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Chapter 1032 Attention

 After Chong'er came back, before she could say anything, Nanzhu hurriedly asked her how she was doing. Everyone's eyes showed concern for her, and they were all worried that the feast would not be a good one, which was also related to her good popularity.

She gets along well with everyone in Taohuaju and everyone likes her.

In the final analysis, she is the one who can suffer the most among the group. She never takes advantage of everyone. She usually works hard without complaining and almost does whatever she is told. She is a little handyman who can be manipulated by anyone. In addition, she is diligent and does not treat anyone.

She loses her temper and everyone feels good about her.

Even if they didn't ask, Chong'er still had something to say. There was nothing much to say about the banquet. Apart from eating and drinking, she didn't say anything to Li Chenghu. The main thing she said was that Li Chenghu had given her the Amber Girl as a reward in response to her request.

About gifts.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned, no one expected it.

"Hey, Tie Miaoqing, the prince's husband, is quite interesting. He promises a lot of benefits, but he still refuses to give them the benefits he promised. What's wrong with this?" Nanzhu, who was cheerful, was a bit sarcastic.

Everyone also knows what he means. The promise of 3.5 billion and a half has not yet been given, and now he is offering the Amber Girl as a reward, but he is not giving it yet. Who knows whether he will change his mind later.

Speaking of this, Yu Qing thought of the 500 million he had been hacked in Kunling Mountain, and also felt that Li Chenghu was unreliable.

However, they couldn't do anything about Li Chenghu, and they couldn't figure out what Li Chenghu meant, so they could only let it go.

Everyone went back to their respective houses, and after being idle for a while, there was a knock on the door. Anyi and Su Qiuzi came, bringing news that was quite big in Amber Sea. Prime Minister Luo Ce openly issued a notice, saying that Prince Duan Li Chenghu had already

Those amber girls rewarded his newly recognized adopted son. From today on, those amber girls will no longer accept guests.

After hearing the news, the group of people looked at Chong'er again. Although they already knew it from Chong'er's mouth, they still didn't expect that Li Chenghu would be serious.

Yu Qing couldn't help but plucked his moustache and muttered, "Face is important for people like Li Chenghu. He has made a public notice, so he will not break his promise. After being imprisoned for so many years, he actually..." Looking at Chong'er, he wanted to say, because of your words

Did you really let go of the words?

Baili Xin also frowned, "What the hell is Prince Duan doing here?"

Everyone present did not believe that Li Chenghu was motivated by the friendship between his adopted son and his adopted father, or even that such a prince could have any friendship with outsiders.

But the insect is really happy.

"If we really want to have so many more women at once, how to arrange them will be a problem." Nanzhu suddenly put his hands behind his hands and lowered his head and shook his head with emotion. His eyes were shining, and he was even a little excited. He didn't know what he thought of.

Beautiful things.

Yu Qing ignored the question that he couldn't figure out for the moment and asked the two people who came to report the news, "Has Qingya come back?"

Anyi: "Not yet, but I can be sure that he has not left. Some of his entourage are still there, and they have entered and left his room."

At this time, everyone inside and outside the Zhihai Pavilion was also talking about Li Chenghu's notice of rewarding the Amber Girl, and found that the prince was really good to this newly recognized adopted son.

There were a lot of similar comments on the street. A man in a black cloak was indifferent to these comments and walked through the crowd.

People in similar costumes are actually very common on the streets of Amber Sea.

Seeing a group of Amber Sea patrols in front of him questioning them all the way, he looked left and right, took a few steps forward and turned into an alley, and quickly crossed the alley.

Unfortunately, as soon as he walked out of the alley, he saw another patrol on the street, and he subconsciously wanted to retreat to the alley to find another way out.

Unexpectedly, a man among the patrolmen stared directly at him, raised his finger and shouted: "You, come here!"

The cloaked man paused, and finally walked over without any haste and took out a license plate for the inn. This was the result of Amber Sea's new rules.

After the inspection man took the badge and inspected it, he stared at his face hidden under his cloak, waved the badge and said, "Take off your hat and show your face."

The man in the cloak did not rebel. He raised his hand to lift his hat and pulled down the veil on his face, revealing a cold face of a girl. It was a woman, none other than the Pear Blossom Empress.

Lihua's expression was very calm, allowing her to enjoy it. She was very calm about the interrogation in front of her, and faced it calmly and calmly.

First of all, she does have the confidence to not be afraid. Even if she recognized her, the inspectors in front of her would not be able to keep her.

Secondly, I don't believe that any inspector can recognize her.

Of course, I was somewhat depressed. I had been hiding in Zhihai Pavilion for a few days. I just popped up once and was blocked. Fortunately, I made some preparations in advance and forged a certificate to live in Amber Sea. Otherwise,

If something like this happens, you must make a move directly.

With her cultivation level, she couldn't help being blocked like this. She couldn't think everyone was blind when she came out in broad daylight. She couldn't just fly out from the upstairs of Zhihai Pavilion, without knowing whether she would be blocked.

