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Chapter 190 Gintoki: Ivanov? Who is that?!

Chapter 190 Gintoki: Ivanov? Who is that?!

In Hill Rock Hills, people from the Los Angeles Police Department were cleaning up the scene, and the onlookers of the news media also began to move their positions.

There is no way to block Mr. Commissioner here, they can go to the Los Angeles Police Department headquarters to find someone!

If a monk can escape, he cannot escape from the temple. The media can just make up a first draft and then ask the poor director the rest!

After all, there was a vicious case led by Mr. Ivanov that killed and injured hundreds of people. There was no need to suppress it under any circumstances.

In fact, dead people are worthless, and there are too many big shots in Los Angeles who wish they could clear up their relationship with Ivanov.

Now, no one will help him suppress Ivanov's matter. This guy is destined to become a carnival for the Los Angeles media!

And, for the excitement of the media.

Kate's mood is as bad as tonight's rainy night!

"These guys are finally gone!"

The female Hawkeye, who has been hiding in the darkness and avoiding the sight of everyone, can finally come out after most people have retreated.

Kate was hiding aside and overheard what the forensic lady named Linda reported to the Los Angeles Police Chief.

After blocking out those tooth-ache-inducing professional terms, the summary is that bastards like Ivanov were scared to death!!


Kate's expression is a little strange!!

Is there anything more ridiculous than this?!

Who is Ivanov? Although she and Jennifer have just begun to investigate, judging from the clues, this is the "Emperor" of the underground world in Los Angeles!

For many years, he has maintained the hypocritical appearance of an entrepreneur and philanthropist on the surface, while secretly doing all kinds of bloody things!!

Not only the arms industry, but under Ivanov's protection, all criminal incidents in Los Angeles, including kidnapping, theft, gang division, etc., all have Ivanov's tacit approval!

Kate originally thought that she and Jennifer would have a long struggle with this behemoth and finally bring down the mastermind who controlled Los Angeles!

However, just overnight, all of this Russian arms organization died!

Moreover, the result of the forensic examination was that he died of fear and was cut into pieces. The blood in this yard was so tragic that he died!!

But this makes it even more puzzling.

What did these people see before they died?

After all, Ivanov is also a big boss, how could he be scared to death so easily?

No matter how you look at it, it seems extremely strange.

And there is one more important thing.

Compared to the LAPD investigation, Kate clearly knew that Jennifer came to the villa tonight!

At this time, such a brutal case occurred, and her best friend disappeared.

There must be something fishy about tonight!

She had a hunch that all this must have something to do with the people from Gintoki Master House!!!

Because, Kate had already sneaked into the villa once before the police officers searched it.

Compared to the scene in the yard that was bombarded by fire, the villa was surprisingly not too damaged, except for some signs of rummaging.

It was obvious that Ivanov's men had left traces when they broke in and arrested people.

And, most importantly, Kate found Jennifer's hidden cell phone in the bathroom.

The mobile phone, which was very waterproof, was thrown into the toilet tank.

Kate basically restored the situation at that time through several photos on her mobile phone and combined with the offline messages Jennifer sent her before.

At that time, in the room, in addition to Jennifer, there were three other people from the Gintoki Master House.

That drunkard Mr. Gintoki was drunk and unconscious upstairs at the time, and Jennifer couldn't care about him at all.

As for the two children, Jennifer hid them in the cabinet. The photos taken outside the window on her mobile phone also showed that a large number of gang members were surrounding the villa at that time.

Obviously, that's Ivanov's man!

This was supposed to be a no-life situation. If Ivanov was lucky and wanted a hostage, Jennifer might still have survived!

However, this is not the case at the scene at this time!!

What happened after that?

Kate couldn't figure out how so many people in Ivanov were killed?!

Did some third party rush into the scene and kill all Ivanov’s people?!

And, most importantly!!

Jennifer disappeared suddenly and mysteriously. No one was found alive or dead. This is obviously not normal.

The most important thing is that it has been so long since the incident happened, and Jennifer has not contacted Kate yet!!

