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Chapter 1167 Research results from SHIELD, Hailou Stones new

Peggy Carter has indeed been paying attention to New York.

She sent Falcon Junior from SHIELD and asked the newly found Captain Gwen to come for support.

As for the urban war started by Frank, she had no intention of stopping it.

Just like what was said before.

In the case of Spider-Gwen, there is also about the Punisher from another world.

Frank can figure it out on his own.

The war that belongs to him returns, how to protect his family and New York.

It depends on how he wins.


Now the situation has changed slightly.

From the Tomie Disaster that appeared in the New York sewers, the giant Tomie in front of the Stark Group Building.

How strange.

Everyone has the same face, and they are so beautiful that you can't help but look at them.

If it spreads in New York, it will definitely be a terrible disaster.


The lizard monsters that appeared with Tomie and the others.

Those ones……

At first glance, you can tell that it is the product of some strange organization!

Otherwise, the urban legend in New York cannot be true, right? Lizardmen really grow out of the sewers?!

This can be considered a small problem.

As for the monsters from another world, such as vampires, werewolves, and some scary things from fairy tales.

When the sentries expelled them before, their authority was not high.

Just like those Atlanteans who escaped to the bottom of the sea.

It doesn't matter.

Peggy Carter puts more emphasis on mutant things.

That's because of the Anti-Mutant Discrimination Act.

In another world, S.H.I.E.L.D., a bastard named Alexander Pierce created a 50-state superhero registration agreement.

A freak becomes a hero?!

This kind of thing is simply unprecedentedly believable, and what's even more ridiculous is that the mutants are still planning to resist.


On the experimental island, the sentries took action as usual.

Daisy Johnson did a good job and the revolt was suppressed.

And also found a new plastic material.


Now they can leave for New York.

after all……

When little things and insignificant things, little by little, all come together.

And a boy named Nura Rikuo appeared.

say what……

"The daytime belongs to humans, the night belongs to monsters, and the Lord of the Hundred Ghosts at Night bears everything."

S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters.

From such a long distance, Peggy Carter seemed to be watching a live broadcast.

She repeated slowly.

The monster named Nura Rikuo is the master of hundreds of night ghosts and the master of demons and monsters.

What a benefit!

"And I..."

"Just an ordinary human being, what a pity..."

Peggy Carter shook her head.

She actually likes geniuses very much and is willing to add them to S.H.I.E.L.D.

And her request was simple.

As long as you're not a mutant, it's not that difficult.


Don't challenge the authority that belongs to humans.

And now.

Peggy Carter can see.

Nura Rikusheng is floating on the top of the Stark Group building, and a certain blackness is swarming in the entire city!

Tomie people, lizard people, an army of monsters from fairy tales.

Everyone heard what he said, and everyone gathered together.

Those disgusting bats took the human form of vampires and actually recognized him as their great master.


Want to establish a new order in New York?!

The last guy to do this was still called Magneto.

He is the guy who led tens of millions of mutants, divided up an independent island country, and under the guidance of the stars, wanted to let humans and mutants coexist.

"You also want the same treatment as Magneto, right?!"


"I must have heard fairy tales when I was a kid, but my thoughts are the same now."

"I hate fairy tales, and I hate monsters even more. You...can't stay here anymore."

Peggy Carter's simple decision.

It was just like what she said to Frank from such a distance through her psychic powers.

I regretted it.

With these four simple words, Frank could no longer decide the battlefield.

What a punisher from another world, Gwen from a different world.

None of this matters anymore.


Eliminating aliens who are not human is what SHIELD should do.

By the way...

"Anti-Spider Squad!"

"I know the mayor of New York, Jonah Jameson is a nice guy."

"In fact, sometimes the guys who make Frank angry, they all have good qualities."


"Your behavior pattern also seems a bit too disobedient."


In this world, SHIELD represents justice.

Amid the sirens of sentinels, Peggy Carter's command was justice.

