockdown alert that enveloped the entire New York.


She is still feeling the same way as the symbiote Spider, who is her Geass.

"Normal conditions."

"I reminded you not to abuse your abilities. You are a little too excited."

C.C. is here too.

The immortal witch is adapting to this place and is observing this secret warehouse.

And about Spider-Gwen’s emotional changes.

C.C. believes that it is partly influenced by ability, after all...

This girl wants to gain the power of a spider.

After breaking the boundaries of the soul, he merged with those black little spiders that were as dense as sand.


Even C.C., who has seen a lot, thinks this is a very mind-numbing thing.

And the many feelings that come from the symbiont spider.

After the ability is used, Spider-Gwen will be continuously injected into it.

This is the price.

"I also think she's a little excited."

"There will only be more trouble, why not let us think of something good?!"

"I want a lab."

Little Reed said anxiously.

He now has a large, semi-crippled blue-furred wolf, and a super-powered woman who is shut down.

Little Reed has already seen the black mist-colored energy controlled by the Black Mamba.

It is a power that can control and charm.

It is of great research value.

in addition……

Regarding the emergence of C.C., as well as Spider-Gwen's obviously lost spider superpowers, she regained them from other angles.

Little Reed also wanted to study it.

The focus is on the particle collider brought back by Mr. Satan and King, the one originally used by the Kingpin of Hell's Kitchen on Spider-Gwen.

"Aren't you excited?!"

"This thing may open the door to another world, and I am a genius."

"We will solve all problems, including SHIELD!"

The arrogant little devil has absolute confidence in himself.


Considering that he will be Mr. Fantastic in the future, this confidence is not exaggerated at all.

"Are you sure?!"

Spider-Gwen looked at Mr. Satan, it was this man who carried the collider back.

And she also learned it.

It was King who broke into the Fisk Experimental Building alone, and his plan was a perfect success.

at this time.

One of the big things being reported on the news.

Like the explosion at the Osborne Industrial Building, the Fisk Laboratory Building also suffered extensive damage.

He is truly the strongest hero on earth.

Mr. Satan said that he only dealt with the soldiers on the outside, while King broke into it completely.

By the way...

According to Mr. Satan and King, SHIELD also discovered them.


Mary Jane, who was silent, finally wanted to say something at this time.


"You are all going to be on the wanted list now?!"

Not just by New York.

Instead, he is being hunted all over the world by a higher-level organization like SHIELD?!


So the band that I carefully prepared is completely ruined, right?!

"It's actually not that bad, maybe."

Spider-Gwen really can't face her best friend's face because everything is so messy.


"The alarm has stopped and we are not being pursued."

Demon George spoke.

I originally thought that New York would be quickly blocked, but things didn't seem that extreme.

The big robots from S.H.I.E.L.D. didn’t appear again.


My Gwen did indeed trigger the alarm, but what did SHIELD think?!

have no idea.

"I said..."

"Where did you get this thing? The people inside seem to still have breath?!"

Zhan Momomaru is researching the Scorpion Armor.

He and Mr. Kizaru belong to the scientific force in the navy, plus these big guys who are pacifists.

Suddenly seeing the mechanical armor in this new world is really refreshing.

This is also a trophy that belongs to the king.

It was Mr. Satan who carried it all the way back together with the particle collider. It was really not easy.

"Armor like a scorpion."

"Are the guys in here alive?!"

"I can't wait any longer. Tong Emperor, come and help me cut it open completely, using your little energy sword."

Happy moments for little Reed.

He has never had such a wealth of experimental materials, and he has seen some strange inventions.


He is interested and wants to study a lot, so...he urgently needs a serious research laboratory.

"All right."

"I should believe you, who calls you Mr. Fantastic."

Spider-Gwen nodded.

The situation has reached this point, so it can’t get worse, right?!

"But I don't believe you."

"I mean if you want to live peacefully without getting into trouble, obviously spiders can't do that."

Little Reed spread his hands.


"No matter what, you are being targeted. King and I have the same opinion."

"We are not opposed to dialogue with SHIELD, and we can even cooperate or join."

The Child Emperor expressed his thoughts.

About a righteous institution that can manage the world, then join it as a superhero.

No problem at all.

"I don't reject it either."

"I can also be a superhero, no, I am a superhero."

"Why did they attack me?!"

This is where Spider-Gwen becomes depressed and irritable.

She's not a criminal, so why did she create such a bad situation?

"Before you don't know SHIELD's attitude towards you, the best choice...

"You'd better hide."

A very wise choice.

Little Reed also strongly agrees with this, because any research takes time.

"Until I study the cross-world theory clearly."

"You and the little spiders on your body had better not cause any more noise."

"This is the most reasonable."

Little Reed and Tong Di, two incredible young geniuses, absolutely wise people said so.

Spider Gwen looked at Demon George.

"That's right."

"It might be better if you hide so trouble can't find you."

Devil George touches his revolver.

In New York, there are now hidden dark killers and more troubles.


If Gwen can not be affected, it will be more convenient for him to act on his own.

"Even you said that."

Spider-Gwen covered her face.

"In fact."

