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Chapter 185 Jennifer: 'Oh no, no!'

Chapter 185 Jennifer: "Oh no, no!"

Hill Rock Villa is located in the Ginshi Everything House!

Entering the lobby of the villa, the room upstairs is dark. At this time, there are only Jennifer and Shinnosuke!!


Following a cat's meow, Jennifer's attention was diverted to the cabinet in the living room.


Suddenly looking at each other!!

A pupil in the darkness made Jennifer tremble!!!

She has never considered herself a timid person. As an excellent criminal lawyer, she has seen many mutilated corpses that died in the dark places of Los Angeles.

I have never been scared before, but now I am scared by a cat?!

But this black cat was different. The meow just now seemed to cause the deepest tremor in Jennifer's heart.

As she trembled all over, her hands and feet felt cold, and she even felt dazed for a moment!!

"I, I must be too tired recently!!"

After calming down for a moment, Jennifer rubbed her temples and said slowly.

After all, it's just a cat, how could there be anything...

Stop thinking nonsense!!

"Oh ho!!"

"Jennifer, you have such great thighs, you are my favorite, be careful!!"

At this moment, Shinnosuke's voice suddenly sounded, pulling Jennifer back from her thoughts.

Turn your head!

The painting style is normal, a little guy with a monk's hair is standing on tiptoes, cheering happily!!

Holding pudding in his left hand and ice cream in his right hand, he looked like he wanted to bury himself in a snack bag.

"I always feel like your kid talks weird!"

"Eat less and save your stomach for dinner!"

Jennifer sometimes couldn't keep up with Shinnosuke's brain circuit.

However, as a child, it’s normal to have strange thoughts, maybe!!

She poured all the snacks in the bag on the table, then turned around to hug the black cat in the cabinet.

Well, although I am always scared by this black cat every time I come here, but!!

She, Jennifer Walters, as a criminal lawyer living in Los Angeles, fights criminals and gangs all day long.

It’s just a little fright, it’s nothing!!

She will succeed in conquering this kitten!!

Besides, Jennifer has been to All Things House so many times. Even if the cat is a very exclusive creature, she should be familiar with her scent anyway.

Besides, she came well prepared tonight.

I made a special trip to the pet store and bought a lot of salmon egg yolk cat strips and canned meat that “no little cat can resist” according to the store’s recommendation!!

Jennifer firmly believes that she can improve her relationship with Black Cat and get the second member of Gintoki Master House right now!!!

"Oh, little kitten, I'm coming!!"

This usually serious female lawyer still showed her soft side in front of children and cats!!


The wooden cabinet door was slowly opened, and then...


A shrill meow!!


Jennifer closed her eyes subconsciously!!

When she opened her eyes and saw clearly, there was no black cat in the cabinet!!

Watermelon head, dark circles under the eyes, and bloodless skin as white as powder.

The lifeless Toshio Saeki huddled up in a small cabinet, staring motionlessly at Jennifer with pure black eyes without pupils!

"This, this..."

Feeling numb!!

One thing said, Jennifer felt like she was so cold that she couldn’t move!!

And, where is the black cat?!

It was clear that the person looking at her through the gap just now was a cat's pupil, this...

How could someone be replaced in the blink of an eye?!


"Just now..."

Jennifer swallowed and turned her head stiffly, trying to get help from Shinnosuke.

"Well, Mr. Ice Cream is so delicious!!"

“So touching!!”

The little kid acted out what it means to burst into tears before he noticed Jennifer.

"Joonxiong is always in the closet!!"

"He likes dark places like that!!"


Jennifer was in a daze!

It has always been in the cabinet, but what she just saw clearly was...

"Toshio Saeki!!"

Jennifer muttered, she knew the child's name, the black cat was also called this name!!

The black cat and the child in front of me are both named Toshio Saeki!!

I never noticed it before, but now, this woman seems to have realized this problem!!

Could it be...


Jennifer swallowed, she suddenly had a bad guess!!

Just when she was having random thoughts!!



A small white hand pinched her arm!!


Jennifer gasped subconsciously!!

It was cold, as cold as bone marrow, she even felt like her arms were freezing!!

It was Toshio Saeki in the closet who caught her!!

"You, what are you going to do?!"

Jennifer said with a slight vibrato!!



Toshio Saeki said nothing, and just stared at Jennifer with emotionless eyes.


Jennifer wanted to withdraw her arm, but found that she couldn't move!!

Her arm was pinched by Toshio Saeki's little white hands, but she couldn't move at all!!


Jennifer's pleading eyes fell on the little kid who was eating snacks like crazy!!


Toshio Saeki suddenly turned his head and called Shinnosuke!!

