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Chapter 1112 Captain Gwen: So what am I like in this world?!

SHIELD, Delta Wing Island Headquarters.

Thanks to the unremitting efforts of the science department, the captain's recall mission was successfully completed.

They found the captain.

It's just... there's just one small flaw, they didn't find Samantha Wilson.

It was not Captain Wilson who was rescued from the gap in the unknown dimension.

But Gwen.

Captain Gwen who introduces herself as Gwen Rogers!

"Gwen Stacy!"

Peggy Carter said another name in a cold tone.


I had just read Spider-Gwen’s information just before, so my memory was very deep.


She originally thought it was Gwen Wilson, or some other name.


Where did this Rogers come from?!

Peggy Carter didn't expect for a moment that things seemed to have become complicated.


"You know my name, I mean my old name, hehe."

"When I came out of the orphanage, I changed my name to Gwen Rogers."

Captain Gwen is not shy about her origins.

She had seen the SHIELD logo and was sure that she had aroused great vigilance.

This is incorrect.

To eliminate this panic and misunderstanding, Captain Gwen is making his best efforts.

"It's because I want to be the best like Samantha Wilson."

"And Rogers..."

"Isn't that the greatest cartoonist in the war? He and Ms. Wilson are one and the same!"

The name is a code name.

Especially for Captain Gwen, when she was a child, she lived in the Little Angel Orphanage.

She is an orphan.

And the names of orphans have no meaning. Captain Gwen has seen many of them in small orphanages in the countryside.

There are many indifferent stories in this.

And if among all these stories, the most inspiring one is...

That, of course, is Captain Wilson's heroic adventure.

So there are two names that have been engraved in Captain Gwen's memory since childhood.

Samantha Wilson and Steve Rogers.

She has heard many, many stories, stories that are plausible in comic books.

It's about S.H.I.E.L.D., it's about World War.

About how Captain Wilson defeated the rabid dinosaurs from another world.

There's also something about the appearance of Captain Rogers.

How they cooperate and how the two captains fight against evil!

They traveled through various worlds and kept moving forward in parallel battles.


Although I have never met Captain Gwen, these are the nutrients that accompany her growth.

That's right.

In the memory of Captain Gwen.

The world she knows has Captain Wilson, and there is also Captain Rogers in another world.

And local war cartoonist Steve Rogers, who created hero comics.

The purest heroic complex fills everything about Captain Gwen.

And she...

Gwen Stacy's magical name has given her a unique talent.

She turned her filled-in childhood memories into reality.

"I aspire to be as tough a soldier as Ms. Wilson."

"I spent seven years doing this."

This is what Captain Gwen said to Peggy Carter.

She devoted a lot of energy to imitating her idols and trying to copy...

The key to becoming Captain Wilson.

Facts have proved that Captain Gwen succeeded. One day when she was attending Alchemy Academy, she miraculously copied the Super Soldier Serum.


"I renamed myself Gwen Rogers after my favorite scroll painter."

"I'm not a replacement for anyone."

"I fight for a new era, just like my idol rises in the war."

"Now...I am also the most honorable soldier, a well-deserved epic."

When the star shield was raised, the blonde girl said with great pride that she was also the captain!

Don't just listen to Samantha Wilson and Steve Rogers in the story.

In the reality of Captain Gwen.

She... is the bravest soldier, the motivation for everyone to move forward, and a good person with absolute justice.

Captain Gwen!

In the experimental square.

Everyone witnessed Captain Gwen's deafening speech.


Anyway, the Samantha Wilson that Peggy Carter knew would never say these words.

It can be seen...

This blonde girl who always has a smile on her face is a more pure person.

SHIELD likes pure people, especially a pure Captain Gwen.

Not a bad harvest.

"Everyone pack everything up. I want to make this place clean as soon as possible."

"Follow up..."

"Regarding the traces of Captain Wilson, the science department will give me answers as soon as possible."

Peggy Carter's simple summary.

She didn't want to see the waste in the science department right now, but the focus was on Captain Gwen in front of her.

"Let's go, Captain."

"Although you know SHIELD, you can see that we need to get acquainted with it again."

Peggy Carter takes Captain Gwen.

They went to the main base, which was Peggy Carter's office area, the most strict location.

"Are you annoying them?!"

"Is it because it was me who was rescued, not the Captain Wilson you expected?!"

"But I don't blame them."

Captain Gwen always speaks in a gentle tone, and she always seems to have this tone.


She is very sensitive to emotions.

Peggy Carter's anger towards the science department was clearly felt by Captain Gwen.


She attributed this anger to herself.


If it wasn't me who came out of that dark place now, but Samantha Wilson... maybe Peggy Carter wouldn't lose her temper?!

"You are thinking too much."

"When Samantha Wilson comes back, I will scold them, that's who I am."

"You'll get used to it."

Peggy Carter explained.

She is very direct. Everyone knows the one-eyed director's bad temper, even herself.


"It's not good to lose your temper all the time. Why don't you smile more?!"

Captain Gwen actually noticed Peggy Carter’s one eye long ago.

Maybe it’s the psychological and emotional dissatisfaction caused by physical disability?!

How pitiful.

But this considerate girl would never say such words, and she would never expose someone's shortcomings.


Peggy Carter glanced at Captain Gwen.

That completely different cold gaze really made Captain Gwen uncomfortable.

at the same time.

The experimental square has begun to get busy.

In outdoor and semi-indoor structures, with the help of some sentry machines.

The huge instruments previously deployed to lock the gap in the unknown dimension, as well as various energy supply systems.

Everyone was busy tidying everything up.

"My last memory is still at my meeting."

"Then I reached a dark place, as if I had fallen into a sticky lake of berries. It was so uncomfortable."

