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Chapter 746 At this moment, Sage ModeNami Feng Shui Ginseng Part 1

"Little girl!!"

The appearance of Xiaoyu and the righteousness represented undoubtedly attracted the demon monarch.

Especially the Holy Lord.

"You brought a counterfeit, it's my magical power... no, it's a low-quality imitation!"

The evil dragon's eyes stopped on Steve Rogers.

The Holy Lord controls the evil dragon legion, and amid the burning fire, the evil dragon glares at Xiaoyu.


He didn't even care about going to help Bazaar.

"And Di Kui, Di Kui hates little girls!"

The Dikui hates flowers, hates archaeologists, and even less likes little girls who are all glowing.

Flying sand and rocks.

After Ximu was blown away by Xiaoyu's special effect, both the Holy Lord and Dikui targeted Xiaoyu.

In fact.

The same goes for Bazaar.

However, facing the joint attack of Lord Doom and Namor, the Water Demon cannot escape.

"Holy Lord, Dikui, the little girl is left to you!"

Bazaar's scream.

At present, she has completely given up on Ximu, the Sky Demon is really useless.

If you want to deal with the little girl, you can only rely on her most hated Holy Master and the silly Digui.

"Don't shout so loudly, I know you miss me so much."

Floating on the sea.

Xiaoyu picked her ears with her little fingers, looking relaxed and at ease.

Then, she turned to look at Nagato Yuki.


"Youxi, the Holy Master said that your ability is a fake. He is so hateful, isn't he?"

The girl wearing a sailor uniform still looked calm even after entering such a majestic sea battlefield.

The information on the battlefield was flowing like a torrent, and Nagato Yuki changed the recorded data from the past.

Very stable.

Very peaceful.

Just like no external objects can disturb Nagato Yuki.

"Holy Lord!"

"The Demon of Fire, one of the eight demon kings mentioned by Xiaoyu."

"A fire-breathing dragon!"

Inorganic sounds.

Nagato Yuki is testing the authenticity of some past simulation data.

About the Holy Lord, about the devil, and of course about other existences on the battlefield.

at the same time.

While building the database, ensure the stability of Ryoko Asakura, that is, her own backup database.

Observation is getting to the point, no making trouble, no fooling around!


Now Nagato Yuki is in charge, and the radicals still have to be obedient, otherwise... Nagato Yuki will disconnect.

"Tch, you know how to threaten me with this."


In the space city.

No, this should be considered an interstellar cannon now.

Reed Richards and Susan, one controls the artillery aiming, the other is responsible for energy charging.

As for Asakura Ryoko, she is responsible for watching the show!

Now that Nagato Yuki has appeared on the battlefield, there is no doubt that she cannot be allowed to mess around.

And for this new world to be so wonderful, Asakura Ryoko didn't want Nagato Yuki to sanction her.


Asakura Ryoko stirred her long hair with her fingers, showing a gentle and sweet smile.

at the same time.

Her eyes kept changing between Reed Richards and Susan, and she wanted to think of a way.

She needs to have her own source of information, her own [Jade], instead of transmitting it all to Nagato Yuki.


"I can get rid of Nagato Yuki's restrictions and become my true self."


"I don't think so. I am just making some necessary efforts for the future of information integration and to better harvest the miracle of information."

Asakura Ryoko said to herself.

Her eyes fell on the battlefield outside. Such a turbulent scene was really heart-wrenching.

"After all...just watching is a waste of time."

No one paid attention to Ryoko Asakura.

at the same time.

The Holy Lord has been completely angered.

"What a courage!"

"You dare to copy my divine power and offend the great demon of fire. Have you thought about how you will die?!"

Dragon flames are roaring.

The Holy Master was particularly angry at Nagato Yuki's expressionless words about a fire-breathing dragon.

What is this?!

Some kind of mark, some kind of mark?!

That tone and demeanor were like seeing a little ant under your feet.

He sighed casually.

Ah, it's an ant, with such a completely indifferent attitude.


It's simply intolerable, it's so abominable, I just want to burn it to ashes.


The Holy Lord was the first to take action, and the evil dragon army roared towards Xiaoyu's direction!

Whether it's a little girl, a fake, or Nagato Yuki who dares to disrespect the Holy Lord.

The Holy Lord will make them all pay the price.

Right here.

This is the realm laid out by the Demon Lord, filled with demonic energy, and the absolutely powerful Fire Demon!


The earth roared, the earth leader shook off the anger about the death apostle, the brown-red demon set off a torrent of mud and rocks, and the dark green horns rushed towards the little girl.

