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Chapter 1192 Starting from below, Gwen VS Gwen, different natures

Battle in New York.

It's both Gwen, but the limelight was completely stolen by the other one. This...

It really makes Nightbird Gwen feel uncomfortable!

The superhero from the Supreme High School Team serves as the intelligence and technological pioneer of the team.


Generally speaking, this title refers to Nighthawk Gwen's master, which means it belongs to Nighthawk.

But as the most senior psychology researcher and inheritor of excellent technology, Nightbird Gwen is not bad at all!

Her wisdom is obvious to all.

It's just that when I'm carrying out my superhero career, sometimes I get a little out of control.

This is a minor emotional upheaval and is completely normal.

And now.

Steel Gwen built such a huge prototype of the Green Demon, but she still hadn't gotten back her Nightbird cloak.



"For shameful guys like you, I should hang you up."

But it's too late to say this now.

Kalifa avoided fighting.

Coupled with the cover of Golden Bubble and the help of Rob Lucci and others.

So on the battlefield of the big conflict between monsters and S.H.I.E.L.D.

It's simply not a good time to take it directly.

By the way...

Originally, Devil George was about to take action, but Iron Gwen made a big noise.

This guy has been completely attracted...

Demon George's entire focus is on the giant Green Demon prototype.

The message delivered by Iron Gwen after his appearance echoed in his mind.

"Osborn and Stark's daughter?!"

"How could my best Gwen become the same guy as Norman and Stark!"

"The tone of her voice is so familiar, like...some arrogant old guy, a spoiled and extremely unpopular playboy."

Devil George sighed in his heart.

In Steel Gwen's world, some major accident must have happened.

The self in that world no longer exists.

And it evolved like this...

He was familiar with the tone of old Norman, the bastard of the Osborne family who never considered the consequences of doing things.


Taking advantage of their status, their tone of voice was so arrogant that it made people uncomfortable.

in addition.

For the world-famous playboy Tony Stark, before he was kidnapped by Valon, an even more asshole.

Tony is the biggest asshole.


And now, these two temperaments are also superimposed on Steel Gwen. I have to say...

In addition to the shared genius inherited from Osborn and Stark.

This girl's tone of voice can also make people extremely angry.

"SHIELD must be going crazy!"

As the former chief of the New York Police Department, Devil George understands this truth.

Iron Gwen seriously provoked S.H.I.E.L.D.

It's not that she starts destroying the Sentinels by naming them, but... that puts Osborn and Stark on top of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

The words are full of disdain and belittling provocation!

And such a powerful SHIELD agent in this world would never tolerate this kind of thing happening.


Now there is another Gwen, standing on the side of SHIELD.

"She...can't bear it anymore."

Devil George looked over.


Captain Gwen, holding a star shield, was originally on the ruins of the battlefield in the center of the city.

Now...she has disappeared.


There was some kind of confusion in Devil George's eyes.


The scene he least expected to see still happened.


Gwen versus Gwen, the scene of herself beating herself up!


"Okay, even if it's nonsense, there must be a limit."

"Young me from another world, don't you think this place is chaotic enough?!"

Although the voice is gentle.

However, anyone who is familiar with Gwen's tone knows that this girl is very angry now.

And appeared in...

That was before the Green Devil prototype, and the size gap was so small that it was almost invisible to Captain Gwen!

The gentle smile on the girl's face with golden ponytail faded slightly.


She has faced countless enemies on the battlefield.


This is the first time the heroic captain has faced another version of himself, a completely different Gwen!


Comes from a strong shock reaction.

The Green Devil prototype unceremoniously unleashes a high-energy laser strike.

Such powerful energy...

Even the sentinels of finished products cannot resist.

It comes from the full energy output of the steel grid, coupled with the energy properties that seem to come alive.

Sentinels transform even within the mutant database.


The destruction under the strong energy erosion is the most intuitive manifestation now.


In this torrent of lasers, the horizontal expansion area spans an exaggerated distance in the attack.

Be indestructible and never retreat.

