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Chapter 521 Atlantis, the underwater kingdom that has lost its water!

Chapter 521 Atlantis, the underwater kingdom that has lost its water!


Originally regarded by Xiaodama as an "alien" partner with hope of making a comeback, Nagato Yuki was brutally blocked at this time.

For the cosmic-level terrifying life information integration thought body, Nagato Yuki can connect to the cosmic-level database and even overwrite the entire world.

If we say in the original world.

Haruhi Suzumiya is an unfathomable miracle, a god who can achieve everything she wants.

The mysterious and undetectable data life form uses the data it controls to collect from the entire universe.

This power can allow Nagato Yuki to achieve everything that God can manifest.


The only one who was summoned to this world was Nagato Yuki.

As a contact panel for human beings, she does not have much authority, data, and available calculations.

As the more data she comes into contact with, the amount of abnormal information contained increases, and the new information-integrated thought body that spreads from Nagato Yuki will grow faster and faster until it returns to its original form.

Even...in the miraculous and incredible consultation of so many worlds intertwined.

The universe-level data life modeled after Nagato Yuki will become even more elusive.


However, after all, this is a matter of the future.

At this moment, facing Bazaar of Water, which represents the entire ocean, a massive amount of water's demonic energy is poured into her.

Data cannot cover the entire ocean in an instant, so we can only analyze it bit by bit in our own small grid.

In the mosaic space surrounded by dark blue circles, in this wave of confrontation, victory belongs to Bazaar.

After restricting Nagato Yuki, the rest was much simpler.

Bazaar only needs to raise her hand gently.

The so-called three-on-one situation, whether it was the strong men in the ninja world or the powerful men in the sea, including the little girl, was caught in a wave.

"Bad luck, bad luck, bad luck."

Xiaoyu couldn't help but say the family's spoken language.

In fact, even Nagato Yuki was blocked by Bazaar's massive data irrigation.

But she can still maintain her T-girl shape.


Even in this T-girl form, it seems like she can't break the game.

The power of the bull, the laser of the pig, and even the explosion of the dragon, facing a thick wall made of the demonic energy of water.

Apart from being trapped in a waterspout, it is completely impossible to break out with violence.

Unable to hit.

It can't be beaten to pieces.

The water's demonic energy was continuously replenished, trapping Xiaoyu and the others, like birds in a cage, unable to get out no matter how they fluttered.

"The superimposed power of bugs is just bugs."

"You are trying to use the Holy Lord to control me. Little girl, go and ask that old dragon how dare he do it?!"

The sound of Bazaar's wild laughter spread throughout Atlantis.

Even if the Fire Demon really enters the deep sea with explosive divine power, Bazaar will still have the last laugh.

The endless deep sea will drown everything, and nature can extinguish the insignificant fire.

A mere Holy Lord!

If you want to scare away Bazaar just with this name, you know it's impossible. Do you still remember what she said to Ximu just now?

In this deep sea, even if you are also a demon, you should remain in awe of her, otherwise the end will be tragic.


Just above the royal city belonging to the people under the sea, there was a scene of a battle between gods and gods.

Regardless of Xiaoyu's sudden fire-breathing operation.

It was Nagato Yuki who restored Jiraiya and Jinbei, and then created the digitalized space under information control.

All this was seen by Neptune Namor.

I can't wait any longer. Judging from the current performance, the Water Demon is ridiculously powerful.

As the most powerful warrior in the deep sea, he felt that even Xiaoyu would be difficult to deal with in a one-on-one fight.

Neptune's Trident clearly informed him of the little girl who was constantly trying to escape from the waterspout.

Whether it's the flash or the flame, or even tearing apart the ocean currents with both hands, the abilities unleashed are extremely terrifying.

Twelve spells?!

The power of the Holy Lord?!

Judging from the conversation between Xiaoyu and Basha just now, some mysterious knowledge was revealed.

But now is definitely not the time to watch the excitement.

The more incredible the performance of Xiaoyu and the others is, the more powerful it becomes for Aqua Bazaar.

"We can't wait any longer."

"For Atlantis, Neptune Trident It's time for us to fight for Atlantis."

Namor, the king of the sea, raised his king's weapon high.

But behind him, Eklia's silver bracelet also trembled, and the sea serpent trident bloomed in Andromeda's hand.

at the same time.

