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Chapter 1232 The call from the King, its up to you, Saitama!

The most intense and anxious battle situation, the life and death of the earth is at stake, at this moment...

The concept of time jump, even if it is seconds, seems too long.


The Bermuda Triangle area, the Triangle Island, is the headquarters for commanding Operation Aegis Sentinel.


It starts with Omega Sentinel Jean's Phoenix Force rampage.


It seems to have reached an unstoppable turning point.

Peggy Carter has given the order to abandon the sentries to protect the Gwens.


All the preparations made were too late, and the scene changed even faster.

after all……

When Trunks' Super Saiyan appears.


It was Xavier's X-type psychic mastermind who reported back the situation in the battlefield area...

This kind of thing already consumes time.

after all……

Even with Professor

Facing the power of divine power, facing the power of Phoenix, and even...

It is Super Trunks whose combat power has been increased to a terrifying level and is covered in golden aura.

Double blockade from the material and spiritual levels.

Even the transmission of mental images has experienced extreme interference amid the rising super-powerful energy values.

And with this delay...

Peggy Carter receives the information, processes it, and sends it back to the Sentinel system.

No matter how cooperative the Infinite Sentinels team is, it will be of no use at this time.


This cold woman has her limits after all.


While treating mutants as tools, she, the human being, controls the tools!

But it was obvious that he could not keep up with the situation.

After all, Xavier's X-type mind master is not the living Professor X.

Just like Nick Fury said.


Living life has unlimited potential, but it is nothing more than a mistake of losing personal will.


It is only used as a tool, and the tool may become obsolete.

This is especially true for people who use tools.

at this time……

The potential bloomed by Spider Gwen is a black spider web that gathers extreme energy values.

It has been enveloped by the combination of divine power and phoenix power.


The most dazzling light that can appear comes from the power of Super Saiyan.

Trunks aimed at the center point of the black spider web and fired a terrifying Galik Cannon.

Destroy and destroy.

Whether it is the divine power gathered by the storm and thunder, or the spiritual flame from the Phoenix Power.

There is no opportunity that can be blocked, and the strong fluctuations directly eliminate everything.

Click, click, click!

Everything is being destroyed in the dazzling light.


Peggy Carter and Nick Fury were observing this scene in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Director SHIELD from a different world.


Probably the expressions are all the same now, with only one single eye staring deeply...

Is this the end of this planet and humanity?!

after all……

When they can see such a scene, there must be no stopping them in the center of the battlefield.



Located at the core of the black spider web, after merging with the symbiote spiderling.

Spider-Gwen's sensory abilities are infinitely amplified.

The sting from the spider sense, no...this is nothing comparable to the sting.

No one understands it better than her.

Although the naked eye is covered by such energy, there is only an indistinguishable bright white.


The most direct Super Saiyan attack against Trunks.

Will die!

The whole planet will die, and that will be the end of everything.

This feeling is extremely clear.


As it all disappeared.

Whether it is everyone we are familiar with or the city of New York, all life on earth has ended!


The spider disaster from New York has finally become a real disaster.

Maybe the mayor is right.


The person who went to another world from the beginning should not come back again.

At this moment.

In Spider-Gwen's mind, the spider web divides the picture like a grid.

I don’t know how many times the revolving door flashed by in vain.

I'm really unwilling.


She so hoped to save everything, even if it was just to save one...


At this moment, Spider-Gwen was resisting even such thoughts.

She couldn't accept saving just one.

No matter it's Mary Jane, their band is waiting for her to go back and make Black Cat look good on the stage.


It's obviously possible to have a good date, Harry... would be a good choice.

Peter didn't want to see this either.


Dad, the father from hell, and... Uncle Frank who desperately wants to stay in the ordinary world.

Even the mayor who always spits on the news.

And more…

Waiting for myself from an incredible other world.

as well as……

The most unforgettable city and the entire planet. There are obviously many places I want to visit that I have never been to.

Every bit of these are Spider-Gwen's thoughts.

And it is these thoughts that are all spread among the symbiont spiders.

As endless black as gravel, the power of the soul gathers black spider webs!


Spider-Gwen's high-pitched howl is exactly what she wants to save because she has so many loved ones.

I absolutely cannot accept the reality of such destruction.


Some kind of barrier between the material level and the spiritual level has been broken.


There must be the role of divine power and phoenix power in this.

The incredible power of the gods from Azgard leads to the power of the gods of the Rainbow Bridge.

The expression of the deepest power from the universe, the incredible phoenix is ​​responding to the demands of life.

This is also part of order.

In the area covered by black spider webs, there was a fierce flash of light from the Galik cannon.

The sense of space seems to be peeled off layer by layer.


Together with the unreal appearance that is penetrated layer by layer, the scene continues to become transparent and distorted.


"The incredible will determines everything."

"I knew you could do it, hold on, you are my favorite Gwen!"

Little Reed, who had not expected such an intensity of energy due to his miscalculation, came back to his senses from his constant regret.

Destruction did not come immediately.


Despite Spider-Gwen's violent ability feedback, she can still cooperate for a moment.


Just like the timer on the panel, while the zero number behind the second hand keeps turning up.

Everything will be destroyed when the next second comes.


Lightning and thunder.

The terrifying whistling sound of Thor's hammer proves that the power of divine power has not given up.

Even crushing ordinary terrorist attacks.


Asgard's Valkyrie, no...this symbolizes the power of divine power.

It can even be traced back to Odin, the father of the gods and the controller of the nine realms.


Will it be such a devastating failure?!


