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Chapter 462 Bazaars plan and Mount Miaomu surrounded by beauties

Chapter 462 Bazaar’s plan and the Myokiyama Sento surrounded by beauties!!

Mysterious deep sea cave.

This place has left Atlantis and is part of this dark and infinite sea.

And it is here.

Like the cold sea, the ruthless demon seems to be the incarnation of the endless ocean, and the water demon Bazaar has truly descended here.

Unlike her other demon brothers and sisters, unlike her eldest sister Bo Gang, who just landed in New York City where she can gorge on delicious food.

Good guy, the mountain wave had just arrived, but it showed its true form like a mountain, which made me happy.

However, I was happy to eat, but it undoubtedly attracted too much attention. As a result, Sister Bo Gang didn't have fun yet, so she went back to the devil's hell?!

And the same.

Also unlike the Demon Lord of Fire, Bazaar does not have a spell to strip away the demonic power.

She is not a sculpture.

But a terrifying demon who still knows some ancient magic.

Moreover, as soon as Bazaar came to this new world, she fell into this vast ocean, which is the home of the water demon.

Same thing.

That extremely attractive city of undersea people, Atlantis, should have been the place she ruled.


"Tell me what happened, I felt people cheering!!"

After leaving the City of Exile, Hai Sha headed towards the place where his queen was at an extremely fast speed.

Enter the cave.

With a beautiful body like a mermaid, Bazaar asked while drawing a spell with a fish tail.

Being in the water, in the area that she is supposed to rule, the sea is equivalent to the water demon itself.

Just now.

Bazaar heard a wonderful sound.

Of course it was not a cheer, but a shout of confusion, a sign of confusion in the face of the sudden search by the warriors of the royal city.

as well as!!

The sea beasts are causing havoc in the city of exile, and the shark people's misbehavior has aroused alarm.

All this.

These noisy sounds and frightened feelings are transmitted through water currents and whirlpools. Undoubtedly, these negative emotions are the devil's favorite.

"My queen, Attuma praises you!!"

The undersea thug's eyes were full of love. He looked at the flawless body in front of him. How beautiful the shark's body was.

Haisha is more pious than ever.

He believed that he had found a lifelong belief in a being that was more noble than the Poseidon recognized by the Atlantean royal family.

Perceiving the sea, shaped like a vast ocean, the face of Queen Bazaar is simply the most perfect existence on the seabed.

"General Crown and his men have caused a mess."

Atuma told what he learned.

Including strange undersea people from places other than Atlantis, the existence of saw-tooth shark people, and the emergence of huge sea beasts.

and expressed.

"Neptune Namor must have sensed something."

"The Neptune Trident he holds has magical power, and the entire sea is responding to him."

The existence of Neptune's Trident is not a secret to the Atlanteans, on the contrary, it is a belief.

This is a symbol of the Atlantis royal family being recognized by Poseidon, and it is also a symbol of becoming a king.

Being able to control the sea and exercise all rights in the vast ocean is an extremely majestic power.


Whether it's the Sea Demon or the divorced General Kerang, they have all personally experienced this power.

Neptune Namor is very powerful, and with the Holy Trident in his hand, all the waves and whirlpools feel like an extension of his arm, which is even more incomparable.

This is also the reason why they have been exiled and no matter how they plot, the final outcome is failure.


It's like General Kraang found Arlong, the Dragon Pirates from outside Atlantis.

This is an opportunity to break Namor's control of the home court.

And the same.

When Atuma faced the water demon Bazaar, he became even more convinced of this power... It would be better to say that the demon in front of him had become the new Poseidon in his heart.

"If we say that the stupid king in the royal city only relies on that ridiculous fork to exercise his power."

"Then my queen...is the real Poseidon."

"The sound of this sea belongs to her. I am willing to give everything to you!!"

For an undersea man.

When I saw a demon that could truly control the ocean, and had a mermaid appearance that was extremely aesthetically pleasing.

There is no doubt about it.

Atuma fell into despair. In order to serve Queen Bazaar with all his heart, he even got rid of his former little brother.

You don't need so many people. If you have too many people, you will be exposed. He Haisha alone is enough.