The entire family formation formed by the Atlanteans began to advance.


Neptune Namor's unique ability to control marine life begins to activate.

The giant fish army was transformed from the ancient technology of Atlantis and began to attack with the people under the sea.


The roaring sounds of the waves are controlled by the sacred weapon in the hands of Namor, the King of the Sea.

Just like the sea god they believe in.

At this time, we are still within the realm of the Royal City of Atlantis, which has not yet been polluted. The water here is still clear and can still protect the people on the bottom of the sea.

The waves rolled.

Namor, the King of the Sea, stood on the highest point of the wave, staring at the ferocious enemy he had never faced since his birth.

His past enemies only wanted to kill him.

And the existence in front of you.

But it will drag the entire Atlantis into endless purgatory.

"Water Bazaar."

"Feel the wrath of Atlantis."

Namor, the king of the sea, issued his call and waved the weapons in his hands. Suddenly, the big surge came!

In the royal city.

Under the control of Neptune Namor, the entire three-dimensional ocean space suddenly turned into an overturned washing machine.

The sea water stirred up into a big whirlpool.

Neptune's Trident, the legendary weapon from Poseidon, blooms with the power of the deep sea.

Begins to reject all foreign matter that does not belong to Atlantis.

This includes Water Bazaar, who is the key target, and even the water demons that have invaded this sacred territory!

Bang bang bang!

A series of explosions, the clear current resisted the deep blue waterspout.

The waterspout that enveloped Jiraiya, Jinbei, and Xiaodama was destroyed, and at the same time, the power of Neptune's Trident moved toward the blockade surrounding Nagato Yuki.


When the war in Atlantis officially started, Neptune Namor wanted to release all the fighting power trapped by Water Bazaar.

However, there was no response from Nagato Yuki.


All data are treated equally within the garbled data space.

Nagato Yuki was immersed in it, whether it was the power of Aqua Bazaar or the power of Atlantis.

Everything that enters here is treated as data analysis, leaving behind only an empty ocean current and a constantly emerging mosaic.

"Well done, perfect cooperation, Miss T is back!"

Xiaoyu performed a beautiful gliding flight in the deep sea, and a white wave broke out in the sea water.

call out!

The unobstructed laser eyes shot towards Bazaar.

"I feel that something is not good."

As soon as he regained his freedom, Jinbei rushed out towards the water demon without any hesitation.


How is the situation at this time different from the previous two times?!

Even if it is covered with armed Haki, so what if it can hit Bazaar with fish-man karate!

This is just a repeat of the previous two defeats.

Facing the sea.

It's really about facing the enemy across the vast ocean. There is no right way, it's just a fight to the death.

Jinbei, who was extremely experienced, knew that they would be the ones who fell in the end.

And there was Jiraiya who had the same idea.

Regardless of whether it is a Rasengan or any other ninjutsu, Water Bazaar cannot be harmed at all within the realm of the deep sea.

In her country, no matter how much you mess around, it's useless.


Find the correct method, which is the sealing technique mentioned by Xiaoyu.

for the seal.

Jiraiya undoubtedly has a certain understanding, although the chakra sealing spell is very different from the righteousness magic mentioned by Xiaoyu.

Different paths lead to the same destination.

Weren't the nine tailed beasts in the ninja world also sealed back then?!


"We can't fight any longer. If there is any way to seal it, bring it out quickly."

"I have restored my arms and can complete any operation."

Jiraiya moved with the teleportation technique and wanted to get closer to Xiaoyu.


The moment he appeared, the little fish had already spun rapidly to the other side of Bazaar.

"Taste this."

The evil dragon's flame spit out from the little girl's mouth, and then with the help of Nagato Yuki, a different red flame swept across the deep sea.

"It's no use."

"I can't feel any changes in her from what I've seen, heard, and done."

"As the Toad Fairy said, if this young lady has any good ideas."

"Then please tell me and I can do my best to cooperate."

Now the difficulty of the problem comes to Xiaoyu again. She is a know-it-all when it comes to facing the devil.

There is an urgent need to come up with a plan that can stop the ravages of Water Bazaar.


"Why do you have to ask me?!"

"If I had known, I would have dealt with her a long time ago. Dad...it is too difficult to conquer the devil."


