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Chapter 473 Bazaar is a small matter, but reorganizing the Dragon Group is a big deal!

Chapter 473 Bazaar is a small matter, but reorganizing the Dragon Group is a big deal!

Of course Xiaoyu understood what Ximu meant.

In fact.

When the name Atlantis came up, the two of them explained more than anyone else.

not to mention.

Just before Ximu arrived, the brothers and sisters who were supposed to be trapped in the demon hell in their original world had disappeared one after another.

"Before me."

"Bo Gang, Basha...and of course that old dragon is indispensable!!"

"Atlantis, I can't believe these stupid humans would take the initiative to invade Bazaar's territory."

Ximu tried hard to show a gloomy face.

However, his current little boy appearance is really not suitable for making these expressions.

It's like trying to imitate the gloominess of an adult... not only does it not scare people, but it also seems to be quite cute.

This is a great shame for the Sky Demon.


"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh at you, but... Ximu, your expression is so funny."

Take a look.

Xiaoyu has a temper that she can't hold back at all, and she likes Ximu's current appearance.

So fun!!

This is much better-looking than the Holy Lord or the big-bodied Yamanoha. Facts have proved that even Xiaoyu is good-looking.

"Have you understood the situation yet?!"

"Xiaoyu, I really... Huh, Huh!!"

Myocardial infarction!!


The great sky demon Ximu felt that he was about to be suffocated to death by the little girl in front of him.

Who is the reason why he became like this?!


How dare you laugh at him.

"Okay, okay, let's get down to business!"

"That means the Atlantis written in this diary is the one we know?!"

"The underwater kingdom belonging to the water demon Bazaar?!"

Xiaoyu said as he spoke.

At the same time, he began to quickly look through the logbook in his hand.

From the moment the Plato set sail from New York Harbor, Professor Stein would record what happened bit by bit every day.

Includes daily arrangements for deep diving operations.

As well as some instruments and equipment, deep sea knowledge, special collection of samples, and even... what to eat and drink.

This professor always writes down everything. As a rigorous scientist, recording more data will help him to better prepare his scientific research report after returning.


This must also include Ryan and the others, the daily dynamics of the crew, as well as the messy legends spoken by these "deep sea people".

About Namor, the king of the sea, about the existence of people under the sea, and of course there are many unfortunate legends about Atlantis.

"Oh, I just love watching this. The previous ones are boring."

Xiaoyu looked excited.

The little girl completely skipped the previous parts of the log that recorded data. She just liked reading the legends and rumors about the deep sea recorded by Professor Stein on the title page.

"This is what deep sea exploration is like."

"Oh, there is also a curse... Let me see, Neptune Namor is like a nightmare, he will enter people's dreams and seize the souls of disrespectful people who come to the forbidden area of ​​​​humans!!"

Xiaoyu pointed at the handwriting in the diary with her finger and slowly read out each word.

Just like watching Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, the little girl is interested in this fantasy adventure.


Xiaoyu also had a lot of doubts about this.

"Ugh... Bazaar changed his name to Namor?!"


"Why can the curse of the King of the Sea steal people's souls and allow them to fall into dreams? Isn't that what the Sheep Talisman is supposed to do?!"

on the log.

Most of the recorded legends about Neptune Namor told by the crew are very terrifying.

There are shipwrecks, strange killings, and haunting nightmares. In short, they are all related to death and horror.


"It shouldn't be, Neptune...shouldn't it be related to the sea?!"

Xiaoyu frowned slightly.

She felt that the person who wrote the story must have never seen the real king of the sea, oh, the devil in the sea.

None of these abilities are related to water.



According to the water demon, Bazaar would rather flood San Francisco, which is no better than some roundabout curse.

Even if it is the Sheep Talisman belonging to the Holy Lord, it also represents the soul power of the Fire Demon.

The soul leaves the body and enters the dreamland, these are all incidental.

Even that old dragon wouldn't use this as his main attack method.

"Tsk, what's this?"

"It's not just human imagination. Whether there is Neptune Namor in this world or not is probably unknown."

Ximu shook his head with disdain.

Legends, legends, they start to become nonsense as they are passed down. Who knows what the people who left these legends saw in the first place?!