This point, when I think about it carefully, makes Kate feel a little panicked now!!

Not only that, but disappearing with Jennifer, there is also a pale-skinned child who originally lived in the House of Everything.

That is, the child named Toshio Saeki who was also hidden by Jennifer.

Although this is the first time Kate has come to the Ginshi Master House tonight, through Jennifer, she is very familiar with the members of the Master House.

Just like Jennifer, Kate has always wanted to get to know Yunying well.

After all, after the last encounter, Yunying's enthusiasm gave Kate more confidence as a superhero.

Who says being a superhero is not good, but she has found a kindred spirit!

So the fledgling female Hawkeye has always wanted to be friends with Yunying and discussed forming a team if possible.

However, Kate was busy with the detective agency work and never had time.

Now that I'm here, this horrific case has happened!!

This is something Kate didn’t expect at all!

"Anyway, there must be some connection between Toshio Saeki and Jennifer's disappearance!!"

"Where should I find them?!"

Kate squatted in the corner, brainstorming crazily.

Finally, she settled on one name.

Nohara Shinnosuke!!

The LAPD didn't pay any attention to a child.

"Go find him, you might get something!"

Kate heard Jennifer talk about this five-year-old who didn’t look like a five-year-old at all!!

Moreover, the only people present at the scene were Sakata Gintoki who was sleeping upstairs!!

Nohara Shinnosuke was the only one who hid in the closet with Toshio Saeki.

Since Toshio Saeki and Jennifer disappeared together, what happened at that time...

This little kid must know a lot!!

And at the same time, on the other side.

It was a dark night, with drizzle falling from the sky, and the huge Parker Center was brightly lit.

When was the last time all members of the action team stayed up all night to work on a case? They almost forgot!

Tonight, this busy scene is enough to be recorded in the history of the Los Angeles Police Department!!!

The entire Los Angeles Police Department operations team, with a total of more than 1,900 members, is on duty at this time.

Everyone was so busy that they were spinning like a spinning top. They didn't even have the time to take a break to take a breath or drink a glass of water.

"A pile of rubbish!"

"So far, I haven't found any useful information. Are you just feeding me?!"

"If you don't hurry up and investigate further, why are you sitting here?"

Mr. Director's roar echoed over the hall, lingering around for three days and lingering for a long time.

Damn it!

This is a vicious case that is enough to drive everyone crazy!

At present, the sorting has been completed, and a total of 263 victims have been identified.

However, the final statistics of all the victims in Hill Rock Villa tonight are likely to reach 350 or more.

After all, the scene was too chaotic, with a lot of people mixed together, and the forensic department had done its best!

If you want more detailed data, you can only wait slowly.

And now, Mr. Director is really going crazy.

Although it is true that these bastards are gang members, such a huge murder case is really unstoppable!

The area outside the Los Angeles Police Department was surrounded, and all media outlets were waiting for news.

If they can't provide any clues or explanations here, the consequences will be absolutely disastrous!!!

People are going to riot all over Los Angeles!!

"Where's the interrogation room?"

"Did you get any useful information?"

Mr. Director frowned and his mood was extremely depressed.

For the two suspects brought back from the crime scene, the target of his interrogation has been focused on Sakata Gintoki from the very beginning.

As for the kid Nohara Shinnosuke...

The little guy was surrounded by several female police officers. They said they wanted to ask about the situation, but they were holding snacks and wanted to touch the little kid's face!


Mr. Director sighed, he was too lazy to care!

After all, he is just a little devil, what can he know?

In the interrogation room at this moment.

In the empty room, there was only a dazzling incandescent light shining on a blank face.


Did he just take a nap?

What happened?

Where is this?

Where is Shinnosuke? Where is Toshio? Where is Yunying?

After being woken up, Sakata Gintoki stared with dead eyes, wondering if he was still dreaming.

Do you want another nap?!

"Um, what's going on with this guy?!"

He was confused about the situation in the interrogation room, and the police officers outside the interrogation room were not idle either.

