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Chapter 138 Thousand Killing God Luo Lantian Jade!

Chapter 138 Thousand Killer God Luo Lantian Jade!

In the distant past, about 4 billion years ago!

The source matter of the universe constitutes an existence called Pangu, which possesses the majestic power of creating something out of nothing!

He is truly a god!

And before this existence died, he created an alien space by himself, and the mausoleum was born.

And until a few humans with unique physiques appeared!

They discovered a way to reach the tomb of the god, and this started the chaos.

Some people tried to obtain divine power, while others realized that this would lead to the collapse of the world. The war between thieves and defenders lasted for thousands of years, and they each controlled different powers.

Thieves can forge stolen tools, use stolen tools, and use magical coins to bring the power in the Tomb of Gods to reality!!

However, the guardian chose to write rules to hide these powers!!

A game has begun. Only by winning the title of the strongest can one become a top player with over 100 million yuan and control the ultimate power of rules!!

Jade coffin!!

Players recognize them as the strongest bandit group in the game, and their goal is to seize Pangu's remaining power.

Among them, there is a terrifying being who is closest to breaking 100 million!!

He has 99999999 financial resources and is definitely the first person to break 100 million!!

He is - Thousand Killer Shinra Lan Tian Yu!!

At this time, in New York!!

Strengthening skill - "Qitian!!"

Then the huge man wearing white velvet, wearing a mask, and holding a stick that reached the sky appeared!


There seemed to be a golden stream of light, which turned into waves and enveloped this end of New York City!

The place shrouded in golden light suddenly became quiet.

Not only the huge suction force that swallowed up everything, but also the huge shock caused by the movement of the mountain demon.

Those crumbling New York buildings and those chaotic New York people seemed to be half calmed down at this moment, and all the waves had stopped.


Lan Tianyu smiled softly.

He is a man with a thousand skills.

It’s just the area-of-effect AOE skills brought by the enemy, and it’s so easy to eliminate this negative state!!

With Lantian Jade taking action, this side of New York City is filled with golden light and peace!

After the shaking subsided, the New Yorkers, who originally thought the end of the world was coming and were certain to die this time, hugged each other excitedly. It was an outburst of emotions that could not be concealed.

Their faces showed the joy of surviving the disaster and the gratitude that they had seen the true Savior.


There are also some lunatics who have risked everything and want to merge with the devil.

Now that their dream of going to the great Holy Kingdom of Existence has been destroyed, they are naturally roaring with incomparable hatred!!

Either happiness or despair, half of the city was shrouded in golden light, and people fell into some strange emotions.

"This must be the angel sent by the Lord to save the world!"

"Yes, Allah has not given up on us!!"

People on the street were talking nonsense, and the old people from Chinatown were thinking of some legends they had heard in their childhood.

That's not a lord, that's a hero who stands upright and fights against heaven and earth!!

He is coming, he is coming to save them!!

The old people looked at the majestic figure in the distance, with tears filling their eyes and their hearts surging.

After tonight, the sect named Qitian will definitely take root and sprout, and they will let more confused New Yorkers know the true name of that person!!

[Some people in New York "revere" you and get a small amount of ruby]

[Some people in New York regard you as "Allah" and get a small amount of ruby]

[Some people in New York "hate" you and get a small amount of ruby]

[Some people in New York think of you as...]


Lan Tianyu's eyes lit up when he saw the system prompts that suddenly started to swipe the screen crazily in front of him.

As soon as he made his appearance, he received so much [Red Jade] that he instantly made up for the magical power coins he had previously spent.

If this is the case...

Lan Tianyu's eyes fell on the mountain demon Bo Gang in front of him, his eyes flashed with fiery and fierce fighting spirit!

The terrifying demon that devours New York. How much [Ruby] can you get if you kill this guy?

Lan Tianyu looked at Bo Gang, and Bo Gang was also looking at this short little guy!

Yes, little one!

Although Lan Tianyu is a giant to the people of New York, compared with Sister Bo Gang who devours most of New York at this time, he is really just a little kid!

"Mine, that's mine!!"

"If I eat you, I must eat you!!"

Bo Gang roared violently!!

Why everyone has a red name, why he is also a member of the Natural Returners, and why Luo Lantianyu, the God of Thousand Killers, Sister Bo Gang doesn't want to care about, she doesn't even want to ask.

She knew that this bastard dared to steal her food, so she had to kill him!!

She has ruined half of New York by eating it, and now the remaining half is ready to be packed away!

Let’s have a good meal tonight. Later, Bo Gang wants to use this place as her new ruling area so that the humans here can continue to pay tribute to her with delicious food!

But now the originally planned eating action was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Lantian Jade!

Bo Gang was furious at that time!!

Even in her extreme anger, she forgot about her father again!!

