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Chapter 395 Yan Xiaoluos realization, enough is enough, stop it all

Chapter 395 Yan Xiaoluo’s realization, enough is enough, please stop it!!


Wearing a burgundy shirt, a black trench coat, holding down his black top hat, and holding a black sword, the swordsman walked silently on the street.

Wherever you go!!

The so-called Hydes, the so-called giant beasts on the far side, include all the tall buildings blocking the road in front of them.

The area in front of him, from a wide angle, was all shaved off with a single sweep of the knife.


Smoke and dust filled the air, buildings were chopped down by blades, and blood clots fell from the sky. Everything was crumbling.


His eyes are as sharp as an eagle, but he doesn't care about everything around him, but just stares at the private chat in front of him!!

【Mihawk:Los Angeles】

In a small private chat between two people!

The swordsman's voice remained the same as before, without any fluctuations.

For Mihawk, he didn't know much about this city, after all, he had just arrived here not long ago.

That night.

After leaving Edwards Air Force Base, I briefly walked around California for a while.


It's because this is the closest place to the Naju Air Force Base. After a round trip, we arrived at Los Angeles, which is 150 kilometers away.

Originally, he was still concerned about Perona's safety. After all, Moonlight Moria's condition seemed to be very bad!


Unexpectedly, the hero from the West Sea did not come to this city. On the contrary...

[Perona: Was it the closest city at that time?!]

[Perona: I want to go too, but...]

[Perona: Lord Moria feels a different aura!!]


Perona has returned to Moria's command. Since she is a member of the Moonlight Pirates, it is natural to follow the captain.

Mihawk naturally wouldn't say much.


Regarding the woman named Kikyo, she belongs to the Emperor Foundation.

The last time Mihawk had not come to this world, he defeated the existence of Moria on the battlefield called New York.

He had heard Perona tell him this.


This is just a private chat between two people.

If Moria hears words like "defeat", "Platycodon", and "private chat between two people"...


Perona is in trouble, Moria will definitely lose her temper.

On the other hand, Mihawk, the always indifferent swordsman, didn't seem to care about this.

He was just thinking about an opponent he had never seen before!!

He had already seen and briefly collided with Moonlight Moria, whose appearance had changed drastically.

The current big demon can be regarded as a being worthy of drawing his sword.


The woman who can subdue Moria, Kikyo... It would be best if I could meet her.



He shook his head in distress. He still didn't understand this new world. It would be better if someone could help him find the way.

Where is Los Angeles, and where exactly is Houston?!

Mihawk doesn't know these things well, and he just came to the new world and wants to face more powerful people.

Realizing that he has become the world's best swordsman, he is looking for more possibilities to move forward!!

Hawkeye, who has always been aloof, now felt a little regretful that he could not participate in such an extreme battle situation.


Perona's private chats continued, and some very detailed battlefield inside stories were appearing in front of Mihawk's eyes.


[Perona: It’s so fierce, Lord Moria is so handsome!!]

[Perona: But...]

[Perona: If you can really defeat him, he is a great general!!]

Perona continues to serve as a little reporter on the battlefield.

That side.

She did not appear directly in the battle in Houston, but used the posture of Princess Mononoke with the help of the shadow.

The surrounding edge of the battlefield transmits the captured scenery to Mihawk on the other side.

Appearing in front of the world's greatest swordsman, the cold-blooded Hawkeye uncle can still be immersed in the scene even if he has not entered the Houston battle!!

Feel the earth-shattering situation that day!!


Eyes as sharp as an eagle reveal a different look.

It should be said that he is the big pirate who has regained his arrogant attitude. Soon after arriving in this new world, he met a new enemy.


At this time, on the battlefield on the other side, he even dared to face the admiral of the navy headquarters and drew his sword.

Blue pheasant!!

You can clearly see it from the picture.

The huge shadow wall rising from the ground, it is obvious that compared to what Mihawk learned about Moria in the past, the hero of the West Sea at this time was much stronger.


The enemies he faces cannot be underestimated either.

The cold current overflows and can freeze everything. It is one of the highest combat powers in the navy.

Just the appearance of the name Qing Pheasant makes it worth taking seriously.

I didn’t know that!!

Akainu, Kizaru, and even the rumored warden of Impelton Prison, every name spread would make pirates on the sea fearful.

And now.

