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Chapter 1176 The prelude to the first attack, the City of Justice

S.H.I.E.L.D. is coming.

Daisy Johnson's voice echoed throughout New York.

Battlefield announcements from SHIELD agents arrive faster than SHIELD's armed helicopters.

at the same time.

Hunter Kraven and Frank realized it at the same time.

Coming from the most extreme challenge in the world, Tony Stark chose to support the path of monsters.


It's time to really face it.

"Little cutie."

"You don't need to worry, whether it's the other gigantic you that you hate."


"Including you, me and Tony, if we lose, then..."

"The losing hunter becomes the prey and becomes another exhibit in the world."

Hunter Kraven relaxed his tone.

Facing the threat from SHIELD, even the world's best hunter cannot go crazy without restraint.


This is completely different from before, facing the threat of the anti-Spider squad in this New York city.

Haha, this is not the same psychological point of endurance.


The little Fu Jiang pouted his lips.

Even if I only have a small brain, I am really obsessed with Kraven the Hunter.

This is the trophy he grabbed.

It was a beauty that Kraven the Hunter snatched from Harry Osborn.


Kraven the Hunter will certainly be standing next to Tony Stark.

If you lose...

Including all the fujiangs in the city who are now above the streets.


But there is no one left, they all belong to S.H.I.E.L.D.

"How can this kind of thing be tolerated?!"

"Mine, Fujiang is mine. I want to snatch his treasure from the best hunter in the world."

"Not even SHIELD."

call out!

The white light from the steel gun bloomed, and Hunter Kraven threw his attack.

Along with the violent sonic boom, the energy of the strong sound source spreads, and even...

This move by Kraven the Hunter.

Completely attracted by the noise that is constantly expanding its copies.

The steel gun passed by, driving an energy figure that looked like a red sonic wave.

The two produced a huge buzzing sound.


And among the prompts of the war machine system, the target point must be locked.

The source of Daisy Johnson's voice.

First time!

Encountering a crazy blow from Hunter Kraven, this is the best hunter in the world declaring his position.

at the same time.

Kraven the Hunter roared in the system inside the war machine.


"Between the hunter and the prey, there will definitely be a battle between life and death."

"I have never understood your war philosophy, but I know..."

"If you want to win, join one of them."

"My choice will never change. Now...New York is my hunting ground."

The world's best hunter versus the world's best adventurer, Kraven the Hunter and Tony Stark!

The tacit understanding between them has always been like this.


Since the best adventurers in the world want to challenge the ultimate limit!

The best hunter in the world also hunts the most dangerous prey in the world in New York.


"I've wanted to try it for a long time. The so-called SHIELD agent's head, I will put you in my showroom!"

Kraven the Hunter reacted immediately to SHIELD's appearance.

Under the New York night.

Toward the outermost edge of the city, a swarm of bees charging outward appeared.

And these bright red bees are an army of noise.

The white cry of the steel gun is at the forefront, spreading from behind at a fan-shaped angle.

The noise that continued to spread on the street was completely brought up by the flight of the steel gun.

The whole thing gathers into a different kind of red arrow!

Extremely huge.

Across the streets of New York, I don’t know how far it is. It can be called the extended range of sound.


It comes from the cooperation between the Green Goblin and Stark, starting from the cooperation between Kraven the Hunter and Noise.


"I knew that even though you were not smart, you always supported me."

Tony Stark is happy.

He has a very good friend, and of course he won't blame Frank, because Frank is also doing it for his own good.


Feel sorry.

Because I don't want to face SHIELD, I am worried that I will lose and pay a heavy price for this good intention.

This time...

Tony said he couldn't accept it.

"Disconnect Commander Frank's war machine system and turn it into independent components."


"We won't become enemies, but... we won't be partners fighting side by side this time."

Tony, with the assistance of his smart butler Irvine, issued internal system adjustments to the war machine.

Don't make it difficult for Frank.


War Machine Mercenaries is a battle between Tony and Kraven the Hunter.

