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Chapter 334 Agent Hill: I didnt say anything about changing the words?!

Chapter 334 Agent Hill: I didn’t say anything about changing the words?!


As the riptide continued to spread and the "space city" fell into the waves, the entire Ellington Air Force Base force was dispatched.

Under the hypnosis of "Eyeball Man" Derek Shannon, the owner of the Snake Club Circus, and the mysterious Prince Rey, he used some small methods.

These puppet-like soldiers, without fear of death or fear, braved the extraordinary natural disaster that swept through Houston and entered this urban battlefield.

Wade through the water, go against the water flowing out of Houston, and continue to approach the center of the battlefield from the highway that extends in all directions.

With entry.

Tens of thousands of soldiers began to disperse gradually, and drone combat troops patrolled in the sky to clear the way.

All the movements were uniform, but the communication channel was dark and there was no communication.

It was as if they had unified their wills and were thinking like a cluster, doing what they should do.

Even in the face of the aftermath caused by the extraordinary power, casualties are constantly appearing, but he still remains numb.

This is simply unbelievable.

It’s a scene that’s even scary for people to see.

Even the initiator of the hypnosis command, Eyeball Man Drake, was shocked by the sight before him.

He knew it in his heart.

It must be the prince from the Eternal Golden Kingdom who did something to these soldiers when they were at Ellington Air Force Base.

Just like before he rushed to the air force base, Prince Rey had already gathered everyone, as if waiting for him.

This is weird.

This is also very wrong.


"No matter what the reason is, Rey, you'd better not lie to me."

The motorcycle splashed water, and amid the roar of high-speed movement, the entire head was like an "eyeball man" with huge eyeballs, and his tone of voice was extremely weird.

Ever since he learned the secret of the Eternal Golden Kingdom, all the clues about this mysterious kingdom have affected all of Drake's nerves.

Is it greed?!

Or what?!

Including other members of the Snake Club Circus, they unite under the leadership of Derek Shannon, eager to obtain eternal wealth and power.

It was this greed that was beyond common sense, as if they were tempted by the devil, and this desire had captivated their eyes.

It even drives them crazy.

So much so.

Even if they follow the eyeball people and enter such an unreasonable battlefield, they will not look back.

And the same goes for Derek Shannon.

Even though Prince Rey showed all kinds of irrationality, some details were always vague.

But he wasn't prepared to ask.

What a coincidence.

Prince Rey didn't intend to explain to him.

El Dorado is right before our eyes, and the golden card has fallen into the hands of the believers of the god who are wreaking havoc in Houston.

In order to go to the eternal kingdom, this eyeball man has risked everything, even given up his hatred, to help his enemy's son, the new Ghost Rider on the battlefield, Johnny Bragg!!


Did he never doubt that this Golden Kingdom no longer existed?!


This was a scam from the beginning, what should I do?!


"Rey, you must not!!!"

"You will never dare to lie to me. If you do that, I will make you regret it!!"

How strange.

Derek Shannon seems to have a mysterious confidence in himself.

He was like one of those puppet soldiers, aiming for a target and rushing forward, not caring whether he was cannon fodder or not.

The huge head of the Eyeball Man is shining with a strange light. What is the secret of the Golden Kingdom?!

"Boom!! Boom! Boom!!"

The roar of a locomotive.

Houston originally gathered a large number of motorcycle riders due to the arrival of the Blast Train and the death show performance of Johnny Blazer, a big star in the stunt rider world.

There are motorcycle gangs and there are bosozokus.

Didn’t you see how excited the members of the Lao Mao Bosou Clan were when they came to Houston under the leadership of the new leader?!


They are still excited now.

Surrounded by the blessings of the gods and feeling the feeling of surfing in the rough waves, their beliefs are particularly devout and their moods are equally exciting!

It’s their leader Conan who is not in a very good mood.

And now.

From a corner of Houston, the Snake Circus, an organization whose internal members are mostly named after snakes, is rushing into Houston riding a special motorcycle that can run in the water.

And their leader.

The Eyeball Man claims to be the uncle of the flaming skeleton on the battlefield. After all, he and Johnny's father are "best friends."

Look at the face under his huge one eye, that face that has been disfigured beyond recognition, that was all given by Johnny's father.

And it is precisely this kind of friendship.

When a "nephew" is in trouble, how can an uncle not step forward?!

After all, this kind of uncle-nephew feeling...Walong understands it best!


Obadiah understands too!!


In the battlefield.

At this time, the Ghost Rider, facing double pressure from the gods and the ferryman, ushered in his reinforcements.

Armed with special laser weapons and a whole row of "acrobatic" snake killers, they ride into the battlefield on their rampage motorcycles.

At the same time, there was another group of people entering the battlefield.

Led by Agent Hill, this team of agents came to Houston to "solve trouble"!

Of course, the mission is to solve troubles, but facing such a complex and weird battlefield, how to avoid troubles is the first thing these SHIELD agents need to consider.

