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Chapter 1216 A little hammer falls from the sky, the Rainbow Bridge and the Son of Odin!

The smoke from hell boils again.

Choosing to embrace the power of hell, I am afraid even old George has never thought of it.

He climbed out of hell for his daughter.

as well as……

The Black Hand organization that pushes everything into the abyss.


This name is so unforgettable.


Now it is also for daughters, Gwens from different worlds.

The devil's horns soar into the sky, and the smoke from the scorched earth of hell slowly rises!

The Roar of the Demonic Revolver.

What she faced was not a damn bastard, but Qin who had become an Omega!

Now it's Hell vs. Phoenix.

Is it that the power bestowed by the Great Demon is superior, or is it... that the power of the Phoenix is ​​unstoppable?


One bullet can wipe out all the sentries standing in front of him.

Saiyans are not the only ones with fighting abilities.

Demon George also comes from hell and has absolute power to dominate the battlefield!

Explode everything!

Even if a demon faces this gun, he has to pay the price of his soul.


Those are the rules from the capital of hell, a chip game in which lives are staked.

It's...the terrifying wailing from "Golden Head".

"I've seen real horror."

"In hell, in the One's playground, everything is a chip on the table."

"Including you and me, as well as the great devil himself."


A certain entity has long been sublimated and seems to have become an indescribable existence, and its name of Scarlet Devil can no longer even be mentioned.

The power from the capital of hell was completely released by Demon George.


Since half of it has been sold to the big devil.


If it’s for my daughter, I don’t have to give up the other half.

Even if you give up your human identity and completely fall into the path of the devil, it doesn't matter!

"I already understand."

"There are different me in different worlds, and every George should have his own destiny!"

"If this is the path I should take to become a devil, then..."

"In order to protect Gwen in every world, I can constantly compensate her!"

As a father!

When New York disappeared that night, she was still not by Gwen's side.

In the process of falling into hell and constantly climbing up.

The devil George has been thinking of ways to make up for Gwen, but...maybe, his real daughter will never have a chance.

Pain that has already occurred.

It has become helpless and turned into another route for Kaito Gwen.

Devil George cannot be redeemed.


All he can do is seize every opportunity in front of him and never let anything hinder more Gwen!


"Right or wrong, George Stacy chooses to be on your side!"


As the bullet cylinder of the demon revolver rotated, fierce lines of fire streaked across the sky of the battlefield.

The shooting caused by sulfur is extremely obvious, it is the power of the scorched earth of purgatory!


The power of hell directly stimulates the power of the Phoenix.

In Qin's halo, it flutters its wings on the battlefield, like an omnipresent phoenix.

Now we are facing the worst provocation.


Think of hell as the dumping ground for all sins, filled with sinners who should never escape.


No matter what myth it is, the accumulated burning will explode all evil orders.


In a sense, they are all aspects of the Phoenix Force.


The disgust for hell, the disgust for this provocation, has the flame of life like consciousness!

The phoenix's eyes even erupted with extremely bright white flames!

That is no longer spiritual power on a spiritual level.

But under the increase of Phoenix Power, Qin's more direct explosion came from the cutting of life and matter.



The shadow of the phoenix is ​​reflected in Demon George's pupils.

There was no stopping of shooting in his hands, even though there was not much left of the "golden head" brought from hell.

at the same time.

The deepening of demonization and the increase in the power of hell also allowed him to understand more.

The more you know, the more troubles you will have.

It turns out that the aegis in this world are really difficult to deal with. It turns out... the oppressive force that can be felt from Phoenix.

In a way...

Even the big demon who brought Demon George had to stay back to a large extent.


Deeper inside, Devil George can no longer feel it, and the feedback from hell only goes so far.

This also proves that the Phoenix Power is unparalleled.

No matter what...

"The outcome is never up to me."


"I just can't stop."

Amid the crazy roar of the demon revolver and the power of the Phoenix, the shadow of the demon is projected on the other side.

Demon George is changing his form.

Very dangerous!

Don’t forget, who is the guy who promised Devil George to give him this look and make him Mr. Director of Hell City?!

Although this name carries the ridicule and bad taste of the devil.


The director is the director, and strength is strength.

The recognition from the great devil has given up the position of Lord of Hell!

Also through the ritual of the Eye of Basflorus, Asmodeus has left Asmodeus from hell!

Where did his spirituality go?!

In what form will he be reborn into the world, in this extremely attractive dimension of reality?!

Every possible choice will be presented.

Every projection in myths and rumors in history may become the possibility of someone transcending hell!


This is exactly the same source of hell, why can't it be Devil George?!

This is faith.

Never doubt a man who would sell his soul for his daughter and crawl out of hell!


Standing behind him are more Gwen, daughters who will never give up.

Even if it's the Phoenix Force...

Even if he is reborn as another existence, George Stacey must now continue on his unknown path without hindrance.


The roar of Demon George.

The phoenix's burning wings that covered the sky and sun had enveloped him, and it was like a cocoon of flames had formed within it.

The scorched earth of hell, the immortal berserkers, the blood of demons that cannot be defeated!

The Demon Revolver carries the power of the Capital of Hell, and Demon George is overwhelming everything he owns.

To complete the bet with the Phoenix Force.


No harm will come to his Gwens.

If you lose...

"Then take everything from me, as long as you can bear it!"


The Devil's Triangle area, the Island with Triangle Wings, the mysterious storm that has been shrouded here all year round seems to have become even more terrifying.

This is located in the core area, Peggy Carter's showroom.

The core area of ​​Xavier's Type-X Psychic Mastermind.

at the same time……

It is also the best place to connect to Omega Sentinel Qin and continuously inspire the power of the Phoenix.

