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Chapter 445 Mr. Deadpool is living a good life, but he is even more... happy

Chapter 445 Mr. Deadpool is living a good life, just more...happy!

Bustling crowds.

This is North Las Vegas, a city that is also prosperous because of tourism. At this time, like other places in Nevada, it has fallen into chaos due to the sudden arrival of an excessive number of people.

The big man, who had found a cloak from nowhere, or simply a black cloth robe, covered his face tightly and tried to walk through some dark alleys.

After all, now is really not the time to show off.

"Oh my God!"

"I feel like this is very bad. We must be like this. I haven't done anything immoral."

Colossus, wrapped in a cloak, said angrily.

He already felt very uncomfortable, not because he was wrapped too tightly and was panicking, but because he was hiding his head and tail... Aren't the X-Men always positive characters?!

Why hide, this is simply too bad.


"Big guy, look at you, your whole body is covered with steel plates. We will be arrested in this situation."

Warnhead patted her head irritably. Things were already going very bad now, and she didn't want to get into any new trouble.

Look at the streets, look at these crowded and noisy people, who knows what organizations or people with ulterior motives may be hiding inside.

The world has gone crazy.

Not surprisingly, the whole world is interested in trying to figure out what happened to the lost land of Three Continents.

They couldn't find the Devil King, but a big guy like Colossus was really easy to find.

Catching one at random would be an unimaginable gain for them, but for the X-Men, it would be a catastrophe.

"It can't be that serious, right?!"

"Didn't Mr. Smoker and his assistant go to understand the situation?!"

"I think I'll be back soon."

Colossus was as usual, speaking in a tone that matched his hard body. Maybe for them, things weren't that bad.

"what's on your mind?!"

"Tell me, big guy, what are you thinking?!"

Warhead's mood is very unstable now.

She really wanted to pull Colossus' head and tell him that it was terrible, things were extremely bad.

Don't pay attention to Smoker and the others anymore.

Now there are pressing matters concerning themselves that need to be dealt with, Xavier Academy for the Gifted is gone!!


Do you know what it means to be gone?!

That shabby manor finally no longer needs to be repaired, because that unfortunate place has completely flown into the sky along with the entire state of New York.


The professor hasn't come back yet.

Warhead simply couldn't imagine what the professor's expression would be like when he saw this when he came back.


"It's perfect now. I finally don't have to worry about that shabby school exploding every once in a while."

"Because there's not even a scum left. When the others come back, have you thought about what to say?!"

When Warhead spoke, he suppressed his excitement and looked at Tina from time to time.

As the first member of the Imperial Foundation to come into contact with them.

to be honest.

Warhead and Tina get along well, and even Colossus gets along well.


After all, the X-Men and the Navy are still two completely different organizations.

In the past, it was easy for them to act together.


The whole world was in chaos, things turned completely bad, and they were so turned upside down that they even lost their home.

How do you say this?!

What should we do now? Is it still as rigid as Colossus' iron skull?!

“Tough luck!!”

"Don't tell me, now that I think about it, I still miss that shabby house."

There is no doubt about it.

Now, Warnhead is in a state of mental collapse.


"Tina doesn't know how to comfort people, but Tina will find a way to do it."

As a qualified navy, Tina is not a woman who likes to chatter, but as a friend, she feels she should say something.

It is true that I have been occupying someone else's house, and now... However, the generals of the headquarters should have made arrangements.

"Tina is also very disappointed. This world is different from what Tina imagined."

"No...it's different from what everyone imagined."

As the first batch of players to come to this world.

I once thought that after experiencing everything on the sea, it would not be difficult to pursue the justice in my heart in this new world.


With the appearance of Mephisto, the King of Devils showed the true face of this world.

But it rang like an alarm bell.

The three generals and Mr. Warden, after the matter was over, immediately went to the Yama Hall to meet with the King of the Underworld.

After all, they are both under the same name, so it is very important for the navy to have a reasonably good communication.


Tina still doesn't know yet, because the appearance of Yasaka Kanako and the Six Paths Bones are causing trouble.

