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Chapter 287 Heavenly soldiers stabbed with arrows! Twenty thousand people fired at once!!

Chapter 287 Heavenly soldiers stabbed with arrows! Twenty thousand people fired at once!!

New York!

Suburban temporary airport.

Following that, Lan Tianyu used the skill Hozen Mantang.

For a moment, the night sky illuminated by firelight... was filled!!

As the saying goes, if there are more than 10,000 people, the sky is boundless!

And, now.

In this lava sea covering ten miles, there are densely packed "crazy monkeys" flying in the air, screaming all kinds of wantonly, and there are a total of 20,000!

This scene is really exciting!


"How about it, Sora, you saw it!"

"Isn't it lively enough? I want to have a good time!!

"Unmanned aerial vehicle unit?!"

"What the hell is that?!"

"New York?!"

"Tear him down, tear him apart!"

"Hey! Other players, get out here!!"

"I'm going to beat you ten times!!"

"Oh, I have 20,000 people now. I'll give you a hand!"

"Hoo ho ho!!"


Completely crazy!

All the clones are alive, and each one is Lantian Jade.

And when they started arguing at the same time, the entire night sky was filled with their noisy voices, and their arrogant words made people's livers tremble!!


If it is other players in the Shenling game, due to the limit on the number of skills, this kind of clone skill is not terrible.

And Lan Tianyu, who is facing the title of [Thousand Killer Shinra]!

He has thousands of various skills, from passive auras, to active armed skills, and even various summoning skills, this "crazy monkey" has them all.

It can be said.

Because of his title, he is not limited by the number of skills, let alone usage restrictions.

At this time, the 20,000 Lantian jade were divided through the hozen hall, and each of them was assigned their favorite skills.

The body of legend, the blood of thunder, the wisdom of a primate, the authority of the devil...

For a moment, the demons danced wildly.

The night sky flashes with colorful lights. In an extremely gorgeous scene, various halos continue to superimpose, the auxiliary status begins to overlap, and combat skills begin to come online!!

In this dungeon, Lan Tianyu made a huge gesture when he came up.

This guy wants to dominate!!

And among the many clones, Lan Tianyu's true body is trying its best to show off to He Kong!

How could he not show off such powerful force!

When playing games, what you want is to be noticed by thousands of people, and what you want is to play the game!


"Sora, you saw it!"

"As long as I am willing, 20,000 Qitian will come, who can stop me in this world!!"

Lan Tianyu's tone is very crazy, but his strength is not fake. The prerequisite skill of Hozen Mantang is actually the enhanced skill Qitian!

However, with this kind of ultimate move, even Lantian Jade will have to rest!

This dungeon had just been opened and he didn't get enough benefits, so he didn't want to overturn the table.

“Twenty thousand ‘equal to the sky’?!”

"What an exaggeration!"

"Some of your skills are really unreasonable!"

Sora observed the actions of Lan Tianyu on this side through the screen.

He was thinking about his next course of action.

Because not only Lan Tianyu, but also an excellent red-named player is in the room next to their brother and sister.

During the last battle in New York, they stayed in Milwaukee and did not come to the scene.

This time, the chaotic whirlpool caused by Lantian Jade is right in front of you, so you can understand the little scientist.

That naughty little brat can't bear the loneliness, there's no way he won't get involved.


Not only Lan Tianyu and Romeo, more players will participate!

Who they are, how they appear, how they take action, and even their stance are all unknown!

However, an inevitable result has been determined!

That is.

From the moment "Kirito Kirigakure" takes action, it is like the first piece of domino being toppled, everything is collapsing, everything is falling into disaster, it is a whirlpool that cannot be stopped.

Likewise, it is also a natural disaster that ordinary humans cannot resist!

"This city..."

"I guess I won't make it through tonight!"

Kong knew that with the lessons learned from the last time, the New York Police Department and the military acted very quickly this time.

I believe that after a while, some special personnel and institutions will arrive quickly.


From the surveillance network deployed by the air station, we can see that people in the old city of New York are already evacuating quickly, and they are looking for a safe zone!

Although, for New Yorkers, the nightmare of the past is reappearing and extreme panic is spreading!

But, at least life safety is guaranteed?!

"Anyone you want, send Craig and Big Bertha back!"

"You didn't see..."

"Is poor Big Bertha scared to death?!"

And at the same time.

New York.

Inside the military operations command room.

"Beep beep beep!"

On the huge command screen, a dazzling red light flashed, and the military's fighter jets were clashing with the enemy!

