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Chapter 318 Red Dragon Armor, Mr. Immortal Arrives!!

Chapter 318 Red Dragon Armor, Mr. Immortal Arrives!!

New York!

From the invisible virtual data space to the fierce conflict in New York.

Jarvis and Tony are both doing their own things.

Let’s not mention the conversation about artificial intelligence for now.

at the same time.

Through comparison of data, Tony has determined the true identity of Thousand Killer Shinra who is wreaking havoc on the battlefield.

Lantian Jade transformed into 20,000 individuals!!

that is.

Reached a cooperation with Stark Industries, Lan Yu, President of Lanshi Machinery Technology Company.


It can be clearly seen from the information in front of us.

This Lan Yu's character is very different from Lan Tianyu's. After all, it's his nature that he just hides everything on weekdays.

Or, what impact did the power used by Lan Tianyu on the battlefield have on him?!

Specific details.

At this time, Tony still didn't know, even regarding the war results obtained by the system scan, 20,000 Lantian jade were exactly the same in the data comparison.

Such a display of extraordinary power made Tony even more puzzled!



Or is it because of some special energy change?!

I don't know, I don't understand, it's very different from everything Tony has been exposed to in the past.

In this way, the playboy who had always been proud of his smart brain felt a little confused. At the same time, he also had a more sense of urgency and interest in research.

For the power of technology.

What Tony thinks is more serious and more able to analyze everything.

As long as you give him time and more data samples, Tony thinks he can always understand everything!

"Okay, let me stroke it now!"

"The focus should not be on Lan Yu, but on these mice."

Tony focused more on what he could now confirm.

Lan Yu, also known as Lan Tianyu, is in the same group as the man who invented these mechanical mice, the creator of artificial intelligence named Robert.

Because they both belong to the same company, and when they first went to the Star Group to seek cooperation, Lan Yu also brought the design drawings of the Mouse Type 1.

Shown from the information before us.

That night, Lan Yu and another Mr. Craig, who claimed to be the owners of the Mouse Patent No. 1, went to Stark Industries near dusk.

And it happened to be at that time.

Pepper and Tony had a quarrel about the Black Hand, and in order to change the topic of Pepper, Tony agreed to put Rat No. 1 into production.

"I remember I praised him."

"The person who invented this little mouse is very innocent."

"It seems now..."

"Such a scene is not something a childlike person would do!"

Tony realized that he had made a mistake.

Who would have thought that the little mouse that came alive in his hands would soon cause trouble and drown out the big scene in New York.

And now.

What Tony is questioning is that since the Lanshi Machinery Technology Company has emerged, and the characters related to Mouse One have appeared.

Lan Yu, transformed into Lan Tianyu, is wreaking havoc on the battlefield, cooperating with the missiles launched by the military, like the God of War under the fireworks, fighting wildly with other extraordinary groups alone!

It’s so incredibly brave!!

Also in Tony's eyes, it is incredible that the strength of an individual can rival the war power of a group.

On the other hand.

The real inventor of these little mice is hijacking the energy of the entire state of New York, plunging a large number of cities centered on New York into darkness.

Amid the riots and chaos, the rats, which have gained wisdom, are starting a war with the New York military!


Here comes the key point, where is the remaining key figure?

On the night of the last chaos in New York, the same man who also visited Stark Industries claimed to be the patent owner of Mouse 1...

"Craig Horsley!!"

"Where are you again?!"

And when Tony slowly repeated his question in his mouth.

Just then.

The auxiliary scanning system in the steel suit suddenly detected an unusual language in the noisy battlefield.

“Whenever night falls!!”

"Fight evil and practice justice!!"

It was a very cartoony mechanical sound, full of electronic feel and a little cute at the same time.

"This is……"

The steel armor slid low over the dark city.

The auxiliary detection system is constantly scanning, and Tony wants to find the source of this sound!

And when he entered the battlefield where the New York military and the rats were fighting fiercely!!

The sound was louder, it was a wide area broadcast!!


