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Chapter 1184 Nuliang Lusheng attacks head-on, facing the depression of self-healing

"Beautiful, on target."

Compliments from Daisy Johnson, she knew Seleucid Jubiquitas was good.

Look at Tony Stark's expression.

It is really wishful thinking to want to fight SHIELD with just this method.

So what about access to military firepower?!

So what if the so-called genius weapons expert and great adventurer created a war machine corps?!

There are already sentinels in this world, there is no need for any more war machine corps.

Want to enter the secret laboratory to complete the counterattack?!


This is a life-and-death war, and I have no time to compete fairly with you.

Peninsula House in Brooklyn?!

No matter how expensive it is, no matter how top-notch a world-class laboratory it is.

The total core database of the War Machine Corps no longer needs to exist.

"That's great, Bit."

at the same time.

Seleu Jubiquitas also received the system prompt.

[Recognition from SHIELD Agent Shockwave Girl Daisy Johnson, obtained...]

[Praise from SHIELD Director Peggy Carter, received...]

[Acquire SHIELD’s favorability and gain...]

These are feedbacks from justice.

Although my previous attack was intercepted by the hateful evil monster.

Sure enough, it's because my own justice is not enough.

Facing Nura Rikuo's strength, Seryu Ubiquitas felt slightly frustrated in his heart.

But not anymore.

With support from SHIELD and Peggy Carter's commitment, Seleucid Ubiquitas can be further strengthened.

After it has undergone mechanized transformation, if it can be added to the Sentinel system.

The weapons of Judgment of Ten Kings are added to the mutant ability template, then...

"Justice will be stronger than ever, haha, repent, sinner."

Seleucid Eubiquitas' clenched fist.

Xiaobi lay on her shoulder, enjoying a small victory with the righteous girl.

[Destroyed Tony Stark's peninsula in Brooklyn...]

[The total nuclear database of the War Machine Corps was attacked...]

More jade.

With the blessing of Tony Stark's name, he began to appear in front of Seleucid Ubiquitas.

How awesome!

The corners of Seryu Eubiquitas' mouth split open, revealing an extremely bright smile.

that is……

Such an extreme expression looks a bit scary.

"Evil will never win."



On the top of the Stark Group building, at the center of the chaos in New York, is Nura Rikuo.

Surrounded by an army of monsters, it is SHIELD's core attack point.

Sentinels have been dispatched.

The small Sentinel robot completely blocked the fire strike launched by Tony Stark.

And large, complete sentries were dispatched.

Already united with Green Goblin's family members, Water Man, Lightning King, Sand Man and Noise.

A very grand battle began.


Because there are too many abilities in the Sentinel database, and there are many ways to restrain them.

Sentinel itself has an extremely excellent anti-ability algorithm.

The Green Goblin's family members even occupy the battlefield elements that the city of New York has been planning for so many years.

Become a real natural disaster in this city.


The gathering of electricity in a city in New York, coupled with the spread of the Hudson River.

Facing the sentry's pressing step by step, it gradually began to lose its fire.

"Yeah hahaha."

The crazy laughter from the Green Goblin.

He also saw the situation on Tony Stark's side, which was very close to the Stark Corporation Building.

The target is the monster boy.

"It seems that the great adventurer's bet was wrong. His laboratory was blown up. It's such a pity."

Even so.

But the Green Goblin's crazy emotions are expressed vividly.

This guy...

In such a scene, he really looks like a monster.


Of course Mr. Nuliang could see it.

He knew that Tony was on his side and had already sacrificed a lot.

Nuliang group.

If you want to establish the rules of monsters in this world, SHIELD is an obstacle that must be overcome.

The prompts about SHIELD and [Jade] in his system panel are also endless.

And think calmly.

Let the current Lord of the Hundred Ghosts at Night understand that the increase in jade means that the predicament is getting stronger.


"What on earth do you want to do?!"

"It's not like the character of a monster to grind and chirp. He just does whatever comes to his mind."

"I am on your side, really..."

Fujiwara Meihong's voice came.

She also has to care about more places, such as...Cindy Moon and Nightbird Gwen.

The two companions I met after arriving in the new world seem to be one and the same now.

Because I arbitrarily stood in the monster camp.


My new best friend, whom I have met not long ago, also sides with me.


Nightbird Gwen has already run to take back her cloak, where...

There is another Gwen holding a shield.

