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Chapter 1207 Mr. Satans little trick to save money, randomly invite the Saiyans!

Infinite Sentinel Squad.

Use Sentinels in Peggy Carter's S.H.I.E.L.D. to cleanse the world of mutants.

Destroyed the country of mutants that gathered over ten million people.

And in the midst of this...

After eliminating those weak mutant abilities that were not taken seriously, the mutants who shined brightly in the laboratory.

Fortunately or unfortunately.

They became part of the Sentinels and were given the name Omega Sentinels.

The quantity is huge.

It can be called a luxurious collection room carefully arranged by Peggy Carter.

In the battle against the Gwens, the Omega Sentinels were the first to attack.

Only Colossus, Storm, and Cyclops.

The existence of these three people is already powerful enough, but... the real Infinite Sentinels team has just begun.

It has the Blue Devil teleportation system, plus Xavier's X-type psychic mastermind.

Located at the SHIELD headquarters, on the Island of Delta Wings, sentries can be sent to any place at any time.

Locked on the psychic grid, teleportation power with an unknown upper limit.


When the name of the past no longer matters, Wolverine has become the sentinel now.

The immortal body lands in New York.

as well as……

Blah blah blah!

The terrifying cutting force of the Adamantium alloy claws cut off the right shoulder of the Green Devil prototype.

Together with...

A part of the Den-O symbiote entity attached to the right arm suddenly suffered a major blow.

And the other part.

The king from Atlantis, but that is already in the past.

Now the son of vengeance, the king of the sea.

He just became one of the Infinity Sentinels team, the Water Shaper!

The nightmare in the deep sea has become a terrifying shadow for Aegis' enemies.

But himself...

Amidst the waves, currents, storms and lightning, there is no emotion or indifference anymore, like a machine, Neptune Namor.


Face Devil George in the most direct way!

The smell of hell smoke erupted from the demon revolver completely bombarded his body.


Never underestimate Namor's ability to take a beating.

His body is protected by the divine power of Atlantis, and he is as indestructible as Wolverine.


This is perhaps S.H.I.E.L.D.'s most outstanding work.

After the mutants were killed, their dead were combined with the Sentinel algorithm.


This cannot be called a complete death.

But after being transformed into a sentinel, he still retained all his mutant abilities.

You don’t even have to think about emotions anymore.

It can no longer even be called rational, it is just a mechanical execution of orders.

No more unnecessary emotional turmoil.

No need to be afraid of pain, no need to think more, just execute the order completely.

at the same time.

The huge energy continuously transmitted in the Sentinel program makes their abilities even stronger!

To be honest…

After successfully using the Sentinel to annihilate the entire world's mutants, and digesting the results, the A.D.

Peggy Carter is qualified to sit in the highest position and defy everything.

Her goal is the stars and the sea.

It is a threat from other universes, and it is the reality of the multiverse that has been seen.

I want the sentinels to bring more...

"Everything belongs to SHIELD."

"Everything belongs to humanity."

"Anything that stands in front of you must become a stepping stone."

Peggy Carter's voice.

Coming from the highest officer in SHIELD, it was the first time that she echoed so clearly in New York.

There is no doubt about it.

The power of Xavier's X-type Psychic Mastermind and Professor X's abilities were completely swept away.

Everyone in New York can hear her words.

No need to resist.

No need to listen.

It was as majestic as the sound of heaven, and this woman was clearly not here.

But it can be ignored by everyone.

Swish, swish, swish!

The teleporting light did not stop, and more Omega Sentinels arrived.

The Blue Devil delivery system continues to function.


The pair of winged figures are accompanied by the golden color under the dark clouds.

His appearance is like a symbol.

"Warren Worthington III!"

In the continuous changes on the battlefield, this man is so conspicuous.

Even Tony Stark knows him.

"Yeah hahaha."

"Aegis is really merciless, really, really..."

The Green Goblin's madness is also increasing.