The little girl's rather troubled cry echoed in the deep sea.

There is no Pangu treasure box.

There are no gates to hell.

Even in such an environment, Bazaar's demonic energy forcibly overwhelmed the power of righteousness.

what to do?

Now besides going home and looking for her father to read the book and think of a solution, what other options can the little girl have?!

And at the same time.

In the violent attack, Bazaar, who became the public enemy of the entire ocean, laughed unscrupulously.


"I just like the way you are struggling and powerless."

Basha's attention temporarily shifted away from Xiaoyu and the others.

The water demon lowered his head slightly, and what was reflected in his scarlet pupils was her Atlantis.

"This is the first time I have seen this country seriously."

"My underwater kingdom."

"Atlantis, I've always liked this name."

Namor, the King of the Sea, swept in with the sea water from the entire royal city, and all the Atlanteans rushed towards Bazaar with weapons in their hands and using ancient combat skills passed down from generation to generation.

Accompanied by the roaring legion of deep-sea fish, this scene was simply an earth-shaking full-scale attack.

It can be said that there is strength in numbers.

However, facing everything, the water demon only had a cold smile on his face.

She said to Atuma beside her who was shocked by all this.

“Well done.”

"If my servant is frightened by the stage play in front of you, your qualifications will end here."

"Queen of Bazaar!"

Atuma's hand holding the iron sword was shaking.

He was not afraid, but he saw the real Atlantis and the different Neptune Namor.

He understands the power of Water Bazaar.

He originally thought that in this devastating battle, Neptune Namor would be overwhelmed and downcast.

But at this time.

Faced with Namor, the king of the sea, who wanted to resist by raising seawater in the entire royal city area, Attuma truly saw the so-called strongest warrior in the deep sea.

This is not an opponent that he could easily defeat with his so-called conspiracies in the past.

"But that's where it ends."

"As a mortal, you can never win the title of god, and the name of warrior is just ridiculous."

Atuma's expression gradually became wilder.

His surprise at that moment gradually turned into ridicule and coldness.


"Let's end this farce, little girl, you should calm down."

Basha's eyes chased Xiaoyu.

This little thing was like an annoying fly, buzzing around her, but the joke ended there.

Her spell has long since been completed.

These ridiculous Atlanteans still want to resist, all they need now is a snap of their fingers.


With the movement of Bazaar's finger, in an instant, it seemed that the entire ocean became quiet at this moment.


A strong buzz appeared and spread throughout the realm of Atlantis.

"Uh...what happened?"

Not just the little girl, but the uneasiness that arose in everyone's heart at this moment made everyone freeze as if frozen.

"The real power is never the sea water."

"Let me remind you that the reason why the Demon Lord is powerful is because of our wisdom from ancient times to the present."

"Bazaar...the spell is complete."

Xi Mu's voice came.

In the short but long confrontation just now, he had been a spectator.

The little girl is disobedient.

Xiaoyu refused to go with him, what could he do?!

Let him really fight Bazaar in the deep sea, what a joke, especially now that the water curse is completed.

In just this moment, Bazaar will get what she wants.

This deep sea has never been so silent as now.

Throughout Atlantis, sudden changes caused everything to become silent.

It's like time stopped and then jumped forward for a second.

The indescribable feeling, which would be a bit exaggerated to say it was magic, surrounded the entire territory of Atlantis.


In this deep sea, at a scale that humans cannot fathom, all the sea water is completely three-dimensionally wrapped.

Suddenly it was taken back by the master of the ocean.


Amidst Bazaar's laughter, a water ball condensed in her hand, and the water's magic energy was extremely strong rolling in it.

The hollow under the deep sea was born, and the water disappeared except for Bazaar's hand.

Atlantis...the waterless kingdom on the bottom of the sea is simply unimaginable horror.

This moment.

The Atlanteans seemed to have offended the real Poseidon, and all the water belonging to the underwater kingdom fell into Bazaar's hands.


He was held up in her hands.

"Make your choice, Atlanteans."

"To live...or not to live."

Bazaar kindly gives the people under the sea the right to choose.


No matter how hard you struggle and resist, it's useless.

What the water demon controls is the source of life for all underwater people, who have lost the protection of water.

There is only one way for them to die!

This chapter has been completed!
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