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Chapter 465: Sea water, fishy smell, complete madness in the outpost!

Chapter 465: Sea water, fishy smell, complete madness in the outpost!

In the deep sea, everything is prosperous and everything is prosperous.

In this closed space that does not belong to humans, all bad things will be magnified.

If these problems cannot be effectively solved, the consequences will be difficult to bear.

Plato, in the infirmary.

"You are a veteran of the deep sea. You should understand these principles. Just like what the legend says...this is how shipwrecks often happen."

Dr. Singer packed up the medical examination equipment and took off some of the connecting wires originally attached to Ryan's body.

Ryan's condition has improved, or in other words, apart from the mental pressure, the deep diving accident did not affect his health too much.

Some simple bandages helped his body improve, but... the anger in his heart was not so easy to eliminate.

"I don't mean to provoke doctor, but...do I look like I'm really crazy?!"

"Obviously Stein is crazy!!"

Ryan covered his head, which was wrapped in gauze, but the pain came from the depths of his mind. He was convinced that he saw an extremely real monster.

And he was almost killed, or rather... devoured, which was simply terrifying.

"Did you just have a vivid dream, or... environment?!"

"After all, this is a pressurized and oxygenated environment."

"It's easy for people to have dreams that they have never had before. Your mental pressure is too great."

Dr. Singer is equally professional, and he also has a scientific explanation plan for Ryan's situation.


Ryan was silent.

He is a sailor, a "deep-sea man" who deals with seawater all year round. Neither Professor Stein nor Dr. Singer can speak to him.

He even didn't even know the legend about the people under the sea very clearly, but...if the horned undersea monster was really the pet of Neptune Namor, then...

Ryan seemed to calm down, but the uneasiness in his heart spread, and he felt that everything on the submarine was going bad.

Dr. Singer just shook his head.

"You heard the broadcast just now. We are about to enter the outpost. It's over anyway."

"Well... don't think about those bad things, think about something good, even if it's just for the two thousand subsidy."

At this point, even Dr. Singer laughed. The professor's subsidy was not a small amount of money, and such additional gains would make everyone happy.

"All right."

"If this bad thing can end here, then...I won't say anything more."

Still the same sentence.

Even Ryan has to live. After all, he is a human being living on land, but his profession requires him to be a "deep-sea man" and not a true undersea man.

No matter what the legend of Neptune Namor was like... at least at this moment, Ryan was still moved in his heart.

This is the charm of money!

"As long as that bastard gives you money, I'll accept it!!"

The Mariana Trench outpost, as the last stop of human exploration, is even lower than the abyssal plain.

At this moment.

What lies before you is an awe-inspiring 36,000 feet below sea level.

This is the last line of warning to enter deeper and unknown "dark waters".

It can be said that once we cross this place and the final supply is achieved, we will be completely far away from human civilization.

"It's finally here."

"This may be the last diary I write. I hope the guys on the ship can stay calm, or...let me calm down."

Professor Stein is making final preparations for landing. The news just came from Castro that they still have half an hour to prepare.

30 minutes flows very quickly. It usually seems too long in the deep sea environment, but now it becomes a race against time again.


After confirming that the girl named Nagato Yuki was still reading quietly in the room, she seemed not to be disturbed by the broadcast on the ship.

Professor Stein ran to the assembly room, and Nelson was waiting for him at the door. It could be seen that the professor was the last one to fall.

"Too slow, Professor, I thought you would be the most anxious one."

Nelson said, looking behind Stein, and then continued with a strange expression.


"Just lock that girl in the room?!"

"This is a rare deep sea experience, why don't we let her see our outpost?!"

Nelson thought that the professor had made a trip and would bring the girl with him, but now only Stein came.

This made the black guy scratch his head and really didn't know what to say.


"We are not a tourist group. After a little supply, we should go back."

"The communication on land has not been returned at all. Who knows what happened to New York Harbor? Those big guys are always like this... Her family must be very anxious."

What to visit?!

This was completely unnecessary. Professor Stein, who fully understood what was going on, avoided Nelson as he spoke.

In order to prevent other accidents, after returning from the previous adventurous deep dive, everyone at that time had their eyes on Ryan.