The first meeting between the three parties could be said to have ended on bad terms.

"Okay, okay!"

"You know my Tina, I didn't mean to blame anyone, but... Damn it!!"

No one wants this kind of thing to happen. Wan Tou wanted to say something, but whether it was to complain or something else, the words got stuck in his throat halfway and he couldn't say anything.

"Can I ask someone who can tell me what we were going to do before all this happened?!"

Warhead looked like he had given up hope. He spread his hands and looked at Colossus and then at Tina, hoping someone could give him an answer.

"Well...it seems they are looking for Wade. You know, we can't leave our partners behind."

The more Colossus talked, the less confident he became.

However, it seems that this was the reason why they went to the Houston battlefield in the first place.

But... isn't this because the plan can't keep up with changes?

"It's the guy who broke his mouth last time. Tina doesn't like him."

Tina also nodded.

Chatty, annoying, and possessing immortality, Deadpool left a deep impression on Tina.

"Me!! Me!!"

"I knew that nothing good would happen if I got involved with the unlucky guy. I should have... crushed him to death!!"

Warhead's superpower has been activated uncontrollably in an extremely excited mood.

There was a faint orange light flashing in her hands, and she really wanted to explode something.

Damn it, damn it!!

It was like she had found an outlet. After all, she couldn't always express her dissatisfaction with Colossus and Tina.

But the frustration of being homeless made her really feel uncomfortable.

It's fine now.

The image of Deadpool is engraved in my mind. If the pervert who likes to wear red tights dares to appear in front of him, the warhead will definitely kill him without hesitation.


Hey, let's be honest, the devil's king is dividing the world, such a big thing, what does it have to do with Wade?!

Could it be that... Mephisto invaded because he fell in love with Mr. Deadpool's underwear? Oh, no, that's really bad.

By the way...this kind of angry attitude, ah, Xiao Jianjian said, Warnhead, you look a bit like a woman!!

Thumbs up to tomboy!!


"I think you need to calm down."

"After all~"

"No matter what the outcome is, at least we are still alive, right?"

Colossus raised his hands and looked at Warhead, who was constantly pulling his hair and looking extremely irritable, trying to comfort him.


"This is the biggest trouble, okay?"

Hearing this, Warhead rolled his eyes angrily, avoided the crowd around him, and held up the newspaper he had just taken out of the trash can.

Who knows when this newspaper was published, maybe it was from last week.

However, this did not stop Warnhead from getting angry and lowering his head to check.

"What are you doing?"

Colossus looked confused.

He always felt that his thoughts seemed to be unable to keep up with the rhythm of the warhead.


Warhead flicked the newspaper in his hand with a snap, and then showed the crumpled area to Colossus.


"Let me tell you, we are homeless now."

"Without a manor, without a villa, without a reserve of cakes and juice, we have lost everything. It's a pity... we still need to live."

"So there are job postings for burger restaurants or bars or even cafes!!"

"I hope they can give us without identity information a way to survive. I feel very bad now."

"If we lose the academy, it is very likely that we will go back to the days of hiding in the smelly sewers!"

Colossus looked at the serious-looking warhead with a confused expression on his face, could things... really get so bad?!

The current situation seemed to have triggered some very bad memories from the past, causing her to fall into extreme anxiety.

Colossus looked at Tina with helpless eyes.

"Tina... I don't know either."


Colossus stopped talking and tightened the cloak tightly around him. Sure enough, it should be better to hide it now.

It looks like.

Their troubles continue until they figure things out and find a place to go.

I guess I will settle down in this city first.

at the same time.

In another wonderful place, in the dark red background, on the gravel that is always floating slowly, a guy with his legs crossed, not caring at all about the perverted fact that he is naked, is enjoying his leisure time comfortably.


"What's going on with this sudden desire to complain? Yawn, who missed me?!"

After sneezing twice in a row, Wade rolled over and got up, scratching his butt that was itchy from the gravel, rolling his eyes and mumbling.

This is demonic hell.

