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Chapter 618 Peggy Carter fully activates the power of SHIELD,

The Paradise Hills Police Department is a thing of the past!

However, Peggy Carter doesn't care about these losses at all. What she cares about is the current target of SHIELD.

A man named Eustace Kidd!

"Nothing wrong."

"There was an abnormal reaction in the magnetic field, and all the detection instruments prepared for Magneto were activated."

"This man who claims to be from the sea also has the ability to control magnetic energy."

At this moment.

Even Peggy Carter, a woman who has been able to remain calm throughout her long career as an agent.

At this time, he also showed an expression of disbelief.

Magneto's original certainty of victory in this operation has disappeared, and the plan has experienced extreme surprises.


Peggy Carter rescans the hole.

After completing the authentication of the director's authority again, she immediately re-searched SHIELD's internal database as quickly as possible.

But the result remains the same as before.

Apart from the information about Eustace Kidd that was just recorded at this time, there is no other information.


"He's a mutant?!"

"Why is universal inhibin useless to him, and the same is true for Magneto's special inhibin!


"And... the same ability as Magneto can also appear?!"

"How low can the probability of this mutation be?!"

"Almost impossible!"

A series of questions appeared in Peggy Carter's mind.

S.H.I.E.L.D. has been pressing against mutants step by step, starting with the massacre on Giyu Island.

By this time.

Plan against Magneto.

There was never any mistake, everything was under the control of this woman.

But now.

Just when SHIELD was about to grasp the final victory, the pyramid-like "cleaning" plan began to collapse from the bottom.

"Where did these guys in yellow clothes come from...and what kind of organization are they members of?"

"Are they also here because of Magneto?!"

It's not just Peggy Carter who can't figure it out. As the central figure in this incident, the young Magneto.

That is to say, Max Eisenhardt also looked confused at this time.

First he was rescued.

But it was definitely not because of the compatriot he thought was in front of him. He was probably a compatriot. Now he was beginning to hesitate.

Faced with Eustaski De's sudden ability, even he is now in a state of incomprehension!

Magnetic energy!

Just like the arrogant tone of the other party's mouth, he said that he wanted to teach himself what true magnetism is.

Then the huge metal arms gathered together and suddenly wiped out everything they were in.

Including those arrogant sentry robots before.

The police station, which originally had the history of Paradise Mountain, has been completely reduced to a hollow in the surrounding area.

Leave nothing behind!

Max Eisenhardt clearly understood that the other party was not just a bad-tempered person, just talking about it.

Completely different from his fellow mutants who have unstable temperaments due to various experiences...

After all, some bad-tempered guys are just saying the dirty words they say.

And the person in front of me is definitely no joker.

"Eustace Kidd!"

Max Eisenhardt murmured the name.

He really wanted to kill everyone including himself just now.

So fierce!

This man has bright red hair, stands two meters tall, and has a metal arm to replace his missing left arm.

He is really a terrifying guy despite his bad tone.

"Magnetic fruit!"

"It's different from mutant abilities, but it's so similar to mine. Where did you come from?!"


Max Eisenhardt raised his head and looked at the members in yellow uniforms holding sci-fi-looking firearms in front of him.

"Pioneer Technology...a name I have never heard of."


"They said they came to save me, but I don't know you."

And at the same time.

"Contact Dr. Folson!"

Pioneer Technologies' forward operations team responded.

"We have successfully completed the first goal and confirmed the information that there is no pioneer technology at the current time and space node."

"Our logo was not recognized."

They had been observing secretly through the time and space barrier for a long time, and they only appeared the moment Eustace Kidd took action.

It can be said that they appeared at the perfect time.

The action team carried black technology firearms that converted energy into shields. When the entire Paradise Mountain Police Department disappeared.

Under Captain Eustace's magnetic string destructive attack, Max Eisenhardt was successfully rescued.

And look at this young Magneto's confused reaction.

as well as!

SHIELD's reaction at the current time and space node seems to not recognize that they are from Pioneer Technology.

No one knows the logo on their yellow uniforms.

This should be considered good news.


Then came the bad news.

Pioneer Technology's forward operations team also has no information about the extremely tough-looking Eustace Kidd.


To save someone from Captain Eustace, even if it was just a casual move, the price to pay was very high.

The protective energy they had reserved by traveling through the nodes of time and space immediately marked red after protecting Max Eisenhardt!

At this moment.

They didn't even bother to respond to Max Eisenhardt's question about their identities.

The leader of the action team hurriedly called to the laboratory behind, which was Dr. Folsen.


"We need to return immediately, we are low on energy."

"Whether it's SHIELD or this unknown Eustace Kidd, we can't resist the next attack."

"Progress is hindered..."

"And the first goal is achieved, we request that the experiment be terminated immediately!"

Real Earth.

The subversive weapons research and development department, in this experiment that transcends time and space.

at this time.

For Dr. Folsen, this has entered the most urgent time...


All instruments are detecting energy data and the space-time channels opened in the laboratory.

The regression process has actually been activated.

There is no way, once the forward action team completely enters the opposite time and space node.

The energy required to maintain the "jump process" will increase rapidly.

After all, Pioneer Technology is not owned by Dr. Folsen, even though he now has the say in the laboratory.

And now we have obtained a lot of resources.


For such a taboo experiment that breaks the rules, even pioneering technology cannot risk everything.

"Originally, what I wanted was to travel through time, go back to the past, and find the young Magneto."

"When the time comes..."

Dr. Folsen originally believed that once he could change history, he could change the future through the power of time.