They stood on Nura Rikusheng's side.

"Yeah hahaha."

The Green Goblin's maniacal laughter.

The demon glider quickly approached Stark Tower, among his family members.

The Lightning King, Water Man, and Sand Man created a scene of natural disasters that swept across the city.

It can be said that it is getting more and more intense.

at the same time……

The demonic energy from Nuliang Risheng also constantly echoes in such a fierce environment.

here we go.

With the emergence of Agents of SHIELD, important experimental data is about to emerge.

"The noise has started to move."

"Although there is no specific data on Hunter Kraven, in the field of sound sources, noise is very adaptable."

"The cooperation this time seems to be perfect so far."

Doctor Octopus's voice also came.

The mechanical tentacles connected to his nerves clicked various buttons quickly.

on his screen.

The various data that appear due to noise have begun to increase significantly.

Still the most important thing...

It's about SHIELD's reaction to this wave of powerful and high-energy attacks. What will happen to SHIELD...

Agents of SHIELD!

Across the world, the last time those who dared to go to war with them were mutants.

Needless to say the ending.

And now...

Standing in the monster camp in New York, Lord of the Night of Hundred Ghosts, it’s up to you...

"SHIELD is really here..."

at the same time.

Daisy Johnson's voice can be heard clearly and equally by every New Yorker.

Hell's Kitchen.

After the entire city lost power, it also fell into darkness.


The chameleon who is always concerned about the battlefield is the true brother of Kraven the Hunter.

There is a blood relationship between them.


Kraven the Hunter never helped him.

Even after he asked Kraven the Hunter to help him obtain the rights to Hell's Kitchen.

What he faced was pathetic ridicule.


"For what purpose, Tony Stark, would you rather come to S.H.I.E.L.D. and die."

"And your brother my little request."

"But you didn't care at all, and even laughed at me, damn..."

It was completely different from the joy that Tony was feeling in his heart right now.

Chameleon is going crazy.

He hated it so much.

He hated Tony Stank for taking Kraven the Hunter, and he also hated his brother for betraying him.

"Stark Group...is finished."

This is the judgment made by the chameleon.


As another part of the United Gang, Tombstone disagrees with this.

He has nothing to do with the Stark Group.

Who dies?!

Who is alive?!

What does it have to do with them, the bosses of Hell’s Kitchen?!

A little bit...

"I don't care about the Stark Group, we should care about the Osborn Group."


"The new task he gave us is to contact Norman Osborne. There is a big deal to be negotiated."


"This is a dark city. If SHIELD wants to clear out New York, it won't affect us, right?!"

This is what Tombstone is thinking about.


As long as you know enough about the existence of SHIELD, you can probably understand some of the structure of the upper world.

No one would choose to question the declaration of Agents of SHIELD.


It is common sense in this world that SHIELD is the highest authority.

They... hold the strongest voice and the most unquestionable war power.

even though……

It is absolutely impossible for Tony Stark, a genius adventurer of this level, to win.

"Better all die!"

Compared to Tombstone, Chameleon was once an agent who also belonged to some secret agency.

There are also brothers like Hunter Kraven, who obviously knows more.

for example……

The Green Goblin who was laughing maniacally in New York, and the superhuman who appeared with lightning and thunder.

Not all of them belong to the Stark Group, right?!

Other major capitals in New York will not all choose to remain silent at this time.

You won’t just watch SHIELD appear on the scene, right?!


He must be doing something at the same time, after all...

It's like a chameleon, now with a godfather above his head, but also thinking about the ambitions of Hell's Kitchen.

The big shots who have reached their apex in New York.


I have SHIELD on top of my head, so of course I want to change something.

And at the same time.

Capone Becky, who was also observing the battlefield, was hiding in Hell's Kitchen and never appeared.

He and Caesar have also been paying attention to the chaos happening in the city.


Daisy Johnson's statement has taken the entire New York by storm.


"Guys from the Anti-Spider Squad."

