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Chapter 687: Information about the past, the mystery in Nagato Yukis mouth

Chapter 687 "Past" information, Odin in Nagato Yuki's mouth!

No secret base can stop Xiaoyu, especially SHIELD, which is in such a mess right now.

Inside the space carrier.

A secret laboratory room strictly sealed off by Alexander Pierce.

Physical isolation can stop the current Ultimate Iron Man, but it cannot stop Xiaoyu's curiosity.

With the help of Nagato Yuki, the door to the room was easily opened.

"What's this?!"

Xiaoyu walked into the dark room, and the whole room was without power, and it was pitch black.

Only the mysterious cubic crystals emit a faint light.


Nagato Yuki stood outside the door.

She didn't follow Xiaoyu's footsteps immediately, but instead the moment she opened the door.

The moment when you really looked at the Rubik's Cube of the universe.


Even the expressionless alien felt stiff due to the sudden surge of information in the database.

It's different from everything I've encountered before.

The Cosmic Cube, the space gem contained in the mysterious cube, has indescribable power.

Although it is still covered with a shell.

But from the expression of the blue overflowing energy, the abnormal information that Nagato Yuki sensed was so impactful.

"Cosmic Cube!"

Nagato Yuki said softly.

She mobilized all the data about this room in an instant, including some information stored on paper.

Even if he was locked in a cabinet and used a special mechanical lock in time, Alexander Pierce believed that the "original law of secrecy was foolproof."

But in Nagato Yuki's place, it can be called transparent.

"The name sounds so grand. In such a strict place, it must be the best treasure."

Xiaoyu was a little geared up.

In the original world, the treasures sealed in Area 13 basically contained the figure of the little girl and her Uncle Long.

Xiaoyu is a master who has eaten and met before, but now she has met a big treasure that she has never seen before.

"Ha ha."

"Dad will be very interested if he sees this. This is definitely the best antique collection."

Big harvest.

The little girl knew that there could not be only those big computer screens in the secret service organization that were incomprehensible.

There must be magical babies in this magical world. Wouldn't it be great for her and Nagato Yuki to discover it?!

Xiaoyu poked her head around to make sure there was no one else in the narrow steel corridor outside the door, and then carefully closed the door.

The room was silent for a while, except for her, Nagato Yuki and the Cosmic Cube.

"Let's see, you can do something."

Xiaoyu leaned in front of the Universe Rubik's Cube, and the tip of her nose was only a few centimeters away from the Universe Rubik's Cube.

"It's square, and the top, bottom, left and right are generally flat, um..."

The little girl touched her chin, except that the cube was really beautiful.

Xiaoyu actually had no idea what the flashing energy spots inside meant.

And at the same time.

Nagato Yuki, who said nothing, was receiving information about the Cosmic Cube.

Not the mysterious cube itself.

If the information-integrated thought body has recovered its complete body, partial attempts can still be made.

But now.

It's just that Nagato Yuki, coupled with the amount of data from Asakura Ryoko, wanted to directly analyze the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

Incorporate its huge energy, constantly overflowing information, and even unknown information from the universe into the database.

This is tantamount to eating one bite and becoming a fat man.

The strong information impact may even make them freeze.


Although there is no way to eat the Cosmic Rubik's Cube in one bite, I can't tell you about the experience of this mysterious cube on the earth.

The so-called past!!

This part of the information could not escape Nagato Yuki's capture.

For a treasure like the Cosmic Cube, even if its essence is not directly analyzed.

And from the perspective of insinuations, let’s understand what it has experienced and the data contained in it.

For Nagato Yuki now, it is also a treasure to understand this new world.

"Orange cat."

There seems to be a galaxy hidden in Nagato Yuki's eyes, and information turns into an endless torrent of data flipping through it.

The cute god was mobilizing a database called "the past", and then she saw a cat that swallowed the Rubik's Cube.

There is also a one-eyed black braised egg.

"Director of SHIELD, Nick Fury!"

And then.

In Nagato Yuki's field of vision, a vague scene of a woman appeared, and he heard a name from Nick Fury's mouth.

"Captain Marvel."

The database expands to a whole new list, from the "Pegasus Project" to lightspeed thruster research.


The names of two alien races appeared in Nagato Yuki's information collection.



Nagato Yuki had a big harvest.

The story surrounding the Space Cube that happened on Earth is being revealed to Nagato Yuki through information.

at the same time.

On the space city, Asakura Ryoko was watching the chaotic battle between the Fantastic Four and Ultra Iron Man.

Also received the skyrocketing data in the database.

"What did you do?!"

"The Kree, the Skrulls, an intelligent race from the universe, the real aliens that Mr. Fantastic said."

In the case of information sharing, the data exchange between Asakura Ryoko and Nagato Yuki was extremely fast.


The current goal of the Ultimate Body, the most perfect posture that he longs for, is actually like an information integrated thought body.

But now Asakura Ryoko doesn't pay attention to these, she is also attracted by the deep blue color of the Universe Rubik's Cube.

"This is good stuff."

"If we can analyze all its information, we will be prosperous, take it away!"

Although the truth of the space gem is still unclear, it is a cosmic treasure.

If it can be swallowed up by the information integration thought body, then the benefits will be self-evident.

What a miracle!

If the existence of the Cosmic Cube isn’t a miracle, then what is?!


Facing Asakura Ryoko's thoughts, Nagato Yuki simply replied with three words.

She is an observer!

And now through the Cosmic Cube, we have learned about a series of things that happened on this earth in the past.

It can be said that among all players.

Asakura Ryoko and Nagato Yuki now know the most about this new world.


"I knew your answer was like this, it's boring."

Ryoko Asakura waved her hands indifferently, she was still processing data about the Battle of Lemuria.

The situations from Lemuria, Ice Top, and Atlantis are all continuing to be accepted by Ryoko Asakura.

to be honest.

Because there was too much "unknown" data to analyze, and a large number of information operations were performed at the same time, her and Nagato Yuki's data processing was almost saturated.

As "aliens" who have recently arrived in this new world, they can be considered to have gained a lot.

This made Ryoko Asakura sigh.

"Hmph, I don't see that the little girl you are looking for is pretty good. At least she is capable of causing trouble with Haruhi Suzumiya..."


Asakura Ryoko wanted to joke a few more words, but the sudden huge data flow interrupted her.

The already crowded data channel seemed to be overwhelmed by the tide at this moment.

The sudden "abnormal" information came so fast that Ryoko Asakura and Yuki Nagato were stuck at the same time for an instant.

And just at the same time.

In the secret room of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nagato Yuki observed the Cube and read out a name.


This chapter has been completed!
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