"oh oh!!"

"I know this, is this a game of pretending to be dead?!"

Shinnosuke looked at Toshio Saeki with an expression of sudden realization!!

Then, he said to Jennifer!

"Big sister, Junxiong wants to play with you!!"

"He wants you to die once. This is a very simple game!"

Shinnosuke said with a cute expression on his face. He seemed to have misunderstood what Toshio Saeki meant, and it seemed that Toshio Saeki meant exactly that!!


Jennifer's mentality was a bit broken at that time!!

She looked at Shinnosuke in front of her. The little kid had chocolate in his mouth and said such terrible words!!

Hey, hey, die once or something, it’s totally impossible!!

Is this a kid's joke, or...

Jennifer was a little unsure. This place cannot be considered with common sense!!

The lazy man dressed as a samurai, the magical girl who calls herself a heroine, don’t look like a five-year-old at all!!

And, Toshio Saeki who can’t tell the difference between cats and humans!!

What the hell is this Gintoki Master House?!

"Hug, I'm sorry, I can't do it now!!"

"I'm here to see Mr. Gintoki. He and I still have some things to discuss!!"

Jennifer looked at Toshio Saeki very seriously!!

After the two looked at each other for a moment, Junxiong lowered his head, and then let go of Jennifer's hand!!


Jennifer lowered her head slightly.

At this time, a small purple handprint was left on his arm!!

The smart female lawyer didn't say much, she just pulled up her sleeves to cover the marks on her arms.

"Shinnosuke, is Mr. Gintoki upstairs?!"

Jennifer stood up and hurriedly walked towards Shinnosuke!!

Toshio Saeki stared at her, and after a moment, he slowly came out of the cabinet!!

Jennifer's pace quickened!!

"Yin Sang?"

"Yin Sang is sleeping in the room on the second floor~"

Shinnosuke raised his head from the pile of snacks, blinked his big eyes, and then sighed like an adult.

"Yin Sang went to bed after drinking the flower wine. He has no sense of adult responsibility at all!"

"Hey~ It's really worrying!"

Shinnosuke didn't know what he was thinking of, he looked worried.


Well, no matter what, this has nothing to do with children!!

Jennifer looked at Shinnosuke speechlessly, and then decided not to dwell on this issue!!

"You guys eat snacks first, I'll go upstairs and take a look!!"

Seeing Toshio Saeki walking to the table, he looked like an ordinary kid.

Jennifer was inexplicably relieved.

"Da da da!!"

Stepping on the wooden stairs with high heels, Jennifer climbed up to the second floor!

To be honest, Jennifer doesn’t have much affection for Sakata Gintoki!!

Although she has met all kinds of people, she can tell that Mr. Gintoki is a man with a story!

However, there are many stories, and I don’t see them all being drunks!

She came to the Master House in the past few nights, and without exception, all she saw was Sakata Gintoki, who was drunk and slurring his words.

This undoubtedly made Jennifer’s rating of Yin Sang gradually decrease!!

Moreover, Jennifer did not use her own channels to investigate personal information about Sakata Gintoki during the day!

Therefore, Jennifer knew that this Yin Sang was not just a daily drinker, he was also a frequent visitor to some indescribable neighborhoods in Los Angeles!!

In those casinos with pinball machines, this guy is a must-go every day!!

It’s really weird, where is the money this guy took?!

Jennifer really couldn't understand.

In addition, Yunying went out to patrol every night, and Toshio and Shinnosuke were left alone in the huge villa.

This is too tragic!!


If something unexpected happens, it will be useless even if my intestines are blue with regret!!!


This kind of man who loves to drink and gamble is really unreliable!!

Jennifer didn't want to deal with people like this if she didn't have to, but tonight was an exception.

The news from Kate deserves attention. Maybe someone will follow the clues and investigate the Master House?!

There was no way to tell Shinnosuke and the others about this matter, and they probably wouldn't understand if they did.

I hope Mr. Gintoki is still sober!

Jennifer muttered, turned around the stairs and went up to the second floor!!


That's what's coming!!

The loud snoring could be heard even through the door.

"Button button button!!"

Jennifer knocked on the door!

"Mr. Gintoki, I am Jennifer, we have met before!!"

"Sorry to bother you, I have something very important to discuss with you!!"

"Mr. Gintoki?!"

Jennifer stood at the door and knocked for a long time.

But the guy inside looked like he was dead in sleep, except for the snoring, there was no other reaction at all!!

"Now, it's going to be a bit troublesome."

Jennifer rubbed her temples with a headache.

As a single woman, it was already very bad for her to come in without communicating with the owner of the house!