Professor Stein allowed Nagato Yuki to read in his room on the grounds of protection.

He himself did not approach this magical girl, and he did not even tell the other crew members, including Nelson, who had been with him, even Nagato Yuki's name.

Nothing much to say.

Nagato Yuki and them are not from the same world at all. They are extraordinary beings under the sea. All these "lies" will end after returning home.

So be it.

There was no need to take the girl to see anything, she didn't mention it, and Professor Stein couldn't take the initiative to say it.

"Hurry up."

"I've been suffocating in this small room for so long. I need to move to a larger place to get some fresh air."

"Everyone is ready."

"Check our respective locations again, we are about to reach the connection point..."

Castro's professional command, as a real "captain", his voice continued to be heard from the radio.

"Hey Ryan, glad you're awake."

"Shut up... I don't want to see you now. Don't talk to me again before I can't bear it anymore."

Professor Stein spoke to the bandaged Lane as if nothing was wrong, and Lane responded to him in a "good mood."

Everything seemed to be back to before. Although the overall atmosphere was a little troublesome, it seemed that all the bad things were gone.

very good.

The Trench Outpost is in sight, so far so good.



The retracting lever is right next to it, the observation mirror shrinks up and down, and the sound of the machine turning is clear and general in this lesson.

And at the same time.

Castro's dull voice sounded again.

"Everyone, something seems to be wrong."

This sentence was the last thing Professor Stein wanted to hear now, and his brows frowned subconsciously.

"Stop joking?!"

"Mr. Captain, we're already here, aren't we?!"

The professor said to Castro on the phone channel.

"That's right, but I can't get a radio response from the outpost for half an hour. Maybe it's a technical failure."

Ever since Castro issued the landing reminder before, he had already called for communication in the captain's cabin as usual.

However, all electrical signals are like nothing.

The Plato, in the dark ocean, had lost contact with the land before, and now... it seems that even the harbor in the sea has abandoned them.

This feeling makes everyone feel bad.

"Um...I mean, is it possible that the guys who stayed behind drank too much?!"

"I think it's about the same. Seven people are always stationed in this boring place... maybe they really don't have much fun to find?!"

"Just kidding, I know they can bring games and discs. Well, maybe they are fighting over some weird entertainment items."

"Oh oh oh, maybe."

I don't know whether it was to lighten the atmosphere, or whether these rough and tumble crew members had this in mind, they immediately started telling nasty jokes about the guys at the outpost.


Professor Stein was listening. He couldn't say anything about this kind of thing, and he didn't know the seven people who stayed behind.


If it's really because of laziness or some kind of joke, that would be really great.

"Castro, what's going on now?!"

"Professor, I don't know. This is my first time encountering this situation. Let's go to the cabin with two guys."

"We can't wait any longer, check the pod equipment, and then open the docking bay ourselves."

Castro made strategic arrangements.

The Mariana Trench outpost is right in front of them, and the supplies on their ship are completely insufficient.

Whether it is to go to the Black Sea according to the original plan, or to return immediately according to the professor's latest plan.

They all must stop here and must successfully dock.

However, there was no response in the communication. However, the Plato, which was now unable to disembark, had no choice but to step forward and dock on its own.

"All right."

"Besides the harpoon, are there no other weapons on the ship?!"

at this moment.

Even Professor Stein was a little silent when the two crew members left for the separate cabin for docking.

After hesitating again and again, he still said this.

"Humph, I thought you didn't worry about anything."

"Although we don't know what happened in the outpost, but...unfortunately, we are not the flagship team!!"


"Only those broken harpoons you used before!!"

Ryan grabbed the corner of the observation glass and hesitated to speak some words.

Perhaps the conversation between Dr. Singer and him was effective, and now is really not the time to argue.

After all... just like everyone else, who doesn't want to return home safely?

Even for the sake of money and the sake of saving your own life, you should be a little patient at this time.

"Maybe we should give the lazy guys inside a welcome gift. I'll go get the speargun that can be used to make specimens of big fish."

"Maybe they are fighting among themselves."

After Nelson finished speaking, he took the initiative to return to the previous cabin to get the spear gun.

