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Chapter 537 Lets give the floor to humans. Pets will step aside!

Top of ice!

Under Lake Vostok, the unknown kingdom under the lake is ruled by three strange kings.

What's even more amazing is that they are crabs, eels and... fish-headed monsters.

"Uh... I have some bad feelings."

Xiaoyu felt like she had entered a large sushi restaurant, and she was surrounded by these seafood.

Namor and Eklia obviously had no interest in the seafood dinner, and they were thinking about it in their memories.

"El Erha?!"

"The Kingdom of Ohar, the regent of the top of the ice, named the king after his own surname."

"No...or these green fish heads have this kingdom as their surname!"

It's really brave.

These sea creatures who came from nowhere not only stole the kingdom of Atlantis, but also gave it their own name.

Not only that.

They even claim that this is the real Atlantis.



Namor was able to hold back. He didn't rush up immediately, strangle the old king in front of him, and ask him what his purpose was?

This made Aikelia relax a lot.

"Calm down, Namor, listen to what they say first, don't forget our purpose."


In any case, they are not here to start a war between the oceans. Instead, they are looking for armed force to take back their homeland of Atlantis.

The situation under the glacial lake was beyond their expectations, but taking one step at a time, they still needed to know more in the face of unexpected situations.


"I'm waiting for him to say, and... where is my flagship."

Namor was not as calm as Ekria thought. He just wanted to see how stupid the three stupid things sitting on the wooden throne could be.


He wants to be the flagship of the King of the Sea, and that is the driving force for revenge. As for these fishmen... hum.

"Uh... sir, we've taken the liberty of visiting you."

"But just before, Atlantis... what I want to say is that this is not Atlantis."

"It has sunk in the deep ocean and is now in ruins. It's a sad story."

Xiaoyu had to explain.

Because Namor and Eklia didn't speak, the little girl holding Neptune's Trident became the best choice for communication.

"No, kid, Atlantis is the sea."

His whole body was wrapped in spikes and covered with a gray rock-like carapace. Xiaoyu couldn't even see where his face was when he spoke.

The crab-like king said, and the eel king beside him echoed at the same time.

"That's it. As long as there is water and life in it, nature will be born and rule all existences."

"This is the simplest truth of things."

"And the three of us are the kings of Atlantis, the lost kingdom, and the top of ice, Ehal!"

The three kings spoke at the same time, showing their unusual tacit understanding.

"Oh...I don't know how to refute it for a moment."

Xiaoyu shrugged helplessly.

They could neither recognize Neptune's Trident nor react to Namor and Eklia beside them.

From beginning to end.

Their field of vision is...well, actually it is on Nagato Yuki, so maybe she is the only one who looks like a human?!

After all, Xiaoyu, who was holding the trident at this time, had completely transformed into the form of an undersea man.

This is really... I don’t know what to say.

Under the top of the ice, in a completely isolated biological environment, the intelligent life that belongs here has evolved its own system.


There were three kings of different races who informed this dynasty.


Completely different from Atlantis, the kings on the throne have different scores, but they are harmonious with each other.

First of all, there is Ohar, who is also the race that inherited the name of the Ice Top Kingdom. They look particularly like green fish-headed monsters.

And in this kingdom, they are more responsible for some work.

Then came Korda, who was in charge of the battle.

An eel-man who acts as a bodyguard with a ferocious appearance and uses a special spear-like weapon!

And the last one is extremely rugged in appearance, and those super huge seafood crabs are their subjects.

Their name is Mera, which is really a very different name from their appearance, and they are responsible for the order and law of this kingdom.

in this ancient kingdom.

Ohal, Korda, and Mera are three races under the glacial lake that are completely unknown to human civilization.

A new order and kingdom were established here, and they called themselves Atlantis.

They have a complete set of laws and a civilization of their own.

Faced with the real Atlantis proposed by the little girl, they remained unmoved.

It's not that they are immersed in dreams, but they have thought so for generations.


As the king, El Erha actually has no interest in Xiaoyu and the others.

In their opinion.

These strange guys with blue skin and fish-like features may be marine creatures wandering from other waters.

It's like...

The deep-sea fish monsters they keep in captivity to guard the door are like the lake spirits they use to guide the way.

If you can break into the top of the ice, you will naturally have the opportunity to meet the king and ask questions.

But that's all.

Namor looked down upon these frogs in the well, but in fact no one even looked at him.

All attention was focused on Nagato Yuki.

While exploring through the thick ice, the top of the ice also gained some information about human civilization.

And now.

Al Harr, who was sitting on the throne in the center, raised a question to Nagato Yuki.

"Now we have some confusion."

"On top of the ice, there are your kindred people, and you are all trying to enter the territory of our kingdom."

"But, now you are here with your pets. What is the purpose of you humans?!"


"You didn't say a word from beginning to end and let this child do it for you. We have no objection to domesticating certain creatures."

"But... facing us and other kings, you still have to respect us."

You heard it.

The damn fish head in front of me must have said something called pet.


Are these silly things worthy of being respected?!

So angry.

It was hard for Namor, who was already grumpy, to endure it until now, and now he was going crazy.


Veins popped out on Namor's forehead in an instant, and he wanted to take a fork and pop out Al Erha's eyes.

"They only see humans, and we seem to be dispensable."

Aikelia was also speechless.

To be honest, it would be too disrespectful for the guys living in this icy lake.


Nagato Yuki silently glanced at Xiaodama, while Xiaodama expressed helplessness.

"I can't help it. You are the only one who looks the most like you now, Yuki. After all, humans don't, uh, grow feathers on their feet."

"Although I quite like these little wings."

"But speaking from my rich experience, we'd better get the basic communication right before Namor and Eklia go crazy."

"Otherwise...I don't want to start another fight."

This chapter has been completed!
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