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Chapter 664: Nagato Yukis information support, Asakura Ryokos great support

Chapter 664 Nagato Yuki’s information support and Asakura Ryoko’s large-scale information manipulation!


Lord Doom cast his magic, and these magical magic particles powerfully occupied all energy reactions.

at the same time.

Reed Richards on the Space City also launched a massive interstellar beam towards this sea area!

Indeed, as Doom said, even if Mr. Fantastic is crazy, it is impossible to launch a Star Destroyer Cannon towards the Earth.

This is not a star destroyer cannon, but a special beam that guides particle reactions.

"Even interstellar travel faces too many complexities and possible special situations."

"The best option is to let things calm down."

Reed Richards' safety valve activated.

With this bright light appears.

The conventional particle reactions surrounding the central battlefield of Lemuria were frozen at this moment, and everything became calm.

Doom and Reed took action at the same time.

Suppressing both technology and magic at the same time, the entire battlefield was silent for a moment.

Even the rough sea surface only had small waves floating on it.

"what happened?!"

"Why did you stop? The final war authority has been passed. Why not blow them up?!"


Pulling out the golden snake cane from the main control instrument, Queen Lila inserted it back in very irritably.

But there was no response.

In the missile storage depot in Lemuria, all deep-water missiles about to be launched have stopped.

It's like being frozen in this moment.

These deadly and dangerous deep-sea technologies are hanging in the launch cabin like scrap metal at this moment.

"A technology we don't understand."

"A pinnacle technology from the Fantastic Four, before their superhero identities."

"This is technical suppression from a smart man!"

The doctors quickly figured out what was going on.

Even though Dr. Dorcas is a genius in the field of biological research, he has to admit Reed Richards' creativity.

"Don't worry, this technological blockade is temporary and more like a warning."

"Tell us to stop when we're done and stop annoying people with random bombings."

Dr. Dorcas operates scientific instruments, but he is not an expert in this area.

But the basic truth is understood.

All particle reactions were reduced to the maximum level at this time, and even Lemuria's deep-sea technology was frozen.

Unlocking takes time, and during this process, no one can guarantee that there will really be no Star Destroyer Cannon on the Fantastic Four's spaceship!

"I don't think Mr. Fantastic's statement directly to the world is scary."

"In fact..."

"For a technology like ours, his space city has already crushed many of our technological theories."

"Mr. Fantastic."

"God Lord Doom."

"The power of technology and magic makes people tremble. Your Majesty Lila, I think we can stop."

Dr. Dorcas said that now that everyone has calmed down, it seems that they can stop the crazy queen.

The key problem is that their enemies have never been the Fantastic Four, certainly not the guy in the green cloak in the sky.

"We don't have to fight them to the death."

"In fact."

"Isn't it Namor, the King of the Sea, who inspires our fighting spirit?! This is the purpose of our revenge, and other people have nothing to do with us."

That's right.

Lemuria has been aiming at Atlantis from the beginning. To be more precise, the target of hatred is Namor.

The previous series of conflicts were ultimately caused by Queen Lila's madness and the Nine Lamas' indiscriminate bombings.

As a result, the situation began to gradually get out of control.

Especially after the Human Torch and S.H.I.E.L.D.’s space-based weapons were taken down, Aquaman Namor has basically not appeared yet.

This situation seems to be out of control right now.

Even Dr. Dorcas was ready to pack up his things and run away because of the chaotic battle situation before.

Obviously, the sinking of Lemuria was a matter of time.

But now things have taken a turn for the better.

Under the dual operation of Doom and Reed, the entire sea area suddenly became quiet.

Together with the Thunderbolt and the Nine Lamas, the two most arrogant figures, they were also suppressed by Lord Doom alone.

"Queen Lila."

"We don't have any hatred against the land people. In fact, so far, we, Lemuria, have suffered the most."

"We should go talk to them."

On the other hand.

On the sea.

The Human Torch's follow-up actions were similarly stopped.

"Sister, your dear brother was made so embarrassed, but you told me to let it go."

"I can't accept it."

The Human Torch was talking to Susan over the communications panel.

"You moved too fast."

"And based on the situation just now, if the fight continues, we will not have the advantage."

"Because we don't even have a plan."

