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Chapter 764 'Beast': Familiar smell, and the guy from Konoha

The soul has weight.

As for Nick Fury, a soul like him has mastered too many secrets.

It's actually quite popular.


Regarding the legend of Hell Girl, he seemed to want to try it himself.


Without a certain degree of resentment, there is no way to connect to hell communication.


This doesn't seem to bother Nick Fury.

"The so-called resentment."

"If it's only to the extent that ordinary people can pass it, then... I have many methods."

Nick Fury thought.

at the same time.

He wants to see Hell Girl, but he doesn't really want to give up his soul.

Go to hell!

Ah, although the purpose of their trip is indeed to go to hell.

Go find the witch.

Go find the witch who fell into hell because of the devil king.


No matter how you think about it, you all know the hell represented by Hell Girl and the hell represented by the Devil King.

This is not the same thing at all.

Moreover, voluntarily going to hell and being dragged into hell are completely different things.

Nick Fury knows the legend of Hell Girl in great detail.

I don’t want to give myself away completely just because of my first contact.


"It would be nice if there was more intelligence analysis. Now..."


When Nick Fury encounters this kind of thing, he can still talk to Coulson, Natasha, Barton, and even Agent Hill.

Logistics agents, science departments, and intelligence team analysts, there are many people who can help Nick Fury.

After sorting out the information and making proper arrangements, this is definitely the best choice.

But now!

The convenience of SHIELD is gone, and Nick Fury can only make temporary decisions.

But fortunately, he has enough old friends.

And in a situation like this, I think even if I get into trouble, I can always ask him for help.


The bastard Nick Fury is trying to contact is always in trouble.

Just like in Los Angeles before.


"If he's not dead, you'd better come and help me."

Nick Fury made up his mind.

He took out a special communication device and dialed a series of satellite calls that only he knew.


After a brief dial tone, the call was connected.

"I thought you were dead."

The man was cold, even to the point of indifference in his voice.


"Don't say that, you can survive in Los Angeles, let alone me?!"

Nick Fury spoke.

And the other person he contacted turned out to be the Punisher who frightened many people.

As the former agent leader of S.H.I.E.L.D., in fact, he has always had a lot of romance with Frank the Punisher.


Some of the more difficult issues to deal with in the work of S.H.I.E.L.D.


Nick Fury often asked Frank for help.

Because Nick Fury knows that this is a guy who is trapped in the quagmire of war and cannot extricate himself.

He is a guy who is willing to risk his own life, eliminate the opponent, and punish the opponent in the face of any danger.

The most important thing is that in Nick Fury's eyes, Frank is a dangerous guy.

They can trust each other, but if one of them needs to die.

Presumably Nick Fury and Frank would be very happy to attack each other.

It's such a weird relationship.

Nick Fury and Frank have always cooperated happily.

So this time.

"How are you doing lately? You also know that I am now a wanted criminal and am living in exile at sea."


"I have some news about hell for you. Isn't it cool?!"

at the same time.

In Frank's new combat truck, he was heading to a seaport.

He will start there and then go to Silkaria.

Frank plans to settle a score with Silver Sable, a woman named Silver.

About taking advantage of his absence and just leaving for a short while to find some hot weapons to arm yourself.

Silver actually broke into their residence and took the Nohara family away.

This kind of thing...

Frank's expression was serious and he seemed to be in a bad mood.

Frank doesn't have a good impression of an unknown small country like Sirkaria.

Of course there is no malicious intent.


Frank didn't like the wild war group that had escaped from the war atmosphere just a few years ago.

No why.

This is the sense of smell of a veteran in war. The smell of guns will arouse his desire to kill.


The Silver Sable Security Company founded by Silver in New York often protects some big names because of money.

And a large part of them are Frank's punishment targets.


There had already been tension between them.


The Wild Legion has always been ranked very low on Frank's war list.


But this involves the Nohara family, and when I think of that little potato devil.

And... there was a certain white-haired warrior with a decadent look on his face, so Frank decided to go find trouble with Silver Sable first.

That is at this time.

Frank gets a call from Nick Fury, every time this happens.