Several people responsible for questioning were gathering together at this time, and they had just retrieved information about Sakata Gintoki.

"Tsk, this person is not doing his job properly."

"Let me see, drinking alcohol, looking for girls, playing with small steel balls... Okay, there is nothing serious."

"And this Wanshiwuwu, why does it feel like it's like a leather goods company, just putting up a name and a sign to defraud money here?"

"None of these are important. The important thing is whether he has anything to do with Ivanov!"

"Okay, if it doesn't matter, just ask and it will become clear!!"

A veteran police officer who has been in the industry for many years can no longer stand it.

He stood up from the chair with a bang and walked into the interrogation room with the transcript in hand.

"Hey, kid, wake up!!"

"Be honest and don't waste our time!"

As soon as he entered the door, he saw the suspect lying lazily on the chair with his eyes drooped, as if he was about to fall asleep again, and his face suddenly darkened.


"Yes, are you talking to me?!"

Yin Sang looked up in confusion!

He had just woken up and was completely confused about the situation.

"Tell me! Do you know Ivanov?"

The old police officer suddenly slammed the table, stood up abruptly, and roared angrily.

He didn't bother to ask for other information. The most important thing now was the Ivanov case!

If you can find out the key information, this is the time to make great achievements!!

This is a means of psychological offensive.

"I'm telling you, don't try to hide it. We already have key information."

"What on earth does Ivanov have to do with you!!"

When suspects are put into the interrogation room, they are already nervous. Under such circumstances, they will subconsciously blurt out some things they do not want to say subconsciously.

This information has always been crucial for the police to grasp clues and evidence.


"Huh? There's a Mama-san from District 7 named Ivanov?!"

"This name is really off-putting!!"


Sakata Gintoki said with a blank look on his face.

His expression was sincere, as if he hadn't recovered from last night's evening activities!!


What the hell is this guy talking about?!

The old police officer was also a little confused!

Even though he was a drunkard, he was caught in the Los Angeles Police Department no matter what. The drink should have woken him up by now.

But the guy in front of me was confused and seemed to be unscrupulous!

"You don't want..."

Before the veteran police officer finished speaking, the interrogation process was interrupted by a newcomer who suddenly broke in.

"What's going on?"

The old police officer looked a little unhappy.

"There's a clue!"

"Just now, our brothers from the intelligence department have just found relevant clues about this vicious case."

"As soon as I got the news, I sent it over immediately."

As the newcomer explained, he handed the folder in his arms to the old police officer's hand.


The old police officer's eyes lit up with joy.

He was still worried just now that Sakata Gintoki was like an old fried dough stick. He didn't get enough oil and salt, and he didn't know what he asked, and he didn't know what he asked.

As a result, the next second, the breakthrough came to the door.

It really is!

Very good!!!

Opening the folder, the old police officer looked at the information in his hand carefully, word for word for fear of missing any useful information.


Jennifer Walters?

This matter actually has something to do with her?!

As one of the top criminal lawyers in Los Angeles, Jennifer has naturally dealt with the Los Angeles Police Department a lot and can be considered an old acquaintance of them.

By calling the video on the street, they found evidence that Jennifer went to the villa tonight.

In fact, the police officers staying at Hill Rock Villa had already found Jennifer's vehicle and learned from a nearby supermarket where Jennifer had purchased a lot of snacks tonight.

And it is also shown in the data.

Recently, Jennifer often goes to Ginshi Master House in the evening, and often stays for one to two hours.

The case that Jennifer is paying close attention to recently is related to Ivanov's arms smuggling.


The connection between them really makes people think about it...

Moreover, according to the information, there are two more members of Gintoki Master House!

Toshio Saeki!! Yunying!!

At present, neither of them has appeared in the police's sight, and their whereabouts need to be traced.

Let’s not talk about Toshio Saeki, but Yunying...

It seems that the girl in red who was witnessed during the shootout on Olwela Street earlier tonight is the same person!!

This chapter has been completed!
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