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Chapter 316 Jarvis: Sir, I have been blocked!

Chapter 316 Jarvis: Sir, I’ve been blocked!


As Tony's assistant, he participates in this playboy's life as an artificial intelligence.

Responsible for managing Tony's daily life and assisting in scientific experiments!

He can connect to any computer terminal and roam in any data grid at will to complete some of the things Tony gives him!


This extremely sophisticated AI intelligent system!

in daily life.

Jarvis was even able to have quite an educated exchange with Tony.

at the same time.

On some specific occasions, Jarvis will remind Tony not to be too rash and arrogant!

He is like a dutiful butler in the Stark family, trying his best to do his part.


Most of the time, the wayward Tony is just disobedient.

And about something more.

He is also trying his best to learn some new things that Jarvis's intelligent system cannot yet understand.

And at this moment.

As Tony drove his new invention, the red and gold Mark series armor, he flew into New York City in the night.

During the New York war, the busiest "person" was probably Jarvis.

on the one hand.

He wants to help Tony scan out all the rats that are forming in New York City.

And focus on the 5 million mechanical mice among them.

at the same time.

It is remotely connected to the energy detection device in the laboratory and conducts continuous two-way data transmission with the internal system of the steel armor.

So that the relevant data can be presented in front of Tony through virtual projection.

On the other hand, it is hidden.

Concerning the internal funds of Stark Industries and the hidden changes in global account data.

Jarvis needs to do all of this!

It can be said!

Fortunately, he is a mechanical butler who doesn't complain, otherwise there would be so many things that would make people's heads explode.

But... who said that artificial intelligence would not have his troubles.

Just now.

Tony realizes that someone is hijacking the entire state of New York's electrical energy for some horrific purposes.

He asked Jarvis to enter the data grid of the entire New York State, find the other party as quickly as possible, and shut down the machine that was stealing electricity.

This should be a very simple thing.


There is really nothing complicated about finding the other party, or in other words, the other party has no intention of hiding it at all.

A laboratory in New York marked in the data was quickly found by Jarvis.

Although the location of this laboratory is not marked in the scanned overall image of New York City.


The other party has opened some kind of defense facility and is hidden in this dark city. Finding it will not be possible in a short time.

But this does not affect Jarvis's operation.

Through data-level intrusion, Jarvis entered it with ease, tried to complete Tony's instructions, bypassed the other party's permissions, and forcibly shut down all his devices.


At this moment, something unexpected happened.

A hedging phenomenon occurred in the data grid, which caused a brief fluctuation in Jarvis' system.


The permission bypass failed, and Jarvis was blocked before he could take action.


"There is one thing I have to remind you!"

"The other party's technology cannot be underestimated. My action failed."

In the armor mask, Tony, who was studying the data sent back from the laboratory, was suddenly startled when he heard what Jarvis said!

He originally thought.

The most difficult thing about shutting down the other party's equipment is that the other party uses some technical means, so it is hidden.

But now.

Jarvis obviously found the other party, but... failed?!

"This is impossible!"

"In the ocean of data, even the most talented hackers cannot fight against artificial intelligence."


Tony suddenly thought of a possibility.

His tone became extremely incredible. Before that, there should have been only one Jarvis in the world.

But now...


"You're right!"

Jarvis first confirmed Tony's idea.

From the data hedging just now, it is obvious that the other party is not a human, but an artificial intelligence like him!

Although it is incredible, it is true.

In the world of data, besides him, there are actually other artificial intelligences!!


"The other party sent me a message..."

"How should I reply?!"

For the first time, Jarvis became confused while executing Tony's instructions.

The electronic butler's voice fluctuated briefly, and then he presented a piece of communication in front of Tony.


"My name is Robert, I'm on standby..."


An artificial intelligence named Robert sent greetings to Jarvis and said that he was on standby. This...

"Maybe he wants to tell you that he is sleeping?!"

"And you woke him up?!"

current situation.

Even the smart Tony was a little confused.

He did underestimate the opponent's technical level, although he could not conduct a Turing test to detect the level of the opponent's artificial intelligence.

But based on the two sentences Robert replied... Such a level of intelligence is definitely not simple.

"Okay, sir!"

"Then should I say sorry to him?"

After a brief moment of calm, Jarvis answered Tony.

In the past, he was the only one in the world of data. Although Tony did not restrict his authority excessively, but...

This feeling of communicating with similar people is the first time!


Tony didn't know what to say at first.

Jarvis has always been reliable, but now in the war stage, the other party is still a terrifying existence that is hijacking the energy of the entire New York State and trying to do something big!

Isn’t it bad to start chatting like this?!

"Sorry, sir!"

"I tried to attack, but I couldn't forcefully break through its permissions."

"If I must do this, I may need your help."

Jarvis's voice rang in Tony's ears again.

It's obvious.

No matter what happened, for Jarvis, Tony's instructions definitely came first.

Although he was very curious about Robert, Jarvis still wanted to forcefully shut down the machine that stole electricity.

But obviously, he failed.

The reason why the young scientist didn't do much system protection was that he just hid the entire laboratory.

on the one hand.

He was having a good time at this moment, and there was no hidden thought in his little mind.

On the other hand.

Although Robert sometimes behaves a little stupid, he can be regarded as a representative of strong artificial intelligence.

In the data network he is in, he has various permissions given to him by his master.

It is absolutely difficult to forcefully break through his blockade and invade.

"No no!"

"Jarvis, pause the attack!"

"You can really talk to him so that I can know how high his IQ is."

Tony shook his head.

He gave up on letting Jarvis force permission changes.

The appearance of Robert made Tony realize that the other party had a technical level that could not be ignored!

In fact!

Being able to create a machine that hijacks the energy in the entire New York, being able to create this scene of mechanical rats, and the name of such a large-scale rat country!