"And is that the point?!"

"Regardless of whether Atlantis existed before or not, who was its owner before that?!"


"Right now."

"In this sea, the one who needs to be truly feared is the water demon!!"


"Tch, it's not like I haven't seen her before, her tentacles, fish tail... I have divine artifacts and I'm afraid of her?!"

"The sword is used for fire, the ladle is used for water, and the flute is used for west wood... These are all jingles, and I am quite familiar with them."

Xiaoyu mumbled as she opened the system list and started looking for the required divine artifacts.

"very good."

"Look, it's right here!!"

"As long as Bazaar dares to show up, the brave T girl will send her home."

While Xiaoyu was thinking about the [Black Jade] on her body, she also thought that if she really relied on her own strength, she would seal Bazaar.


It will be a big harvest then.


The harvest is secondary, it will surely surprise Dad and Tru, even when Uncle Long comes...

"Ha ha!"

"Look what else they can say about me. I can accomplish great things by myself."


Facing the excited little girl, Ximu on the side looked disdainful.

"Where is the Gate of Hell?!"

"Where's Panku's treasure box?!"

"Sealing Bazaar...the situation this time is completely different from before. This deep sea is her home field."

"We better hide!!"

It is a lack of information.

Because Ximu did not enter the red name, Xiaoyu did not enter the white name, and at the same time.

Of these two guys, one doesn't want to contact his demon siblings, and the other doesn't want to go find Dad and Tohru.

Ximu was worried that in his current weak state, he might be cramped and skinned by his "amiable" brothers.

The same is true for Xiaoyu

If Daddy and Tru take her back, well... in the eyes of the little girl, it's like going to jail.

So it was very embarrassing at this time.

Regarding Hell's Gate and Panku's Box, you can see a series of prompts in the redemption list.

I really don't know anything about what exactly happened.


If it is true as Ximu thinks, Bazaar has gone towards Atlantis, then the water demon who ruled in ancient times will be restored.


Being completely reduced to the home court of the Demon Lord is simply too terrifying!!

"While the situation is still good."

"Don't even think about finding Neptune Namor, let's go."

Ximu immediately made a suggestion.

The sky was his home court, and the darkness of the deep sea was so heavy that he couldn't breathe.

Moreover, when I think about the possibility of Bazaar returning to a winning posture, at this moment, I feel as pitiable as a little chicken.

If Bazaar catches this!!


It doesn't matter whether it's embarrassing or not, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

All of a sudden!!

Ximu was somewhat reluctant to give up.


When it comes to shrinking back, Xiaoyu firmly says no!!


"We just came here and we were about to run away, weren't we... You, the majestic sky demon, are actually afraid of Bazaar!!"

"Sure enough, your rankings are based on strength, right? Among the eight demons, you are the worst."

Xiaoyu looked a little confused.

What the hell, she had just been interested in it, and a deep-sea adventure was right in front of her.

Say it again.

She has never been to the real kingdom of undersea people, Atlantis, and now she's gone like this?!


Absolutely not!!

"Asshole, I'm not afraid of her!!"

"I...I...you have the ability to break the curse for me."

Ximu's face turned purple because he was holding back. He angrily shouted at Xiaoyu. Damn it, he actually dared to say that he was the weakest.

"I am the demon king who controls the sky, do you understand?

"Find a place where you can fly and fight. A group of smelly fish that can only hide in the water. I, I..."

Feeling that his dignity was being challenged, Ximu was very excited for a moment.


"Don't say I didn't give you a chance, then we have reached a consensus now."

Xiaoyu clapped her hands, with a look of joy on her face. The little girl's provocation was once again achieved.


at the same time.

Since the quarrel between Nishiki and Xiaodama, Nagato Yuki is now listening silently.

Now that the discussion is over and the deep-sea adventure continues, Xiaoyu wants to see who Namor, the King of the Sea, is.

"Youxi, don't worry."

"I have experience in dealing with demons. It's just a little trouble."

Xiaoyu was worried that Nagato Yuki might have different opinions. If possible, she still hoped that the alien friends she had just met could act in unison with her.