The Quinjet fighter is circling the battlefield and needs to find an entry point into the battlefield.

"It's definitely not okay to do this."

"We cannot just turn a blind eye and let them continue like this."

In the Quinjet, the battlefield map scanned by the system is being presented in front of Agent Hill in a dynamic form.

This woman is very worried now.

As a veteran agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., she does not like the single-soldier infiltration combat method like Natasha.

She is more responsible for commanding and coordinating operations with more logistics agents.


Unlike Coulson and Crossbones, she is neither that gentle nor that aggressive.

If Agent Hill had been allowed to stand above the battlefield and watch this natural disaster happen, SHIELD would have nothing to do with the entire battle.

This woman who does things vigorously and resolutely cannot stand it.

If she is allowed to lead her team now, a magic weapon will descend from the sky, aim at the target and directly rush into the battlefield.

Such a reckless man...

Agent Hill, who is very sensible, would not choose such an act that seemed like risking his own life.


"We are completely unable to get close to the battlefield, and based on current observations..."

"The weapons we have deployed may not be effective."

This is obvious and can be seen.

The combat weapons equipped on the Quinjet are indeed higher than ordinary military force.


First of all, what happened in New York, and in addition, just now Ellington Air Force Base had launched a general rain of missiles.

But look at now.

There was no ripple on the entire battlefield, and no supernatural being cared about Ellington's soldiers who were advancing in the crisis.

Or don’t you care?!

Or maybe you don’t like it at all?!

It's all possible.

The whole of Houston is still in the midst of an extraordinary war, and they are fighting as they should. There is absolutely no reason why human military organizations have been dispatched and have launched missile suppression!!

The attitude you should have?!

What exactly should this attitude look like? For the military, it can refer to those surrounded terrorist organizations.

And for S.H.I.E.L.D.

In fact, internally, although they have made some gains in the investigation, at least they have some superficial information about various extraordinary organizations.

But in-depth communication.

In other words, there has never been a formal face-to-face conversation.

Originally, Agent Coulson went to New York and Manhattan to seek help from the Vongola family in order to have a reasonable communication.

However, as the battlefield in New York continues to spread.

Extraordinary forces from all sides appeared one after another, and the entire state of New York was about to be destroyed. Naturally, the communication that should have existed was in vain.

Regarding Coulson's response and the possible demands of the Vongol family after the war, these Hill agents were unclear because they were reported directly to Nick Fury.

And now.

Agent Hill is in full charge of Houston, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. team is under her control, so this woman needs to make her own judgment on the situation here.

"Find a safe spot."

"Get ready to land, let's go find the witch!!"

Agent Hill opened the battlefield map on the command platform and looked at a point marked in detail on the map.

"Miko" Kikyo is a character who appeared in Hell's Kitchen before the last battle in New York.

Regarding the video material, which was classified as confidential at this time, Agent Hill has naturally seen it.

The "Taoist priest" who summoned the thunder, the "witch" who shot an arrow in the face of the thunder, and of course the Zhao Li who arrived at the end and belonged to the underworld.

These were originally key figures.

Natasha should have been responsible for the news in Hell's Kitchen.

after all.

Natasha had an acquaintance there, the fearless man from Hell's Kitchen, who was a good friend of hers.

However, things cannot keep up with the changes.

Since the last battle in New York, the entire Hell's Kitchen has ceased to exist. "Witches", "Taoist Priests", and Zhao Li have all gone to the underworld, completely losing track of them.

And wait until it appears again.

He has already appeared in this extraordinary battlefield in Houston.

For those who are in a war situation.

Zhao Li stirred the golden light, and the sword energy cut across the water, causing ripples. Acting on a cautious choice, Agent Hill did not want to directly enter the center of the battlefield.

And on the brink of war.

The miko lady who has been blocking the spread of extraordinary power and erecting a transparent barrier that can be felt from observation is obviously the best person to contact.


From the last chaos in New York, the performance of the "Miko" Kikyo when facing Moonlight Moria, the mastermind behind the zombie invasion, it was obvious that she was on the side of order.

And as long as there is such a righteous judgment, then there is value in risking contact.


Once you can get Kikyo's help, Agent Hill will have a chance to do something!!


"Are we really going to land?!"


A hesitant voice came from the communication channel.

Even agents, these well-trained special personnel, can face such a divine battle. Don't be afraid, you still have to be afraid.

after all.

Not everyone is as brave as the special operations team led by Crossbones. Besides, other organizations have faith bonuses.

SHIELD...is there one?

"That's right!!"

"That's it!"

My thoughts have gradually become clearer.

This woman with neatly short hair, wearing a tight-fitting black combat uniform, and acting vigorously and resolutely, made up her mind to start organizing her weapons.


This woman looks cold, even cold.

She kept a straight face and was unwilling to say anything more, but she already understood other people's worries, but at the same time she also understood what she should do.

