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Chapter 1027 Another note

 In the corridor, Nanzhu, who was walking like a stroll, noticed something strange about Datou. He found that Datou, who had checked the door of a certain room, was as silent as a cicada. He was lying on the ground and there was no movement anymore. When Yu Qing came to him, he jumped onto Yu Qing's trouser leg.


The two senior brothers who passed by the door of the room remained indifferent at first and kept moving forward normally. After walking away and finding nothing unusual, the two looked at the location of their own room and discovered that the location of the target room was right next to them.

Directly across the room, first the scarab bug spied on them, and then Lao Qiu appeared in the opposite room. Is this a coincidence?

The two of them looked at each other, and there was profound meaning in each other's eyes, and they both understood something from Big Tou's reaction.

Then, the two of them continued walking forward like a leisurely stroll.

Judging from the movement that the person had gone far, Lihua behind the door turned around and whispered to Lao Qiu: "The man who was looking for flowers just passed by the door."

After speaking, he turned around and walked away from the door.

Tan Hua Lang had just passed under his nose. Lao Qiu immediately took over and lay at the door to peek out. He didn't see anything, so he had to give up and turn around. When he walked to Lihua, he couldn't help but muttered, "Really

I wish I could arrest the person directly and interrogate him."

Lihua rolled her eyes at him, but she also knew that what he said was angry. If she really dared to be tough, there was no need to wait until now.

The problem is, who knows how many pairs of eyes are staring at the Tanhua Lang. Even they can stare at it. How can those major forces be blind? Let alone directly attack the Tanhua Lang. They can't even touch him.

I didn't dare, so I could only hide in the dark and stare.

At least one thing must be faced. What if the rumor is false? Is it okay to just ignore it regardless of whether it is true or false?

Ignoring his muttering, Lihua asked, "What are your plans for the next step?"

Asking this means that you have agreed to cooperate.

In fact, there is no need to talk about anything, it is as simple as "like-minded". The strength of the two is here, and the alliance will definitely be a huge help to each other. What's more, there is no competition issue in entering the Immortal Mansion. The two are simply natural allies.


Lao Qiu: "Besides you, among the people who escaped last time, there are fourteen others hiding in Zhihai Pavilion. Our surveillance power is limited, so we must make use of all useful perspectives. After you,

I will integrate them, and then include some of those still hiding on the island here."

Lihua's eyes showed worry, "How dare you easily unite with those people who don't even know the details? There is a mixed bag of good and bad, and the risk is too great. You know the consequences if the information is leaked."

Lao Qiu: "Relatively speaking, that arrest has helped us screen out those people. Knowing that Xiang Luo Ce wanted to arrest them, they still dared to continue to wait for opportunities on Xian Luo Ce's territory, and had the ability not to do so.

Exposed, you said, are there any better partners than these people?"

Lihua suddenly fell into silence. He was an example. He judged others by his own example. That was true.

In the corridor outside the house, when they rounded a corner, the two brothers took the opportunity to take another look at the target room. They were about to walk to their own room when they suddenly noticed a charming woman standing against the wall with her arms folded, her eyes fixed slightly.

, the two of them recognized Xiang Lanxuan, an old acquaintance.

Should I continue walking as if nothing happened, or what?

Xiang Lanxuan had already given the answer and hooked her fingers at the two of them, so the two of them could only walk over honestly, worried about being discovered.

"Great walk." The two brothers and sisters saluted almost in unison.

Xiang Lanxuan asked them directly, "What are you two doing?"

Nanzhu, who talked a lot, remained silent except for his eyeballs shaking.

Yu Qing looked around and found that this location was not visible from the outside, so he said with relief: "It's boring to stay in the room, let's go out and walk around."

He yelled at Lanxuan and picked at Koudan's nails, "In normal times, I might believe this. But now that the storm is brewing, do you think you are just people who just go out for a walk? Do you think I don't know you?

What are you here for, or do you think I'm being fooled?"

She had been hiding here secretly observing the behavior of the two people for a while, and based on her understanding of them, she had noticed something was abnormal.

Yu Qing looked dumbfounded and said, "If you think there's something wrong with just going out for a walk, then I really have nothing to say. I, um..."

His eyes suddenly widened, his teeth trembled and his lips trembled.

Nanzhu stared at the two people's feet.

Xiang Lanxuan just took a step and stomped on Yu Qing's sole. He stepped on it with the heel and twisted it back and forth. The corner of Nanzhu's mouth twitched, even though he was repaying the favor to his boss, Fifteen.

He looked sympathetically, but didn't say anything.

"Big walk, Lao Qiu is here." Yu Qing tilted his head and sucked in the cold air.

Xiang Lanxuan looked at him coldly with raised eyebrows. She didn't need to say anything. The meaning was obvious. Keep talking!

"If you're right, the person is in the room directly opposite my room." Yu Qing explained honestly and tried to evacuate his feet. However, his magic power was indeed not as high as others, so he couldn't evacuate. Naturally, he couldn't get rid of his toes being crushed.

pain of.