Amidst the continuous vibrations and screams of the Phoenix Force.


The aura surrounding Qin is peeling off little by little, obviously this incredible cosmic wisdom is being activated!


It will never be so simple to succumb to this small planet.

Large pieces of flame feathers collapsed, and the power of the phoenix was also extremely powerful.

And this...

They are meeting the black spider web together.


In Spider-Gwen's mind, she will never give up for a second.

On the material level and on the spiritual level, let’s resist Super Trunks together!

in this way……

In Spider-Gwen's current sacrifice.

Is she not worthy of the Phoenix Force's attention?!

Isn't she worthy of being overwhelmed by the power of divine power?!

All possibilities are shown here, even if they are blocked a little...


This gave Little Reed and Child Emperor time to react.

"There is still a chance..."

"The particle accelerator peptide on Spider Girl's body is completely activated, which is the same reaction as the rainbow bridge appearing..."

"Transparency, edge particleization, and cross-world passages are opening under her will."

"It's Spider-Girl's idea to take away all of this and save the world."

"That's what keeps this happening."

Little Reed cheered loudly.

And just after he wasted two sentences, the power of divine power and the power of Phoenix began to retreat again.

Trunks is a very obedient boy.

Mr. Satan asked him to go all out, and of course all his fighting power surged!

Teachings from Vegeta.

At this time, you must respect your opponent immensely and never leave any room to spare.

Silly and cute!

If Bulma knew this was the case, she would be absolutely furious by now.

Break, break, break!

The flickering thunder was extinguished on the black spider web, and the falling flames of the Phoenix Power disappeared into thin air.

And the most concentrated area...

A pure energy reaction of blue and bright red mixed together surrounded Spider Gwen's area.

About to... collapse at the first touch!


"At the moment of intersection, just complete a balanced confrontation!"

"It was a complete success."

Little Reed stated the theory of success.

However, this problem-solving idea is almost impossible to succeed. How can the theory become a reality?!

This is a power that can be overcome even by the power of divine power and the power of the Phoenix.

One second?!

Now there is not even a second. In a few tenths of a second, it is still an even weaker moment!

How can one resist the energy readings that have completely exploded the detection data?!

Spider Girl really tried her best.


Do you want to die with such dignity at this last moment?!

Such an ending...


"A true hero will never let everyone down, and such a will will never be blasphemed."

The Child Emperor even laughed.


"If Spider-Girl gave up the first time, then maybe, indeed, everything would be over."

"But as I speak now."

"Time has passed forward for less than a second, which is enough for the man to react."

The Child Emperor chewed the lollipop in his mouth.

Time has come to an end at this moment, and the hero in his eyes...

That is the strongest person standing on the surface of the earth, in such a fierce scene.

An existence that was actually forgotten by everyone.

How amazing.


In general, he puts all the possibilities of victory in others.

Become the beauty of others and never take credit for it.


When everything is irreversible, the true king will definitely turn the tide.

"Just right."

The Child Emperor's whisper.

While Little Reed was anxiously calculating, the Child Emperor was also observing the last hope.

It is located within the area covered by black spider webs.

The center point where the divine power and the Phoenix power are concentrated, the lower area where Spider-Gwen is closest.


The King never moved a step from beginning to end, as if he was standing still without any movement.

A perfect view focuses everything.


Is this the ultimate blow that you have been preparing for from the first position?!


"The timing of everything is just right. If anyone can resist...it can only be you."

"Seize the last moment and use your amazing stunts."

"Purgatory Unparalleled Explosive Heat Wave Cannon!"

The message that Child Emperor had recorded in the last second was spread to the entire battlefield through his backpack.

Can you hear it?!

All members on the battlefield can hear it.

What we are facing now is not a desperate situation, but a new hope.

If anyone can stop a Super Saiyan.


Balance out the incredible Trunks' offensive brought by Mr. Satan, the world's best martial artist.


It is absolutely impossible for even the Hero Association to measure the potential ability of the so-called strongest hero.

Its name...

King flow tactics!

Even...the legendary god-level monster cannot see its true attack appearance.


It's time for the strongest superhero on the planet to turn the tide and save everyone.

"King, take action!"

The name that was called in the battlefield, in the end, was passed on to everyone's thoughts.


Thinking of the stage in hell, such a man came face to face with Mephisto.

Almost on his deathbed...

Spider-Gwen's spiritual will received a powerful and effective boost.


The unknown reason from Trunks.

Although I don’t know what happened, what kind of existence is it?!

It can be the last hope in such a situation.

Even if he enters the Super Saiyan state, can he really stop him?!

Although I know that in this situation, this kind of emotion should not appear.


This is the inheritance from Vegeta.

The real opponent wants to stop him now and truly save the world...

"Come on!"

Let’s see what kind of surprises our opponents in this new world can have!

The same thoughts.

In an instant, the turbulent and violent air waves flowed through Trunks!

It has truly come to an end.


"Being expected in this situation, I..."

King felt like his eyes were going blind.

He couldn't see anything, he just muttered, after all... I can't do anything.

This is what he was thinking in his heart.


[Jade] continues to rise, which is enough to bring about miraculous power.


There is a true hero who can do it all.

Is it enough?!

I don't know, but King can only take a gamble now and bet that his luck will not disappear.


What comes at this moment can only be...

"It's up to you, Saitama!"

After thinking silently in your heart.


Time seemed to pause at this moment, and everything around him came to a standstill.


The emanation around King was like a vacuum disappearing, and some extremely strong impact appeared.

And climbing upwards, the target...the core collision.


Only King was left standing in place.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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