At the end of New York surrounded by warm light, the appearance of Lantian Jade saved Colson's life!

He really wanted to die before. The mountain demon couldn't handle it. This was a doomsday-like out-of-control event!

He was ready to contact Director Fury to see if there was anything he could do. If there was nothing he could do, then he could sacrifice himself today!

At this time, a new unknown figure appeared and saved half of New York City directly from Bo Gang's mouth. This is really thank God!

"Old sir, what is going on?!"

But I am grateful. I still need to find out the identity of this new person.

And now if you want to understand the situation, the best way is to ask your father.


At this moment, Dad felt like his head was going to explode. Where did this big guy come from?

Dad hates big guys, this will give the old man a bad feeling.

"Dad knows, that's another natural returner!"

"Thousand-Slay Shinra·Lantian Yu, this name gives me a headache!"

Dad raised his head and looked up into the sky. On top of that huge figure with a pale mask was a dazzling red name.

The aura that Dad felt was wrong. It was so violent and bellicose. It reminded Dad of a troublesome monkey from before.

Isn't this, this, this guy really the same as Bo Gang?!

It would be really bad if we were surrounded from the front and the back!

"Old sir..."

Colson's expression became serious. Looking at his father's anxious look, he also felt the seriousness of the problem.

This guy who suddenly appeared is called Lan Tianyu, and his name is Thousand Killers Shinra. Doesn’t this sound like a good title?

And according to Dad, this is the person called the Natural Returner Organization again?!

What kind of monsters are there in this organization?

"Oh, this is the only way!!"

Dad didn't want to deal with Coulson at this time, he had already made up his mind.

With a flash of white light in his hand, a beautifully shaped diamond-shaped treasure box appeared in dad's hand!

Created by the eight immortal gods, the Gate of Hell can be combined with the corresponding hexagram, which is the key to sealing the devil.

Dad finally signed the loan for Devil Hell. The old man doesn’t want to worry about how to repay the debt in the future. Let’s get over the trouble at hand first!

If Bo Gang is left alone, it is very likely that the situation will be the same as when the ancient demons ruled, and it will be difficult to end by then.

"Old sir, do you have any new ideas?"

Colson didn't know what his father was doing, but after looking at the old man's troubled face, a small box appeared in his hand!

This is a bit like sealing the black energy Oz before. Should I also use this small box to put the Mountain Demon in it?

Can the devil really be sealed away with this gadget?

The body shape is not proportional!

Also, if the mountain demon can be taken care of, what about the guy over there with the stick?!

Although this Lan Tianyu temporarily expressed goodwill, SHIELD could not trust him due to his sturdy size.

What's more, Dad said that this Lantian Jade is also from a natural returner. There are no good guys in this organization, so it's best to control them.

"Old sir, about Lantian Jade..."

Colson's words were interrupted again.

"Oh, don't disturb Dad, Dad knows what you are going to say."

"The monkey is not important now, the devil is important!"

"Click, click!!"

Dad started to twist the Panku treasure box. The hexagram corresponding to the mountain demon Bo Gang was "Gen", and he had to find her door to hell.

On the rooftop in the distance.

Wa Long looked at the Lantian Jade that suddenly shot up into the sky, and raised his brows. This player had a problem.

The red name above the opponent's head has been changed from [Lan Yu] to [Thousand Killer Shinra·Lantian Jade]!

What has changed is not only the name, but also the fierce aura of the other party.

Even though he was just standing there, there was a kind of madness rushing towards his face, which made people feel scared.

All I can say is that he is indeed a player who hid until the end and seems to be quite capable.

"At the very least, the appearance is very bluffing."

Wa Long curled his lips. He still didn't know what the outcome of the battle would be. After all, what Lan Tianyu was facing was not an ordinary existence.

But it comes from the ancient ruler, the mountain demon Bogon. Even though he has forgotten everything about being a demon wizard, after devouring nearly half of New York!

This terrifying mountain-like demon has regained a lot of power. Can this Lantian Jade really be able to deal with the immortal mountain demon?

Is this guy who is less than half the height of Bo Gang sure that he can win over a ruler from ancient times?

But that's fine too.

Let me see your strength!

Wa Long recalled Lan Yu's words and arrogant expression at the moment the building collapsed, and the smile on his face deepened.

"Boss, you are so handsome!"

"I don't know how he did it. Tell me, can we trade the rubies for fun?"

Ah Fen's eyes lit up, and he looked a little enviously at the two golden luminous feathers on Lan Tianyu's head.


And it also glows.

Do you feel cool?

This special effect looks much stronger than their black energy.

Zhou and Lasu on the side also nodded, and seemed to be very consistent with A Fen's statement.


However, Wa Long waved his hands calmly, looking at the system prompts that were flashing across the screen in front of him, feeling very good.

"What's the use of being handsome?"