Neither is a good thing.

"You want to harm me again?!"

"A former agent who was pulled out of SHIELD, haha."

A sarcastic comment from Frank.

"I'm very busy. I'm busy going to war. I can't care about it now."

If it was before.

Frank must be interested in knowing what Nick Fury has to say.

After all, each of these stories provided a target that Frank desperately wanted to punish.

And let the Punisher's notoriety rise to the next level.

As for the dangers involved, no matter what Nick Fury hid, Frank survived every time.

"You fight every day."

"Now that I'm in trouble, I know you should be in trouble too."

Nick Fury's voice is very casual.

Because he knew Frank so well, this war madman in this new world.

There is no way he is without trouble.


From what Nick Fury knows, the last place the Punisher haunted.

That's Los Angeles.

It's a miracle that this bastard is alive. How could he not be in trouble?!


And there was silence on the other side of the phone.

Proving that Nick Fury was right, Frank is certainly in trouble.

About the mage from Kama Taj!

He said that he was looking for a new supreme mage and thus entangled the Nohara family!


If it were anyone else, Frank would never care.


Unlike a certain little potato kid, Nohara Shinnosuke is pure!

See the kid's smile.

Frank was silent from time to time because he missed his son a little.


Such a smile would never belong to his son, daughter, or wife again.


The Nohara family still has it, and that's enough.


Frank's eyes turned fierce.

Nothing much to say.

Since the Nohara family is unwilling to become supreme mage, then...

Even putting a howitzer into the mouth of a bastard mage named Mordo.

He will never allow the peace of the Nohara family to be destroyed!

As for the counterattack from the other side, Frank, who had already thought that he would die in the war, was not afraid.


Facing the mysterious mage who emerged from Kama Taj, Frank was worried that he would not be able to kill him.

He could not allow himself to fail in this war to protect the Nohara family.

He needs war allies.

Even if the other party is a damn one-eyed black braised egg.

"Don't tell me your boring stories."

"Send me your address and I'll go find you after I finish taking care of the little things."

"After this, you have to do something for me, and we will be clear."

Frank plans to go to Sirkaria first.

He didn't know what Silver Sable was going to do, so he had to ensure the safety of the Nohara family first.


At this moment, Frank still didn't know that the Nohara family had set off again.

Traveled to the Afghan desert.

Frank's trip was probably in vain, but relatively speaking, Nick Fury didn't need to wait for him that long.


"Before you come, don't die because of other people."

After giving Frank his best wishes, Nick Fury was satisfied.

Compared to Daredevil and Stickman, Nick Fury actually trusts Frank more.

In some ways, Frank is also a very pure person.

Hang up the phone.

Nick Fury has a new helper when he comes into contact with Hell Girl.

He is now.

What is needed is to pay attention to Gunsou and the upcoming members of the True Pure Society.

as well as……

Red scarecrow in blind hand.

at the same time.

Hand Club.

Mrs. Gao took action at the same time.

Erica's death was just a small episode.


Regarding the introduction of two equally immortal ninjas to the Prophet, the most important thing is.

Worship cave.

This is the deepest part of the Hand's secret island.

It was overgrown with weeds and was a wilderness, with no sign of any human habitation at all.


This place is completely different from the gorgeous castle where Mrs. Gao stayed before.

It is even more incomparable with the complex structure of the topmost castle tower in terms of appearance.


This is indeed where the Hand's biggest secret lies.

"This is it."

"Only those who are truly recognized by the Hand are eligible to enter."

Mrs. Gao walked into the cave first.

Everything here is a masterpiece of nature, retaining its original and ancient features.

There are no changes, it is the most primitive worship.


"Other than the gloomy atmosphere, I don't see anything special about it."

"It's far worse than the sacrifice I prepared for Lord Evil God."

Hidan still couldn't say anything nice.

Carrying his March scythe that seemed to be bleeding, he bumped into the black iron bell hanging in the cave along the way.

The dull sound spread far away, in this dark and gloomy scene.

Ordinary people would be frightened and trembled when they came in.


Hidan and Kakuzu were fine, and Mrs. Gao was obviously familiar with all this.