"I'm so grateful for them!"

Being able to come out of the dimensional gap is for these scientific personnel who are disliked by Peggy Carter.

Captain Gwen is still very grateful.

Peggy Carter's attention was certainly not on this, she said casually.

"Meet and greet?!"

"Ah, it's a meeting with the war hero, Captain Gwen."

"I've got an apple pie contest, a talent show and a pig riding challenge."

"The winner can listen to my story and get my autograph."

Captain Gwen smiled all over her face when she mentioned this.

"It's pretty good."

Such an event was carefully prepared by her.

“It’s really full of country flavor.”

The corners of Peggy Carter's eyes twitched slightly.

What is going on with this girl who looks like she came from an English farm?!

How on earth did she become the captain?!

There are also apple pie and pig riding challenges. How do these two come together?!

What's even scarier is why is she so proud?!

"Then you fell into the dimensional gap, and then you were rescued by us."


"You haven't actually met Samantha Wilson, and... the Steve Rogers you are talking about, right?!"

Permission passed.

Peggy Carter took Captain Gwen into the main base, and as the elevator continued to rise.


After entering the room completely.

Just the two of them, Peggy Carter came up with the first question.

Directly hitting the depths of Captain Gwen's soul.


"Okay, I admit I've only seen them in stories."

Captain Gwen smiled sheepishly.

She is a genius, an absolute genius in alchemy, so genius that she can copy the Super Soldier Serum herself.

Then she became Captain Gwen of her dreams.


Including S.H.I.E.L.D., including War of the Worlds.

What Samantha Wilson and Steve Rogers went through.

In fact... Captain Gwen only heard stories.

"Anyway, you did it."

"You put on the captain's costume, raised the star shield in the story, and really became a hero."

"You're just as amazing as Samantha Wilson!"

Peggy Carter admits it.

Of course, if she can smile a little when she praises others, then everything will be perfect.

It’s hard to imagine…

A person who can become the hero of a story by relying on his own talent is such a powerful character.

The key is that Captain Gwen succeeded.

"That's such a compliment to me."

"Although I am very grateful to you, but if you can let me know more about... well, your S.H.I.E.L.D."

"I think I will do better."

Captain Gwen also has his own purpose.

She doesn't reject SHIELD at all, and wants to know what she can do.

She is alone.

As long as she does her duty as captain and does justice, that will be enough.

And now she has the most direct choice, that is... S.H.I.E.L.D.


Judging from what she has learned so far.

The SHIELD here is very familiar with Samantha Wilson, so...

Captain Wilson once worked for SHIELD, and Captain Gwen really liked it.

This is the same story as she remembers.


Although the one-eyed lady in front of me looks very difficult to get along with.

But Captain Gwen is still ready to give it a try.


Peggy Carter's War Room.

In a completely sealed space, this place is sealed with the highest authority.

There were only two women among them.

The most direct conversation between Captain Gwen and Peggy Carter.

"Sit down."

Peggy Carter waved her hand and motioned for Captain Gwen to sit down casually.

"Peggy Carter."

"As you can see, as the director of SHIELD, you can call me Peggy."

"That's what Samantha Wilson is called."

In front of the huge round table.

In front of her was a vertically upward, extremely wide blue virtual projection, with Peggy Carter sitting on a swivel chair nearby.

"Gwen Rogers."

"Peggy, it's nice to meet you and thank you again for saving me."

Captain Gwen sat opposite Peggy Carter in a very Xiaojiabiyu manner.

The tone was very gentle and he introduced himself again very formally.


Peggy Carter looked Captain Gwen up and down.

"You are indeed different from her."

"Samantha Wilson won't jump on the table, but she will never sit like this."

There is a huge difference in personality.

No matter how you look at it, Captain Gwen is a super moderate girl.

Apart from……

There is no problem with the star shield and captain equipment on her body.

Peggy Carter has used room scans to determine all this, and... the existence of the Super Soldier Serum.

Captain Gwen has the fighting ability that Samantha Wilson should have.

He is an absolute choice for captain.

"I can't be as free and easy as Captain Wilson."

Captain Gwen smiled.

"It's not free and easy."

"What if Samantha Wilson had known she'd entered another world."

"She would be yelling now or putting her shield in my face."

"It's hard to imagine that I could have such a quiet conversation with you."

Peggy Carter pointed out the key to the problem very directly.


"Although I have already made some guesses."

"But now that I am no longer in my original world, this is more or less

It shocked me."

Captain Gwen was stunned.

Peggy Carter spoke about parallel universes very directly.

Isn't this a very important thing, yet it was said so easily.

I originally thought there would be a formal announcement.


Captain Gwen actually had some guesses about this.

After all, all the information conveyed here is completely different from the world in my past.

By the way...

Among the heroic stories she learned.

Captain Wilson and Captain Rogers also fought many battles in parallel worlds.


This Captain Gwen comes from the story and turns herself into reality.

Accepting all this situation well.

"So can I ask?!"

"About myself in this world, my appearance triggered an extreme alarm!"


"Peggy, does this face of mine make me a super dangerous person?!"

Captain Gwen pointed at himself.

Now that it is confirmed that it is another world, and Peggy Carter called her name accurately before.

So what kind of person is Gwen Stacy in this world?!


"It would be better to say that she is on the Sentinel's erasure list."

"Although I don't know if there are mutant freaks involved in your story..."

Peggy Carter pressed a button on the table.

On the huge blue virtual screen in front of him, Gwen Stacy's detailed information once again appeared.

"Spider-Woman of New York."

"The spider disaster Mr. Mayor talks about is a very energetic little bug."

"She's a problem now!"()

This chapter has been completed!
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