Shaking his head slightly, Nagato Yuki really didn't have any objections.


If we can really see Ximu... there will be an information collision between the Sky Demon and the Water Demon.

Nagato Yuki was able to collect more data.

"Well done, I announce that the Dragon Team of the new world has been formed again!!"


"I am the captain, Yuki is my new member, Nishiki... you are an intern."

Xiaoyu proudly announced her new organization!!

"I don't……"

Nishiki objected to this, but unfortunately it was of no use.

"Okay, you agree!!"

Xiaoyu used the most decisive speed to reject Ximu, who was now completely unable to resist him.

that's all.

Not long after arriving in the new world.

In this deep sea, Xiaoyu happily reorganized her team. This time she is the real boss!!



Just when Xiaoyu was having fun.

The other side.

Castro and Nelson and their search team were not happy at all.

"The situation is very bad."

"What's Ryan doing? He's running around like a headless chicken."

Nelson examined the room for traces.

The Ryan they were looking for, the madman holding a spear gun, was standing in the huge space at this outpost, running around irregularly.

"We can't use common sense to understand a madman, just like we don't know what he saw."

Dr. Singer sighed, just when he was about to say something.


This sudden impact sound was so piercing in the seemingly quiet space at this time.


Immediately afterwards, there was Ryan's familiar scream!!


"It must be Ryan, let's follow him quickly."

Castro was the first to rush out.

Turn at the front passage, pass through a lounge, and enter a dark corridor.

There should have been indicator lights here, but for some reason it was plunged into darkness.

Was it Ryan who put out the light?!

Or...someone doesn't like the light and turns it off?!

This moment.

Even Castro was worried because they had selectively ignored an issue just before.

Whether it's people from the bottom of the sea or aliens.

That is...the bloody incident that happened in the entertainment room proved beyond a doubt that there was some kind of danger here.

"Crack, snap!"

Nelson and Dr. Singer chased from behind, and Castro felt the wetness under his feet.

It’s sea water!!

Just like when they connected the warehouse before.


How could there be sea water in the supposedly enclosed space inside the outpost?!

at the same time.

"The fishy smell..."

"Castro, something is wrong, we..."

Dr. Singer was the first to start to panic, but before he could finish speaking, a figure in the darkness suddenly fell out.

From the passage farther away, like a ball, it crashed over.


"How are you, man? Now is not the time to scare people."

Nelson and Castro caught him together.

Because of the darkness of the space, they could not clearly see Ryan's condition, but...it felt sticky to the touch!!


He was injured, and it was a huge wound all over his body.

At this moment.

Perhaps it was the pain that brought Ryan back to his senses. His voice was broken and he tried to raise a hand to point to the end of the darkness.

"He's coming, he's coming!!"


"What the hell is going on in this place? Who's here?!"

Castro picked up Ryan and shouted in a rather urgent tone.

"The harpoon is missing!!"

"This guy shot something before."

Even in the dark, Nelson understood from his knowledge of the equipment and tools on the ship that Lane had definitely fired before.

"Tear?! Bite?!"

"Ryan was torn from his side to his ribs. Hurry up, he's going to die, he's going to die!!"

Dr. Singer was even more horrified.

He didn't even have time to think about what it was that hurt Ryan like this.

He just understood that without professional medical rescue, this guy would never be able to get out of the deep sea again.

But at this time.

Whether it was Castro, Nelson, or Dr. Singer, Lane had no way to answer.

Like a dead fish on the beach, his mouth just repeated this sentence over and over again like a machine.

"He's coming, he's coming!!"

That is at this time.


An extremely unique high-frequency noise continues to spread in the deep sea, and the vibration frequency of the noise is getting higher and higher.

It even reaches a level of noise that makes humans feel tinnitus.

For a while.

The pod of hundreds of killer whales surrounding the Mariana Trench outpost seemed to have received a call at this moment.


"Bang bang bang!!"

The killer whales all began to attack the Mariana Trench outpost, that neat attack, the big fish in the deep sea!!

It's like welcoming their owners and the arrival of uninvited guests in the deep sea.


It’s starting to spread!!

This chapter has been completed!
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