Even blowing up the entire power system in New York and setting off a big firework.

It can't make up for his current mood.

They all came from Osborn Technology and Stark Group and all knew this man.


Question from Bulma.

Although she had no idea why she had to go through such a terrible fight.

She is obviously a beautiful girl and has yet to find Prince Charming.

How unfortunate.

But that's the end of it, no matter it's Peggy Carter's voice echoing in my ears.

Or the system prompts that keep refreshing in front of me, [Jade] is growing!

Faced with Tony Stark's extremely surprised expression, he really had to ask.


"The world's richest man."

"Owner of the Worthington family fortune, but that's all in the past."

Frank was silent for a moment.

Even he recognized this man and had to admit Peggy Carter's ruthlessness.

This is……

With wealth that is not inferior to that of Osborne and Stark, it is a big capital that definitely affects the world.


And now everything belongs to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Just because this guy is a mutant and stands on the opposite side of SHIELD.

Peggy Carter uses angels as symbols.

After being included in her team of Infinite Sentinels, it no longer matters whether the ability is powerful or not.

What's this?!

This is the sign.

This marks the only time in this world that the Aegis is defiant, even by Warren Worthington III.

A man with such huge influence is just reduced to a part of the sentry.

How terrible!

Regarding the transmission of this signal, the most intuitive ones are the Green Goblin and Tony.


"Is there still hope?!"

"All the predictions about the strength of Aegis Sentinels have been wrong."

"After absorbing the power of mutants, Peggy Carter becomes terrifyingly strong!"

Tony acknowledged this reality.

This has nothing to do with the total nuclear database, in the current situation.

No matter how hard his war machine corps works.

There is no way he can be an opponent.

This was a losing battle from the beginning, at least when he announced war with SHIELD.

It's such an unfortunate situation.

"I warned you."

"But you insist on having your own way. That's why...it's so difficult for me to handle."

There was bitterness in Commander Frank's tone.

He also doesn't want the city to become like this, and his good friends and everything about him will be burned to the ground.


Whether it's daily life, Gwen, or even how to win the war.

He has no control over anything.

Nothing good will come of Peggy Carter's defiance of this woman.


How ironic it is when this name appears among the Sentinels.


Tony was silent.

His eyes never left the Green Devil prototype, his version of himself from another world.

A Tony named Gwen.

No way!

There is absolutely no hope of winning. This is not a matter of faith at all.

Even if...

A man with devil horns, Gwen’s father who looks exactly like George from the New York Police Department!

He even killed everything he could in the entire city.



Even Peggy Carter, who didn't even come, still couldn't win.


"Now is not the time to give up, even though I don't know what to do."


"What will Lu Sheng do if you give up? He did it for you...you did it for me, right?!"

Bulma's panicked voice.

Wow wow wow, the development of things is really uncomfortable, this kind of development...

"Think of a way."

"It would be great if I were really as powerful as you say, Mr. Satan!"

Bulma expressed anxiety.

Not only Bulma is anxious, Mr. Satan is also anxious now.


They are not among the most directly attacked in the central battlefield, but...

Now that the war machine is surrounded by a large number of perfect sentries, the situation is really not good.


Spider-Girl's situation is also very bad.


It was him who found Iron Gwen, which was what happened before.


"At this time, I have to contribute no matter what."

"What to do, what to do?!"

"Calm down, Mr. Satan, you must calm down. You have seen this kind of scene many times, there will be no problem."

"Even if it's not for Mr. Stark, I must protect Miss Bulma."

"Now we have become enemies."

"It's even more impossible for Miss Bulma to fall into the hands of SHIELD..."

Very bad.

Mr. Satan is already full of distrust in Peggy Carter's existence.

Aegis is too powerful.

This is a woman who is so strong that she can crush everything, and her face has not been revealed from beginning to end.

Just hearing her cold voice made me feel terrible.


"Who should help at this time?!"