Captain Gwen, holding a star shield, stands absolutely tenaciously in the middle.

The absolute physical strength brought by the alchemical potion.

Coupled with the incredible star shield in her hand, even if the laser energy is washed away.

There is absolutely no way he can follow Captain Gwen’s footsteps.


"Are you even listening to me?!"

Captain Gwen's voice was accompanied by her arms waving her shield, and an incredible scene happened.

The Green Demon prototype was split in two by a powerful energy attack.

The star shield reflects the energy and pushes it back.


This was an even bigger explosion, and the center point of the explosion was the Green Devil prototype.


For Steel Gwen's algorithm, how could her outstanding creation be harmed by her own attacks.

Comes from the common combination of sand people and water people.

A unique gray-black outer layer of protection blocks the blessing of more energy.

And now...

It was Iron Gwen's turn to be unhappy.


"I didn't notice where this guy came from, and he has the same face as me?!"

"Don't you see how rude it is to yell when others are busy doing business?!"

The Green Devil prototype lowered its head slightly, as if looking for something.


With the scanning mechanism that Steel Gwen possesses, it is impossible for her to find Captain Gwen.

Even this size difference is too obvious.

And when he made this move, he looked so much like the Green Goblin's super mecha.

There is no doubt that it is a serious provocation.


"Your hairstyle is absolutely ugly. Are you a manor girl from somewhere?!"

"Why don't you take your round hoe and go till the fields instead of bothering me here."

"Who do you think you are?!"

Steel Gwen doesn't give any face at all.

She is the best genius in the world and the richest princess in the world.

The daughter of the Osborn family has received the complete protection of Old Norman. She is a child of the Stark Group and has all the favor of Howard.

It brings together all the beauty in the world.


When Steel Gwen's temper gets worse, she won't give anyone any face. Besides...

Just another self that I have never met.


There is no face here at Steel Gwen.

at this time.

Captain Gwen has appeared.

However, facing the appearance of another self, Iron Gwen faced so many people on the battlefield.

The entire monster camp in New York, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, monsters from fairy tales, etc., laughed mercilessly.

"Yeah hahaha."

"She has a personality, I like her, but she is too bad-tempered towards me."

Cheers from the Green Goblin.

Even if I tell him ten thousand times, the Green Goblin still loves this daughter who fell from the sky.


Now he has a son and a daughter.

Thinking about it this way, the Osborne family suddenly became no longer alone, and...

This daughter is better than his son.

The idea popped out of Green Goblin's dark heart.


There was an even more extreme laugh on his face.


"Are you sure I'm that bad?!"

Doubts from Tony.

From the perspective of a bystander, this is really uncomfortable to watch.


Frank was silent for a moment.

"In fact..."

"You have always been the most outstanding adventurer in the world."

"Have you forgotten how you turned a blind eye to me when I stopped you before?!"

Frank sighed.


Gwen, who was raised by the Osborn and Stark families, has such a temper...


"All right."

"Sometimes geniuses always have their own way of doing things, and we always have to have privileges."

"I support her will."

Tony Stark shook his head.

In this regard, he still supported Steel Gwen, but he was concerned about this girl's tone.

Tony said he didn't like it.


And even more silent is the devil George on the other side.


This must be the worst daughter he has ever seen so far. No matter how he thinks about it, Osborn and Stark must be blamed.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

"I feel like she has a lot more personality than you. I just want to become best friends with her."

"Stronger than you..."

From Spider Silk's mockery of Gwen, the night bird.

"start up!"

"The energy frequency is realigned, here is the heroic turn from Nightbird."

Gwen, the night bird, didn't bother to bother with the spider silk.

She is adjusting her superhero belt, and the Nightbird belt is a backup option.

She didn't even bring her Nightbird chariot.


When the golden energy was stimulated from her body again.

That’s it!

The Night Bird Belt begins to bless power, at least in the underlying authority authentication.

Nightbird Gwen is still the tallest.


"How can something like this happen to me now?!"

