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Chapter 865: Deadpool Wolverine is a box office hit.

Yan Moai's business indicators have improved again.

In the entanglement of resentment, Xiao Ai has seen many people who would not hesitate to go to hell with their enemies.


Such an active group went to hell, even during the long years of Hell Girls.

It was also the first time I saw Xiao Ai.

All the attention from Nick Fury's new team is focused on the kimono girl rowing the boat.

Yan Moai's system prompts refreshed the screen, and a series of prompts about jade appeared.

"The resentment has been heard."

Xiao Ai's voice didn't fluctuate much.

Just like what Nick Fury learned about the limited information about Hell Girl.

This is a girl who is as delicate as a doll.

"I'm here to take him away, Frank Custer."

Xiao Ai stretched out her finger, indicating that she was concerned about the Punisher.

In fact.

Now I want to take away a total of two aspects of the Punisher.


Of course it's Blind Spot's mother Lu Wei, what she said to Lun Enter Dao.

Either take away the demon "beast", or bomb the dock and drop missiles with high yield.

The Punisher who almost killed Blind Spot, and... Kakuzu!

The enemy's target is "pure", anyone who wants to take away her son is considered.

However, the goal chosen by Hell Girl is too broad.

And another.

Naturally, it was the decision of the adult in hell, the three-eyed spider.

Because I want to cooperate with the demon "beast".

But at the critical moment, the Punisher suddenly came and brought justice from heaven.

It blew up everything present.

This made the three-eyed spider very angry, and the demon "Beast" also wanted to try the hell girl's ability.


No matter how reluctant Xiao Ai is, there are still not many choices for working as a worker.

She had been accustomed to working as a Hell Girl, so she brought the Buddhist bell to pick up Frank.

And Nick Fury, after learning about the legend about Hell Girl.

In particular, Blind Spot has received favor from the Bone Girl and has already acquired the Scarecrow.

Nick Fury made the right bet.

It doesn't matter that Hell Girl really appears, and Frank is being targeted. What's important is...


Frank's favorite 9mm Browning automatic pistol.

at this time.

Rich bright red energy light enveloped this modern weapon.


Just used to clean up the guns of those gangsters.

In the Bow and Arrow from Apollo, this comes from the enchantment enhancement of Kama Taj's secret treasure.

The extremely rich hot breath is already steaming.

Punishment is never nonsense, there is no so-called man, woman, age or child in his eyes.

There is only the priority of war.

No matter it's a hell girl or some bullshit secret master, just enter the battlefield!

Then...what will be ushered in is the killing.

And now.

Frank doesn't care at all about the legend of Hell Girl.


The girl in kimono in front of me actually shows malice towards me, so get ready to see who goes to hell first.


Yan Moai looked at Frank silently.

Her eyes without any emotion flickered slightly, and waves of dark energy surrounded her.

This is the power from Hell Girl.

This comes from the dark world of the dead behind the underworld.

It comes from the dark energy of that adult, the three-eyed spider.

Yama Ai rarely takes action.

If the client and the collector can be successfully taken away, Xiao Ai does not want to waste any more trouble.

But now...


The energy from Yama's love and Frank's Apollo enchantment began to collide with each other.

Purple-black energy beads appeared near the boat, and the Punisher directly fired bullets like fireballs.

before collision.

The energy ripples generated have already caused the sea to begin to vibrate!


Nick Fury nodded, everything was in his calculations.


He wanted to try a more adventurous method, which was to let Hell Girl take them away directly.

But now, because of the appearance of Master Modu.

It gives them a new choice, which is to directly hedge against this energy.

Open the door!

The most critical coordinate among them actually comes from the blind spot.

The power hidden in his soul is also being watched by the demon "Beast" of the Hand.

Everything will point to one place, which is the bustling hell dimension right now!

In fact, Nick Fury doesn't know much about this core information.

He only knew the legend of Hell Girl, and some of the Hand and Shinsun.

As well as the situation of the Blind Spot and the Holy Fire's escape on the dock, and... the disappearance of Stickman and Daredevil.

