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Chapter 428 Six Paths of Reincarnation, Lord of the Underworld, I am... King of Hades

Chapter 428 Six Paths of Reincarnation, Lord of the Underworld, I am... Hades!!

In the middle of a war.

Gold turns into stone, and the simple brick walls reflect endless sadness!!

Rising out of the sky.

The golden sky pillars supporting the golden door are connected together like a spreading mountain peak, shrouded in layers of cold mist!!

It's cold and clear, and I lament the sadness of the world.

All of a sudden!!

The devil uses it to tempt, and people's greed disappears. Instead, it is as cold as an eternal cold spring!!

The mountains spread out like a closed door. If you pass by here, you will be like entering the gate of hell.

gate of hell!!

Life and death, the boundary between the living and the dead!!

The twisted, hot, and devilish dimension of hell is nowhere to be seen. At this moment, behind the ghost gate, a dark path leads to a path of no return.

That is a place of eternal darkness!!


The Devil King's smile did not diminish, but before that it was disdain and ridicule for a series of jokes presented by the earth of the world!!

But now.

The woman's voice came suddenly, Mephisto's golden door was taken away, and at this time the Lord of Hell shrieked with anger.

"Dare to steal the devil's things."

"Where did you, woman... come from?!!"


A huge amount of energy burst out in an instant, even though the scarlet devil said so.

However, when the golden door was pulled up into the sky, the most direct passage to the hell dimension was closed.

No more, the endless flow of hell energy, the black energy transformed by the Demon King... Although the amount is still huge, it has finally become a rootless source.

Shining energy light groups of various colors are the final explosive attacks of several players approaching the power.

There is no further support.

The energy burst that can melt the devil's limbs covers even more in an instant, completely containing the scarlet devil within the offensive!!


This devil's body quickly shattered under the same energy intensity as when several continents exploded at the same time.

"Okay, okay!!"

"The underworld has finally taken action, old devil, you are dead!!"

The gate of hell is coming.

I saw the simple and familiar font of Shangshu and felt the clear atmosphere.

Yan Xiaoluo knew that this was another existence among the players. The underworld who had been fighting in Houston finally took action.

Don't care about anything else, don't ask about anything else.

The little king is just thinking that no matter what, defeating Mephisto is the best thing now.

This moment.

Yan Xiaoluo was very happy and felt sincerely for this earthly land.


Soon she and he became nervous again.


"The golden door is closed, but the demon soil under your feet is still there!!"

"The power of hell is still going on. If this continues, this old devil will not be killed!!"

At this moment.

The little king who grits his teeth and perseveres.

Bearing the status of Lord Yama of the Earth Realm, and with the arrival of Yama Hall, Yan Xiaoluo can be said to be an important force in protecting the human world.

To put it more bluntly, everyone rushed forward and only the little king was still holding on to the rear.

And from beginning to end.

His eyes have been wandering around the old devil and the Golden Gate, or to be precise, Yan Xiaoluo on the bound Die Xiaoyue.

The problem was discovered immediately.

Although the supply of hell's demonic energy has disappeared, but... the three states are still covered by the demonic soil.

The underworld has come.

With Los Angeles as the center, it has been expanding outwards, and the area covered by the underworld's Yin Qi formation has been captured by Yan Xiaoluo.

But there are more places.

The concept of the hell dimension has never been broken. As long as you stand on the demon soil and as long as the old devil is willing, that incarnation can never be broken.


It is such a terrifying existence. The dangers in this world are far beyond imagination.


Black and white are impermanent, and Lao Hei Lao Bai's expression is extremely serious at this time.

They didn't know the specific details of the two wars that took place at this time, but... instead of thinking about the old devil.

The more important issue is... the sudden intervention at the gate of hell!!

That cold breath is extremely familiar, and the feeling of death is even more shocking.



And he is also a player.

In the original world, Lao Hei and Lao Bai had experienced too much and understood too much about the struggle between various forces within the Three Realms.

Clearly understood.

Sometimes the dangers from the outside are not as fierce as the internal competition!


Just like this time.

Why do they have to take the lead in the underworld, but this underworld only takes action at the last moment?


The two brothers, who had a good understanding of each other, looked at each other in black and white and said nothing when the little king was so excited.