If you find out, it is at least very likely that the room where you are hiding will be exposed, and the eyes and ears working for you will be affected.

The result was as she expected. After checking in person, the inspector returned the license plate to her and waved her hand to let her go.

Lihua pulled up her scarf, put on her cloak and hood again, and left without any haste.

After watching him walk away, the man who just stopped him looked back at a car parked on the side of the street.

There was also a man sitting in the car. He lifted up a corner of the car curtain with a gap and shook his head at the person who stopped people for inspection.

The pear blossom, which walked slowly and slowly, seemed calm on the surface, was a little disturbed.

Regardless of whether it was a chance encounter just now, she suddenly encountered this kind of thing, which made her alert. She was alert and observed her surroundings secretly. She even deliberately walked around the street a few times and made various tests.

After confirming that no one was following him, he breathed a sigh of relief and confirmed that he had been worrying too much and that he had just happened to meet him.

After that, he went directly to the beach, found a deserted place, looked around, and quickly escaped into the sea.

The destination she wanted to go to was actually not far away and there was no need to take the water route, but in order to be careful, she still used the cover of the sea water.

Even after reaching the sea, she still didn't go straight to her destination. She took advantage of the topography of the seabed to make a long detour. In addition, she marched underwater at a very fast speed, making it difficult for anyone to keep up with her.

After confirming that there would be no more problems, she sneaked to her destination, the dock of Jingyuan Shipping Company.

On the dock, someone had already made preparations and deliberately piled some goods to conceal her whereabouts. As soon as she stepped ashore, she immediately disappeared into the pile of goods, went straight to the edge of the warehouse, turned over, and broke into the store that had been prepared for her in advance.

In the open window.

As she was hiding among the goods piled up in the warehouse, Lao Qiu's voice suddenly sounded, "Don't worry, everyone has gone out, and I have planted poisonous insects around me. No one can get close without alerting me."


After hearing this, she showed up and walked out, but did not take off her scarf or hat, and walked towards Lao Qiu who was registering the case.

When she arrived, she was a little dissatisfied, "Kermit, why do you have to call me over in broad daylight?"

Lao Qiu, who was writing and drawing without raising his head, said, "First of all, let me remind you, no matter where you are in the future, don't mention my name." He is a person who has used bugs for surveillance, so he is more cautious in this regard.

"A batch of goods has just arrived. It needs to be registered. Wait a moment. It will be ready soon."

As he said, he actually wrote a few lines and then stopped. He raised his head and asked, "Is there anything unusual on the way here?"

Lihua: "Don't worry, I came by water and took a long detour. Do you think it's possible to follow me quietly underwater? Stop talking nonsense and get down to business."

Lao Qiu thought about it and told him: "I heard from my eyes and ears that Qingya found a mountain on the bottom of the sea and was mobilizing people to dig it up. I don't know what he was doing. He was involved with Tanhua Lang. This matter

It is very likely to be related to the Immortal Mansion.

The problem is that Qingya has arranged for the Kraken to patrol the area. It is difficult to get close easily. It is very difficult to get close and observe with the eyes and ears below. It will also be troublesome if there is a conflict after being discovered. Someone has to sit and watch over there to deal with possible incidents.

unexpected events.

I originally wanted to go there in person, but I was hindered by my status as the caretaker of this warehouse. I couldn't stay away for a long time. After much deliberation, I had to let you go in person. With your strength, it is safe. Qingya may discover something at any time. Time

Without waiting for anyone, someone must rush over as soon as possible, so I recruited you in broad daylight."

Lihua also cheered up, "Where is the target location?"

Lao Qiu pointed in the direction, "Over there, about seven or eight miles away, there is a boat with a yellow cloth hanging on the sea. It is your manpower. They will take you to the target location."

After Lihua identified the direction, she showed no intention of staying and turned around to leave without even saying a word.

Lao Qiu quickly reminded: "Don't expose your identity to them. You tell them that once Qingya finds out and the situation is not right, they will say that they are from Dayesi or Sinan Mansion. Qingya does not dare to detain these two people rashly."

Family people.”

Lihua didn't respond and suddenly disappeared behind a pile of goods...

In Zhihai Pavilion, in the room occupied by the magpie's nest, the fair-skinned and barefooted Xiang Lanxuan was pacing back and forth in front of the couch, muttering to herself, "Old Demon Lihua, the person hiding in the room opposite that guy is actually Old Demon Lihua, old demon

Qiu actually got together with her, who is this old Qiu?"

The subordinate who made the report was the same person who had been hiding in the car on the street to spy on the Pear Blossom Empress. He said, "The old Pear Blossom Demon should know this person's identity. As long as we catch her, we won't be afraid that she won't kill her."

Xiang Lanxuan shook her head slightly, "What if she doesn't know about it? Wouldn't it be better to alert the enemy? Don't worry, you can't run away if you know who it is. But where are you going to show up in broad daylight?"

The subordinate said: "I found out that it was the old Demon Queen Lihua, so I didn't dare to let anyone follow her anymore. I immediately stopped following her. Her current whereabouts are unknown, and I don't know if she will return to Zhihai Pavilion again."