As for the ninja hiding in the shadows.

They were covered in red hoods and wore cast iron claw sheaths on their hands.

Not saying a word, as silent as a dead person.

As for these little bastards, Hidan only killed some for fun at the beginning.

It really feels boring.

When touched, it turns into a pile of ashes without even a drop of blood. Lord Evil God will definitely not like it.


As a reward, every time you kill one, you will receive some [Red Jade].


"Money, money, money. I used to pay for missions. Kakuzu, you have to do it yourself. I don't want to cut off the offal."

Hidan yelled.

If it were the past, Kakuzu would definitely have said something.

But now.

Kakuzu followed behind without saying a word.

at this time.

The black thread in the body is wrapping a brand new heart.


Therefore, it contains a different power from chakra, but it is flowing out one after another.

Kakuzu is feeling all this and trying to accept it with his own chakra.

Once completed…

When the time comes, the potential that Erica has not been able to realize will be reflected in Kakuzu, an experienced old ninja.

"Ah, it's so boring. How long do we have to go?!"

No one spoke, which made Hidan irritated.

at the same time.

Under the leadership of Mrs. Gao, they gradually went deeper and deeper underground.

at the same time.

Under the watchful eyes of the ninjas hiding in the darkness, they entered deeper and deeper into the tunnel.

Layers of torches gradually appeared.

Black iron bells were hung everywhere, and iron hooks hanging from the rock wall made the surrounding gloomy environment even more terrifying.

And the most attractive.

It is a red carpet laid directly on the rock formations.

It is paved from the entrance of the tunnel to the deepest part, connected to a throne made of rough stones.

Here lies the Hand's greatest secret.


The most primitive demon, the terrifying existence called "Beast".

And now.

Under the leadership of Mrs. Gao, the immortal duo arrived to meet the prophet!

"It's an honor to meet you, Lord Prophet."

"Let me introduce to you, the newest partners of the Hand, Kakuzu and Hidan!"

Mrs. Gao stepped forward.

As usual, I pay my respects to the devil that the Hand has been worshiping for a long time.

And on the throne.

A large, ugly and strange thing, like a gray toad, lay on its side on the rock.

"You're here!"

"He also brought me some interesting stuff."

The "beast" opened his eyes.

On the gray head, two small red dots the size of soybeans lit up, which was really quite joyful.

Especially when he talks.

This monster has a whole row of tiny teeth that are all brushed together. There are so many of them that it looks like it would give people trypophobia.

A thin layer of green rag cloth, like tattered paper, covered the "beast"'s head.

Apart from that, he didn't have any other clothes.

An extremely fat belly, a completely missing neck, and the head and belly look like a gourd connected together.

When speaking, there is even some slurred speech, which sounds very unpleasant.


Compared to the "beast" which is three to five times larger than a normal human, his limbs are too thin.

It's like four dead branches growing on a fat gourd.

at the same time.

On the contrary, the hands and feet of the "beast", or claws and claws, are unusually large.

Compare it with the ninjas standing on both sides of the "beast".

The heads of the three people are not even as big as the palm of this monster's hand. Overall, they look too twisted.

So ugly!

But such an ugly and ugly guy is actually the "Prophet" who has been worshiped by the Hand for thousands of years.

at the same time.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he said something that both Hidan and Kakuzu had to pay attention to.

"The smell on your body is the same as... Konoha's."

"I've seen it all."

"Jiraiya, Namikaze Minato, and what else... the Nine Lamas."

The demon living underground slowly spoke out words that the immortal duo could not ignore.

The "beast" in such a simple environment can actually understand the major events in the world without leaving home.

for example.

The war in the Lemurian Sea, and news about Namikaze Minato in Fox Mode being active on the battlefield.


About the power of chakra.

The unique power of the ninja was also noticed by the "beast". This ugly guy is really not simple.

But that's right.

Representing the original demon, he was once... in the dimension of hell, but he was the guy who had a duel with Mephisto.


The "Beast" is a powerful demon that can fight against the King of Demons!


Kakuzu said, why does this word sound so familiar?!

This chapter has been completed!
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