"Aren't you going to help me earn rubies?"

No matter where this chaos in New York goes, he can't escape the instigator.

Make a fuss, the bigger the fuss, the better, he will always have more jade to earn!

At this time, in the battlefield, Lan Tianyu and Bo Gang looked at each other.

Lan Tianyu's eyes were full of enthusiasm for fighting, while Bo Gang only had an overflowing appetite.

Beat her to death!!

Eat him!!

Both are extremely determined to kill each other!!

"Hey hey hey, mountain devil!!"

"Let me measure your courage!!"


Lan Tianyu jumped up with a long stick in hand. The moment he jumped, his huge body brought destructive power, instantly shattering everything around him!

He jumped into the air, and his body flashed with brilliance!!


Strengthening skills - primate wisdom!

Enhanced skill - Demon King Control!

Strengthening skill——Thunder Blood!

Enhanced skills - fighting spirit is boiling!

Strengthening skills - the essence of heaven and earth...

A steady stream of countless status skills are superimposed on Lan Tianyu's body!!

With his title of Thousand Killer Shinra, ordinary players can only equip fifteen skills, but Lantian Jade has no limit!!

This is what makes him so powerful!!

In mid-air, Lan Tianyu, heading towards the mountain demon, reached its peak state!!

Boom!! Boom!!

Dozens of haloes of different colors burst out from his body, and various rays of light continued to converge on him. At this time, his sky-like body burst out with huge energy.

"Try my stick first!"

"The magic stick is long!!!"


Lan Tianyu smiled ferociously.

The divine weapon in his hand, the God-Demon Stick, continues to grow in size, and the head of the stick becomes thicker and thicker, as if a divine monkey is leaping up and about to lift a mountain with one stick!!


Bo Gang roared violently, and there was no option for her to dodge due to her huge size.

At this time, a shadow hung in the sky, really like the jade pillar tilting in the sky, bringing with it the roaring wind pressure, pressing towards the mountain devil!


This is an unprecedented impact!

"Ha, caught it!!"

The demonic energy of the mountain is escaping from Bo Gang's body, and the stick in the state of Lantian Jade's blessing is not pleasant.

However, it was just uncomfortable. For Bo Gang, it was not difficult to withstand an attack of this level.

"Little one, come here and let me eat you!!"

She raised her thick short claws, leaned forward and grabbed the top of the magic stick.


As Bo Gang pulled hard, the ruins of half the city of New York were crumbling.

Pulled by this huge force, the Lantian Jade at the other end was suddenly pulled down from the air!

"What a powerful force!!"

This thought flashed through Lan Tianyu’s mind!!

He is worthy of being the Demon of the Mountain. He is as powerful as a mountain. Even if his status is full, he still falls behind in the competition in terms of strength.


Bo Gang's mountainous body blocked the moonlight, and the shadow slowly swallowed up the Lantian Jade!

Brutal, the most brutal violence, Bo just rushed forward, and she directly pressed towards Lan Tianyu.

The long-lasting seal has long made Bo Gang forget her identity as a demon sorcerer, but just relying on her mountain demon instinct can produce terrifying effects!!

How does it feel to have a mountain pressing down on you?!

Now Lantian Jade is about to experience it!!


Lan Tianyu was directly photographed by Bo Gang.

Strengthening skill——Wen Jade Shield!

The crystal clear jade formed a battle armor on his body. When Bo rolled over and fell down, Lantian Jade actually managed to hold it on.

Because Bo Gang really ate too much, she almost swallowed half of New York. At this time, her figure was terrifying.

With such a heavy weight, no one could clearly see Lan Tianyu's facial expression at this moment, even though he was wearing a mad god mask.

But the crisp sound, like the sound of broken bones, could not be concealed. Only Lan Tianyu knew whether it really hurt or not!

"Hey hey hey~"

"I haven't been this excited for a long time."

The arrogant laughter sounded again.

Strengthening skills - Frenzy!

A huge amount of flames were rising, instantly wrapping the Lantian Jade in it.

Reduce your own pain index to zero, and under the protection of the jade armor, you will be immune to more than 70% of damage, while recovering your maximum health every second. This is a skill prepared for the God of War.

"Let me give you a taste of this."

Lan Tianyu broke free from Bo Gang's shackles, jumped up suddenly, and waved the magic stick in his hand!

Summoning skill——Yan Long Nao!


There seems to be a dragon roaring in the night!!

Dragon, Flame Dragon!!

A huge, slender dragon with red fire all over its body, this mythical creature came to the world!!

The fire dragon fills the sky and coils over New York. It is about to spit out flames, burn the mountains and hunt for demons!!

[Thank you all for your support, I’m so happy that the monthly tickets have gone up! 】

【It will be July soon, I will definitely evolve!! I will give you a good update!!】

This chapter has been completed!
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