"Whatever, whatever...anyone who has anything to do with Saiyans is fine!"

Mr. Satan is in a super tangled state.

The reason is that he had gathered a large number of players' [Jade] in hell before.

In a clever way, the Dragon God, the Super Dragon Ball, was invited.

This directly opened up the current situation and led to the emergence of the multiverse.


The even more terrifying consequence was that Mr. Buu was lost.

Another more important reason for Mr. Satan's re-accumulation of [Jade] is that he wants to find Fat Buu.

This is absolutely key.


Judging from the current situation, it seems that we are not in a certain death situation.

No matter what...

If you want to break the situation, there seems to be no good way.


Waiting for the guys above to decide the winner.



"If he can come here with the Dragon Balls, then everything will be possible."

Bulma can think of a way.

She brought some of the Dragon Balls with her to the new world, and now she just needs to collect the rest...

Bulma was also looking at the redemption list.


One thing I still don’t understand is why the little guy with a long tail is so expensive!

"Yes, there are also Dragon Balls."

Mr. Satan's expression turned into surprise.

If it's just one or two ordinary dragon balls missing, maybe it's enough for them to make do with it.


If you want a good idea that saves [Jade], it can also solve the current troubles.

"An invitation from a random Saiyan, as long as it has something to do with Sun Wukong."

"No matter who it is...it doesn't matter."

Mr. Satan made his request.

Just like in Hell with Super Dragon Ball, this is not a mandatory choice.

It is similar to a kind of correlated pseudo-randomness.



When a large amount of [Jade] is lost, new possibilities appear in the new world.


Above the city, in the sky above New York, and up...and up.

Just like a meteor, what is landing is a circular aircraft that is unique enough.


"Who is in this situation now?!"

Mr. Satan celebrated his good luck. Sure enough, he could think of any solution.


Who can be invited and appear naturally in the new world?

So looking forward to it.

at the same time.

SHIELD's Infinity Sentinels team is also showing its terrifying side.

With the appearance of angels.

More Omega Sentinels also completed their transmission.

When ice and fire come to the battlefield, the combination of absolutely powerful mutants, Vulcan and Iceman comes.

The temperature of the entire battlefield area was suddenly distorted.


With the Phoenix surrounded by the feathers of fire, Fujiwara Meiko stopped her attack on Storm.


In the midst of the boiling energy that is gradually getting hotter.

A mutant named Gabriel Summers came to the scene in the name of Vulcan.


The other half of the sky seemed to be frozen, like a human form made of pure ice crystals.


Now even Rikuo Nura is whispering, chanting the names of races that seem to have died in this world.

In pure energy manipulation, the dual masters of ice and fire arrive.

The abilities of Storm and Cyclops are covered in the sky to a greater extent!


Everything around him becomes a foil for Omega Sentinel.


After they were completely integrated into the Sentinel, the infinite possibilities were revealed.

as well as……

In the violent collision of Mars, the circular aircraft rushed into the battlefield at extremely high speed!

This scene...

It's like an alien from outside suddenly broke into the battle between humans and monsters.


Smash it towards the villa area of ​​Brooklyn, which is Mr. Satan in War Machine.

Aiming well...

Even the surrounding sentinels made a way out of the way.


This sudden plot of a visitor from the universe made Peggy Carter of SHIELD want to see what happened.

after all……

This is Mr. Satan who climbed out of hell, the most powerful martial artist in the world.

The things he did... were simply super attractive.


Even if it is...

Old George, holding the demon revolver, had already attracted his attention.

This feeling is very familiar...

Last time.

Even if I feel like this, I am still in hell, because the existence of the Great Demon King Piccolo has arrived.

And now...

The turbulent and violent energy hidden in it appeared along with the huge crater.


"Is this the Earth?!"

"Hey, why am I alone? The aircraft's navigation will not make mistakes. Where is Vegeta?!" (End of Chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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