From the city of exile to the underwater cave where Bazaar is temporarily located, he travels back and forth alone, planning everything in secret.

And about Atlantis, about the people under the sea, about Namor, the King of the Sea, and Neptune's Trident.

Atuma would tell Basha about these things and every situation in detail.

The Water Demon is actually very satisfied with this believer who came to the new world.

And more importantly.

Bazaar, who once ruled Atlantis, also has a natural affection for the undersea people, who are her natural subjects.

It turns out that the ruled people and the enslaved humans are completely different, maybe... just like the evil dragons that the Holy Lord once raised, and the completely different attitudes towards the humans in the ancient kingdom that he violently ruled.


"I'm not in a hurry."

"I've had a long time coming, and this time I'm not in a hurry."

Atlantis is still there, staying quietly under this wonderful water, and as for who the current owner is, Bazaar doesn't care at all.


No matter what, it will be back in your hands when the time comes.

"The king who can control the sea?!"

"No...all water should obey me, because it is a part of me!!"

Perhaps due to the effect of the sea, the water demon came to her home court, and with Attuma's continuous supply of [Ruby], Bazaar's originally chaotic sanity was now much better.

Or rather.

After breaking away from the seal, Bazaar wanted to cause a great flood to submerge the human world and recreate Atlantis.

While she is as cruel as a true demon, some of the power that originally belonged to her still remains in the hell.

At least compared to Sister Bo Gang, her situation is much better, and now, with the help of Atuma!!

The combination of the sea and the people under the sea makes the water devil couldn't be more comfortable.

"Attuma, I want a complete Atlantis. When the time comes... you will also get everything you want."

Basha continued to draw the magic circle, and the runes symbolizing water spread layer by layer deep in the cave.

The famous madman in Atlantis was respectfully guarding the entrance of the cave, while the laughter of the water demon came from the depths of the cave.

About her other demon siblings, about some ridiculous shark man, and what other players?!

These Bazaar don't care at all.

Even Neptune's Trident, Neptune's Trident, and these water demons are not interested.

A ceremony led by Bazaar is continuing.

The water demon wants to merge into this vast ocean, completely control this sea, and completely rule Atlantis.

There is no need to fight or fight. Bazaar does not want to destroy the underwater city, let alone kill the people who should be ruled by her.

She has a more harmonious approach.

"When I wrap Atlantis, if you don't believe in me, all the water will leave the people at the bottom of the sea!!"

"After landing on the shore, the dry and ridiculous king still believed in the great Lord of Water!!"


"I believe that your compatriots will make the right choice, and when the time comes... I will make you the new King of the Undersea People!!"

With Bazaar's voice.

The enthusiasm in Attuma's eyes became more and more intense, and at the same time, more and more demonic spells were painted on the cave.


This originally ordinary word, coupled with those demonic ripples, looked a little chilling.

For a while.

The invisible magic is spreading, and it seems that a whirlpool sweeping the entire Atlantis is coming.

As we all know.

People under the sea cannot leave the water.

And if the water demon takes away the ocean and forms an airspace under the sea to isolate the royal city!!

Under the sea, a waterless city!!

When the time comes...whether to face death or choose to believe in demons, the big crisis of Neptune Namor and the choice of the people under the sea will come!!

Inside the Royal Palace of Atlantis.

It can be said that Jiraiya was completely confused. Before he could understand what was going on, he was invited into the palace of the undersea beauty Ekelia.

As the sister of Neptune Namor, not everyone can come to Eklia's room.

Especially at this time.

Namorita and Andromeda, two other beauties with completely different styles but who also belong to the seabed, were by their side.

It's really amazing to be treated like this in Atlantis.


Jiraiya had just arrived in the new world, had just escaped from the danger of imminent death, and was still with a broken arm, and had not even pulled out the black rod on his body.

Facing the questions from the three dark blue beauties in front of me... I really don't know what to say at all.


"Mom, I said he should heal his injuries first. Why are you still asking questions with an iron rod stuck in it?"

"Also...it's clear that his throat can be cured, and so can his arm. Why did you bring him out like this!"