"So many dangerous things have been encountered, although I don't understand the specific details."

"But it's always right to be obedient."

Mary Jane caught Spider-Gwen, she didn't want anything to happen to her best friend.

It's a shame for the band though.


What is involved now is no longer a band issue, but Gwen's life safety.

in this case.

It doesn't matter what the concept of superheroes is, it's better to hide and save your life.


King stood up at this time.

He bravely raised his hand and supported this decision. This city is too dangerous.

That SHIELD also locked onto him.

Right in the Fisk Experimental Building, he looked like he was determined to cause trouble for him.


Whether it's Mr. Satan or Devil George, Little Reed and the Child Emperor are all here!

Just look at Mr. Senmomomaru and his pacifist parade.

There is absolutely no need for a guy like him.


Let him hide with Gwen until the research on the cross-world theory is completed.


Maybe everything can be restored to calm.

"I see!"

"If King can protect Gwen, everything will be safe."

"Even if SHIELD does discover Gwen, King can handle it enough!"

The child emperor breathed a sigh of relief.

He was carrying a schoolbag with a big smile on his face.

"Although considering King's combat power, the job of protection is really too unqualified."


"You are the one who is so gentle, King!"


What King wanted to say was completely preempted by Tongdi, and he gained everyone's attention.

"It's so reliable."

"Although he looks cold and fierce on the outside, he is really a good man."

"Much better than your Harry."

Mary Jane sent the assist.


Spider-Gwen also froze.

"It's just for me, it doesn't mean..."

Before she could refuse, Devil George walked up to King.

He held King's hand solemnly.

"Mr. King."

"I can never repay your kindness in any way."

King faced the fiery gaze of Devil George.


This kind of gratitude from an old father is really irresistible.

"Do your best."

What else can be said at this time?!

King thought to himself, what if he was really discovered while hiding and escaping later.


At the very least, letting Gwen run away before he is caught is the best he can do.

"Add me."

C.C. said suddenly.

She looked at King in front of her, the most powerful hero on earth according to the Child Emperor.


So what is the heart of the hero like?!

The immortal witch has met many people, but King is different.


Whether it's Mr. Satan or Zhan Momomaru, everyone here is very different.

"You want to go too...what should I do with my research?!"

As for C.C. leaving, Little Reed expressed his dissatisfaction.

"Aren't you going to study the cross-world theory?!"


"About that scorpion armor, can you help me change it?!"

C.C. saw the armor that belonged to this world, and it was really different from what she had seen before.

The conversation goes here.

It is basically certain that King, Spider-Gwen and C.C. are about to go out to hide.

I want to escape from SHIELD's pursuit.

"It's George."

And at the same time.

In order to keep in touch with himself in this world, the cell phone that Devil George took specially rang.

"Let Gwen go quickly."

"Her story was exposed, and Sheriff Frank came to visit."

Only such a short sentence.

Sheriff George hung up the phone immediately. Apparently he encountered an emergency.

And now...

"Chief Frank!"

Regarding Sheriff Frank in this world, Spider-Gwen just thinks he is more serious.

But if you mention another world...

"The Punisher."

"If that guy comes to chase you, it won't be that simple."

Devil George's voice was deep.

What he knows better is the infamous skull T-shirt, and the guy targeted by the Punisher never ends well.


In the past, those who were targeted were assholes.

But now if a guy named Frank is allowed to chase his Gwen.

Devil George chooses to say no!

"All right."

"We can't stay in New York anymore. It seems we are going to run away."

For Spider-Gwen, this was the straw that broke the camel's back, and she couldn't do anything without hiding.

"Where to go?!"

Mary Jane asks a question of the soul.

"have no idea!"

"Maybe... we should go through the sewers of New York and go to the place where shadows only appear."

"Oh My God!"

"This is a path I never imagined. It's so unfortunate."

at the same time.

Sheriff Frank and Jessica Campbell near Manhattan.

Obviously, Yujiro Noma and Toryuu were not chased.

The confrontation between the gentle Mr. Yujiro and the black-energy killer has long ended.

In addition to a messy battlefield and extensive damage to the entire street.

Nothing is left.

And at this time.

Sheriff Frank is always thinking about Spider-Gwen because of Peggy Carter's request.


I made up my mind to call Sheriff George.

It was just a phone call, and he just made the beginning...

"Hang up my phone?!"

"There's something wrong with George. Could it be that... he knew his daughter was Spider-Woman from the beginning?!"

"So the spider disaster in New York is hidden around me, and I am the only one who knows nothing about it?!"

"You guys are really outrageous."

Chief Frank let out a sigh of relief.

Just like the cigar in his mouth, his cell phone was crushed together.

New York……

New York, which he originally thought was peaceful, has now turned into a mess.

And he...

Now there is no way to go home or contact the New York Police Department.

Because he is in trouble himself.


He has to find a way to deal with his other self and his old friend's spider daughter in this city.

Is there anything worse than this?!


That's Mr. Mayor's anti-spider team, damn!

"My premonition of war is awakening."

"If Gwen is Spider-Woman, then Mr. Mayor's anti-Spider team, which is acting like a house, cannot let them do whatever they want." (End of Chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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