Fujiwara Meihong wanted to help, but Nura Rikuo...

"That's what I want to say."

"Obviously I was the one who suggested the Hundred Ghosts Night Parade, but now I'm the only one standing still."

"This is not good..."

Nura Rikusheng raised his head slightly, and in the New York night, the moonlight shone on his face.

Simply...uniquely beautiful.


And such a scene.

At the very least, everyone was excited to see the handsome man of their dreams, Fu Jiang.

"It's very dangerous."

"You'd better stay back. If you are hit by the opponent's firepower, you will die..."

"Then the city will be in more trouble."

Nura Rikuo crossed the giant Tomi River. He was carrying the Mimicaki Maru, and his whole body was filled with a lot of evil spirit.

Enough fear had gathered in the city, and a war was about to destroy it.

It's time for the monster to take action.

"bring it on."

"No matter what you want to do, come and meet the real master of demons and monsters!"

Nura Rikusheng finally took the initiative to attack.

Amid the acceleration of the demonic energy, Yamikimaru's blade passed by and struck the sentry with a violent slash.

This can be considered...

In response to the addition of the Green Goblin, the Sentinel is entangled with the Water Man.

Fire transformation extracted from the mutant database.

at this time……

Oncoming was the sword of the Lord of the Hundred Demons at Night.


The alarm sounded immediately.

Within the network shared by the sentinels, they immediately responded to Nura Rikusheng's attack.

after all……

Machines are never surprised, they deal with every situation methodically.

This is the experience gained from the demise of tens of millions of mutants.


Just for a moment.

The state of the flame changed, and the entire body was filled with an absolute metallic luster.


One of the sentinels transformed into a mud-like skin structure.

This is a very good defensive method against targets being attacked with cold weapons.

at the same time……

The energy muzzle coming from the core of the sentinel's chest gathered a strong attack reaction.


Joint locking from multiple angles, including small sentry robots.


Nura Rikuo holding the Miyaki Maru flashed past in the dark night.

And even faster...

It comes from the joint scanning of the mind, spirit, body, and various mutant abilities.

Toot toot…


The bright red laser beam is as thick and huge as a terrifying face plate.

The attack released from the Sentinel's chest has an energy cross-section of several meters!

Cover everything you go.



Almost without any hindrance, after carrying out a wave of attacks on Hydro Man, Electro King, the four members of the Green Goblin's family.

Absolutely accurate target.

The Lord of the Night Walk of Hundreds of Ghosts, the Master of Demons and Demons, the monster boy who gathers an army of monsters from fairy tales!

A direct hit!

big Bang!

"You're the one I'm waiting for..."

"I don't really think that the sentinels would fight like this with the samples that escaped from the laboratory."

Accurately captures this scene, Daisy Johnson laughing.

"You are the target!"

"What kind of lord of monsters? Monsters are really unpleasant. This world belongs to humans."


And at the same time.

Daisy Johnson receives feedback within the Sentinel system.

"Not dead?!"

"Hmm...is the strange energy of the black reaction the ability of monsters?!"

Demonic spirit.

In other words, it is the fear among humans necessary for monsters, and the entire New York is now filled with countless people.

Sentinel system energy capture has been recorded.

Not only that...

"It's so dangerous."

"We were almost discovered. They are obviously just machines, but they are actually more difficult to deal with than monsters."

Flowers in the Mirror and Moon in the Water.

Nura Rikusheng, who was shattered by the sentinel's energy attack, was nothing but a false reflection of the Slippery Ghost.

Yamiki Maru appeared on one side.

In the demonic energy blooming from Nura Rikuo, there is a powerful sword to exorcise demons.

It hit the sentry who transformed into a slimy skin form.


This seems like a reasonable move!


The Demon Exorcist Blade cut away tenaciously, and by the way...the Sentinel, who finally exposed his flaw, ushered in the Den King's counterattack.

Following Nura Rikuo's attack, Denou brought the entire New York's electric energy with him.

Begin... a frantic attempt to destroy the Sentinel from within.


"The unknown energy has been renamed and determined to be monster power, monster energy."

"The anti-ability algorithm needs to be updated and is being analyzed continuously..."

"The current progress is 6%..."

The Sentinel completely ignored the presence of the Electric King.

The focus of the mission is monsters, and the ability of Nura Rikuo has been added to the analysis state.

There are millions of different options in the mutant database.

There is always a kind of...