But there is a tacit understanding in my heart!!

This underworld needs to be vigilant, needs to be investigated, and needs to be prepared to deal with them first.

“I have to guard against it!!”

An undetectable sound, drifting away in the wind.

"Ah?! What?!"

The energy pressure generated by the convection made Yan Xiaoluo not care about anything else, but he vaguely heard what Lao Hei seemed to say.

"It's okay, King!!"


A new round of energy explosion has occurred again.

"Block...quick, quick, quick!!"

The imperial robes are flying and the beaded curtains are billowing!!

Timid and naive are not good words to describe the Lord of Hell.


All the creatures in this world who are destined to die!!

For them.

This little king should be the one you can choose after death. He is the most kind, the kindest, the most... in short, no nice words can be said to her.

Who wouldn’t like such a great king?!

"Here comes another one."

"When did this place become so lively? How come I didn't know about it before?!"

Mephisto was suppressed by the players' offensive. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Death Apostle was able to pull back Craig who was seeking death.

I can't understand.

He had been coming to this place before, but he had never encountered anything like this.


This also means that besides caring about Craig, a loser, he doesn't pay attention to other things.

After all, there are so many stars and races in the universe, and interesting deaths are everywhere.

Why always linger here.


Not only has this world been targeted by the King of Devils, but now... such a breath of death has arrived, representing the presence of death.

"Who is that?!"

The flames have been extinguished, and Craig is completely under the suppression of the Death Apostle. The dark unknown entity in the universe will never allow this idiot to commit suicide again.

The immortal man was a little confused at this time, as to his understanding of the battlefield, what exactly happened at this time?!

The sudden change made him confused.

"No, it's none of your business."

"Come with me now, get out of here, I want to find out what happened to you."

The tone of the Death Apostle without any tone.

He retracted the black spear with condensed energy, and his white cloak slowly slid behind him.


Whatever happens here is none of his business. Who dies and who lives? Mephisto wins and takes everything away, or this sudden spoiler can defeat the devil.

These have absolutely nothing to do with the Death Apostles.

At this moment.

From his pitch-black face, it was impossible to see any emotion on his face, but...

Obviously, he wanted to find out the reason for Craig's change.

Who is it?!

Appeared next to the supreme human being, thus leading the immortal man to the path at this time.

"Familiar smell."

"That guy named Craig has the aura of Zhao Li."

I have been monitoring the battlefield for an unknown amount of time.

At this time, Ah Cha actually showed up, and for a moment, his eyes also fell on Craig.

The most high person.

Humanity after the supreme evolution!!

Once such a secret arouses a woman's curiosity, she really can't hold it back.

at the same time.

She felt the breath of Hades, which was a feeling unique to soul ferrymen. This man named Craig must have met Mr. Zhao.

"Good guy."

"Little official, I will settle these accounts with you when I get back!!"

Ah Cha's face was filled with a perfect smile.


No more, now he has been completely sucked into the hell rift.

The Covenant of St. Fanganza!!

No, are you sitting there chanting sutras and trying to find the forgotten soul?

And...Supreme Humanity!!

I encountered such a unique good thing, but I didn’t report it to her immediately!!

It's definitely itchy.

It definitely feels like the underworld can no longer control him, and there is no place in the world for him to be free, right?!


Wait until the matter is over and discuss it properly after you go back!!

And now!!

"At the gate of hell, ten people go there and one person comes back!!"

"The world is in a hot and cold world, and life is changing all the time. When you return, you still don't know whether you will be a human, a ghost, or half-human and half-ghost."

"Now, the door to hell is wide open!!"

"In this world, I should have a place in the underworld!!"


The world is turned upside down.

A dark path emerges from the gate of hell. There is no turning back on the road to hell. Once you enter this place, you will enter the underworld forever!!


The feeling of space exploding, where the world and hell intersect, is like a flat mirror being suddenly broken.

All of a sudden!!

The already chaotic battle situation became even more chaotic.


Bang bang bang!!

At the junction of the two worlds, the energy of the player's ultimate move is completely twisted together, and Mephisto is also involved.

And at the same time.

New York State, California, and Texas, all the emptiness in the three lands were shattered.

It's like there are cracks in the air, like there are indescribable misty feathers falling!!

