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Chapter 594 Pepper: I didnt expect to find a prince!


The owner has been changed to Tony Stark, and now it is more accurate to say that it is in the castle managed by Pepper.

It still maintains the décor of Sirkaria's past aristocrats, but beneath this layer of antiques, the gorgeous hall has long been reskinned by high technology.

Zola Vakovich, the female warrior of Latvinia, is the most loyal servant of Lord Doom.

She had already received the news that her master had summoned her to return quickly.

Lord Doom has awakened from his slumber.

Under the dark clouds, the Fortress of Destruction that had been sealed all year round has been opened again. Now there are some voices in the country that are ready to move.

And these unknown little bugs are waiting for Zola to clean them up!

"My master has made it very clear."

"I should have terminated our conversation yesterday, or even earlier, and returned to Latvinia immediately."

Zola hugged his shoulders, stood by the window, and looked at Pepper in front of him.

Because it is a female warrior wearing a golden helmet and a cloak, and the other is a female CEO holding a coffee pot in her hand.

The image difference between them is really big.

"I know."

"You have mentioned this more than once, but... we obviously had a very good discussion before, didn't we?!"

Pepper had a look of helplessness on her face.

Regarding matters between the two countries, she didn't want to get involved too much. After all, Stark Industries had mostly played the role of a businessman in the past.

Although Tony has now restarted the business and the new business group is named after Pepper, the rules have not changed much.


Nowadays, the steel factory is fully involved in all aspects of the country of Silkaria.

Nowadays, everyone in this country, from officials to civilians, are proud of the name Tony Stark.

Plus the relationship with Silver Sable.

The current manager of this country is Silver's uncle. Such a close relationship... Oh, in fact, Pepper is also in a mess.

no way!

Even if you are acting as a matchmaking middleman, you should at least have a serious conversation.

You can't just say a word.

Let's really start a battle between Silkaria and Latvinia.

"Wait a moment, we finally got this start."

"About Prime Minister Sablilova of Sirkaria, I think you can still talk..."

Seeing Zola raise her hand to reject her coffee, Pepper also shook her head helplessly.

Then he poured himself a cup and drank the coffee without sugar. Not only did Pepper feel his mouth was astringent, but he also felt a little bitter in his heart.

What's going on!

She thought she would have a chance to communicate face to face, but not long ago.

According to what Ms. Zola said.

She received a magical communication from her country's monarch, the great Lord Doom, the master she served.

"Silkaria is not important."

"Tony Stark isn't important, and Sablilova doesn't matter."

"Well, if Silver Sable is here, I will definitely slap her mouth and leave immediately."

Zola said it very straightforwardly.

She had been to this country before, and the reason was mostly related to Silver the Sable.

The same is true now.

She was patient and didn't leave because of Pepper. Zola had a good impression of Silver and Pepper, independent women like her.

Especially a woman who is responsible for the fate of an organization or a country, Zola always wants to talk more.

Maybe in her subconscious, it's because she regards herself as such a person.

When Lord Doom was sleeping.

The female warriors of Latvinia protect the country alone. What a precious and noble honor it is.

At least that's what Zola thought.

"We don't want to start a war, and we have always been peaceful, before and even more so now."

"It's different from your respected "Your Majesty"."

The man in a suit and leather shoes looked elegant, but he couldn't help but frown.

When the guy in front of him addressed Lord Doom, he used the honorific title.

However, it is mixed with some local dialects of Sirkaria, making this pronunciation a bit awkward.

This gave Zola a very bad feeling.


Zola's eyes glanced at Pepper, who was sitting on the sofa nearby, sipping strong coffee.

Pepper did what she promised.

Although Zola's arrival was an accident, this woman's outstanding ability still gave Latovinia and Silkaria an opportunity for negotiation.

Even now it seems.

Well, neither Lord Doom, who really has the right to speak, nor Tony Stark, the real owner of the steel factory, were present.

But with how busy these two are, no one would care about such a trivial matter at the moment.

This is the kind of intrigue that ordinary people would care about.

"Okay, this is the end of our conversation."

"I'm only going to say this once, any villain who dares to disobey the master of Doom City will pay the price with blood."

"Including you Silkarians!"

In fact.

Zola was ready to have his hands stained with blood.

After she returns, she will start from the city of Doom, including the "Genius Academy" chartered by the Lord Doom.

From the chief ministers to every citizen who has been favored by Doom, Zola will screen them.

Anyone who is influenced by the outside world and wants to go to that chaotic place has the slightest intention to disobey God Lord Doom.

Any rebel who wants to leave Latvinia will be pierced by the golden spear in her hand.

Killing is inevitable.

As for the Prime Minister in front of me, if Silkaria insists on having its own way, no one dares to step into Latvinia.

Even if Silver Sable comes, she will never miss her past relationship and will kill him without mercy.

"Silkaria is not trying to invade."

"And what we really want is to support your true leader. For this reason, I hope that Ms. Victor Yaz..."

"Shut up!"

The Prime Minister in front of me didn't say anything.

Zola was already so furious that even her long flowing hair was flying under the influence of magic and anger.

"You have no right to call me the name given to me by the great Doom."

Victor Yaz can have the same name as Lord Doom, which undoubtedly represents the trust she has received.

Zola always regarded this as his supreme honor.


The unknown thing in front of me spoke words that wanted to overthrow the rule of Lord Doom and encourage the Latvian people to rebel.

At the same time... you dare to tarnish her sacred name. She deserves to be killed. She deserves to be killed.


As Zola raised his hand, the golden spear standing in the window nearby vibrated, and then flew straight into the hands of the female warrior.

Prime Minister Sablilova, however, has no awareness of imminent death and is still talking.

It was as if what he said truly came from his heart, and what he did was to bring liberation to the dictatorial Latvinia.