"It's Mr. Immortal and his friends!!"

"Immortal Heroes!!"

Compared with his previous gorgeous and eye-catching appearances, this time Tony returned to New York in a very low-key manner.

He didn't attract anyone else's attention.

The steel suit flew in the dark city, and the data on the battlefield that Tony continued to collect hid himself.

The concealment system on the armor, coupled with the assistance of Jarvis, couldn't be easier to avoid detection by some instruments.

Especially now, the big shots at the top of the military are already thinking about how to carve up Stark Industries.

And Tony has completely abandoned his past business in New York and is going to a small European country to restart the business. He has completely broken up with the military.


Tony didn't care about the idiots in the military. No matter before or now, Tony always believed that the military was never smart.

They always think that they have a sure chance of winning the battle, but in fact, this is often not the case.

Just like now.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

I don't know how they communicate, but the small sounds among the waves of rats make people feel panicked.

The rats' technology tree climbed quickly. After demolishing the original buildings in New York, lines of defense began to be erected.

On the arrow tower, special arrows are continuously shot out, and on the watchtower, there are rat sentries using special lenses to observe the battlefield.

The ground is covered with them. They are obviously just rats, but their small bodies are armed like the powerful soldiers of the rat country in fairy tales!!

Pairs of rats formed a line, holding steel swords and wearing armor, like medieval knights, and launched a counterattack in groups.

Humanity's weapons at this time had an advantage. The fire blockade of thermal weapons caused many casualties to the rats.


The New York military has tens of thousands of soldiers stationed in New York. This is already the largest number of troops that General Ross can mobilize in an emergency.

But in the face of the tens of millions of rats in New York, this proportion is simply too exaggerated.

The soldiers who confidently drove tanks and fighter jets into the city were blocked in an area shortly after entering the darkness.

The rats formed a line of defense one after another. They tried to fight with the crude weapons in their hands.

And at the same time.

Things are also happening on the military side.

"Everyone, press forward and get closer to me!!"

"Show off your momentum, they are just a bunch of dead rats, fight me!!

During communication.

Emil Blonsky was roaring crazily.

He originally served in the Royal Marines and was recently recruited by General Ross.

Originally, he was appointed by General Ross to hunt down a certain person, but the sudden chaos broke this plan.

Faced with the intelligent rat, General Ross sent him out and used the military's armed forces to try to eliminate everything in New York.

And before the agents of SHIELD, the big rat on the simple throne in the darkness was taken back to the laboratory as a trophy.

This is Bronski's mission.

But now.

Because of the weak scum he led, his mission was in a stalemate.

Totally unexpected.

Why are these heavily armed soldiers so cowered in the face of some miserable rats?

"Why are there idiots like you in the world?!"

"Don't be afraid!!"

"Rush forward, those rats can't bite you to death, hurry up!!"

Constantly roaring in anger.

However, facing tens of millions of enemies, Blonsky had no intention of getting rid of the rats, but...

He can't do anything by himself.

Facing the roar of their commanders, these soldiers who entered the battlefield in New York were not in a good mood.

The war started in the city, and the decision to abandon New York was faintly heard on the top of the mountain, and large-scale artillery bombardment was used without any scruples.

as well as.

From the battlefield on the other side of the city, super-wide explosions with mushroom clouds and various extreme light pollutions were constantly heard.

The combination of these factors put great psychological pressure on these soldiers.

Even if they are heavily armed.

Even though they are facing an enemy who looks like a medieval armed force, even if the enemy's counterattack has not caused casualties so far.


Facing tens of millions of rats, everything in sight is overwhelmed by the army of rats!!

And he’s also a scary rat with intelligence!!

This, this...

Human beings have aversion to rats, and the disgusting emotion that makes goosebumps all over the body just by looking at them in large numbers.

It’s not about the comparison in strength, it’s about the body’s instinct!!

This is not a symmetrical war to begin with, with a numerical difference of tens of thousands versus tens of millions.

