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Chapter 252 The Osborne Groups Jurassic Park!

Chapter 252 The Osborne Group’s Jurassic Park!

New York City!

This is an experimental research institute affiliated with the Osborne Group!

"Didi didi~"

With the red indicator light flashing.

In the culture room containing experimental organisms, a short alarm sounded.

This is a living drug injection experiment that has been repeated an unknown number of times.

However, it is obvious that as the red warning light turns on, it indicates that this experiment is not going well.

Curtis Connors.

The blond man in a white coat looked at the computer screen nervously.

The rows of data above were flashing continuously. Professor Connors used his only left arm to work hard to control the experimental equipment.

Faced with the rat that has gone berserk in the breeding room.

He seems to want to add another dose of medicine?!

Maybe this can save the experimental creatures again?!

Unfortunately, it’s too late!


Like a balloon bursting, the entire culture room was a mess of blood and flesh.

The experiment failed again!

The in vivo experiment of lizard serum failed again, which made Professor Connors feel extremely depressed!

A fist hammered on the experimental table.

He is not an irritable person, but the progress of recent experiments has been extremely slow.

No, not extremely slowly.

It can be said that there is no progress!

This kept Professor Connors in a bad mood.

He was originally a talented and promising doctor.

Then, in an unexpected war, he was recruited into the army and sent to a base at the forefront to perform surgeries on the wounded.

As a result, the base was attacked by the enemy.

In a violent explosion, his right hand was irreparably seriously injured. In order to save his life, he had no choice but to choose amputation.


What a terrible thing!

For Connors, this seemed like the end of him.

Losing your right hand is the same as being sentenced to death.

In an instant, he rose from a rising star in the medical world, known as "Hope", to a trash that everyone who saw him would sympathize with.

It can be said that everything about Professor Connors was ruined.

That's why.

Whenever he sees his empty right arm, a kind of hostility and anger bursts out from the bottom of his heart and makes him lose his mind.

However, as time flew by, the furious Connors also regained his composure.

After he lost an arm, he determined to develop limb regeneration technology.

And he did find his way.

In order to restore his right arm, he began to desperately study the reptile regeneration system and various biological knowledge.

It can be said that he is the most knowledgeable expert in the study of reptiles.

He tried to transfer some of the special genetic characteristics of the lizard's regenerative tail to humans, creating a drug containing lizard DNA serum.

In this way, just like a lizard cutting off its tail to survive, humans can also have the special ability to regenerate their limbs.

Although this is indeed difficult to achieve.

But as for the secret of lizard tail regeneration, Professor Connors always believed that he could decipher it.

Using lizard serum to achieve human regeneration is what he strives for.

Connors’ experimental theory was also recognized by the director of the Osborne Group, Mr. Norman Osborne!

And with Old Norman's approval, the experimental funds provided by the Osborne Group continued to come.

Because of this.

Connors had left his hometown of Florida a few years ago.

After coming to New York City and successfully owning a private research institute of his own here, he seemed to have started a new life of his own.

Professor Connors is now an excellent university biology professor.

Moreover, with the capital injection from the Osborne Group, Professor Konsner's experimental progress has been going smoothly.

Until something unexpected happened!

Today, Professor Connors feels neglected and his experiments are no longer taken seriously.

"If we can't produce results again, then..."

Professor Connors gritted his teeth!

He hasn't left the laboratory for nearly a week.

But such a fatigued state not only did not allow him to obtain better experimental data, on the contrary, he almost drove himself crazy.

But Professor Connors was also extremely anxious, and he learned some rumors.

If he can no longer produce results data on the lizard serum, he will be given up.

Abandoned by the Osborne Group, or rather given up by that man, Norman Osborne!

"The experimental video has been exported!"

This prompt flashed on the computer!

"Start playback!"

Professor Connors took a sip of strong coffee on the experimental table and forced himself to cheer up.

Then he started sitting in front of the computer, mobilizing data and viewing previous experimental videos.


