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Chapter 9 [Peach White]

 Due to the shooting, the cross-city highway was filled with the screams of the crowd.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way for us all!"

The men in black who rushed out of the Mercedes-Benz, armed with Italian-made 9mm Beretta 86 pistols, looked for cover and looked warily at the overturned car that contained the unknown attacker.


Wade just popped up here, and the sound of gunshots suddenly became extremely dense.

Watching Wade, who had just appeared, retract into the car again, the group of people looked at each other, separated from the formation and moved closer cautiously.


At this moment, shouts suddenly came from the car, and Wade stretched out his hands outside the car at the same time, as if he was raising his hands in surrender.

"You may be wondering why I wear red clothes? Because this way the bad guys can't see that I'm bleeding. This guy had the same idea."

Wade pointed at the man wearing a black woolen hat walking at the front and said with a smile.

"Because he's wearing reddish-brown trousers."

The man lowered his head subconsciously, then raised his gun and shot Wade.

"Da da da!"

Wade immediately retracted his hands into the car.

"Okay!" A voice came from the car again, "I only have 12 bullets, so you have to share them."

"Start the countdown!"

Wade held the gun in both hands, jumped out, turned sideways in mid-air, and pressed the trigger with his right hand.

The first and second bullets were fired one after another.

The two fell to the ground in response, with the same wounds, both on the left side of the heart.

Wade then fell back to the back of the car to avoid it.

At the same time, other men belonging to Francis opened fire at the same time. The guy riding a motorcycle with a helmet on his head twisted the accelerator and tried to get around the back of the car, smashing the red man blocking the road into a sieve.

"Da da da"

The sound of bullets being fired sounded, and Wade rolled on the spot to avoid the pursuit of bullets.

"screw you!"

Wade angrily inserted the bullet.


The bullet missed.

"damn it!"


The helmeted enemy drifted sideways and dodged it perfectly once again. He even provocatively turned around on his motorcycle and sped towards Wade.


However, before Wade could press the trigger again, he saw the opponent riding away on a motorcycle without even looking back. There was no chance of shooting.

"Bah, damn, Deadpool is bad."

Wade put down his arms and turned his head helplessly.


At this time, Wade saw the enemy hiding behind the car out of the corner of his eye. He heard a gunshot and the enemy fell to the ground. He shrugged his shoulders and spoke in a relaxed tone.

"Oh ho, be good, Deadpool!"

At the same time, Francis was sitting in the car, looking at Tao Baibai who looked very interested in Deadpool next to him, frowning and urging.

"Damn it, that person asked you to be responsible for my safety, not to come to the show. Why don't you do anything?"


Wearing a pink robe with the word "Kill" written on the front and "KILLYOU!" written on the back, Tao Baibai, who has a mustache and long braids, shrugged indifferently and spoke in an indifferent tone.

"I just want to guarantee your life. As long as you don't die, everything else doesn't matter."


Francis didn't expect that the guy in front of him would say such a thing.

"What do you mean by this? Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to explain to that person?"


Tao Baibai smiled slightly and said nonchalantly.

"You have to understand that I am not his subordinate. My price is very high. I am just going with you on this trip to find it interesting."


Francis was furious at the rebuke, but he didn't have the courage to attack the man in front of him.

When he met Tao Baibai for the first time, the special tactics team trained by him were as fragile as rabbits in a cage when facing the man in front of them, and they were all killed in an instant!

The self-proclaimed number one killer in the world is as strong as a monster!

"Don't worry, aren't all your men dead yet?"

Tao Baibai smiled and looked at Deadpool, who was rolling around in the hail of bullets and hit by bullets in many places on his body, but was still alive and well and could continue to fight, with a slight glint in his eyes.

"Da da da!"

The sound of gunshots could not be heard without stopping.


Wade saw the enemy on the other side through the car window, and the person on the other side obviously saw Wade.

The next second, the enemy immediately pressed the trigger in his hand, and the black muzzle spit out tongues of fire.

Wade crouched down first to avoid it, while the other party jumped on the hood of the car, pointing the gun at Wade.


Wade was supporting his head with his left hand, lying on the bottom of the car with his head exposed, looking content and contented.

"Got you!"

The man in the black jacket had a hint of excitement in his eyes and pressed the trigger.

The expected gunfire did not ring out.

"Damn, the magazine is empty!"

He cursed angrily, and before the man in the black jacket could change the magazine, he heard Wade lying on the ground say with a smile.

"Oh ho, someone didn't count the bullets well."

At the same time, Wade raised his gun.


As soon as the words fell, the man in the black jacket fell down.

The other two people took the opportunity to surround them from the side. One of the gangsters took out the explosive, pulled the tab, and was about to throw it out. With Wade's gunshot, the explosive exploded instantly, and the two of them were buried in a sea of ​​fire.

"Five!" Wade's smile became brighter and brighter, he jumped out of the car cover with a small gliding step, "I like five."

Intensive gunfire rang out, and Wade fell face down after being shot several times.

One of Francis' younger brothers saw Wade lying on the ground after being shot, and immediately approached him cautiously.


Unexpectedly, Wade fired directly from below and knocked down the enemy with one shot.

"Hey, I hit you." Wade covered his butt with his hands and slowly got up from the ground, "Ah, my butt!"

Covering his butt with his left hand, he staggered towards the corpse of the enemy who shot him in the butt.

"Three, two, so stupid, but worth it!"

That’s right!

Something like a spanking.

Absolutely intolerable.

Even at this time, he only had these three bullets left in his hand, and he still wasted two on this dead guy.

That’s worth it too!

Wade looked around, and there were only the last three enemies left on the scene.

The three of them were approaching Wade at the same time.

At this moment, Wade flew up and straddled the front of a car. While rolling in the air, the three enemies of the target lined up in a row.


The last bullet came out!

The bullet penetrated the first man's chest, the second man's lower ribs, and finally hit the third man's abdomen!

The three of them fell to the ground wailing.

"Oh, the battle is over!" Wade sighed with emotion as he smelled the smoke from the gun in his hand, "Ah, it feels good, I feel like I'm getting warmer!"


Waking his butt and dancing, Wade jumped up to an intact car in the center and yanked open the door.

There was no one in the car.

"What the hell!" Wade's face turned ugly instantly, and he immediately became irritable, "Where are you! Francis!"

At the same time, not far behind him, the man in a black leather jacket who had been shot in the forehead and was supposed to be dead, slowly got up from the ground.

This chapter has been completed!
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