Of course, he has his own theory about time and space refutation, and he thinks he can do such incredible things.


The young Magneto has now been found, but there was an accident in the plan.

They haven't gone back to the past.

The forward operations team has also determined that they have arrived at a new earth that is similar to the real earth!

Parallel time and space!

The large database owned by Pioneer Technology shows that it should belong to a certain Earth numbered 65!


This is none of Dr. Folson's business.

He didn't want to understand the theory of parallel time travel or anything like that.

"I don't care about the process, I just know that I have found Magneto!"

"And... there are still two!"

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Once successful, my position in Pioneer Technology will be unshakable."

"I can't let it go!"

For Dr. Folsen, there was no way the trial was going to end.

He has spent his whole life blocking all opportunities on this one, if he can achieve great success.

Then Pioneer Technology's dream of ruling the world with science will turn a new page for him.


Completely pull the energy valve on the side to the maximum.


Raging waves of energy surrounded the laboratory, and the specially-made shuttle machinery was shrouded in blue light.

An alarm sounded in the laboratory that the intensity of the energy surge had exceeded laboratory limits.

But now.

Dr. Folson, who has red eyes and disheveled hair and looks like a madman, doesn't care about this at all.

The true nature of the mad scientist is exposed.

Watching the channel connecting the two space-time nodes gradually stabilize under the infusion of a large amount of energy.

Dr. Folsen held the communicator tightly with his fingers and issued instructions to the frontline action team in a hoarse voice!

"The regression program has been extended and experiments continue."

"Convey the goodwill from Pioneer Technology and kill this Eustace Kidd before SHIELD takes action on the opposite side!"

"Bring it back to me too."


Whether it is the real Earth or Earth-65, it can be seen that Dr. Folsen understands how these agents operate.

The failure of the plan is by no means the end.

An abnormality occurred while the plan was in progress, and it encountered extremely strong and tenacious resistance. This is also not the end...

For Peggy Carter, this is just the beginning.

"Time and space fluctuations... So you are a guest from a parallel world?!"

"Is it certain this time?!"

Peggy Carter connected with the logistics technology department again, and she needed a definite answer.

Just now.

She also targeted the members of Pioneer Technology who rescued Max Eisenhardt.

The large internal database of S.H.I.E.L.D. was searched again, and this time it was not that nothing was found.

But...the identities of each of them don't match.

"There may be some errors in this."

"The yellow protective clothing they wear has certain shielding functions, which greatly reduces the comparison level of our database."


The logistics and scientific research department began to chatter again, which made Peggy Carter look a little impatient.

"Tell the important point!"

"Okay, Director Carter, we clearly captured the quantum space-time fluctuations that occurred when they appeared."

"If you have to define it, they really come from moments when we were parallel to each other."

"But it's a pity..."

"Compared with the science and technology we already have that can travel to us, we are exploring positioning technology, and it seems like we have just learned to walk."

You can hear the frustration in the voices of SHIELD technicians.

Whether it is the high-tech firearms in the hands of Pioneer Technology that convert energy into shields, let’s talk about this technology that spans the nodes of time and space.

It's something they haven't studied yet.

Being crushed technologically made the members of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Logistics Science Department, who thought they had the most successful high-end research and development in the world, feel extremely uncomfortable.


"I will allocate funds to you later. Now... continue to work on your positioning."

Peggy Carter pondered for a moment before making such a promise.

at the same time.

This woman pressed the emergency command button, and everyone, whether they were senior agents or field members, was notified at this moment.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. fighter jets took off, all the forces were set up, and all personnel were fully armed.

The world's top secret service organization, with the help of Peggy Carter, finally began to take full action.

"Based on the analysis of the technical department."

"The reason why you carry this special firearm that can activate the shield is to delay time."

"The ultimate goal is to take Magneto and escape back to your original time and space."

Peggy Carter, an extremely smart woman, discovered the truth of Pioneer Technology's operation from a very simple report.

They are not here to fight at all, let alone for any war.

Rescue mission!

A simpler way to put it is to put a shield on yourself, then grab someone and run away.


"What a scoundrel, what a pity..."

"Whether it's Magneto, you, or Eustace Kidd, I won't let anyone go."

“I would rather kill you than let you go back.”…

Peggy Carter returned to her usual indifferent expression.

She would not allow someone to jump in and slap SHIELD in the face and then leave so calmly.

Not even if they come from a parallel world.

"Start evacuation."

"Radiating from Paradise Mountain outwards, armed forces surrounded all places and forced evacuation of all irrelevant persons."

"S.H.I.E.L.D.'s strike fighters are fully deployed, firing at will and suppressing it!"

"The kill order passed!"

"Start positioning through logistics agents and release all sentry robots!


"The obliteration order passed."

"With my authority as director, I am notifying Congress that according to SHIELD's underlying protocol, we have been invaded by a force majeure enemy."

"The nuclear bomb order passed!"

With this woman's toneless voice, SHIELD's final order was issued.

at the same time.


On the armrest of Peggy Carter's director's chair, a secret space appeared at this time.

Inside the small glass cover, there is a red button with a skull printed on it.

at the same time.

The entire Paradise Mountain area is locked on the big screen in front of you!

This female director of S.H.I.E.L.D. who ruthlessly massacred tens of millions of mutants on Giyu Island.

Facing Pioneer Technology and Eustace Kidd, who challenged her dignity, she slowly put her hand on the red button.

"bring it on."

"Let's see who can get the best ending."

This chapter has been completed!
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