As the screen showed up, the curve recording the various indicators of the experimental organisms returned to calm.


Listen to the harsh sound that signifies the disappearance of signs of life.

Professor Connors' face was extremely ugly, and his eyes were fixed on the straight line on the screen.

There is a chance!

Judging from the final experimental video, it was the last moment when the experimental creatures went berserk.

If a new dose of medicine can be injected, some new phenomena are likely to occur.

And as long as more new data is collected, the success of his experiment will not be far away.

However, he was the only one recording data in the laboratory. Being one-armed, he was unable to complete the re-injection just now.

The experimental opportunity just now was missed!

"Damn it!"

"Even if you just give me an assistant."

Connors’ face was full of unwillingness!

He never imagined that he would end up like this.

Sitting in the laboratory, looking at various failed experiment records, no one paid attention to him, no one helped him, not even an assistant who could record data for him.

When did this start?!

After the chaos in New York that night, and the emergency retreat of the people following the Osborne Group.

Professor Connors' original private laboratory is gone.

However, this is not important. He carries most of the important experimental data with him.

However, the Osborne Group has a lot of money. It just destroyed a laboratory. Wouldn't it be better to build another one?


Professor Connors never dreamed of it!

The new laboratory originally scheduled for him disappeared and was taken over by a group that was also conducting research on reptiles.

I heard that they have produced research results there, which seems to be some kind of paleontological recovery plan.

Mr. Norman Osborne was very pleased with them.

Therefore, they have a new laboratory, and Professor Connors's salary can be said to have plummeted!


"You can't do this to me!"

Professor Connors plopped down on the sofa.

Now I really am not in the mood to worry about those experimental data anymore.

He wanted to find a way to restore Norman Osborne's impression of him. Without experimental funds and excellent experimental assistants, he could do nothing.

And Professor Connors believes that he does deserve better treatment.

"Bang bang bang!"

Just then.

The door of the laboratory was suddenly knocked from outside, and Professor Connors opened the door of the laboratory.

Immediately afterwards, a female secretary with a curvy figure wearing a professional suit walked in from the door.

"Professor Connors."

"This quarter's research funds have been remitted to your laboratory account."

"I brought some bills, do you want to check them?!"

The female secretary had a professional smile on her face and placed the documents in her arms on the table nearby.


Professor Connors shook his head.

Trying to get out of the decadent mood.

He is a professor, so he must be polite and not let the secretary lady in front of him laugh at him.


An old man who hasn't left the laboratory for more than a week, his current image is really not very good.

"Well, the bill..."

Professor Connors muttered.

I picked up the files on the table and looked at them roughly.


Regarding the reduction in funding for his experiments, Professor Connors was mentally prepared for this.

But, he didn't expect to be able to reduce it so severely?!

Compared with last quarter’s research funding, this quarter’s funding has been cut by more than half!

This is simply not enough!

Professor Connors' face became extremely ugly!

"Hoo ho!"

The effort to suppress his breathing showed that Professor Connors had reached the limit of his endurance.


There was a moment of silence in the laboratory.

Even the female secretary who sent the financial statements could feel that this seemingly harmless university biology professor was on the verge of going berserk.


"This amount of funds is not enough for anything."

Professor Connors almost said this through gritted teeth.

The previous assistants have all resigned due to the chaos in New York.

He needs to recruit new assistants to help him organize the experimental data and provide some necessary time assistance.

After all, in such a large laboratory, if he works alone, he will definitely not be able to take care of all aspects.

But looking at the little research funds in front of us, how can it be possible!

Even the most basic losses in the laboratory may not be sustained, not to mention the assistant's salary and research professional funds!

Did Norman Osborn want him dead?!

Or are you using this method to force him and offer to give up the lizard serum experimental project?!

No, don’t even think about it!

The entire lizard serum project was his years of hard work, and he could not give up no matter what.