I have to say that Xiaoyu's hatred level is really high.


This is Marvel Girl at this time, and even the original Xiaoyu is not afraid of these old demons!


"I almost flew across the battlefield before, otherwise I would have come and blasted you away."

Xiaoyu instantly increased to the speed of light.

Just now, she was flying at such a speed from the battlefield in Magnet City.

We skipped many big cities along the way, and even Xiaoyu almost flew in the wrong direction.

But it's okay.

In order to be able to play the Devil's Home Run, Xiaoyu felt that it was worth the hard work.

"Where am I?!"

"Here I am, the big idiot with the horns."

Gorgeous halo.

Photon energy bloomed in Xiaoyu's body, and Xiaoyu revolved around the Earth Demon at absolute speed.

Di Kui couldn't catch the flowing light among the flying sand and rocks.


A stubborn bull with a bad temper, Di Kui was so angry that he screamed.


Facing the attack of the Death Apostle already made the Earth Demon very uncomfortable.

And now.

Xiaoyu's teasing made Dikui's eyes red with anger and he became furious.

“The Dikui hates little girls!!”

"What a coincidence, I don't like you either, but...I must like to do this."


Xiaoyu moved her arms forward, photon energy surged, and straight orange light waves were emitted!!

The powerful energy breaks through the obstacles of the demonic energy and pours on Di Kui's strong chest muscles like hot oil!

A large-scale energy blast!!

Mud, rocks, sea water, and the surrounding energy are all repelled by photon energy.


The Dikui was hit far away like a ball.

"Very good!"

"This is what I want to see most, it's so fun!"

There were a lot of orange flames, Xiaoyu put her hands in, and Marvel Girl rated her performance full marks.

at the same time.

When Di Kui was beaten away by Xiaoyu.

It's not that the Holy Lord doesn't want to help, but that the evil dragon's annoying impostor blocks his way.

It's Steve Rogers.

Today's Super T Steve is not a good name.


Under Xiaoyu’s suggestion, you have to accept it no matter what, right?!

"The best news for me, maybe it's better to still be in my dream now."

"But actually I'm awake now."

"And I have encountered unprecedented enemies, dragons, demons, whatever. This is not the place you should come."

Steve Rogers raises his shield, symbolizing the burning power of God!

"What are you talking about?!"

"What are you saying to the great demon lord?!"

"You use my power and then try to fight against me, little insect, I will crush you to death!!"

The Holy Lord said.

From today on, under the archaeologist, he will add a straitjacket expert to his hate list.

This guy in weird clothes, this bastard who calls himself Captain America.

What kind of bullshit is this? Super T Steve!!

The Demon Lord is really annoying, especially since he is also using the power of the Holy Lord.

"If my twelve talismans were still there, do you think you could be so presumptuous in front of me?!"

The dragon's breath!

Amidst the spurting of the demonic energy of fire and the dragon flames of the Holy Lord, a large number of evil dragon legions pounced on Steve Rogers.




tear to pieces!

Then turn it into ashes in the ultimate flame, and let the whole world burn.

Dedicate the burning world to the Holy Lord and the great dragon.

"I know you are angry, so don't be angry yet."

"Your power is indeed very good, and it even makes me addicted to it, but it is too dangerous."

"The power cannot be restrained, and it will bring disaster. I heard you say that the power of the twelve talismans is lost. According to me, Mr. Dragon, this should be a good thing."

Steve Rogers' fighting skills.

Plus the strength of the ox, the speed of the rabbit, the floating of the chicken, and the balance of the tiger!

He just needs to use these four abilities instinctively.

Facing the attack of the evil dragon army, under the shield was a four-legged dragon beast that was torn to pieces!

The horse's healing and the dog's immortality ensure that he is always at full combat effectiveness.

And having these is enough.

And another.

Invisibility, transformation, Cyclops, Dragon Roar, Steve Rogers does not need to actively use these.

"I'm not greedy."

"Even these powers are only temporary to me. They only mean to stop the war."

Steve Rogers was very serious and stated his reasons.

"I now speak for S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Stop this chaos immediately and you will receive a fair trial."


While Steve Rogers was speaking, he forced his way through the Dragon Legion and came to the Holy Lord.

This shield!

It hit the fire demon directly in the face.

Regardless of the amount of damage, this sense of humiliation made the Holy Master feel numb.

He thought of the archaeologist's kick.

He thought of the angry boy who faced him face to face during the last battle in New York.