Tony should have thought that the opponent's technical level was exaggerated.


I have never thought about artificial intelligence.

"All right!"

"At least we have good news now."

"There is more than one artificial intelligence in the world. It looks like you won't be alone anymore."


Faced with this situation, Tony could still tell a cold joke.

it is a pity!

Just as Playboy himself doesn't like bad jokes, Jarvis doesn't like them either!


"But I have one more thing to remind you!"

"Just now, I hacked into the entire New York State data grid..."

"It's not just Robert..."

"I should have alerted others!!"

In the dark city of New York.

The action team belonging to SHIELD's "Smiling Angel" Agent Coulson is driving through the dark city.

They tried their best to avoid the attacks of rats.

Thanks to the solid defense of the SHIELD agent vehicle, they are stubbornly fighting against the current in a sea of ​​rats.

They are rushing towards the extraordinary battlefield taking place on the other side of the city!


As for what can be done after rushing over, it seems that there is nothing that can be done except recording some data.


It's impossible to just watch, just like SHIELD's rapid reaction force has been dispatched, Coulson, with his father and Li Baoen, can't stop.

And at the same time.

Just in the back seat, the Mini Mosca next to Liboun, this cute little girl who was too small, thick, short and ugly, suddenly behaved strangely.


Very fast.

A strawberry-flavored lollipop was produced.

As a smaller version of the Mosca robot, it has the appearance of the finished Mosca II robot!

But its inventor.

The current exclusive mechanic of the Vongola family!


Mini Mosca was not equipped with any combat weapons. In other words, the places on his body that were supposed to be equipped with laser bombs and rear-end missiles were actually empty.

On the other hand.

What Mini Mosca has is a small intelligence that can adapt to changes, and...

Specializing in the production of lollipops and various snacks, it also has the essential function of heating instant products.

And now.

Without any instructions, Mini Mosca suddenly took out a lollipop.

This attracted Li Baoen's attention!!

"It seems!"

"Something unexpected happened again."

Not just a mini Mosca, but right on top of the New York battle scene.

Sawada Tsunayoshi and the Judaiime of Vongola who were fighting also encountered unexpected situations.

His sense of value is on alert.


It can be clearly noticed that the intelligence in the pupils, the intelligent system that assists leader Vongola in detecting inflammation, has fluctuated for a moment.

"what happened?!"

A Gang asked subconsciously.


"External interference has been eliminated!!"

"The inflammation pressure data is normal and is being improved simultaneously..."

There was no other response.

A soft female voice came to my ears, just providing battle data for Gang as usual.

She has no name!

She is just a system built into contact lenses to assist in detection!

She can interact with leader Vongola on the battlefield during the battle, but other...

Her manufacturer did not provide her with more functions.

Or rather...

For this gentle voice, there is nothing more important than Gang's battle!!

And the other side.

In a world of connected data.

With Jarvis as the center, a temporary local area network has been set up. This is a world that only artificial intelligence can detect!!

At this moment!

Jarvis appears as an illusion.

He is like a light group composed of various data, appearing in a world composed of green data!

"Received communication link!!"


A voice answered.

It sounded like a very gentle female voice.

Just now.

Jarvis once again conducted a wide-area report in the New York data grid.

Just like Tony said.

Faced with these sudden emergence of artificial intelligence, we need to have a chat with them.

It is unrealistic to forcefully publish data on the opponent's home court, so sitting down and talking may be a good solution.

But it's a pity.

Jarvis invited someone like him to chat for the first time, but he was decisively rejected.


"One of my communications requests was denied."

"It's an artificial intelligence with a very gentle female voice!"

About what happened.

Jarvis reported it to Tony immediately.

"Although I don't think the last sentence should be the focus, but..."


"Please don't look so disappointed, okay?!"


According to the situation detected by Jarvis, there are a total of four artificial intelligences including Jarvis in tonight's chaos.

Oh My God!

Tony knew that the world had changed and it was not as simple as he thought before.


Overnight, Jarvis, who was originally the only one in the world, changed so much.

This really made Tony feel dizzy.

"Sorry, sir!"

"I'm just trying to learn the emotions I should express."

"After being rejected by a girl, you shouldn't..."

Jarvis's voice sounded again.

And this was even more troublesome for Tony. He didn't know whether it was the right choice to let Jarvis negotiate with other artificial intelligences.


In the world of data, using artificial intelligence to deal with artificial intelligence is the best choice.

"Stop, stop, stop!"

"Listen, Jarvis, my good boy!"

"First of all, I have never been rejected by a girl. I don't know what kind of emotions I should express at this time."

"Second, as my artificial intelligence, my best electronic butler, Jarvis!!"

"You don't need to know this kind of thing!"

"I'm just rejecting your communication. If you want, just contact her again!"

"Be more domineering and look like me!!"

Tony spoke his mind very seriously!

Although it is said that artificial intelligence should not be divided into genders, if it is only judged by the voice.

It can be roughly and easily distinguished.

On the other hand.

In Tony's mind, it doesn't matter who the other party is or what kind of technology the other party uses.

In terms of artificial intelligence.

Their Jarvis is also the strongest, the best, and the most comprehensive.

Tony is very serious about this!!

As the genius Tony's electronic butler, Jarvis will never be worse than anyone else!!


The virtual panel in front of him fluctuated, and then there was a brief silence.

It's obvious.

Jarvis did as Tony told him.

All joking aside, we are currently on the battlefield. Since a suspicious intelligent system has been discovered, it is necessary to find out what it is.

In the delicate data grid, a series of communication requests were sent, and Jarvis launched his harassment offensive!!



"I did as you asked..."

"I've been blocked!!"

This chapter has been completed!
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