Namorita is so unhappy

The man she personally rescued regained consciousness, but she had promised to treat him, but in the end, he was only half treated.

Before the seriously injured part of this human being had completely healed, the guards roughly pulled it out of the clam. How could this be done!!

"Rita, don't be ridiculous!!"

Aikelia frowned and scolded her daughter.

Atlantis is already isolated from the human world, and it is just a special situation at the moment.

And he didn't know whether the bloody man in front of him was good or bad, so he needed to be vigilant.

It's okay to treat him, but whether he can be completely cured will depend on what's said later.


Mainly it was Neptune Namor who made the decision.

"Ah hahaha, sorry."

"This... little girl, you saved my next life, so kind..."

There is a huge bubble on his head, and Atlantis' unique technology fills the bubble with breathable gas.

The body is completely submerged in the water, but the head can breathe in the bubble. This is really a novel experience.

Atlantis, the city under the sea, the undersea people in a new world that I have never seen before...

And the heroic story that is about to be completed is continued because of the strange-looking little girl in front of me.

Even the famous Sannin Jiraiya in the ninja world really didn't know what to say after experiencing such an incredible situation.

"It's okay, it's okay... Just tell your mother and sister Andromeda what you know, and then I can take you to treat your injuries."

Namorita looked at Jiraiya with a happy face.

This undersea girl, who was like the liveliest girl among human beings, didn't know what she had in mind when facing the human warriors she had rescued.

That's right.

Being severely injured but not falling down, fighting alone and being injured by a group of heroes, having a sharp weapon piercing the body, and having one arm and limb, it's just like the content in the story book.

Namorita didn't care what other people thought, this girl was already full of ideas.


"I'm really sorry, I...I really don't know anything about it!!"

Jiraiya was so anxious in the bubble that the hair on his head suddenly turned white. It had been like this since just now.

What kind of extraordinary war, what kind of demons are coming, what kind of chaos in the human world, my God, what are these?!

What happened to this world, is it so chaotic?!

Jiraiya bluntly said that he didn't know clearly, and was very grateful to the underwater people for saving him.


The beauty in front of me came back after a few words.

Jiraiya repeatedly said that he didn't know, and the three people in front of him kept asking.

The system prompts in front of me are constantly refreshing, and [Black Jade] continues to produce output as the three people in front of me ask questions.


It's like being stuck in an infinite loop.

He has been in this water since he woke up. As for what happened on the land in this world, Jiraiya really doesn't know.

Are you talking about Konoha?!

Or talk about how he became like this?!

Putting aside whether Jiraiya can say it or not, the problem is that the underwater beauty in front of me really doesn’t want to hear this!!

But they don't know the question they want to hear at all. It feels good to be surrounded by beauties, and it feels good to be surrounded by beauties from other places!!

However... I can't communicate!!

This is like cross-race communication. Is language communication between humans and undersea people so difficult?!

You don’t care about the pain on your body, but the beauty under the sea is so messy that it really gives even the immortals a headache!!

“Total nonsense!!”

"I think this human being is full of nonsense and doesn't have a word of truth. I shouldn't save him at all!!"

The sea snake trident was pulled out.

It was like one was a good person and the other was a bad person. With Namorita's worried expression on her face, Andromeda's sharp blade was already pointing at Jiraiya.


The Toad Immortal finally accepted it this time. The toad entered the water, which was really a bit acclimatized.

"That's it, that's it!!"

"Just do whatever you want, I really don't know what to say!!"

Just die.

If they are not satisfied, they can just throw themselves into a big shell and make love.

Give up all attempts to communicate.

Jiraiya lay down directly on the pink coral bed, squinted his eyes and began to look at the system panel in front of him.

as well as.

Among the camp channels that also belong to the Emperor Foundation.

[Jiraiya: Everyone, this place is really quiet, no one is talking.]

[Jiraiya: White-haired boy from Mt. Myoboku, can anyone make a friend?!]

Faced with a chat channel that was usually not used by anyone, Jiraiya, who knew nothing about the world, took the initiative.

Gather information!!

If no one speaks, how can we collect?!

This chapter has been completed!
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