Fortunately, Xiang Lanxuan relaxed and let go of him, but she still looked at him with evil intentions. She was indeed a little annoyed at this guy who had to be punished before he could honestly confess. She was annoyed that this piece of shit could actually

Don't trust her!

Of course, emotional issues are secondary now. What she is curious about is, even with the power on her side, she can't figure out Lao Qiu's whereabouts. How can this guy know it? How can his detection ability be stronger than this one?

Immediately asked: "How do you know he is in the room directly opposite you?"

Standing on one foot, Yu Qing supported the wall and buried his head with one sole raised. It was obvious that he had not recovered from the pain. He didn't know if the so-called "ten fingers connected to the heart" refers to the toes.

Nanzhu, who looked sympathetic, blinked at the side, showing no intention of getting involved.

Bang! The hem of her skirt flew up, and Xiang Lanxuan kicked someone in the butt again.

Yu Qing groaned, raised his head immediately, cheered up and said, "Someone slipped a note into my room, saying that Lao Qiu is here, and he is in the room directly opposite me."

Is this the reason again? Nanzhu bowed his head slightly.

Is there another note? Xiang Lanxuan looked surprised and asked, "Where is the note?"

Yu Qing immediately said to Nanzhu, "It's in his hands."

Huh? Nanzhu looked up at him in shock, a little confused.

Yu Qing didn't give any hints, and there was nothing he could do. The last time he said the note was because he had predicted and prepared it in advance. He wrote one in advance, so he could take it out and explain it. Now that the incident happened suddenly, how could he do it all at once?

Take out the note.

He wanted to say that the note had been destroyed by him, but he was afraid that the girl would think he was fooling her and cause him physical pain, so he had no choice but to push it on Nanzhu.

Xiang Lanxuan immediately extended a hand to Nanzhu, "Where is the note?"

Nanzhu was a little confused, but he quickly realized it. He had grown up watching Yu Qing wear crotchless pants. He was well aware of the virtues of his family, and was immediately frightened. He was worried that he would also be punished, but he had to cooperate.

, then he bravely questioned Yu Qing, "I thought the note was a secret, so I didn't keep it and destroyed it."

Xiang Lanxuan's face immediately darkened, her suspicious eyes swept over the two people's faces, and she suddenly whispered: "Someone is coming."

After saying that, he floated up the corridor first.

After she disappeared, the two junior brothers heard the footsteps. They looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief after getting rid of the woman. They walked out pretending to be as if nothing had happened. As soon as they came out of the corner, they saw an unexpected person.

Ji Busu came over, and he didn't know which room he was a tenant in.

After the two sides passed each other, the man turned back and glanced at the two of them.

On the way, Nanzhu asked in a low voice, "Is your foot okay?"

Yu Qing snorted, not knowing what he wanted to express.

When he walked to the door of his room, Nanzhu thought he was going back to his room, but unexpectedly, Yu Qing walked directly over. Nanzhu, who paused slightly, had no choice but to continue to follow.

He didn't know what Yu Qing was going to do. He thought he was going to continue walking, but when he reached the end of the corridor, Yu Qing went straight down the stairs again, so he had no choice but to continue following.

Returning to the room he occupied, Xiang Lanxuan immediately called his men over to explain, "Old Qiu may be in the room in front of Tanhua Lang."

"Ah?" His subordinates were greatly surprised and asked, "How do you know Da Xingxing?"

The matter of the note involves confidentiality. Xiang Lanxuan will not disclose it to others easily without the permission of Commander Daye, "This is not what you should care about. It is just a prejudgment now. If it is really in that room, it will not happen."

When you enter or exit through the door, immediately arrange manpower around the perimeter and keep a precise watch, especially the window over there. There must be eyes watching downstairs at all times, so go quickly!"

"Yes." His subordinates quickly took the order and left.

In view of Lao Qiu's sudden disappearance before, Xiang Lanxuan was not careless this time. She flew out of the window and personally participated in the surveillance.

As for the two brothers Yu Qing, they didn't go anywhere else. They came to Qingya's door again and knocked on the door.

Nanzhu asked in a low voice, "What are you doing?"

Yu Qing didn't answer. When the door opened, he immediately smiled at the people inside and said, "Is Mr. Qing here?"

The person behind the door asked him to wait, closed the door, and then opened the door again, "Master Qing invites you."

When the two of them entered, Qingya also came out, sat down on the main seat, and asked, "What are you doing here again?"

Yu Qing looked back at Qingya's close men and said nothing.

Qingya understood, tilted his head and signaled, and his men immediately bowed and left, going out.

With no one else around, Yu Qing hurried to sit next to Qingya and asked in a low voice: "Lao Qiu broke two golden beetles on your hand?"

Qingya, who was calmly peeling peanuts, was startled. He raised his head, twisted his head, and stared at him, "How did you know?"

Although he witnessed this with his own eyes, he did not tell anyone about it after he came back, including his close men. The people on his side knew about one golden beetle at most. If there were two, it should not have been leaked by him.