"We'll talk about the cloak later. How about you find a place for Spider Silk by yourself, Meihong, I'm going to..."

call out!

Putting on an absolute superhero pose, Nightbird Gwen soared into the sky.

The bright golden light took her gliding towards the Green Devil prototype.


"Here comes another one, also here to cause trouble?!"

Beep beep beep.

Inside the Green Demon prototype, Iron Gwen's scanning system issued a prompt.

I found the same face again, and another Gwen came again.


"Not long ago, a wanted warrant was issued in New York for the murderer who destroyed Larcroft Mental Hospital..."

"What the hell am I doing with this?!"

Retrieve data of steel g temperature.

In such an information age, it is impossible to hide the information in media news from her.

The Green Devil prototype never stopped scanning the entire New York.

And more data is transmitted in the intelligent program of Steel Gwen's real steel suit.

The scanning of Gwen algorithm is still spreading.

"Don't talk."

"I understand that you are a bit rebellious at your current age. When you grow up to my age..."

"You will be able to experience the joy of beating another self."

Nightbird Gwen said that she would not be on the same level as the little one.

She is a super mature lady-type person.


Much better than the blond-haired manor beauty below.

"to be honest."

"If you were on our side now, things might be better."

"I don't like the Aegis of this world."


"Although I am also a superhero, obviously they will regard me as an alien."

"By the way..."

"Aren't partners the most important?!"

A rhetorical question from Gwen the Nightbird.

This would be her path to becoming a superhero, if not for her enemies who want to destroy the world.


Since it is your partner's choice, since it is your own path.


Why don't you help, why don't you help yourself, everyone is Gwen!


"My partner chose the monster camp, and the monster concept is not wrong."

"The existence of these monsters is reasonable, and their desire is not to destroy everything."

"I just want a piece of land under the night, so what if I give it to them?!"

Nightbird Gwen's body shone with intense golden energy.

The output of the Nightbird Belt is still improving, but after all, it is a replacement for the cloak.

She needs more energy support.


The most indispensable thing here in Steel Gwen is energy.

"A gang!"

"You don't really plan to take on the world alone, do you? I was such a middle-class student when I was young?!"

"Quick, quick, quick."

"Give me some of your extra energy, and don't tell me you don't have it."

Direct request from Nightbird Gwen.

"Easy to say!"

"If you are with me, then I can share it with you to play with."

Iron Gwen is willing to share, but only with her friends.

Only for people you like...

This also applies to the Green Goblin and Tony, whatever looks pleasing to the eye is fine.

Nothing is good if it doesn't look pleasing to the eye.

This may be the random nonsense that comes from the world's top willful guy, who can freely control it.


"The energy transmission route is rematched..."

Intelligent opening prompts from the Green Demon prototype.

One of Steel Gwen's triploid energy reactors was directly separated.

More than eight gigabits of energy are transmitted per second, and it continues to rise.

The symbiote from Den-O, half detached from the Green Demon prototype.

Then it was connected to Gwen, the night bird.


Electric King has become the best energy transmitter.


"I've probably regained some of my feelings. This is what a superhero is."

Nightbird Gwen's whole body began to be filled with intense golden energy.

Nightbird Belt gets absolute energy support.

Thus, more advanced night bird energy is converted to supply the leaf bird Gwen for use.

It is different from the huge energy dissipation of the Green Devil prototype.

Nightbird Gwen's body size is even smaller, and it is a high-level energy blessing after the normal human body.

The resulting more efficient and terrifying all-round blessing.

It's a kind of...

Nightbird Gwen, who came from the Supreme High School Team and became a real superhero, uses the almighty power!


"The new round has just started now. Now we are two against one. What do you say?!"

A question from Gwen the Nightbird.


"I just want to introduce myself seriously. I am not a girl from the manor."

Captain Gwen's smile remained unchanged, but she became more serious.

She raised her star shield against her two selves from another world.

Stated extremely seriously.

"I am...Captain Gwen!"

"He is a hero who prevents war from happening in the world and makes people happy all over the world!"

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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