"Surface people" don't know the rules of the deep sea, where time slows down and it takes many years for resentments and differences to dissipate.

It's different from Lane's situation, if the bastards stationed at the outpost are really fighting among themselves, and they really go in with spearguns.

By then...

"If we brandish our spearguns and wreak havoc in front of them, believe me... we have no hope of ever being allowed back into this outpost."

"Professor, these are the rules under the sea."

Nelson's loud voice could still be heard even if it ran to the corridor. The black guys went to get the speargun, leaving only Professor Stein and Lane.

Now it's just the two of them again.

However, after the two looked at each other, they were unexpectedly silent at this moment, and Ryan said nothing.

After a pause, Professor Stein slowly exhaled and said.

"That's not bad."

"This damn ghost place, after I go back this time, I really don't want to come back again."

In the deep ocean trench.

It is led by the Navy and jointly organized by the Marine Science and Technology Research Institute and some secret research institutions.

It is completely a top-secret base located in the deep sea.

When the Plato approaches and successfully docks under Castro's command, we can compare how big this place is.

"Where are the others?!"

"We have all come up. The doors connecting the passage and the docking room are not locked, but no one is here to welcome us."

Castro was the important assistant assigned to Professor Stein by the military this time. As a true "captain", he had a wealth of experience in deep-sea navigation.

But even so, the situation before me was the first time I had seen it.

"They are usually like mad dogs that smell the scent of bones. Every time someone new comes... they will surround us."

"But now..."

Castro held the spear gun in his hand, and even he seemed a little nervous.

Following him were Nelson, Dr. Singer, the indispensable Professor Stein, and Ryan who insisted on coming with him.

As for others.

Because of such an unexpected situation, the Plato must always be guarded by someone. After the situation at the outpost is confirmed to be stable, it will be too late for them to come up.

"It's so unlucky. I can't imagine what we will see later."

"What do you say now?!"

"Where do we start searching and find those bastards who are hiding."

Professor Stein was carrying a gun. It could be seen that the sudden accident made the professor feel very bad now.

He didn't understand what the guys who were supposed to be on duty at the outpost were doing, but this was obviously not a good thing.

"Recreation room?!"

"Although I have never been to this place, I thought about the drunk people, maybe they were all asleep there."

Nelson gave what was not quite a suggestion, and the importance of bringing a doctor with him emerged.

"Perhaps our Mr. Nelson, as an excellent equipment engineer, can check the oxygen system here first."

"Make sure we don't get suffocated to death after taking this short breath."

Dr. Singer gave the most reasonable advice. No matter what happened here, ensuring their own safety is the first important thing.

"Okay, but I think the oxygen level is fine."

"Although this poor place has been buried deep under the sea for so long, it's like an isolated valley coming to light again, and the moment the connecting passage opens... I'm sure I smell something very fresh."

Nelson said as he walked inside.

And at the same time.

Ryan, who had been following him without speaking at all, suddenly spoke dullly at this time.

“Maybe it’s not called freshness, but fishy, ​​damn fishy smell!!!

Just when Nelson climbed up the pipe structure nearby to check if there was any problem with the oxygen concentrator in the connecting channel where they were now.


"Damn sea water, and this fishy smell, some kind of fish?!"

"I'm sure I've smelled it before, sharks, whales, or something like that?!"

"Damn it, it's not a dream this time, doctor!!"

"We shouldn't have come up!!"

Ryan's emotions became aroused, and he pointed to a water stain on the ground. He turned around and didn't know whether to glare at Professor Stein or Dr. Singer.

His tone was extremely high and he started shouting crazily.

Internal strife!!

There is no internal strife at all, it’s the undersea people coming and the curse of Neptune Namor!

It’s over, it’s all over!!

The entire Mariana Trench outpost, including them, including the poor Plato!!

Everything is over!!


It was like the last nerve in my brain suddenly snapped.

Ryan roared loudly, then ignored the obstruction of others, twisting the spear gun in his hand, rushed out of the connecting channel with a ferocious expression, and ran into the interior of the outpost!!

This moment.

Everyone's faces became extremely ugly.

"Lian, come back!!"

"Damn, bastard, he is really crazy now!!"

This chapter has been completed!
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