At this moment.

The human dimension and the hell dimension are two realms that compete with each other. Through the emergence of this hell gate, a new space breaks in!!

"At the beginning of time immemorial, I am the master of the eternal existence of the world's souls and the six reincarnations!!"

"I am... Hades!!"

Acha's voice turned into rolling waves and spread to all places.


Old black and old white, bull-headed and horse-faced, underworld generals, pupils contracted!!

If the boss is here, the generals of the underworld will not have any worries.


At this time, the little king had just taken over, and Yan Xiaoluo was still growing up, although she had already gained some form during this battle.

But it's not enough.

Compared with this kind of eternal master, the little king is far from enough now.

It was as if the other party had been hiding in the underworld for a long time and was so scheming, but the little king suppressed the Yama Hall in one fell swoop.

Use the underworld as a bet in exchange for peace on earth.

This intention, this desire that justice in the world be upheld, good and evil be rewarded, and heaven's principles be clear.

Although it is the wish of the boss, even though this should be the blessing of this place!!


The old king was very kind to them, and after all, this new world had just arrived, and they didn't know anything about it.

They have long passed the age of passion.

Lao Hei and Lao Bai only think about the underworld, and are considered by their own little king, and the bull-headed horse-faced one should protect the king.

What the world is like will be discussed later. At this time, there is only one thing that can be absolutely certain.


This is no longer a question of whether to guard against the other party.


After this time, the underworld will have to face the pressure of the underworld, and it will definitely be extremely uncomfortable.

So underworld!!


We are waiting for the enemy of the underworld!!

"My Lord Ah Cha has arrived!!"

At this moment.

In this battle situation, Zhao Li, who seemed to have rested long ago, the most senior soul ferryman in the underworld, comfortably lit up a post-event cigarette!!

He had long known that Ah Cha would take action.

But when he came, when he took action, and how he appeared, Zhao Li didn't know.

After all... I have been blocked by my Lord Ah Cha long ago.


Ah Cha is fine no matter what, but for Zhao Li...he still has other things to do now.


The soul-killing gun was inserted into his waist, and the cigarette in his mouth was somewhat unsteady, and his whole body was shrouded in a layer of golden light.

Under the protection of the Vajra Curse, Zhao Li was tentatively touching the scattered cracks in hell.

At this time, these cracks have become very narrow, and all the surrounding space is exploding!!

He understood that this was due to the arrival of Ah Cha, the advent of the underworld, and the loss of the hell beacon, which caused the disconnection of the hell dimension!!


The space is distorted and the golden light trembles!!

Through your own body, you can remember the feeling in hell, touch the demonic energy, and touch the demonic soil!!

Zhao Li tried to retain the breath in the crack before the hell dimension completely left.

This way!!

Although I don’t know if it is possible, but with a scent that can be tracked, there is a chance to enter hell!!

We can't let the miko end like this!!

"It's really...so stupid!!"

Zhao Li's eyes were still like those of an old salted fish who had been crawling on the beach for many years, and there seemed to be no fluctuation at all.

It was just a brief movement of eyes, as if recalling some things from the past.


"We just got to know each other, and we can't just let it go!!"

The familiar Queen's voice echoed in his ears, and Zhao Li knew that Lord Chacha had arrived.

"It's too late!!"


He blew out a smoke ring from his mouth.

The golden light on his hand suddenly dimmed, the black leather gloves were corroded in an instant, and the demonic energy of hell eroded crazily.

Zhao Li inserted one hand completely into the rift of hell!!


Feel the burning pain like a brand, okay, I remember it clearly now!!

“Damn, I don’t like tattoos!!”

"I can't look at my hands now, but...it's like this, why don't I get a dragon tattoo?!"

"Over the shoulder?!"



"Whatever you are, are you ready to face the wrath of the Devil King?!"

He laughed in anger.

Mephisto's eyes almost burst into flames, and he felt a familiar aura.

Just like Ah Cha felt that the soul ferryman's breath remained in the immortal person, and knew that Zhao Li must have met him.

At this time, the Lord of Hell smelled a hint of the Supreme Person.


You must have crossed paths with a certain mage, even if it was just for a moment!!

This chapter has been completed!
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