This is a woman who is determined to do something and has her own ideas!!

Even if she is an agent!

But sometimes, when on a mission, even if it was a communication from Nick Fury, she would not answer it.

And it is her maverick character and her decisive action style that makes decisive decisions at important moments.

Within "SHIELD", she is favored by many people!!

And now...

"Notify everyone."

"Hover around the edge of the battlefield and issue an announcement to descend on my own!!"

"Go find the miko!!"


From the appearance of a demonic scarecrow, this violent conflict gradually begins to involve three parties!

As the barrier arranged by Platycodon is broken, the scene is getting bigger.

Night sky.

The deity of Moriya Shrine is high in the sky, maintaining the barrage she emits.

The beginning of this game was the sudden interest of the gods.

on the other hand.

Frogzi also has the pursuit of [Red Jade].

Although this kind of desire is not strong, it is for her good child Sanae and Yasaka Kanako who have been together for a long time.


This frog has been sleeping in the shrine for a long time. It must be brought to the shrine. These all require [Ruby].

The war that engulfed Houston undoubtedly brought a lot to Suwako Seiya.



"The kid seems unhappy."

Can clearly feel the believer's thoughts.

No matter which boy was always mumbling, even Xiao Ai, whom she liked, felt very bad because of such a scene.

Such uneasy and unspeakable emotions are conveyed through the connections in the dark, like frogs.


Natural returners communicate through chat within the camp.

Hey, hey, Houston obviously started it first, why is the battlefield in New York so busy?!

Lan Tianyu, who transformed into a sky-high giant, was really too arrogant.

Before, I kept taking screenshots in the camp channel to watch the scene of the gods above Houston, so as to show off the power of Moriya Shrine and the mysterious gods, but now... I can't even put the puzzle pieces together.


This is something Lantianyu is good at, but Frogzi is not good at.

The New York dungeon is a much bigger game, and its territory is completely incomparable to Houston's... It can't be compared to this, and it seems like it was lost all at once!



It’s not fun anymore!!

The god-sama looks innocent and girlish, and the two eyes on his hat are unobtrusive.


With the rupture of Platycodon's barrier, although the barrage sent before still existed, the god who was still in the night sky did not make any more moves.

Don't worry about the furious fire-breathing skeleton, the newly awakened Ghost Rider, or the scene of such destruction.

Johnny can't possibly control himself, so let him continue to rage.

And also in a war situation.

Zhao Li, who wanted to catch a fish but couldn't do it at all, was trapped in the whirlpool of the battlefield and couldn't escape. At this time, he was slightly relieved.

Zheya Suwazi began to withdraw her strength, and Zhao Li began to relax his control of the sword energy.

Through the unique vision of the soul ferryman, he could already see the spread from the periphery of the city to the inside.

Human souls are constantly appearing, and before combining the missiles launched, Houston's military enters the scene.


Personnel injuries are continuing.


The souls of those who died innocently because of the war.

No matter what time it is, no matter what race you are, it always feels depressing and sad.

Especially Zhao Li, who has experienced this.

In the long years, I have seen too many wars and talked about too many deaths. If possible, this kind of thing should end.

This extraordinary war with great consequences should also be over.

In the battlefield.

The extraordinary aftermath is still spreading, and the two parties in the three-way struggle are gradually closing their hands.

Exclude the "stunt skeletons" that jump up and down and leap vertically, and ignore the hellfire that rises up from time to time and is completely uncontrollable.

Things are getting better.

And at this pass, an uninvited guest appeared very clearly in the sky above Houston.

It's...a Quinjet!!


"We are the Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Agency!!"

"Your actions have seriously endangered world security, please stop immediately, stop immediately!!"


"We will take necessary action!!"

"The name... is so long!!"

"I don't quite understand."

Frogzi tilted his head in confusion.

The name of the organization has never been heard of, and the player's name has not been seen. Is it an organization that exists in this human world?!

Something unexpected happened.

Fun, fun!!

The eyes on the hat are beeping, and Frog seems to be interested again!!


"Aren't you making trouble?!"

"The old lady's foot bindings are smelly and long. Do you need to tell me to stop?!"

Zhao Li regained his sword energy and resisted the Ghost Rider who was howling like a mad dog.

Look up!!

That troublesome god is obviously interested again.

And at the same time.

Agent Hill, who was gliding down alone in a relatively safe place, also heard the wide-area broadcast from the Quinjet.

This is the first time SHIELD and the supernatural forces have come face to face and have the most direct communication on the battlefield.


At this time, Agent Hill, a cool and cool woman with a cold face, had a confused look on her face.

"This is a warning word for chasing dangerous criminals..."

"Before I come down..."

"Didn't you ask them to change the words?!"

【Happy New Year's Eve!!】

[Although Lucky Snake is very slow, in the new year, I hope everyone will continue to grind slowly with me!!]

【Thank you very much, I love you!】

This chapter has been completed!
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