These powerful men belonging to the naval camp all appeared in Houston and appeared in a chaotic situation.

And what we face...



It’s so wonderful, so exciting, this is something I haven’t felt in a long time!!



Black Blade Night seemed to feel the master's thoughts, and seemed to be trembling slightly.

The heart of the world's greatest swordsman, after witnessing an unprecedented duel!

It's incredible.

He is not a fledgling boy, but now, because of such a game, a long-lost enthusiasm has been ignited!!

This journey to becoming a great swordsman, which seems to have reached its pinnacle, is once again...



A huge roar sounded.

Something seems to have happened in this city, but it has nothing to do with Mihawk.


Raise your head slightly.

A cold light flashed through his eyes.

It seems that Yaxing was interrupted because he was chatting. It seems that he was interrupted because he was observing the battlefield on the other side!!

The extremely huge and exaggerated beast, in various twisted postures, ran rampantly into Los Angeles as if it were running over a small model of a huge creature.

And the great swordsman was disturbed!!

Mixed with the falling raindrops, without any intention to communicate, the black knife flashed past!!


The entire place in front of you.

It was pulled into a flat surface, like a sword that shot out straight, and a huge fan shape suddenly spread out horizontally!!



In this rainy night, this moment suddenly became extremely quiet.

It's as smooth as cutting tofu with a knife, as if a red-hot knife fell on butter.

Take Mihawk as the center point.

The area extending in front of the great swordsman includes the skyscrapers in the "City of Angels" and the behemoths that roared in just now.

All in all!!

Keep the height of your hand raised, in this slashing slash space, everything will be cut off!!

Extremely silky.

Extremely bright.

As the knife passes by, it looks like a wheat field cut by a machine. The neat beauty makes people shudder.


After the silence, there was a big explosion of collapse.

A huge beast that was completely dismembered, mixed with a cut building that began to collapse downwards.

The entire city ushered in an earthquake-like scene.

And, the swordsman who did all this!!


His eyes remained calm.

There is no fluctuation at all, not for saving anything, nor for any unrelated good or evil.

Just because...

These guys just disturbed Mihawk's ongoing chat.

That's all.

This man who had previously occupied the throne of the world's strongest swordsman sometimes had his own way of doing things.

[Perona: What's wrong, what's wrong, what happened to you?!】

It seemed like I could hear something from the voice being connected.

Of course she didn't need to care about Mihawk's safety, but Princess Mononoke still asked about the situation immediately.


Not much explanation was given.

Mihawk simply took a screenshot following the operation Perona had just performed.

It was a messy city.

And in the dark rain, everything seems to be collapsing.

[Perona: No way!!]

[Perona: Did you start a fight over there too?!]

In terms of tone.

Perona seemed very surprised as to why these men always entered such troublesome places.

Wouldn't it be nice to find a gloomy old castle and live together in a snail's nest like before?!


Everywhere people are risking their lives and fighting to the death. Is the so-called dream pursued by a man worth it?

Perona didn't know, and Princess Mononoke couldn't understand.

It's like.

She doesn’t understand why Lord Moria insists on causing trouble with Kikyo and fighting against the admiral!!

I don’t understand even more...

Why did Mihawk, who was fine before, suddenly draw his sword and start killing!!


Perona has no idea about the situation in Los Angeles, what kind of wild beasts, what kind of Hyde Legion, etc.

What a coincidence!!

Mihawk doesn't know either, he's not interested at all!!

If we were to talk about why he suddenly took action and why he got involved in the chaos of this city, maybe...

"This is a pirate!!"

[Perona: Hogback found an interesting guy!!]

[Perona: It’s so strange. There are big eyes on the head. Hey, he’s not dead yet...]

[Perona: This guy...]

Princess Mononoke on the other side is still chattering.

As he began to talk about some scraps of news from the battlefield, Mihawk's attention began to shift.

Raise your head slightly.

Just at the other end of the street, at the far end, there was a small figure.


It's because Mihawk's previous knife had eliminated all the obstructions.

This is how it was exposed!!


The great swordsman looked into the past.

It’s...a black name, and...very long!!

"Wait, wait!!"

"What the hell is going on!!"

On the street.

The girl standing in the corner looked up at the sky in silence.

Just now.

What you can see when you look up is still a neat street building.

Although the city is now deserted, the former prosperity is still there.


Everything is falling apart now.