We must be able to find some flaws about the Lord of Hundred Ghosts at Night, such as... Mirror Flowers, Water Moon.

The illusion of being attacked but not being attacked at all!

A bit interesting...

But Daisy Johnson's comment doesn't mean much.

In the database of tens of millions of mutants, there are definitely not a few guys with similar abilities.

After it is cracked, it is the time of death.


Sentinels are mass-produced, and the destruction of one or two units is nothing.

What makes SHIELD much richer is...

"Hide and seek!"

"As long as you are attacked by the sentry once, you will be finished, you monster boy!"

Daisy Johnson's voice came.

Strong vibration waves began to spread continuously, and everything around seemed to be shaking.

What is visible to the naked eye is that the clones of Noise begin to break apart.

"It's so noisy!"

Very unpleasant sound.

From the flight of the phoenix, Fujiwara Meiko's whole body burst into flames.


She really dislikes Agents of SHIELD.

Between humans and monsters, Fujiwara Meihong is on the side of humans.


There are definitely good monsters in this world, such as organizations like this that like to control other people.

The whole world must listen to them, and oneself...

"All right."

"I know I'm an outlier, and it doesn't matter how I'm treated."

"But there are many aliens in this world, and there is no reason why they can be killed."

"bring it on."

"If you can do it, then come and kill me!"

The immortal Penglai people.

Fujiwara Meihong never values ​​her own life or death.


He obviously did nothing wrong, and he was even a kind but weak alien, but he was to be inexplicably obliterated.

Too cruel.

Nura Rikusheng's starting point was good. At least he really ended this urban war.

And the war has changed from within humans to between humans and monsters.

Can the monster win?!

Fujiwara Meihong never thought about this. What she wants to do now is to beat this noisy woman down.

And these broken machines of hers.


"The Phoenix's self-sacrifice attack..."

The most direct way.

Fujiwara Meiko directly turned herself into a big bomb of fire, and the white-haired girl's body was filled with fire-avoiding charms.


These charms are very important. The main thing is that her clothes cannot be burned.


The huge sentry robot has a metallic luster all over its body, and the energy response in its chest is slowly extinguishing.

A brief state of recovery...

The phoenix slammed into it regardless, and its fire feathers exploded crazily.

as a result of……

The most intuitive thing to see is that Fujiwara Meihong was in a semi-destroyed state.

It crashed into the core of the sentinel's chest, causing a chain reaction of hot human hellfire.

This can be said to be a lose-lose strategy.


"Strong resilience and self-regeneration, Sentinels have seen this kind of trick a lot."

A disdainful sneer appeared on the corner of Daisy Johnson's mouth.

Her voice was unabashed. This was her confidence in the sentry, and it was also...

The effective value that millions of mutants can provide.

"The annihilation process starts."

"The anti-therapeutic sentinel is activated and begins to inject self-regeneration inhibitory hormone..."

From the S.H.I.E.L.D. armed fighter phalanx.

Following Daisy Johnson's instructions, another part of the sentinels began to activate.

This is specific to specific reinforcement types.

Mutants who can self-recover, possess powerful healing power, or have beast abilities.

By inhibiting the rate of cell regeneration, it deprives them of their healing ability.

The brave guys who are not afraid of death watch themselves die bit by bit.

So pathetic.


"I like to see this kind of drama the most. When you can't regenerate, how will you... pray?!"

Daisy Johnson Stay tuned!


Sentinels have begun to release inhibitory hormones on a large scale on the battlefield.

at the same time……

More sentries have arrived for support.

With its powerful ice breath and searing dragon breath attack, the Sentinel once again demonstrated its versatility.


Fujiwara Meiko’s fighting style, a real man never dodges any attack.


Regardless of whether the so-called inhibin that inhibits self-regeneration can work on the immortal Penglai people!

The important thing is...

"It's so troublesome. You have to wait for yourself to be cured. How many punches can you take if you have the time?!"

Fujiwara girl bared her teeth.

The sentry who had barely fallen to the ground was getting up, and the sentries on the left and right jointly attacked.

The best choice at this time...

"Big self-destruction!"

This is the combat mode from Phoenix, a scene like a volcanic eruption erupts.

As long as you blow yourself up until there's not even a scrap left.

There was no need for any self-recovery at all, everything revived, and the immortal Penglai people appeared again!

"Come again!"

(End of chapter)

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