The unmanned fighter planes charging in formation are like warriors who never look back, rushing towards the enemy that fills the sky.

It is also an air combat target, but Colonel Rhodes never thought that he would actually command unmanned combat aircraft to fight with people in the air.

Yes, people!

At least judging from his appearance and body shape, he is still a human being.

But that kind of power, that feeling of oppression that filled the sky, scans showed that there were nearly 20,000 identical human bodies.

How could such power exist in this world?!

Is this really a human being?!

"The flanking formation was destroyed."

"There is no chance of winning, and it is completely impossible to break through the opponent's defense."

Colonel Rhodes' face was gloomy, his eyes fixed on the screen in front of him.

Even though all weapons permissions have been lifted, the weapons deployed by the UAV unit have been used as much as possible.

However, in the face of the inhuman existence in front of us, the information that continues to be fed back is only Party B's constant losses.

Unmanned fighter planes were shot down one after another, but the wild laughter coming from the headset did not stop at all!

at present.

Faced with the opponent's huge numbers, the military failed to successfully shoot down any of them.

"Thousand-Slay Shinra·Lantian Jade!!"

At this time, many people in the military headquarters were talking about this name.

After the last battle.

The military and SHIELD finally compromised with each other and shared some of the data and information they had.

Taking this opportunity, Colonel Rhodes met his authority.

I finally understood the existence of the nightmare that was as terrifying as a mountain, which made their military doubt their lives last time.

The devil of the mountain, Bo Gang!!

That's a real devil.

Colonel Rhodes still can't forget what he saw. It seemed to be able to swallow up everything in the world, and even the strongest weapons of mankind could not stop it, which brought endless despair to the military!

And even with such an existence, that night... was still blocked!

The one who appeared on the battlefield to stop the demon from wreaking havoc was the one with a pale mask and two golden feathers on his head... Thousand-Slayer Shinra·Lantian Yu!!

During the war that destroyed half of New York City, this Lantian Jade indeed saved the military from crisis!

Even the higher-ups of the military ordered Colonel Rhodes to contact each other as much as possible. Even if they pay some price, they can become friends.


At that time, Rhodes felt that this word was really cheap.

And at this moment.

It was this "good friend" of the military who broke the new calm in New York and plunged everything into the abyss of chaos!

Last time, Lan Tianyu solved the military's crisis, but this time he directly became the enemy of the military's unmanned combat aircraft unit.


"Why on earth would this bastard do this?!"

Colonel Rhodes really doesn't understand.

Ten kilometers away from the New York Airport, it was detonated without warning, and everything melted there.

At this time, through the perspective of the unmanned fighter jet, you can also see the rolling lava turning into a sea of ​​fire, and the entire area is red, completely becoming a restricted area for life.

And, just above the night sky.

Wearing a pale mask, with two light feathers on the top of his mouth, and holding a stick, the slender figure is facing an offensive of drones and is wreaking havoc!

Fighter planes continue to crash, but little is achieved.

Even though the opponent did not show the huge figure that reached the sky and the earth on the last battlefield in New York!

However, there's even worse bad news.

At this time, the scan showed that there were as many as 20,000 people, which made the military even more desperate.

Originally there was still fantasy, hope was an illusory image and the like.

However, after actual attacks by drones, it was discovered that all of them were entities, and each one was an inhuman existence, possessing extremely powerful power.


"Remove all permissions and shoot out all the ammunition!"

As the authority from the command center passed, all unmanned combat aircraft received instructions and began what could be described as a suicide attack.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Violent and continuous explosions resounded throughout the command room, and the images on the screen were being broadcast in real time.

The figures holding sticks flew rapidly through the night sky, and various dazzling lights burst out from them.

A large number of drones were scattered with a stick, and the sound of explosions coming from the radio equipment was endless, mixed with wanton laughter and crazy gibberish!


"Not enough, come again!"

"I'm going to blow up New York City!"

"The copy is open, where are the others?!"

"Get out of here, uncle!!"

"Who else!!!"


Hearing such arrogant remarks, all the military personnel in the command room had extremely ugly expressions.

There is no doubt about it.

The majesty of the military has been extremely seriously challenged!


No matter how angry they are, the pressure brought by the 20,000 figures on the screen at this time is simply unparalleled.


Rhodes took a deep breath silently.

His eyes shifted to fall on General Ross, who had been leaning on the table with his hands on the command table and staring at the screen seriously, without saying a word.


"What do we do now?"

That's right.

Now in this command room, the person with the highest authority is no longer Colonel Rhodes.