Closing the document in his hand, Connors slapped the table with anger.

"What's going on?"

“Why is there so much less funding?”


The female secretary smiled helplessly and explained in a very business-like manner.

"This matter was not decided by me, but by Mr. Norman Osborne and the board of directors."

"Professor Connors, if you are confused about anything!"

"You can choose to contact the board of directors, or Mr. Norman Osborne."


Professor Connors certainly knew that it was useless to embarrass the female secretary in front of him.

She is just an errand boy, and the amount of experimental funds is indeed approved by the Osborne Group's board of directors.

"You can leave now!"

But, even if I know it in my heart.

Professor Connors still couldn't help but be angry, and he waved his hand impatiently.

"Okay, Professor Connors!"

"I will forward your comments to above."

After finishing talking nonsense in a very formal way.

The female secretary turned around and left, and carefully closed the laboratory door.


There is no need for a female secretary to report to the superiors.

Professor Connors himself has the old Norman's personal contact information.

He took out his cell phone.

Looking at the number marked Mr. Osborne, I felt a little hesitant.

There was no progress in the experimental project. He originally did not want to contact Old Norman, but now it seems that if he does not contact him, there will be no way for his experiment to continue.


Professor Connors sighed, and then pressed the number.


And at the same time on the other side.

Osborne Group.

In Norman Osborne's office.

Old Norman stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window, with his left hand in his suit trouser pocket and his right hand holding the phone to his ear, as if listening to the complaints and protests on the other side.


His brows were slightly furrowed and his eyes were serious.

"Professor Connors!"

"You know, after the last chaos in New York."

"Even the Osborne Group has suffered a huge impact!"

"Our capital chain is very difficult now, so the experimental projects under the Osborne Group are more or less shrinking."

"I'm not targeting you, nor am I just referring to your lizard research project."

Something else seemed to be said on the phone.

Professor Connors on the other side seemed to be getting excited.

However, old Norman was unmoved!

He still had a straight face, his expression showed no fluctuations, and his tone was still very indifferent.

"The success or failure of the lizard serum does not depend on your opinion."

"But I want to see samples, and I want to see results that are worthy of the Osborne Group's efforts."

"Look, I don't have much patience anymore."

"As for the assistant, please wait and discuss it with me after the experiment has made relevant progress."

After saying these words.

Old Norman hung up the phone directly.

Then he looked up at the blue sky outside the window and the busy companies and construction factories below, and a dark light flashed deep in his eyes.

After a night of chaos led by Vallon, half of New York City was destroyed and everything was in ruins.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, capital from major enterprise groups has settled in.

Strive to carve out your own territory in this high-tech new New York City that is about to be built.

Of course, Osborne Group will not miss such a good opportunity.

In the new city of New York, old Norman has acquired a large piece of land!

A large amount of money poured in to build the Osborne Group's new landmark building in New York.

Jurassic Park belonging to the Osborne Group!


Just when old Norman was thinking deeply about something, his cell phone suddenly rang.

Dr. Hammond!

Seeing this name, old Norman's serious and old-fashioned face suddenly showed a smile.

It was he who personally approached old Norman with a project plan called "Jurassic Park".

And, tell old Norman with authentic paleontological embryos!

Dr. Hammond and his team revived the dinosaurs!

God knows how surprised Old Norman was at that time!

Dinosaurs are also reptiles, so aren’t they much better than lizards?!

"Well, good!"

"I'll rush over immediately."

Dr. Hammond on the other side of the phone seemed to have made new progress.

Old Norman didn't show any indifference to Professor Connors at this time. After putting down the phone, he strode towards the door with rapid strides.

Standing at the door of the office.

After the assistant saw Norman's figure, he immediately followed him. The two of them left the Osborne Group Building one after another.

Sitting in the car.

The driver asked Norman's destination in a very respectful tone.

"Mr. Osborne, where are we going?"

“Paleontology Recovery Center!”

This chapter has been completed!
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