Even with the use of force to suppress them, from the very beginning, whether psychologically or physically, soldiers on all battlefields have endured pressure beyond their limits.


With the entry of tank troops and fighter jets, this addition of military power makes the soldiers move forward!

And when the rats set up a defense line in the darkness, the battle lines were squeezed together, and the military's offensive pace was interrupted.


All kinds of conflicting psychological contradictions began to break out. Even though the fearless Bronski was yelling persistently during the communication, nothing could be changed.


No one responded, all the soldiers fired silently, spitting out tongues of fire.

However, it was never finished.

One after another, rats came up and attacked the human army.

War is like an abyss, dragging everything down into the water, facing the rats who are not afraid of death.

The expectations of victory in the war in the hearts of the soldiers gradually decreased, and the depressive atmosphere increased little by little.


Humanity’s crisis is coming!!

And at this dangerous juncture, a voice that resounded across the battlefield between humans and rats suddenly appeared.

"Whenever night falls!"

"Fight evil and practice justice!!"

It's obviously an internal channel for military communications.

But through some kind of technology, the malicious broadcast reached the ears of all military soldiers.

Sudden changes.

The soldiers who were suppressing fire suddenly fell silent, and in an instant, the rats began to fight back crazily.

after all.

The soldiers in the military will be stunned, but under the control of the Mouse Emperor, all the mice are ushering in victory for their country.


"Who did this again?!"

Inside the combat command vehicle.

The war situation is unfavorable, Bronski is anxious, and now unexpected changes suddenly occur, which makes this grumpy commander very angry!!

"Sir, no, it's not good!!"

"On the battlefield..."

"Some weird guy showed up!!"

There were chaotic sounds in the communication channel.

The captains under Bronski were saying this in incredible tones.

what happened?!

Blonsky had a premonition of something other than war.


In the command vehicle, the screen that scanned the battlefield with full frequency began to switch continuously under his operation.

Blonsky tries to find the point of the incident!!


He saw a...superhero wearing strange equipment?!

On a stealthy flight.

Walking through the dark city in the steel armor, Tony looked at the scanning results on the screen. He had found the source of those strange voices just now.

On the battlefield between humans and rats.

When the war reached a stalemate, a figure falling from the sky suddenly fell into the army of rats!!

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

The people of the Rat Kingdom, who only obeyed the instructions of the Rat Emperor, didn't care who came. A large number of rats pounced on them immediately!



The fire was overflowing, and a torrent of flames like a roaring dragon passed through, causing a huge explosion effect.

In the scorching heat, a whole area of ​​rats was cleared!!

“Enough with the nonsense!!”

"Better get these rats to stop now!!"

"Otherwise, when I catch you, little brat, I will beat your ass!"


The man who sprayed out a large amount of flames from the gauntlets with ferocious spikes on his arms let out an extremely ferocious roar.


Located on a chaotic battlefield.

Bright red!!

A figure wearing extremely bright red armor appears!!


Situated in the middle of the war, he showed great anger when faced with the swarming rats.


"Mr. Immortal and his friends!!"

"Immortal Heroes!!"

It was that extremely exaggerated voice again, and all the channels that could receive the communication were broadcasting.

Abandoning the original ridiculous and tattered tights that seemed to be full of patches, he put on a battle armor specially made by the little scientist.

Red Dragon!!

The spikes all over the body and the extremely bright layers are the red dragon burning with rage!!

Right on the dragon's head, right in the center of the armored forehead!!

A small rune stone is embedded in the translucent crystal card slot.

That’s a blood red dragon!!

Dragon Talisman!!

It represents extreme destructive power and the explosive power of the evil dragon!!


An immortal superhero with super powerful attacks and explosive flames!!

Coupled with the synchronized operation of the Red Dragon Armor, a boy who looks like a god in urban legend is controlling him!!

Resolve disputes and become a hero!!

The Immortal Mr. Craig comes to the New York battlefield here!!

This chapter has been completed!
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