As for New York's Anti-Spider Squad, it represents the execution of justice by the mayor.

The huge conflict between them and Frank.

Peggy Carter couldn't care less.


She also thought that the anti-Spider team was doing a good job.


If they can be made aware of the power of SHIELD and become Peggy Carter's anti-Spider team.

Oh, no.

At this time, there is no need to fight spiders, it is an anti-alien team.


The Other Side of Peggy Carter.

You can also see the blue virtual projection of New York scenes.

is a communication from the Logistics Sciences Division.

"Is there any result?!"

Peggy Carter asked calmly.


"According to the battlefield data we detected, and what is stored in our database..."

The Logistics Science Department sent out an image.


Man with red hair.

Like Magneto, he has the power to control magnetism and calls himself Captain Kidd on the sea.

That was the man who appeared inexplicably when SHIELD sent out sentries to capture Magneto.


Along with Magneto, he was also taken away by the pioneering technology that invaded their world.

In another world, the operation of the Four Pioneer Gods was carried out.


Peggy Carter sends the Sentinel robot to find out.

The last guy named Kidd seemed to have failed on the battlefield and disappeared.


Peggy Carter remembered Eustace Kidd's name very well.

And during the battle with the Sentinels.

Very interesting data was recorded, and some special things were left behind.


This data comes in handy.

SHIELD, which has a database of tens of millions of mutants' abilities, is a perfect match for the Sentinel system.


Logistics science departments have been compared.

That’s right!

The Haki used by Eustace Kidd.

It's the same one used by the Anti-Spider Squad on the central battlefield in New York.

A special codename appears.

And what marks this code name is the domineering force coming from the sea.


In other words, whether it is turning into a giraffe, a werewolf or a leopard.

They all have the same abilities as Eustace Kidd.


Comes from the same place.


"While we were discovering [Sample No. 1], was there any progress in the huge shackles that bound him?!"

In the words of Peggy Carter.

Eustace Kidd has been completely classified separately and has become the number one in the laboratory.

And the huge shackles she was talking about were, of course, the Sea Tower Stone abandoned by Captain Kidd.

The composition of sea floor stone samples has been analyzed.

This is a special substance, a solid sea, and the most important thing is...

People with devil fruit abilities are afraid of it.

Captain Kidd's ability is restricted by the sea tower stone handcuffs, and...

Regarding the "anti-algorithm" to eliminate superhuman abilities, this was originally proposed by Tony Stark.

at the same time.

The Sentinel System is the ultimate program that completely perfects the absorption, reflection, neutralization, etc. of mutants.

SHIELD has a lot of unique understanding of how to eliminate abnormal abilities.

Their practice is very rich.

By the way...

Now a brand new material has appeared. How to use sea floor stone...

Weaponizing it directly is the most direct and most satisfying thing for Peggy Carter.

"As requested by the commander."

"We were already in Falcon's special bullet slot before she set off."

"Powder with this brand new substance added to it."

The Logistics Science Department sent a new deconstruction of Falcon Junior’s energy sniper rifle.

A small design is added, and there are some fine sea floor stone powder inside.

as well as……

A brand-new type of sea-floor stone bullet with a special structure has also been released.


"Give the rest to Daisy and ask her to take it to New York."

"Anti-Spider Team... I'll give it a try to see if it's what I think it is."

Peggy Carter is quite satisfied.

She waved her hand and cooperated with the power of the mind master brain to switch the virtual map of New York City at will.

Zooming in and out, everything is extremely clear, which is worthy of Professor X's psychic ability.

She paid no attention to Frank at all.

She knew that Frank was thinking about Tony Stark, the so-called friendship between men.

Still the same sentence...

She has already said that before the Sentinels arrive in New York, if Tony Stark can make the right choice.

Then of course there is no problem.


If the great adventurer really doesn't want to live anymore, then there is no need to take risks in the future.

The genius's brain remains in SHIELD's laboratory, and there are many ways to use it.