"His Majesty Dimit Fortunov is a direct descendant of Vladimir and the legal heir of the Latvinian dynasty."

The voice fell.

Outside the hall, a man that neither Pepper nor Zola had seen walked in, with two white flowers neatly folded on his chest.

He bowed slightly, looked very aristocratic, and said in a calm tone.

"Greetings, Prince Regent!



The golden spear flew across the entire hall in an instant.

Bang bang bang!

From the window to the door, the historic castle hall is completely cracked at the midline.


Pepper couldn't even hold the coffee cup in her hand and screamed subconsciously.

In the end, Zola couldn't help but take action.

She did not expect that Silkaria actually got a "prince" from nowhere and a so-called orthodox heir.


What did the other party call themselves?!

This man actually called himself the regent, no... everything she did was for Doom, the true majesty of Latovinia.



This Dimitri Fortunov insulted Zola's loyalty to Lord Doom.

It is also an insult to the true monarch of the great Latveria.


The golden spear was fixed straight at the door, a trace of blood dripped slowly, and a hole was torn open in Mr. Prince's shoulder.

Blood was seeping out from under his suit. The man who had been polite just now turned pale, clutching his shoulders and screaming in pain.

Zola did not kill him, but instead gave him a warning, a warning to Sircaria.

"Another despicable person's blood has contaminated my weapon. This is me..."

And just when Zuozola wanted to issue an ultimatum to Mr. Prime Minister and Mr. Prince in front of him.


The golden spear and Zola began to tremble at the same time.

"This feeling..."

Zola Tongkong was greatly shocked. She turned her head and looked out the window. The golden armor and golden spears all over her body felt the resonance of magic.

Just in the direction of Latvinia, there is the great Lord Doom...


Zola's magic vision could clearly see that the bright pink meteor rising into the sky was the magic power of Lord Doom.

"Your Majesty has taken action."

"Who is it, who is so bold as to offend my lord!"

Withdrawing his spear in an instant, Zola knew that he could no longer tangle with these boring people.

Come back quickly.

The things His Majesty Doom has assigned us must be completed as soon as possible, and the domestic purge must be started first, and then... we can help His Majesty resolve other troubles.

"There is only one His Majesty in Latvinia, and what you are saying is just a joke."

"I will not go on a killing spree in other countries, but as long as you have the courage to step into my country."

"Rejoice, I will let your blood drain away little by little!"

After Zola finished speaking, his eyes stayed on Pepper.

After conveying the meaning that I am about to leave, and all the people present are idiots, except that you can still communicate.

The female warrior of Latvinia jumped out of the window, and the pink flame enveloped her whole body.

Amidst the sound of the cloak behind him, a suit of golden armor turned into a stream of light and quickly flew into the distance.

He ignored the intimidated Prime Minister and the bleeding and injured Mr. Prince.

Well, this is really the way a superhero would exit the game.

"Quick, medical staff."

"I really don't understand why you said it so bluntly in front of her."

Pepper felt a little crazy.

The woman who flew out of the window made her somewhat puzzled.


The Prime Minister in front of me, Silver Sable's uncle, found a prince from nowhere.

Moreover, this prince appeared openly and said some strange words.


Even if Zola's polearm is not visible, a new ruler will be established and the monarch of the other country will be overthrown.

No matter how much you think about it, you shouldn't say it so bluntly. Look, someone almost died just now.


"Silver Sable is right. The other party will not massacre in our territory. This is different from the principles they uphold."

Mr. President doesn't care.

Even because what happened at this time was similar to the scene they had expected before.

It seems that this gives them a different kind of confidence.

"very good."

"The other party attacked His Majesty Dimit Fortunov, which proves that our decision was correct."

"Similarly, wait until Mr. Stark's steel factory, and..."

Okay, okay.

At this moment, Pepper only felt that she was one head and two bigger, one was Tony, and the other was the steel factory.

She didn't know whether it was Zola's magic that could fly that was more powerful, or Tony's armor that could fly that was more powerful.


She always felt there was something wrong with this.

"Tony, when are you going to come out of the lab?!"


"Jarvis, are you there?!"

Pepper began to call Tony's smart butler, but at this moment, Tony Stark was not in the castle.

on the contrary.

Different from the previous red and gold steel suits, the new silver Tony is in pursuit at a high speed.

The target of pursuit.

Naturally, there is the boy with dog ears falling from the sky, and the miko lady who looks like a "miko".


And Agent Hill, who is acting alone and seems to be in an awkward situation!

"Soul-Removing Iron Claw."

A certain dog demon used his famous empty-handed skill, just because Kagome was by his side.

Otherwise, if the big steel bird behind him kept chasing after him, Inuyasha would have stabbed him first if his temper got worse.

"Alert, alert!


Inside the cabin, Agent Hill looked at the battle damage reminders flashing red across the board and knew he was about to crash.

The young man dressed in red showed extremely good fighting ability.

It was just by hand, and yes, Agent Hill didn't think there was a problem with his screen capture system.

She could see clearly that the opponent was waving his arms, and his sharp nails were as effective as heavy weapons.

After just a moment's delay.

The shell of the Quinjet was torn and the entire body was dismantled, and Agent Hill activated the escape device.

Then he was caught in the air by Inuyasha who jumped up. Very good, now the pursuing agent became a prisoner.

"Ha ha."

"No matter how powerful the monster is, it can't withstand the power of my claw."

Inuyasha was carrying Kagome on his back, holding Agent Hill with one hand, and leaped rapidly into the distance amidst the explosion of the Quinjet behind him.

"If you don't want to suffer, tell me honestly what you know now!"

"Why do you know Kikyo?!"

"She, how is she doing now? Is she okay?!"

This chapter has been completed!
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