What's wrong?!

What the hell is going on with this world?!

As a great demon monarch and a powerful evil dragon wizard, he controls the demonic energy of fire!!

Why does it seem like everyone can beat themselves up!

The most hateful!!

This damn human bug is still using his own power, he is so angry!!


The angry dragon bared its teeth.

One bite!!

The huge mouth filled with dragon flames, the demonic energy of fire was unprecedentedly rich.

The Holy Lord bit Steve Rogers' head in one bite, at an extremely close range.

Let the demonic energy of fire swallow everything!!

"Oh my God!"

"This must look like it hurts so much, the Holy Lord is biting someone!!"

Xiaoyu swung her fingers flexibly, and energy bombs gathered on each knuckle.

The continuous energy attacks suppressed Di Kui to death.

Xiaoyu plans to save the Holy Lord until the end.

Because this is an old rule, she always likes to hear the Holy Lord’s last shout of no!!

And before that.

After suppressing Di Kui, if Ximu doesn’t need to pay attention, then it’s Basha!!

"The completion of the water curse is much worse than I thought."


While Xiaoyu was playing with Dikui, she didn't do anything at all.


Xiaoyu has already gone through her father's magic information.

It can summon Nishiki from hell, and it can make a righteousness spell based on the friendship necklace.

Xiaoyu's magic level is very high.

at the same time.

The battlefield in this sea area is the absolute home field for Bazaar.

Bazaar is definitely the strongest among the current demon monarchs!!

Holy Master, Ximu, and Dikui are actually all here to make up the numbers for her.

It's just the superposition of demonic energy and the spread of black energy that makes Basha's power reach a higher level.

Just like this time.

Facing Lord Doom and Neptune Namor, Aqua Bazaar can still control the maelstrom with ease!

"But that's it for now."

"Let me give the devil a righteous critical blow, Bazaar, your end has come."

Xiaoyu announced proudly.


Use a sword for fire, a ladle for water, and a flute for west wood. Xiaoyu can memorize this formula easily.

At this moment.

A relic of the gods, about the magical gourd that can seal the evil energy of water.

Xiaodama has been handed over to Nagato Yuki.

"Not only the Holy Lord, the almighty Yuki can analyze even Bazaar's power!"

"No way, sealing demons, I'm a professional at this kind of thing."

Xiaoyu smiled proudly!

In addition, she is now a Marvel girl, and she has the help of Nagato the cute god.

Although the current war situation is anxious, it is actually extremely easy to resolve.


Xiaoyu is only a little uncomfortable at the moment.

"Um...the current question is, where can I find more gates to hell?!"

"No, I don't want to lose my treasure [Jade]. What... I'm so rich, why do I still owe so much!"

Xiaoyu's little face suddenly collapsed.

Excluding Ximu, exclude the Holy Lord first.

Digui and Bazaar need two corresponding gates of hell, and...

Currently, the devil's hell in New York that was exchanged by my father seems to be a bit crowded to accommodate them!

after all……

Xiaoyu couldn't ignore it at all. The mountain demon that was supposed to be in hell had escaped.

The one my dad exchanged was basically just big enough to accommodate the Mountain Demon.

I want all of them to be sealed smoothly while the demons are shouting no and struggling.

Well...Jade clearly needs more!

"Oh no!!"

Xiaoyu feels so tired.

Obviously he has gained new abilities, and he obviously has help from Nagato Yuki.

Sealing the demon should be an easy and simple job.


Why is it so hard to get something done in the adult world?!

"Never mind, never mind!"

"Get Dikui first, let me take a look at Dikui's spiritual token..."

Xiaoyu opened the system list in her busy schedule, and a flower appeared in front of her.

Nagato Yuki's information database can be updated again!

This time.

It’s information about the spirit that sealed Dikui!!


It was at this moment, when the battlefield was in a state of anxiety, that a huge wave of air suddenly erupted on the sea.

That moving brilliance, that natural breath, comes from the power of ninja!

Flying Thunder God!!

Through the transformation of time and space, what appeared behind the Water Demon was a yellow flash on the battlefield.

Namikaze Minato!

"Although I just came here not long ago."

"But if we want to stop the war, we must first count Konoha's share!!"

Fingers crossed!!

Chakra riot, enter the state like never before, come on!!

At this moment.

The fourth generation of Konoha, Sage Mode, Namikaze Minato!!

"Sage Mode!!"

"Xianfa Rasengan!"

This chapter has been completed!
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