Despite the chaos outside, the great undead mercenary and the brave Mr. Deadpool are still living peacefully.


It would be better if his shadow could accompany him.


"My dear, no matter how many times I see you, I still miss you."

Rubbing his toes, Wade missed his own shadow again for a second.


"In fact, people get used to it after losing it for a long time, even his shadow and...shoes!!"

Shoes are a great invention, but it is always difficult to adapt to walking without shoes. This seems to be the shame of human beings!!

"Originally, I also had this kind of shame."

"But when you have nothing on you and return to the original state, naked from top to bottom, then you won't have such trouble."

"I have to say, the power of habit is really great!!"

Opening his arms and embracing nature, Wade stood naked on the edge of the gravel, shouting towards the dark red prison in his sight, as if there was no way out.

Just then.

"Small snacks, ahhh!"

"Where are you, come quickly, little snack, come here quickly!!"

A huge sound echoed.

The green devil, like a mountain, moved slowly, its fat body lying on the largest rock platform.

The short paws stretched hard, and while Sister Bo Gang called for Wade, she also did some stretching exercises for herself.


"I almost forgot, since it's hell, there must be demons!"

"Dear viewers, now Mr. Wade will introduce to you...the fiery, passionate demon lady...Yamano Nami Tsuyoshi!!"

This perverted guy was as enthusiastic as a radio show host. Wade cheered while speaking to his expectant audience.

At the same time, they jumped from one gravel to another, running towards Bo Gang at an extremely fast speed.

"Ah, little snack, where have you gone? I haven't found you yet."


The gravel beneath his feet was crushed together. Wade tilted his head and was caught in Bo Gang's hand.

"Oh, dear, you know I have mysophobia. Even if I can't take a bath, I still like to bask in the sun!!"

“It’s great to be free from the constraints of clothes!!”

"I actually think the invention of cloth is the worst thing in the world."

Wade said with a serious expression.


"The snacks are still so delicious."

After being sealed in the devil's hell for a long time, Yamanoha finally got a steady supply of snacks that he could taste.

This is truly a treasure. In this dark prison, Wade is the best treasure for this devil lady.

"It's an honor, dear!"

"You taste good too, I mean... in this big house with only two people, who can refuse to be alone with a lady?!"

Wade seemed to want to change into a more comfortable position, but unfortunately...

never mind.

This is also good. Crush the bones into smaller pieces and digest them faster.

"Um, are you ready for lunch?!"

In this hell where no time passes.

Wade summed up a brand new timing method. According to past practices, it should be meal time now.

call out!!

A perfect parabola, like throwing it into the air and eating the popcorn with your mouth.

Wade raised his right hand, which could still be moved, like a diver flying in mid-air with wings spread.

Don't tell me, judging from this guy's tone, he is quite happy.

"Hey, did you see that she was so bold the last time she ate in New York!!"


Yamazhiha just smacked her mouth, but the snack was still too small. After swallowing it in one gulp, she swallowed it without any taste coming out.


The feedback it brought was extremely rapid. The demonic energy of the mountain rose up, and the demon hell destroyed it in an instant.

Demonic energy is not important.

What's important is that following a series of system prompts, the devil lady's harvest came.

"Damn old man, stinky monkey, you can't lock me down."

The system list slowly passed by. As the eldest sister among the demons, if she hadn't been continuously sharpened in wisdom in this seal.

She will never act like a foodie.


There are no longer only demons in the Demon Hell, Deadpool will be the key to Bo Gang leaving here.

after all!!

In some ways, their relationship has long been inseparable.


"My dear, you are so passionate, I feel your heat!!"


Listen, Mr. Wade is so happy swimming in stomach acid!!

It's more than that.

【Yamano Nami Tsuyoshi: I know you can see the dead dragon insect!】

[Yamanoami Tsuyoshi: Although I really want to crush you to death, I will give you another chance and come to me!!]

【Yamunami Tsuyoshi: Hurry up!!】


This information was refreshed in the camp channel, and Sister Bo Gang would chat privately. This is so scary!!

This chapter has been completed!
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