It's not because of those giant beasts surging from the edge of the city, but because of the man with a blade as sharp as a cross!!

One knife!!

A slash that is extremely far away and has a very powerful effect!!

"He waved with one hand!!"

"A whole city was cut off!!"

That's not even the point.

The most important thing is that what appeared in front of Yan Xiaoluo's eyes at this time was a bright red name that made her eyes hurt!!

【Joracol Mihawk】

Red name!!

Natural returner!!

Incredible, incredible!!

This is the same existence as the underworld, belonging to the terrifying camp of natural returners.


"This king, this king means it's hateful!!"

Although I thought it was scary in my heart, the other party's behavior was indeed very scary.

At this moment.

In any case, at least, probably, maybe... I'd better hold on if I can, face is this thing...


Amid the falling gravel, the scattered raindrops, and everything else's brief tranquility.

Eyes as sharp as an eagle swept over him in an instant.

When Yan Xiaoluo saw Mihawk, the great swordsman also noticed the little King of Hell.


He didn't seem to be interested in the defenseless little girl.


Even though the other person has a black name on his head, but...

Mihawk is not interested in such a little girl who has no sword in her hand and does not seem to be such a powerful character.


"The look in your eyes makes people shudder. Sure enough, it's all about face, so let's forget it."

Yan Xiaoluo trembled all over for a moment.

This is not a matter of whether to fight or not, it is just the moment when the other party looks at me with such cold eyes.

It reminded Yan Xiaoluo of very bad things.

What a disgusting feeling!!

It seemed that this was not the first time she had encountered such cold eyes since coming to this new world.

Old devil...

Mr. Butterfly......


Seriously speaking, none of these characters can be considered easy to get along with.


A more correct statement is that these three are not good people in the traditional sense.


Die Xiaoyue can be said to be a good friend who can communicate and get along well with her. She has just met her.

Having her here really makes Yan Xiaoluo feel a lot better!!



It seems that he was not affected at all by Mihawk's knife just now!!

Through the night!!

The snow-white light and shadow gradually became brighter, and the fleeting light used by Die Xiaoyue became more and more blooming.

"It's pretty good..."

"Xiaoyue, come on, I, the king, will escape first!!"

Gritting his teeth and stamping his feet.

It’s not advisable to stay here for a long time. Find a place that has no giant monsters, no red-named weirdos, and is not close to the center...

It’s not that I don’t do my best, it’s such a battlefield, it’s really... I don’t want to think about it anymore, in short, Yan Xiaoluo is going to run away!!



"Monster, monster, God, bless us!!"



A piercing scream!!

After that despair, the most hopeless emotion burst out!!

Even if he covers his ears, even if he doesn't want to pay attention, at this moment, all Yan Xiaoluo can see in his eyes and hear in his ears is this.


There are too many confused souls rising into the sky above this city.


The screams wrapped in pain, the panic mixed in the gloomy night, and the chaos spreading endlessly.

Those who returned to Los Angeles were completely trapped in hell on earth.


Yan Xiaoluo, who was running hard with her short legs, finally reached the point where she could no longer run.

The steps gradually stopped.

No, her physical strength has reached its limit!!


Facing those people who are crying and howling, facing the scene of sinking in this hell, the sky full of souls with no destination.

The roaring and ferocious Hydes continued to surge along the streets towards the central area, killing and destroying everything along the way!!

Yan Xiaoluo's feet that wanted to leave couldn't move anymore!!

"Ho ho!!"

"Tear them to pieces, tear them to pieces!!"


Little Yama stands on the broken road!!

in front of her.

Terrifying limbs and messy fragments are walking around. The monsters have completely lost their minds and have been dominated by the flesh. They are roaring!!


"Stop it all, my king!!"

Yan Xiaoluo's little face was more serious than ever before. With one hand in front of her, she stood alone in front of the charging Haide!!

For nothing else!!

I just don’t want to see more souls flying!!

In an instant!!

The rain turns quickly and the wind blows quickly!!

far away!!

Mihawk, who sheathed the knife slightly, suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction where Yan Xiaoluo was running away!!


A unique atmosphere is sweeping over!!


The great swordsman's eyes narrowed slightly.

At this moment...

In this Los Angeles, in this "City of Angels", is the true judge of souls, the final destination of souls!!

The Lord of the souls of all living things has arrived, and his name is... Lord of Yama!!

This chapter has been completed!
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