Coupled with the existence of the demon "Beast", this was originally their goal to go to the Hand.

at last……

The most important thing is Natasha's live broadcast, which is currently opening the passage to hell.

If they act together at this time.

Space, dimension, energy, everything in science and metaphysics, even the elements of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and the Prince of Hell, the Demon Heart.

Nick Fury made a very complete plan in his mind, and finally it showed... you can bet!

Originally, this bet was not 100% sure to win, but when Master Modu appeared!

All the previous conditions are met to achieve the only reason for victory.

"The road to hell opens right here!"

"The Road to the Supreme..."

Master Modu murmured to himself, drawing circles with his finger holding the hanging ring.

As the energies of the Punisher and Yama Love collide at the same time.


Sparks of energy are flying all over the sky!

The next moment.

When everything on the sea became quiet, the ship became empty.

Nick Fury’s team was confronting Hell Girl just now!

at this time……

All have disappeared without a trace.


Even Yama Ai is gone.


Over the sea.

A burning ghost car appeared, rushing to support, but it turned into the road a step too late.


Hell Girl returned to hell again, but this time it was not the underworld she was familiar with.

"Where is my son?!"

Above the ghost car, a woman's head emerged, it was Lu Wei.

She made an agreement with Lun Enter Dao.

He actually fell in love with her soul full of darkness, so just take it away if you meet the conditions.

But...what about the blind spots?!

How could one of his precious sons disappear just like he said?

It's more than that.

On the other side of the sea, there is also a group of flames waiting to rush over in a hurry.

This time, he is the last samurai who came to support the Masumi Society in the face of the rival alliance's plan.

Holy fire!

He found no trace of Gunsou at all, which was a very bad thing.

Originally, he felt relieved about Nick Fury, after all, this was the person introduced to him by Stickman.

It’s okay to leave the blind spot here for a moment.


After feeling a strong energy fluctuation, everyone disappeared.


In such an embarrassing atmosphere, Lun Ruidao transformed into the form of an old man again.

Lu Wei and Sheng Huo also looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes because of the disappearance of their blind spots.

"Ding beep beep..."

The satellite phone left on the ship suddenly rang.

It comes from the Punisher's room, which Frank left behind when he was packing up his equipment.

after all……

If you enter hell, you won't be able to use a satellite phone no matter what.

As for the war that is about to begin, Frank will never bring useless equipment.

But then it rang.

Who is it?!

Holy Fire has little contact with some technologies of modern civilization. After all, he is a pure ascetic.

As for Lun Ruidao, he was busy contacting his own lady. Fortunately, they had a private chat channel.

Only Lu Wei.

She hurried to Frank's room and got the satellite phone that kept ringing.

Now Lu Wei still looks like a housewife when she was at home.

A series of experiences, like returning to the nightmare of the past, made her more and more irritable.

"Who is it?!"

"What's your relationship with the guys on this boat?!"

She was eager to find out about the other people who disappeared with her son.

So that we can find more clues and solve these troubles.

And the other side.

When he heard a woman's voice, he showed a very strange tone.

"Wow, Frank actually found a woman, then you must be blind."

"Well, I'm not saying he's bad, but sometimes he's a terrible person."

"Last time."

"I mean, the last time we cooperated, he knocked my brains out as soon as we met. Of course... I also shot him later!"

"If you don't believe it, look at Frank's right ear..."

Nagging, grinding, chirping, just hearing this disgusting sound.

Say something very rude and Lu Wei will vomit!

"Shut up!"

"Uh-huh, uh-huh... uh-huh..."

There was a strange voice on the other side of the phone.


Lu Wei cursed, "He is indeed a damn punisher. He can even answer a phone call and encounter a lunatic."

It's really annoying.

After saying that, she was ready to hang up the phone.

"Don't hang up, don't hang up, I finally got through, but you didn't let me talk!"

"Women nowadays are really hard to take care of, and I feel the same way about this."

"My dear one is a demon monarch. I like her little claws the most, but she has a great appetite. I can't always fill her belly, so I have to work hard to make money."

