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Chapter 299 Black Tiger Ah Fu is in action!!

Chapter 299 Black Tiger Ah Fu is in action!!


The rats living in the sewers broke out of their territory and took over the dark city.

Amid the squeaking sounds, a rat plague occurred.

Tens of millions of rats have flooded New York City. This scene can directly cause extreme physical nausea in people, and is even more terrifying than the missiles dropped by the military.

Because, missiles.

The highest human weapon crystallization, as well as the extremely gorgeous explosion effect, brings the most direct and shocking effect to people's eyes.

However, mice.

Fat rats living in sewers, fed on human food.

Occasionally seeing some of them will give people a surprising sense of conflict, and they will subconsciously avoid them.

And when the limited range and huge number are exceeded, these primitive mammals with wild hair rush out like a wave of living bodies. This is simply crazy.

This is the most disgusting nightmare imaginable in the most cruel dreams.

Even New Yorkers should be used to this.

after all!

In this city dominated by rats, a population of rats several times larger than the human population lives here.

They began in 1700, when rats from Norway came to this city by boat, and they continued to multiply here until they reached such a large population.


When this fact was before our eyes, when the Rat Emperor called to his people of the Rat Kingdom, the rumored tens of millions of rats truly broke through the blockade of the sewers and covered the entire New York City.

Oh My God.

This is even more terrifying than the inhuman war that happened!!

On the retreat route of the New Yorkers, Director George and the Black Hand organization, who were still confronting each other, were now surrounded by an army of rats.


"What the hell are these mice!"

Ah Fen nervously pulled on his pink shirt, as an Irishman who loves music.

He hates mice.

Especially these dirty, disgusting rats that wash out of the sewers.

Too much, simply too much.

Looking around, they were completely submerged by the tide of rats.


"It's a mouse!"

"Actually... I quite like little mice. Do you want some pizza?!"

A fat rat as big as its left and right forearms. I don’t know what it eats to grow so big. Maybe this is what’s special about New York rats?!

The big rat was wagging its tail and lying on Lasu's strong arm.

Oh, this fool can't recognize his companions at all. Poor Ah Fen is almost disgusted to death by these mice.

Lasu poked the small animal on his body with his thick fingers, and unexpectedly it felt pretty good.

All right.

No matter what situation this guy falls into, he will always feel good about it.


"It must be another player's fault."

"It seems like there are too many people coming to interfere this time."

Zhou pushed up the small yellow glasses on the bridge of his nose.

The current situation in New York has created a whirlpool of war that is too huge.

Different from last time.

After the chaos caused by their black hand organization, Moria unilaterally controlled the zombie army and attacked New York.

at this time.

First there were 20,000 enemies on the battlefield outside New York, and then there were hundreds of robots sent by the Vongola family who declared war.

Now there are so many rats all over the city that there must be millions or tens of millions?!

This war situation is really too confusing and too intense.

Everything was stirred up, and the whole of New York was being swayed by the clouds of war, giving it a twisted and crazy flavor.

"I hate rats!!"

Wallon's expression began to look ugly.

He originally wanted to play some interesting little games with old George to scare his old friend.


He has completely lost his mind.

Especially when I saw in the camp channel, the young scientist Romeo was showing off his Mouse Emperor and mocking Lantian Jade.

The naughty kid's evil work has come out, and he can no longer bear the emotion of showing off, so he is bragging about how powerful his technology is in the camp channel!!


With Romeo's language talent, there are only two sentences that he can repeat over and over again, such words as idiot, Lantian Jade is the stupidest, world domination, and mice are the most powerful!!

What he said was so vague that people couldn't figure out what he was thinking.


This swarm of rats all over the city is definitely the work of Romeo, this is made very clear.

In the words, although it has nothing to do with their black hand organization, this kind of thing of being robbed of the limelight really makes Wa Long unhappy!

The Vongola family's declaration of war was like this before, and now this little brat from nowhere is like this.

The war begins?!

This is a complete lack of regard for the Black Hand Gang of Valon!!


The Indominus Rex raised its head high, let out a deafening roar, split its sharp fangs, and faced the surging rats, revealing the ferocity of the primitive overlord.

Watching this scene, Valon shook his head!!

"shut your mouth!"

"I didn't see you shouting when those broken machines flew past just now."

"You show off your power to a mouse."


“What bad luck!!”

Valon's hand was bent, and the boss of the Black Hand was very angry now.

When facing Director George before, Valon felt proudly that this dinosaur was pretty good.


He doesn't like this Tyrannosaurus rex very much.


"Boss, you bully the weak and fear the strong, sometimes..."

As soon as Zhou finished speaking, Wa Long glared at him. He was so smart that he simply forgot the second half of the sentence and swallowed it.

Why is the boss always angry?

Really, bullying the weak and fearing the strong, doesn’t this prove that this Tyrannosaurus rex is very intelligent?!

No matter what, Zhou still liked the big toy bought with six boxes of gold.

[Walong: Afu!!]

[Walong: Where are you now, haven’t you arrived yet?!]

[Walon: Now is not the time to take a nap!!]

Wallon ignored the Black Hand trio. These three guys were very loyal, but sometimes they were too unreliable.

Open the private chat channel and send it directly to Ah Fu.

After a short silence, Walon's outstanding general, Black Tiger Afu, sent a reply!!

[Afu: Boss, don’t worry when I do things! 】

[Afu: Look up, I will give you the most gorgeous glory!!]

[Afu: Hahaha!!]

at this time!!

The Paleontology Recovery Center, affiliated with the Osborne Group, welcomed an uninvited guest.

"Da da da!!"

There were footsteps in the empty corridor.

Inside the laboratory that leads deep underground, a man with long fiery red hair and a fierce aura like a tiger is walking alone in this deserted building.

He is Black Tiger Ah Fu!!

The most capable man in the Mafia organization!!

Ah Fu walked all the way to the end of the corridor. He already had in his hand a map of the entire paleontology recovery center provided by someone.

In front of him now is a special metal door.

Behind the door is the experimental storage room, which contains unfinished embryos undergoing experiments.


The sound of tearing metal.

Ah Fu had no intention of entering the password. He inserted one hand directly into the extremely thick door and began to tear it apart with great brute force.

He wants to use the simplest way to break in, because his boss, Valon, who he follows, can't wait any longer.


The Osborne Group's specially-made experimental door was torn like tattered paper. Through the torn gap, Afu walked in.

It was different from the darkness I expected.

The separate power supply in the laboratory ensures the existence of a small amount of light. Although there is only a little faint blue light, it will not fall into darkness like the city outside.


"Looks like I found it!!"

A satisfied smile appeared on Ah Fu's face.

In the entire room, there are dozens of transparent jars in two rows, filled with an unknown substance similar to nutrient solution.

And it's in the jar.

The experimental subjects, who are either curled up or stretched out, are sleeping in the jars in a special sleep mode.


"That's wrong!!"

Ah Fu got closer to the transparent culture tank and looked inside through the wall of the tank, and then he showed a strange expression.

These guys...

Shouldn't it be a dinosaur embryo that has been revived through technological means?


Why do most of them have human shapes and limbs...even expressions?!

What kind of dinosaur embryo is this? It’s clearly a weird human being existing in a culture tank?!

This sudden scene.

Even the black tiger Ah Fu, who was sent by Wa Long to retrieve the dinosaur embryos, was briefly stunned!!


"Looks like things are getting weirder!!"

This chapter has been completed!
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