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Chapter 198 Who broke into the dream?!

Chapter 198 Who broke into the dream?!


The waves are rolling and the blue waves are thousands of miles away!!

This is the West Sea, one of the four seas!!

On the sea, a huge pirate ship broke through the waves.


"Work harder and catch that big guy for me!!"

"That's our dinner, don't let it get away!!"

The noise carried far across the sea!!


The water surface exploded.

A sea king with a crocodile head is struggling desperately!!

And right behind him, pirates of different shapes were chasing him with fishing rods!!

This group of pirates sailing on the Western Sea are actually fishing for sea kings!!

He is really not an ordinary person!!

But for these pirates, this is just a common thing.

Carnivals and drinking parties are all their fun.

And, grilled Neptune will be the main course of their banquet!!

Tonight is still a night of carnival!!


As night falls, the sea breeze blows!!

On the mast, the pirate's skull flag flutters!!

That’s a flag with onion hair and bat wings with flame patterns!!

That is the pirate group belonging to Moonlight Moria!!


The door to the captain's cabin was broken open.

A strong pirate broke in, and this rude guy sounded extremely excited.

"Lord Moria, the banquet is ready."

“Just waiting for you!!”

In the room, a huge figure held a wooden wine glass in his hand, shaking the wine in the glass slightly, and a lot of bright red wine overflowed.


Still the familiar laughter!!

Even if my subordinates break into the door, I won’t be upset at all!!

"Let the boys have fun first!!"

"Let me finish this bottle of wine. What's the main course for tonight's carnival?!"

Moriah was lying in the room with a big belly, and he asked about the delicious food tonight.

"Lord Moria, we captured the Sea King..."

"Grilled meat..."

Moriah didn’t listen to what his subordinates said!!

Maybe there was too much wine in the glass, but he vaguely remembered it.

It seemed like it was roasting Neptunes yesterday, and the day before yesterday, and the day before yesterday...

No, that’s not right!!

How come the famous Pirates of Moonlight Moria eat the same dish every day? This is not normal!!

Maybe I remembered it wrong!!

"Tons of tons!!"

The drinking utensil, which was much larger than an ordinary wine glass, was held by demonic claws and brought to the mouth.

The wine was poured into his mouth.


“It tastes really good!!”

Moria turned and looked out the window of the captain's cabin.

There is no moon tonight either!!

In other words, there is only a layer of gray moonlight obscured by clouds!!

"How long has it been since I saw the moonlight?!"


Moria was suddenly stunned for a moment!!

Then, he lowered his head and looked at the wine glass in his hand!!

"It seems like this kind of moon happens every night..."


Moria thought to herself.

He didn't know why he thought so. He was not the kind of person who liked to pay attention to the night before.

He is a pirate, a famous pirate in the Western Sea.

Galloping on the sea during the day and endless carnival at night, this is the pirate career of Moonlight Moria!!


"Bah bang bang!!"

With his free hand, he patted his belly.

That greasy fat belly was swollen with two slaps.

So fat, like a decadent trash guy!!

With such a big belly, is this the kind of figure a great pirate should have?!

Is it him, Moonlight Moria?!

"Lord Moria!!"

"The navy has increased your reward, and your reputation has spread further!!"

"When we enter the Grand Line, then..."

The pirate boy in front of me kept talking.

The saliva is flying with excitement!!

But Moria always felt that something was wrong. After all, how could he be so fat all over the Western Sea?!

Also, the Grand Line...

After that, a new world!!


Moria's eyes suddenly widened and became bloodshot!!

He didn't know why, but as soon as he heard this word, his heart tightened!!


Heartbreaking feeling!!

"Lord Moria, what's wrong with you?!"

The voice of the pirate boy in front of him brought Moria back from his thoughts!!

"No, nothing?!"

“Isn’t it a great carnival night?!”

"To hell with the navy, the Grand Line, and the new world."


Moriah poured wine into his mouth!!

In this western sea, his reputation continues to spread, and there is carnival every night, with wine and meat every meal!!

Days like this...

The navy can't even do anything to him!!

So, let’s go to the Grand Line and go to the new world!!

How nice to keep having fun with your friends!!

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

"For Lord Moria!!"

"For our treasure, for our adventure, for our dream!!"

"Cheers, guys!!"


The lively sounds in the cabin hall came through the crack in the door!!

It’s the little ones having a party!!



Moria said happily.

He raised his glass and was about to continue drinking when he was suddenly startled!!

In the room, the boy who just broke in has not left yet!!

"Why haven't you gone yet? You don't have to wait for me!!"

"Let's go drink first..."

Moriah hasn’t finished speaking yet!!



The pirate in front of him had already drawn the sailor scimitar from his waist!!

He had a weird look on his face!!


The blade seemed to have a cold light flashing through it!

The knife slashed towards Moriah's huge body!!

"Shadow Mage!!"

A sharp voice sounded!!

Moriah's body lying there didn't even move, and the shadow on the ground suddenly came to life.

The shadow mage appeared behind the pirate boy and strangled him directly!!


The sailor's scimitar fell from the hands of the pirate boy who suddenly attacked Moria.

Moria could have eliminated the opponent instantly!!

But he didn’t kill him!!

There's no reason why, just because of the pirate boy's face, Moria won't do anything.

Because, this is his brother, his partner!!

Moria never has to take action against her comrades!!


"You can sneak into my boat, you are quite capable."

"Now, the joke is over, show your true face and let me see who you are!!"

Moria believed that it would never be his subordinates who betrayed him!!

There were enemies who had sneaked onto his ship.

He just used this face to launch an attack on him.


"Moonlight Moria, the big pirate?!"

"It's still good enough, it's not too useless!!"