This book is long overdue.

The Thing drove the Fantastic Four's aircraft to the Human Torch and told him the latest development.

Doom and Reed temporarily shook hands and made peace, which meant that the Human Torch's beating just now was in vain.


"Isn't the plan for me to fly out and blow everything up?!"

"I haven't used my special move yet. Do you think I can't defeat the bastard with the iron mask?!"

Even so.

But the Human Torch had even used a supernova explosion just now. If it went up again, Johnny's energy reaction would exceed that of a nuclear explosion.

And jointly.

These dangerous plasma flames will become increasingly difficult to control once they cross the boundary.

The Human Torch itself would become a huge source of danger, which Reed Richards tried to avoid.

The emergence of the Fantastic Four should be a decision to positively influence the world as a superhero.

And if it were on the global news headlines, the Human Torch would appear as chaotic as those crazy elements.

By then things will become more chaotic and even more difficult to end.

"Susan is communicating with SHIELD."

"Their space-based weapons can only cause greater chaos. This time the matter cannot be solved with a killing blow."

"You see even the big fox stopped."

The finger, which was as short and thick as a rock, pointed at the nine-tailed demon fox in the sea that beat the waves with its huge tail.

"Oh, he's very nice."

"At least it was fun to have fun with me just now, so... what Reed and my sister want is for me to come out and pose?!"

"Damn, this is really boring."

The Human Torch didn't have time to worry about anything else now. He realized that Reed wasn't going to fight in the first place.

But if you want everyone to calm down.

Then let him come out first and shout the slogan of the Fantastic Four in front of the whole world.

Don’t you want to make yourself a role model?!


"Where's Ryoko Asakura? She said she would be with me before, why did she suddenly change her mind now?!"

On the world headlines.

The war surrounding Lemuria suddenly seemed to become quiet from the scene of earth-shattering destruction.

On the sea.

High-rise buildings flashing with flickering energy shields, half submerged in the sea and half emerging from the water.

And on the outskirts of the city.

The giant demon fox with nine tails and its fiery orange color is extremely eye-catching.

And in the sky.

As the representative of the Fantastic Four, the Human Torch is posing with his hands on his hips, highlighting his status as a superhero.

“Big success!”

"With the help of space-based weapons from the World Observation Window, our superheroes..."

on news programs.

Having received some authorization, media people are bragging about the Fantastic Four.


This is also due to S.H.I.E.L.D.

The space-based weapons were successful, and combined with Mr. Fantastic's incredible space battleship, they suddenly calmed down the battlefield.

In the small frame in the lower right corner of the headline of the program, a serious-looking Mr. Agent also appears in the camera.

They represent the victory of mankind.

The entire atmosphere of public opinion is advocating for the efforts of superheroes and agents.

Coupled with the calm sea in the picture, and the people from all walks of life who were in chaos before and are now calm.

The effect brought about is very good.


In the S.H.I.E.L.D., Space Carrier, and World Observation Window, professional agents are docking with Susan.

"I'm sorry, ma'am!"

"We don't have instructions from the director. Regarding the control of space-based weapons, we..."

The conversation is ongoing.

As for the issue of whether to stop space-based weapons, it is obvious that agents cannot make the decision.

But the good news is that the guy who can call the shots has returned, as the Quinjet returns.


That is, the commander of special combat operations and top agent Rumlow is back, and he has brought back two little girls.

"Cool, is this your secret agent base camp?!"

"It's much better than I thought. Let me tell you, the ones I've seen before, uh... were underground."

Xiaoyu thought of Sheriff Blake's simple District 13.

That place was so weak. Unlike here, the space carrier looked very sci-fi.

It smells like a secret agent.

Xiaoyu liked this feeling. At the same time, when she followed Rumlow and entered the command room through authority.

On the big screen, Susan's Big Head is playing.


"This is the Fantastic Four superheroes you're talking about?!"

Xiaoyu happily ran to the front.

In such a scene, the unattended little girl began to swell again.

"Hey, I'm a hero too. Have you ever heard of T-girl, or Team Dragon?!"

"Don't worry you'll hear it soon, I know a lot of things!"

"Just like..."

Xiaoyu's eyes passed over Susan.