Before, I could say that I was friends with Shinnosuke, but now...

Breaking into a room or something like that, she is not so familiar with Mr. Gintoki!!

to be honest……

To be honest, although she has been to the Master House so many times, she really has not had the slightest communication with Sakata Gintoki.


It really makes me feel more and more numb the more I think about it.

After much hesitation, Jennifer shook her head, turned around and went down the stairs!!


There was a loud snoring in the room!!



A certain silver curly fell asleep again!!

The first floor of Gintoki Everything!!

"Wow, wow, wow~"

Jennifer took out several beautifully packaged lunch boxes from another plastic bag she brought.

"What, what is it?!"

"Is it ice cream?!"

Shinnosuke rushed over immediately and said excitedly.

"Didn't you just eat ice cream?"

"If you eat too much, your tooth will hurt!"

Jennifer also thought about it. Since we can't talk about serious matters, let's have dinner with Shinnosuke first.

This is also the reason why she likes to come here recently. When she is with Shinnosuke, she always feels very relaxed.

In the office, after a day of serious handling of cases.

In the evening, I sat with Nohara Shinnosuke and looked at his chubby little face, feeling no longer tired at all!

"I brought hot dogs!"

"Lamb, buffalo, and the most classic ham hot dog..."

Jennifer introduced while placing the boxes neatly on the table.

"I bought a lot, I bought three of each flavor!"

"I'll put the rest in the refrigerator later, and when Yunying comes back, you can heat it up in the microwave."

"Well, Xiaobai is so cute, why would he eat dogs!!"

Shinnosuke held the buffalo hot dog in his hand and showed a sad expression!!

Tears are about to come out!

Should I say it or not, this little kid’s expressions are so rich!!


“This, this is not made with dogs!!”

Just as Jennifer was about to explain, Shinnosuke had already removed the hot dog packaging box from his hand!!

It's still a hot dog, and it has a new help!

Xinjiang opened her mouth with great effort, and then took a big bite!!


“I didn’t expect Xiaobai’s food to be so delicious!!”

Eat a big bite of meat!!

Shinnosuke showed a satisfied expression!!

"Hey, I told you, this wasn't done by a dog!!"

"Yes, beef, beef!!"

"It's all the same~"

Shinnosuke waved his hand indifferently, and then continued to fight with the hot dog in his hand!!

"It's obviously different!!"

Jennifer looked helpless.

"Uh, Toshio?!"

Jennifer turned her attention to Toshio Saeki, who was huddled on the chair with his legs crossed.

Wearing only these white shorts, with his head lowered, he didn't know what he was thinking.

After this period of relaxation, the shock just now has passed.

Although Toshio Saeki seemed to have made a dangerous speech to her with the word "death", Jennifer still wanted to get into his heart!!

She has studied child psychology!

About, it’s scary to be huddled in a cupboard, obviously it needs treatment!

It requires patient guidance and adequate companionship from parents.

However, at this point, neither Yunying nor Mr. Gintoki can do it.

"Oh ho, found it?!"

“Is this the hidden version of hot dogs?!

Shinnosuke's sudden yelp interrupted Jennifer's thoughts.

Turning around to look, Shinzhi's assistant was holding a blue hot dog box with a snake-shaped mark painted on the outside!!

"You mean this?"

"It's a star dish in Los Angeles, the rattlesnake hot dog. I heard..."

Jennifer hasn't finished speaking yet.


"Boom boom boom boom!!"

There was a continuous roar, which was the sound of speeding vehicles!

"what happens?!"

Obviously when she came, there were no cars in this area!

But, what now...

Jennifer suddenly had a bad feeling!!

She quickly ran to the window.

Through the window, she could see a large number of vehicles of various styles, spray-painted and messy, already blocking the entrance of the manor!

Yes, a Los Angeles gang vehicle!

In the distance, there are more cars coming, they want to surround this villa!!

"It's terrible, it's terrible!"

Jennifer felt like her head was buzzing!

Kate had just informed her that someone was investigating Antonov's death. Before they could respond, people were surrounding her.

With such power of action, someone must be no small player!!

"Yes, Kate..."

Jennifer quickly took out her mobile phone and prepared to contact her best friend. Female Hawkeye arrived. When the time came...


The cell phone signal is out!!

Or rather!!

The signal in the entire Hill Rock Villa area has been blocked!!!

"This is the worst case scenario!!"

Jennifer turned to look at Shinnosuke, who was still eating hot dogs, and Toshio Saeki, who was curled up on the sofa.

His face suddenly turned ugly.

Looking at this, it’s going to be difficult to pass tonight’s test!!

This chapter has been completed!
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