And now.

Peggy Carter zooms into the center area of ​​the screen.

That is to say, the meeting hall that originally belonged to the mayor must be completely in ruins now.

The first thing you notice is the sparkle of the golden bubbles.

Exuding a strange golden light, Kalifa and Fujitora were facing each other.

to be honest……

Peggy Carter likes the mayor's secretary very much.


Then there is the awakening giraffe, which is Kaku...

He found the pacifist and Zhan Momomaru.


Peggy Carter's perspective lingers.

The Pacifist is apparently determined to be some sort of mechanical construct, possessing laser-like abilities.


With such a unified appearance, who is the prototype of this big fat robot?!


From the conversation about psychic power detection, we can clearly know...

Kaku and Zhan Momomaru got to know each other.

Then they all come from the same place and have great research value.

Peggy Carter switches perspectives once again.

This time it was Rob Lucci who was covered in black flames.

He did not continue to fight with Princess Tsunade.


Looking at the giant Fujiang River in front of Stark Tower from a distance.

It seems...

The direction of the entire New York City has completely exceeded his expectations.

The gorgeous leopard looked seriously into the distance, reflecting the roar of the battlefield.

And...the night above.

Quite handsome.

At least it left a good impression on Peggy Carter.


When the perspective finally focused on Gabra, his eyes fell into red blindness.

And in the domineering perception of seeing and hearing, the evil wolf keeps running wildly on the battlefield.

"It's just you!"

"It's big enough that it looks like it's a werewolf from a fairy tale monster."

Peggy Carter makes decisions based on her heart.


Then she just said softly.

At this time...

Far away in New York, the Falcon is traveling through the Tomi River disaster and heading towards Tony Stank.


The entire mechanical eyes of the mechanical red-winged thrush brightened.


Junior responded immediately.

Peggy Carter's voice seemed to be in her ears, as if she were talking to her face to face.

"The people in the science department said they added some gadgets to your gun."

"Turn around..."

"Have you seen the giant wolf on the central battlefield? Give it a shot."

Such direct instructions.

Without any doubts, Junior directly opened her energy sniper rifle.

In the small card slot on one side, the pure energy attack mode is switched to energy-assisted live ammunition.

Toot toot.

As the energy sniper rifle recharges.

As the progress bar rises layer by layer, powdery seastone is added to the energy bullet.

Junior is still moving towards the Stark Group Building.

And in the scope.

The auxiliary aiming from the mechanical red-winged thrush completely locked onto Gabra's huge size.

call out……

An energy sniper bullet penetrated from a long distance.


Gabra immediately felt something was wrong.

Because his eyes were affected by the energy of the Ten Commandments, he was in a state of irritability.

The cunning and vigilance of the evil wolf allow him to continuously release his domineering energy.

Observing the situation on the battlefield.

Gabra noticed the energy sniper from Falcon Junior immediately.

The huge evil wolf in the awakening state chose to use its domineering force to push forward.


This was a small, widespread explosion.

Falcon's lethal genes and energy were mixed, and were the first to collide with Gabra's domineering force.

It was similar to Junior's attack and Kaku's previous collision.


What was unexpected was that next, a semi-energy bullet containing seastone powder penetrated Gabra's fur!


Gabra reached the bottom, and the huge wolf-shaped body turned sideways.

As the best practitioner of Iron Block Boxing, he also has a domineering defense.

The bullet attack did not cause much actual damage.


A super terrible fact has been revealed before our eyes.


"Yes, it's Hailou Stone!!"

Gabra was in such extreme surprise that he didn't even bother to send a private message.

Instead, he warned Rob Lucci loudly.


It's just the appearance of the three characters "Hai Lou Shi".

Rob Lucci, Kaku, Kalifa, and even the general Fujitora who was surrounded by the golden bubble.

The strong men from above the sea were all surprised.

"How could...how could they have Hailou Stone?!"

(End of chapter)

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