The other side.

The latest member to join here is Nick Fury, who has only one head after being mechanized.

It seems...

Nick Fury has already seen Professor X in his current form.


He has become like this now, so he shouldn't care about other people anymore.


Even so, Nick Fury still made his own judgment on Peggy Carter's strong behavior.

"You are forcing him to become an enemy that SHIELD cannot refuse."

He doesn't approve of Peggy Carter.


Whether it's a mutant, a monster, a visitor from the universe or a demon from hell.

There are too many things besides humans in this world.

Need to be vigilant.

This is also one of the plans he has always had in mind.

He originally targeted Tony Stark, but because of Valon's appearance, everything went wrong.

But he later organized the Hell Avengers.

After going to hell, I saw a bigger stage and understood more threats.

It is necessary to guard against these, and this should also be the purpose of SHIELD.


Peggy Carter is too radical.

She wiped out all aliens and transformed them into sentinels for use.

Nick Fury disagreed.

If it were him, he would choose to absorb, observe, monitor, utilize, etc.!

Just like guys like the Punisher, they still work well together.

Even Toshio Saeki!

Powers derived from curses are also available.


Whether in this world or the previous world, he is no longer the director of SHIELD.

It seems like thinking so much is all in vain.


Peggy Carter's snort could already reflect her thoughts.


"He is the enemy."

"I will never consider the devil from hell as a friend. His behavior..."

Peggy Carter pointed at the blue projection in front of her.

What appears in the psychic network is the demon George in the Phoenix Force.

Whether it's the power of the scorched earth or the posture of the devil, it's all so clear.

"Just by bearing the name George Stacy, you can really think of him as a human being."

"You must think so too."

"Guys who are tainted with the smell of hell must not let down their guard."

Peggy Carter hits the nail on the head.

"It's just that I am more decisive than you."

"The Phoenix Power will crush him, and all possible crises will be swept away!"

Peggy Carter won't change her mind.


She was indeed looking forward to the complete failure of Demon George.

This is the price of defying Aegis.

Such a powerful power, the performance brought by the Phoenix Force, and the battle performance of Omega Sentinel Jean.

After this chaos, victory still belongs to SHIELD, and everything will be wiped out.

The world is as beautiful as ever.

"Just watch..."

Peggy Carter is contented.

Once she got the decision to win, she would never let it go.

It must be just like the ending of the mutants, it is the result of the Sentinels crushing them all the way!


Something happened that was beyond the situation.

In fact...

Accidents always come faster than expected, a certain...

The hammer falling from the sky has arrived.

In the battlefield.

The scene when Demon George desperately inspired the power of hell and collided crazily with the Phoenix Force.

This is completely reflected in the observation of Xavier's X-type mental mastermind.

In the cocoon wrapped by the phoenix, the terrifying energy is constantly stirring.


It continued to spread violently outward, and the impact even affected the surrounding space.


Alerts appearing in the psychic network.

The ability from Xavier's X-shaped mind mastermind is connected to Qin's mental fluctuations.

A sudden red alert.

all of a sudden!

All reminders were received in the entire Sentinel program, which triggered the highest level of alert range.

"what happened……"

Peggy Carter frowned.

In the originally expected scene, even the power of hell should be crushed by the power of the Phoenix.

after all……

Devil George is just a human who sold his soul, not a real big devil.


In the midst of the confrontation of such equally high-level original forces.


Something was attracted and happened to appear on Earth.

And was captured by Professor X's ability as quickly as possible.

What is it?!

It is said that the first thing that appeared was a dazzling rainbow, which was like a staircase falling from the sky.

A road extending from an unknown place!

Some kind of...

The powerful energy that cut through space suddenly descended on the earth.

"It comes from the universe."

"Human beings are not alone. I have reminded you before, but now it seems..."

"First the Saiyans, then Hell and Phoenix, more beings were attracted."

Nick Fury's concluding remarks.

He understands aliens, and they come from the scale of space. No explanation can be exaggerated!


"Even the Saiyans are in my possession, no matter how many aliens come, they will be the same."

"let me see……"

Peggy Carter has never known failure.

Since the incident in New York, there have been many twists and turns.


It is her victory from beginning to end, it is the victory of the Sentinel, so...


Peggy Carter's inner thoughts were paused because of a man's voice of grief and indignation.

In the battlefield.

The rainbow bridge falling from the sky became extremely obvious at this moment.

Right between Demon George and Omega Sentinel Jean.

It can also be said that it is in the fierce collision of the power of hell and the power of Phoenix.

It was like in mythology, the bright light of the sky when the gods arrived, and the rainbow sent a man.

as well as……

That was a hammer falling from the sky.

Like a meteorite, he was just in the battlefield, ignoring everything.

It fell straight down.


And an ordinary man who also appeared was roaring loudly with tears streaming down his face.


"Let me go back, father."

"I was wrong. I will never act recklessly again. Please don't exile me."

There was a moment of silence on the battlefield.

This time the aliens appeared so distinctive that they didn't even have a Saiyan circular flying machine.

Who...is he?!

And completely ignored such a battlefield environment, surrounded by sentry robots.

This guy who fell to the ground in a very embarrassed manner got up with great effort...

The force of the Rainbow Bridge seemed to be just right to send him down.

And...no coma!


"I know you can see it, and you can certainly hear it. Don't take away the Rainbow Bridge."

"In the name of me, Thor Odinson, in the name of the all-powerful God of Thunder."

"Let me go back with my hammer, Asgard needs me!"

"Father!!!" (End of Chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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