On the projection screen of the world observation window, in the global split shot below the large screen in the center of the command room.

The scene of the Hudson River in New York, the familiar dark red gate of hell with swirls, caught the little girl's attention.


"The gates of hell opened."

Xiaoyu turned to look at Rumlow with an innocent face.

"This time it has nothing to do with me."

"The demon monarchs have come out of the cage again, so you can use my information, right?!"

New York, Hudson River.


"The appearance of the Fantastic Four calmed the chaotic war, and of course the efforts of these agents."

Kingpin said slowly.

Mr. Wilson expected to see a big chaos, but the increasingly fierce battlefield seemed to be stopped.


"It's rare that I'm still interested in watching fights, but...if you just want to calm down like this, don't you ask Basha what she thinks?!"

Sao Feng laughed strangely at the side.

He is a demon who likes to watch fun, especially life and death fights.

And just after escaping from hell, we can see a great chaos in the new world. This is simply good news.

Oh, right.

The Holy Master seems to still want to participate, and this old dragon is eager to get more [Ruby].

"That's right."

"Basha's power has been restored. If you humans want to stop the water demon, this is not enough."

The Holy Lord released his fire, and at the huge intersection of the Gate of Hell, the figure of the Digui was looming.

It's almost finished, and the Earth Demon is about to escape.

"Holy Lord!"

"Why don't you bring Bazaar into our private chat?!"

Xiaofeng glanced at Frogzi. The frog god looked nonchalant, so the Wind Demon didn't shy away from speaking to her.



Why, why else?!

Of course it's because the Holy Lord is unhappy with Bazaar. Why is he so miserable while the other party has regained his strength?

In addition, Bazaar has always had a mediocre attitude towards the Holy Lord, so Lao Long would not put a hot face on a cold butt.


His plan will be completed soon, and by then...

"Ah, the Dikui is out!"

"It's so great. I finally don't have to stay in that small place. Holy Lord, when will my underground palace construction plan start?!"

"Are these your human subordinates? The boss wants to recruit them!"

Like a minotaur with a perfect body like an ancient Greek sculpture, the Earth Demon appears as the earth boils.

The ruins along the Hudson River were shaking. Di Kui landed on his feet and felt the return of the demonic energy for the first time.

So cool!!


The demon of the earth roared up to the sky, and the demonic energy of the earth rose from all over his body, announcing that the demon king representing the earth was back.

"It's so annoying!"

The power of the gods was also spreading, and Frogzi's little face wrinkled.

The gods who ruled the earth in ancient times, and the demons who ruled the earth in ancient times, now meet together.

Extremely exaggerated height proportions.

One is a little over one meter, one is six meters tall, one has frog eyes, and the other has thick horns.

Big eyes stare at small eyes, small eyes stare at big eyes.

"Well... Dikui doesn't like the little one!"

Sao Feng jumped aside, and Bo Gang was still there, but the Mountain Demon could just walk through the door.

There is no need for them to export magic energy anymore.

The Wind Demon looked at the cow and the frog with great interest. He had been looking forward to it since just now.

"Fight, fight!"

"In the war between gods and demons, I really want to know who will win in the end between the two controllers of the earth?!"

at the same time.

From SHIELD's satellite perspective, Xiaoyu watched the boss come out of the gate of hell.

"Big trouble, big trouble."

"The demon monarchs are about to reunite, what are you still talking about?!"

"Space-based weapons, the name sounds powerful. Hurry, don't stop, hurry up and blast them."

Xiaoyu jumped anxiously.

As for the communication between Nagato Yuki and Asakura Ryoko, all preparations for the information have been completed.

In order to prevent the occurrence of a doomsday tsunami scenario, the aliens decided to deal with the problem of the people under the sea first.


Nagato Yuki's dull eyes raised, and she brought Asakura Ryoko a consultation and support.

A large amount of data is being transferred...

at the same time.

In Reed's space city, extremely terrifying data fluctuations appeared around Ryoko Asakura.

A large number of mosaics are realized, and the digital space becomes an entity.


"The Flagship of the Peak of Ice, the Maelstrom of Atlantis."

"Open: map database, lock: Lemuria sea area."

"Cut start!"

This chapter has been completed!
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