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Chapter 180 Monsters, Mercenaries and Punishers

Chapter 180 Monsters, Mercenaries and Punishers

In the "City of Angels" Los Angeles, on Olwela Street, a Mexican-style restaurant and art avenue, a car is running wildly and running wildly.


The light on the driver's seat was covered with sweat, and at this time, he was gnashing his teeth and cursing.

"Fuck you Punisher, do you really think this is a movie and one person can kill me?!"

"I'm going to blow your ass sooner or later, you bastard!!"

Guangbi, who cherishes the dream of unifying Los Angeles and thinks that he has finally waited for his chance, naturally knows the Punisher.

In other words, since the evil star The Punisher came to Los Angeles, anyone who is a gangster on the road will not pay attention to him.

Because, this guy is a madman!

Who knows when, the Punisher will crash into your house and hit you in the head with his M16.

Guangbi encountered such a scene at this time. He was having a party and drinking wine in the manor villa. Suddenly, the punisher broke in and started killing!!

Isn’t this justified?

"This matter is not over yet, sooner or later I will..."

Guangbi looked at the two travel bags on his passenger seat, which were filled with pink capsules.

Not only that, he now has several large bags full of pills in the trunk of his car.

So what if the Punisher kills all his people? As long as these precious capsules are there, he won't have to worry about finding his men.

There are many people in this world who are hungry for power.

As long as he thinks about it, he can form a huge team in minutes.

When the time comes, no one, whether it's the Russian gang that rules the Los Angeles underworld or the damn Punisher, can stop his rise.

However, the most important thing now is how to survive the Punisher's pursuit!!

Beep beep beep!!

Guangbi was honking his horn crazily, he didn’t care about the traffic lights at all!!

He turned into the street on the right side of the road, and through the rearview mirror, he didn't see the Punisher chasing after him.


Subconsciously, Guangbi breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that he had finally gotten rid of that madman.

But right now!!


The roar of the car sounded, and a transport truck rushed out from one side and ran straight towards Guangbi's car.

"What the hell!!"

Guangbi turned the steering wheel fiercely!


Accompanied by a harsh friction sound.

Guangbi's car crashed into a clothing store on the street. The front of the car completely shattered the glass and fell into the store, becoming stuck and unable to move.

"Asshole, I will definitely kill you!!"

Guang Bi climbed out of the car with difficulty. His condition was not very good.

There were some glass fragments on his face, and he looked bloody and embarrassed, but at this time, he was still very energetic.

However, after Guangbi saw the situation clearly, he felt that his blood was running cold.

There was not just one transport vehicle, but three large vehicles at the front and rear. The heavily armed mercenaries got out of the vehicles and surrounded Guangbi at extremely fast speeds.

"You, who are you?!"

Guangbi roared in a broken voice!!

He didn’t know what was going on, why just when he was about to rise, there were so many bastards who wanted his life!!


That's naturally because this idiot Guang Bi touched something that didn't belong to him.

After investigation, those who also targeted Guangbi were naturally the mercenaries who set out from Zabo's military base and spent two days arriving in Los Angeles.

"Target confirmed, get our things back!"

The new command captain McCallum is in the command vehicle.

He didn't want to be torn to pieces by the ferocious Mr. Hyde like his previous captain.

Through the observation equipment in the car, he has found the part of Dr. Zabo's missing pink capsule, which is on the fat pig car called Guangbi.

Kill him, then take the capsule back to Zabo, and McCallum's mission will be complete.


With McCallum confirming the mission objectives.

"Bang!! Bang! Bang!!"

Without any nonsense, direct covering fire suppression, the mercenaries tried to smash Guangbi with a hail of bullets.

It's a pity that even though Guangbi looks rough on the outside!

However, when it was time to fight, he was not ambiguous at all!!


Faced with the imminence of death, Guangbi is completely willing to fight!

His fat arm ripped open the travel bag beside him, and all the pink capsules spilled out.

It doesn’t matter whether there are any side effects or whether the body can bear it!!

"Uh! Uh!!"

Guangbi seemed to be going crazy, grabbing a handful of pink capsules with both big hands, and stuffing them into his mouth desperately!!

Chew big and swallow like crazy!

Guangbi didn't even know how much he had eaten, but the bullets from the mercenaries hit him and he felt no pain at all, let alone hindering his actions!!

He's going to survive!!

He wants to become the God of Los Angeles, the "City of Angels"!!

He must not die here!!!!


"You bastards, I want you to die!!!"

"Uh ah~~~"

Guangbi's eyeballs were completely swollen, a large amount of foam came out of his mouth, and at the same time, his plump body began to twitch violently.


The sound of breaking out of the body.

Two thick arms actually burst out from Guangbi's shoulders!!

At the same time, Guangbi's body continued to grow larger, and a four-armed monster appeared in front of the mercenaries.

The eyes are red, the yellow fangs in the mouth are turned outwards, and the sticky saliva is constantly dripping!!

With gray skin and protruding veins, this ferocious monster no longer looks human at all!!

"Damn fat pig!!"

McCallum cursed angrily, what he was most worried about happened!

Guangbi swallowed a large amount of defective Hyde potion and has now turned into a complete monster!!

The difficulty of their mission directly reached the level of hell!!


"Shoot quickly!"

"Kill him before he is fully adapted to the power of the potion!!"

McCallum yelled urgently, he was a little panicked.

This uncontrolled power will riot in Guangbi's body, and when the time comes...

That feeling...

There is even a sense of mania when facing Mr. Hyde. Even if the power of light is unstable, it is much easier to tear them apart.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Various firearms continued to shoot at Hikari who turned into a monster, and some mercenaries even used explosives!!


The high-explosive grenade exploded, but the monster's twisted body was constantly healing, and its extremely complete vitality was simply shocking to see!


"I am invincible!"

Guangbi laughed wildly, and his huge bald head continued to expand. At this time, he could no longer recognize his human form.

More like a fat and expanding meat ball monster with four arms!!


The ground is constantly crumbling, Guangbi rushes forward despite the mercenary's shooting, he wants to crush these nasty bugs.



Four rockets flew towards Guangbi!!


The continuous explosions brought up a large amount of flames, which directly enveloped Guangbi, and some mercenaries who were unable to evacuate in time were also affected!!


McCallum is going crazy!!

He watched helplessly as a modified gray Ford drifted past the other end of the street.

Immediately afterwards, a man with a skull on his chest leaned out of the car window with a murder weapon on his shoulder!!

This chapter has been completed!
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