After that nightmarish night, General Ross moved into New York and took control.

at this time.

In the command room, most of the senior military generals gathered were from General Ross's faction.

Looking at the continuously exploding drone battle group on the electronic screen, and listening to the arrogant laughter coming from his ears, General Ross slowly let out a depressed breath.

In fact.

The reason why he came to New York has only one purpose, Walloon!

That night, he saw the true power of the extraordinary.

Valon possesses human body modification technology with extraordinary attributes, which makes General Ross extremely excited.

But there is also a problem.

Although he spent a lot of manpower, material and financial resources, he wanted to dig deep into the ground to find Wa Long.

But Walong, who owns the Shadow Kingdom, comes and goes without a trace, and the military has never been able to catch him.

This matter is enough to give General Ross a headache.

But during this period, things happened one after another in the military, which made people's scalp numb.

The first place to have trouble was Los Angeles.

One of the world's most powerful air force bases, Edwards Air Force Base, disappeared from the map out of thin air.

Only a terrifying deep pit was left at the scene.

And, more importantly.

He personally handed over the handover task to Lieutenant Edward, an important experimental subject jointly escorted by the military and SHIELD.

The terrifying demon who caused the zombie madness at night in New York actually ran away!

This is definitely a huge loss for General Ross.

He was originally looking forward to finding any useful technology from this demon.

But now, the technology is gone.

Moreover, the escape of the experimental subjects involved many secret research institutions, even the military and SHIELD, and many high-level officials were involved.

From the time the incident occurred to now, the wrangling between various parties has never stopped. Just thinking about it gives people a headache!

No one is willing to shoulder this big pot, let alone give up their own interests. Of course, General Ross is not willing either.

The zombie technology he was looking forward to has not yet been achieved, is he still going to be splashed with dirty water?!

Just because Lieutenant Edward was the handover task assigned by him?!

Are you kidding? He wouldn't admit such a thing.

This matter was already enough trouble for General Ross.

And not long ago.

High-level military officials have received emergency calls for help from Houston. The war there has caused the entire city to fall.

And this is all thanks to the good director in Houston!

The Houston Police Department had no hidden thoughts about the "disaster" that occurred.

As soon as the accident happened, he ran away and conducted a large-scale emergency evacuation.

How can this kind of thing be done like this?!

Too many people know what happened in the "disaster", and now the outside world is in a mess, with various theories emerging one after another.

Big figures in Congress, top brass in the military, and even various secret factions are all very anxious.

As far as General Ross knows.

An unexpected situation has already occurred at Ellington Air Force Base in the Houston area.

First there was silence, refusing to communicate with all levels of the military, and then... inexplicably, the entire army suddenly launched an attack.

In the entire air force base, all the soldiers rushed towards the chaotic Houston like crazy.

This incident has caused chaos within the military system, and the military brass are eager to know what happened.

And this naturally includes General Ross.

But before he could take action, something suddenly happened here in New York and he was about to die right here.


General Ross gritted his teeth as he looked at the arrogant enemy on the screen.

"Release missile authority."

"Prepare surface-to-air missiles, I'm going to blow him up."

The Lord General's tone revealed the ultimate cruelty.

General Ross cannot tolerate such people who dare to challenge the majesty of the military.

Since it is an area located in the outskirts of New York, and people in Old New York City are already evacuating on a large scale.

Then even if you use missiles, it doesn't matter!

"Blow him up, blow him up!"

"Shoot out all the missiles in reserve and conduct saturation bombing of the entire area."

"I don't believe he can survive!!"

With the highest order issued by General Ross.

Phew!! Phew!! Phew!!

The most highly crafted weapon of mankind is crystallized.

The military used all their determination to launch an unprecedented rain of missiles!

The night sky in New York was suddenly covered by the bright meteors, and the arrival of the dense rain of death was about to destroy everything.

However, facing this situation, Lan Tianyu had no idea of ​​​​avoiding it. Since he wanted to play, let’s play something big!!


"Yes, that's it!!"

"Come on, come on, let me see who is stronger!!"

Facing the rain of missiles, 20,000 "crazy monkeys" raised their hands, and all the magic sticks began to bloom with dazzling brilliance!

Phew!! Phew!! Phew!!

Pangu’s divine power transformed into skills!!

Dazzling beams of light, 20,000 people fired at once!!

In an instant, a torrent of lasers appeared against the rain of missiles!!

"Armed skills..."

"Heavenly Soldiers Arrow Stab!!"

This chapter has been completed!
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