Don't talk about him, Nan Zhu was also secretly frightened. He didn't know why Yu Qing came directly to Qing Ya to expose this matter.

Yu Qing: "In other words, this is true?"

Qingya: "How on earth did you know?"

Yu Qing: "Master Qing, there are no outsiders in our relationship here. I can't just give you some advice. You also have to tell me something so that I can deal with it in time. If something happens to me, I can take care of you."

Being constantly interrogated and saying things you shouldn't say is not a good thing for you, don't you think?"

This is a bit of an exchange of information. In fact, Yu Qing really wanted to know what happened when Lao Qiu's army of golden beetles was wiped out.

After Qingya thought about it, he didn't hide it from him, "After you told me about the bug, I found one when I returned to the house. Didn't you say that you should tell Qianliu Mountain about that? Chu Wu happened to be here.

, I went to find him. Lao Qiu must have been able to sense that his bug was in trouble and was following me. Later, when I went to sea, he must have been afraid of being exposed, so he sent another bug with me. As a result, Chu Wu immediately heard about the situation.

I cast a spell for self-examination and pulled out another insect. Both insects are in the hands of Chu Wu, and I don’t know whether they are dead or alive at the moment. Tell me, how do you know that Lao Qiu has broken two more insects?"

The third cave master died, and the fourth cave master appeared again. After Yu Qing and Nan Zhu met their eyes, they used the same method they used to deal with Xiang Lanxuan, "How could I know? Someone stuffed another note into it."

In my room, it was said that two of Lao Qiu's bugs fell into your hands. Without the convenience of being watched, he came to Zhihai Pavilion in person and hid in the room directly opposite me. I was shocked and had no choice but to come.

Please confirm it."

Nanzhu blinked dryly after hearing this.

But Qingya was frightened when he heard that. He couldn't help but stand up, and walked back and forth in the house with his wooden clogs. He really wanted to know who was so powerful. Let's not talk about other things. Let's talk about the second insect on the ship.

There shouldn't be many witnesses. Who leaked the secret? There are spies on Chuwu's side!

Being able to set up spies around Chu Wu made him tremble with fear just thinking about it.

Before, he was a little skeptical about Yu Qing's so-called mysterious man stuffing the note, because in his personal feeling, Gou Tanhua was too stupid and not a good thing. Now he really believed it. He really believed that there was a stuffy person.

Mysterious man with note.

The reason is simple. If no one reveals it, Gou Tanhua is unlikely to know about the two insects.

After observing his reaction, Yu Qing also stood up and sighed: "Master Qing, could you please tell the fourth cave master that Lao Qiu is very suspicious? Can you let him arrest the person first and put him on trial?"

, this is really scary.”

Qingya didn't agree or refuse, he stopped and thought about it.

Yu Qing didn't bother him, so he left and let him think about it slowly.

After leaving here, the two brothers returned to their rooms. As soon as the door was closed, Nanzhu immediately pulled Yu Qing and asked, "Old Fifteen, please tell me honestly, what kind of fun are you playing?"

Hearing this, Mu Aotie and others gathered over and wanted to know what was going on.

Yu Qing shook his head and did not tell them.

This incident was so rare that a few people could only ask Nanzhu what was going on, but Nanzhu told them what happened. Yu Qing did not stop him at this point.

In the harbor where the waves were lapping gently, Qingya's figure appeared on the embankment, walked to a moored ship, jumped on it, and got into the cabin.

There was a man covered in a black cloak waiting for him inside. When Qingya saw him, he saluted, "Master of the Fourth Cave."

Chu Wu: "What's the matter?"

His tone was cold, and he was indeed in a bad mood. This was not the boat he had been on when he was drifting on the sea. Only because his subordinates had lost track of Lao Qiu, he was alarmed and came in person. Unexpectedly, he received a report from his subordinates that Qingya was seeking to see him.


Qingya didn't have anything else to do here, so he immediately conveyed Yu Qing's message.

It's okay not to listen. When he heard the details, Chu Wu was so shocked that he almost couldn't hold his breath. Like Qingya's reaction, he immediately thought that it was the people around him who leaked the secret. It was a bit creepy to think about it. Unless Qingya was up to something, it would mean that

That mysterious man really existed, and he even reached out to him. It was scary to think about it.

After careful consideration, he said slowly: "Tell Tanhua Lang that that old Qiu can't move for the time being. Let him do whatever he needs to do, and pretend that he doesn't know what to do."

"Yes." Qingya agreed obediently. He couldn't make the decision, so it didn't matter.

After he left, Chu Wu thought about the other insiders at the scene of the capture of the Golden Beetle. After taking a deep breath, he also left the place. This time he avoided the subordinate who obeyed his orders and activated another one who directly dealt with him.

Responsible manpower.

After confirming the location of the room opposite Tan Hwa Lang's room, he also rushed outside Zhihai Pavilion, hid in a corner, and personally watched the window of the target room.

This chapter has been completed!
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