Demon Lord?!

The word that appeared in the chatter attracted Lu Wei's attention.

"Frank and I, don't worry there is no special relationship between us."

"It's like pizza and avocado, if I choose burritos, I won't choose them."

"So...well, we are traveling together."

Remote call from Wade Wilson.

Deadpool is nagging as always, no wonder Frank doesn't like him.

"The main purpose of my call was to ask if he was free. I took over a big deal from Count Dracula..."

Lu Wei frowned.

The guy on the other side of the phone kept talking to himself.

Count Dracula...

So does the disappearance of blind spots have something to do with the legend of vampires?!

There is no need to listen any more.

"Okay, shut up, you are looking for the punisher, right?"

Lu Wei ended the call with the shortest words. She only said three words.

"He's dead."

"Ah...wait, wait, I have a covert communication here, it belongs to Daredevil!"

"I looked at the location above and they seemed to be together, but no one answered my calls."

"Can you help me..."

On the other side of the phone, there was a very hectic operation, as if he was flipping through a phone book.

I don’t know where Wade remembered so many small exchanges.

The fearless man from Hell's Kitchen, Matt's emergency comms and of course Nick Fury's.

Naturally, I will stay on this ship now.



Holy Fire's absolutely excellent ear has understood the boring conversations on the phone.

He just said it lightly.

"Dead too!"

at the same time.

Underground in the ruins of New York, in the monster metropolis, is Count Dracula's mansion.

In the gorgeous hall, a little bat flapped its wings and was carrying a red wine tray.

Wade Wilson leaned on the soft sofa, crossed his legs, and threw away the old-fashioned rotary phone in his hand.

"Oh my God!"

In an extremely exaggerated performance, Wade Wilson covered his face and burst into tears.

Shocked to hear the bad news.

The Punisher and Daredevil are actually dead?!


This kind of thing... Hey, wait!

"It seems like I don't need to be so sad, it's not like I'm dead!"

Wade Wilson punches the air.

He jumped up from the ground. The only thing he felt sad was that the help he was looking for was gone.

He was also thinking of taking the two of them casually to explore the desert together and find Count Dracula's wife.


"What a misfortune!"

"I have long said that their personalities need to change. Every time Frank sees me... this is war!"

Wade imitated Frank's cold tone, and then took out a pistol from his waist.

He fired three shots at the little bat in front of him, scaring Count Dracula's little creature from flying around.

The fine red wine that was originally served was spread all over the carpet.

Wade doesn't care about that.

The style of painting changed.

He grabbed the candlestick next to the painting on the wall and used it as a short weapon in his hand.

Learn the tone of fearless people.


"You're a madman with bloody hands, you have no right to judge crimes, that's what a judge should do!"


Wade threw away the candlestick in his hand and spread his hands with a feeling of disgust.

"I'm a mercenary!"

"I'm not a nice gentleman. Of course... I'm not a war madman either."

"Then for these two guys, I'd say you won't live long."

"You have to... wait and do it again."

Wade patted his head and returned to the banquet hall with a worried look.

The banquet of the demon monarchs is still going on.

after all……

Yamanoha Goko never had enough to eat.

"Deadpool, you're back."

"How about it? Have you found the good helper you mentioned?!"

Count Dracula smiled, as long as things can be accomplished, he will never be stingy with rewards.

"Ah, it was almost like that. All the people I was looking for died. It's such a pity."

"Ah ah ah, it's so annoying. Can't we have one more friend in our life?!"

"Or just like me and Logan, it's okay not to die. Wait... Hey, why did I forget my dear little wolf?!"

As soon as Wade sat down next to Yamanoami Go, he jumped up with a small jump.

Ha ha!

Never forget that there is a friend waiting for him, that is Wolverine.

"But I don't have his phone number... Hey, boss, please help me check it out!"


"How about using your blood magic to send it to me in a swish?!"

Wade approached Count Dracula in two steps and said very happily.

"You know..."

"Deadpool + Wolverine, haha, no doubt a box office hit!"

This chapter has been completed!
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