Even though he was subdued by the Shadow Mage, the other party didn't feel any nervousness at all.

There was disdain in the deep laughter!!

It seems that he finally saw Moria's ability and said, it's okay?!


"What a loud tone, isn't it too trashy?!"

"Who do you think you are facing? I am King Qiwuhai, Moonlight..."

Moriah almost blurted it out!!

Suddenly, he was stunned!!

King Shichibukai?!

This, what is this name!!

No, it's very wrong. He seems to have forgotten something?!

"Moonlight Moria, King of the Seven Warlords, the great pirate of the Western Sea?!"

"Do you have many identities?!"

The voice of the person in front of me started to change!!

It was a very clear man’s voice. Moriah had never heard such a voice before!!

This means that he does not know the other party.

"Who the hell are you?!"

Moriah can’t hold it anymore!!

The room seemed to be surrounded by shadows, and the darkness under the light began to gather!!


The sharp shadow guns were raised!!

All are targeting this uninvited guest who broke into the ship!!

If you dare to say a word of nonsense, let him pierce under the shadow!!

"Hehe, hahahaha!!"

"who I am?!"

"I am your only possibility to escape from this dream!!"


As the words fall!!

The pirate boy in front of Moria exploded!!

It turned into a deep black mist!!

No, that’s not black mist, it’s more like mud!!

Malice, a steady stream of malice is spreading, it is a bottomless pool that makes you feel something strange at a glance!!


"Some kind of special devil fruit?!"

The sharp voice contained Moria's fury.

The other party seems to have some kind of special devil fruit, but if you want it, just come to his ship and cause trouble!!

Then you are really looking down on him, Moria!!

"Devil Fruit?!"

"Hehehe, I got some strange information again."

The mud formed a vague human shape, just hanging in mid-air, floating in front of Moria.

"As expected of Kikyo's dreaming technique."

"It seems that your memory has been lost in sweet dreams, and there is not much left!!"

"If I hadn't followed her scent, it would have been hard for the guys outside to wake you up!!"

"The seal of Platycodon is not easy to break!!"

A strange person suddenly broke in and said words that Moria couldn't understand!!

Who is Platycodon?!

What are sweet dreams?!

Outside, those people outside, what do these mean?!

Moriah was so upset that she felt like she was going crazy!!

"But, luckily, I'm here!!"

"Big pirate, your dream is over, face reality!!"

In the mud-like filthy human form.

came the voice of an extremely excited man.

It seemed that what he did now made him extremely happy.


There seemed to be some kind of ripple that flashed before Moria could react.

The mud in front of me started to squirm and spread as if it came to life!!

Like some kind of sticky infection fungus, the entire captain's cabin is being covered and wrapped in this filth.

This package is extremely fast!!

Moriah watched as everything around him was corroded.

As if in an instant, he fell into a huge hole, and everything in the captain's room around him fell into the mud, as if it had been swallowed up.

"This, this..."

Moria felt that her vision was blurry, and an extremely unreal feeling appeared!!

Everything in the captain's cabin is gone!!

Except for the captain's cabin, everything else remains unchanged.

Through the missing door panel of the captain's cabin, a familiar voice of joy came, but at this time, the voice sounded so noisy.

There are still waves on the sea surface, but they look so fake.

The night was hazy, and the moon in the sky was still hiding behind the clouds, looking so unreal.

All this is so fake, like a dream.


"Am I dreaming?!"

Moria was stunned on the spot!!

His extremely huge body was stuck in the mud, motionless.


"It seems you have remembered."

The figure seemed to be deliberately hiding himself.

He did not reveal his true body in front of Moria, but appeared here in the form of mud!

And indeed, he completely pulled Moria's sweet dream into a nightmare.


Molya's snake-like neck stretched hard, and veins popped out on his forehead.

Some forgotten memories come back.

New York, the zombie army, Platycodon and... Pluto Ahcha!!

He was betrayed by that damn woman, and that miko named Kikyo sealed him!!

However, the vague memory seems to have fallen into the hands of a group of minions.

By the way, there’s also Wallon!!

He sent a final communication to Vallon, if...

"Oh, that's it!"

"So so many things happened before?!"

The human figure in front of him suddenly made a sound.

This brought Moria back from his wandering thoughts!!


"You peeked into my memory?!"

Moria reacted immediately.

The hidden guy in front of him broke into his dream.

While awakening his memory of reality, it also peeked into his memory of New York.

This guy is a new player.


"Do you know that woman named Kikyo?!"


"And you woke me up because you have a grudge between you?!"

After Moriah wakes up.

The current situation was quickly understood.


"I did come after her scent, but you are only half right."

"There is no enmity between us, on the contrary..."

Those three words were not spoken.

There is no need to tell others what happened between Kikyo and him.

And this time he broke into the dream and broke the seal set by Platycodon just for greater fun.

"Don't you want revenge?!"

"I'm here with friendship, I can help you."

The bewitching voice came.

The mud gathered towards the strange human figure, and everything around it shrank, returning to the captain's cabin in a dream.

When everything returned to normal, Moriah was still lying there, holding his huge wooden wine glass in his hand.


What did the uninvited guest who broke into the dream put in front of Moriah?!

"It's called the Shikon no Tama!!"

"If you think about it, you can make a decision at any time."

A pink diamond-shaped gem appeared in front of Moria!!

Then, the blurry figure began to disappear and gradually exited Moria's dream!!

"Lord Moria, the dinner is about to begin!!"

The pirate boy in front of him seemed to know nothing, and his face was still full of excitement, preparing for tonight's carnival.


"The Jade of Four Souls?!"

Moria reached out and picked up the small gem fragment.


He just saw that red name flashing by!!

This chapter has been completed!
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