"Even people from the navy showed up, Admiral Fujitora, right? Then..."

Capone Becky, the godfather of headstones and chameleons.

Comes from situations on the battlefield.

Ever since the huge meteorite suddenly appeared before, the general of the headquarters has been unable to hide it.

The appearance of Fujitora, the appearance of Senmomomaru and the pacifist point.

The most important thing...

"The authority of this world has already determined that it possesses something as dangerous as Hailou Stone..."

"We were right not to show up."

From the weird laugh of Caesar Courant.

The situation in this new world is more complicated than that on the sea. A bad thing...

But it's not in their interests.

How dangerous!


Capone Becky nodded and puffed out the smoke from the cigar in his mouth.

"More importantly..."

"It's the players who are observing like us and have been watching the show. How many of them haven't shown up yet?!"

This is the point.

And now the highlight of New York is, of course, the kid on the Stark Tower.

Nura Rikuo and his monsters!


Daisy Johnson, the commander-in-chief of SHIELD agents currently fighting in New York, is here.

"Ah ah ah."

"It seems that my deterrence is completely insufficient, and I actually dare to attack."

"court death!"

Although she said this in tone, a smile appeared on Daisy's lips.

She had already done it once before on the experimental island, facing the rioting mutants.

Some guys never learn to behave.

I will never understand who the world should listen to.

"It's obviously fine. As long as you don't become an alien, it doesn't matter whether you are a superhero or a super villain."


Daisy Johnson was in the main control room, watching the attack signal flashing on the screen.

He sighed helplessly and spread his hands to both sides.


He could no longer suppress his expression of wanting to clean up everything, but still betrayed this woman.

As Peggy Carter's most trusted right-hand man.


Always able to complete the task very thoroughly.

"It's really better for you to lie down in the laboratory. I prefer those who can't move... freaks."

Daisy Johnson gave the order.

Her finger gently clicked on a red button, and at the same time.

It also belongs to the advancing team of combat helicopters.

The rear hatch opened.

"Xiao Bi."

"Then it's finally our turn."

There was a fanatical tone in this tone, it was Seleu who would sacrifice everything for justice.

She joined S.H.I.E.L.D.

And the price he paid was just to tear apart some weird evil people with Xiao Bi.

very nice!

This is the world's number one justice institution in this new world.

There is nothing happier than this.

"come on."

"This is your first mission. Behave well. Director Carter will see you in person when you return."

A message from Daisy Johnson arrived.

It can be seen that it was because of Sai Liu's ruthlessness towards mutants.

Daisy Johnson admires this kind of passion for justice.

And it fits well with her character, and even Director Carter's character.

Maybe this is another important strength of SHIELD.


Seleucid Eubiquitas' first performance of justice is about to be staged in New York.

"Don't worry about the attack of miscellaneous fish flying over. I'll help you deal with those little gadgets."

"I will give up the grand prize of the first goal to little Sai Liu."

Daisy Johnson's voice is so relatable.

Sai Liu was simply moved beyond measure, and his whole body was filled with strength.

"I won first place."

Sai Liu felt the pressure of the oncoming wind and was gliding in a very fast battle.

She could already see clearly where justice was to be carried out.


"Number nine!"

Adhering to the unshakable justice in her heart, the girl stretched out her completely metal right arm.


Xiao Bi, who had been lying on Sai Liu's shoulder, bit her arm with his sharp teeth.


A mechanical instrument appeared on Seleu's arm.

"Justice City Explorer."


The ripples on the radar dial continue to spread, and the red dot that has been locked keeps flashing.

The enemy of justice is right in front of you.

"I'm sure there are no ordinary people around. The target is the Stark Group Building."

"Ah ha ha ha..."

One of the largest red dots is locked, and that is... the Lord of the Night of One Hundred Ghosts.

【Nu Liang Lu Sheng】

"Although they are also players, they are actually contaminated with evil."

"This is absolutely intolerable!"

"Prepare to die!" (End of Chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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