He waved his hand to Lan Xuan and said, "This is not your fault. You did the right thing. You checked her face to face. It is very likely that she will be alerted. With her cultivation, once she starts to investigate intentionally, it will be easy for you to follow her."


At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and she shouted to come in. A man immediately pushed the door open and walked quickly to report: "In the warehouse of Jingyuan Shipyard Terminal, a thin man wearing a black cloak came from the warehouse.

He emerged from the sea, got in, stayed in the warehouse for a short time, and escaped into the sea again. His current whereabouts are unknown."

Xiang Lanxuan looked at each other and snorted, "Gangqing went to meet that old Qiu so that she could show up in broad daylight, just for a quick moment. It seems like there's something urgent. What's going on at the moment?"

Is something wrong?" After Wei Wei thought for a while, he tilted his head and asked, "What's the current situation over at Qingya?"

A person who had been standing in the corner with his hands tied said: "There is no new situation at the moment, and drilling is probably still going on."

Xiang Lanxuan was a little confused, "What on earth is that guy doing? Is he hiding the truth from Qianliu Mountain to find the Immortal Mansion? It's impossible. If he didn't hide it, would there be no one in Qianliu Mountain? It's okay to let him, a local snake, come out to mess with the Immortal Mansion.


The person who just came in said again: "There is a situation coming from the pier. It was discovered that people from Qianliu Mountain and Sinan Mansion are also watching over there."

Xiang Lanxuan snorted, this was something to be expected. It would be strange if they all ran to monitor each other in such a big pier...

The scale of Zhihai Pavilion is a miracle in the history of architecture and a selling point that attracts all parties.

On top of a pavilion, Chu Wu, who had never shown his true face, was leaning on the railing with his hands behind his hands, looking at the Zhihai Pavilion in the distance, murmuring to himself, "Lihua and Lao Qiu are mixed together, who is Lao Qiu?"


Dayesi's situation of forcing the Lihua Empress to reveal her true appearance has been observed by the personnel here and has been reported here.

A man went up to the pavilion. After approaching and saluting, he reported: "A man in a black cloak went to the dock warehouse. Judging from his body shape and reaction speed, combined with time and other aspects, he should be Lihua. Meet Lao Qiu.

It didn't last long, and he left within a few moments and disappeared into the sea. His current whereabouts are unknown."

Chu Wu: "I took the risk of showing up in broad daylight just for a short while. It seems like something happened."

The man said: "We have asked the shipping company to cooperate and sent several batches of goods into the warehouse. We have urgently dispatched a few special demon cultivators to hide them in the goods. It is not easy to find them without opening them for inspection. Normal speech movements are guaranteed to be able to detect every word."

You can’t hide it from us.”

Chu Wu nodded with satisfaction, "When will the monitoring information in the warehouse arrive?"

The man hesitated and said, "This may not be that fast. Our people are hidden in the cargo and cannot run out to deliver news at any time. With Lao Qiu's vigilance, he will definitely find it, so we arranged for the cooperation of people on the dock to check the warehouse.

He basically goes into the warehouse for routine inspections every day, and our people can take the opportunity to let him bring out the news."

Chu Wu: "In other words, the monitoring information in the warehouse can only be sent out once a day."

The man said: "Lao Qiu's alertness is too strong. There are so many flying insects acting as eyes and ears. If we don't want to alert others, this is all we can do at the moment."

Chu Wu nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.

After the man was silent for a while, he suddenly tried to remind him: "It happened to be when Qingya made some strange movements. Could it be that he went to Qingya? What on earth is that guy Qingya doing? He's not really looking for the Immortal Mansion, is he?"

Chu Wu calmly said: "No, he personally promised me in front of me that he didn't dare to lie to me, and his teeth would be knocked out. I'm sorry he didn't dare. Besides, it's impossible to go to the Immortal Mansion with such a big fanfare. He's not that stupid.

However, I’m afraid others may not see it that way.”

The man on the side thought about it and nodded.

On the blue sea, the wind got stronger, the waves got higher, and the ship rocked violently. Qingya, wearing clogs, peeled peanuts and walked out of the cabin, shouting, "How's it going?"

The man on the bow looked back and shouted: "Master Qing, we still haven't found anything yet."

Qingya walked up to him and said, "Don't worry, the place is so big, it's unlikely that we will get results in a short time. It's enough for us to drill for a while, and then we can encourage our brothers later."

The man: "Brothers, it's easy to tell, but it's not very quiet under the water. There are shadows all around, and there seem to be a lot of people snooping. Mr. Qing, after we find the treasure, can we take it away smoothly?"

Qingya chewed the peanuts and chuckled, smiling strangely, "Don't worry, since I dare to do it, I can find a way to get rid of it."

Seeing that he had everything in mind, the man felt relieved.

Suddenly someone came up from the other side of the cabin and shouted: "Master Qing."

Qingya looked back and stepped back into the cabin with clogs.

When the person who called him approached him, he reported in a low voice: "Huo Lang's family has been delivered. There are six members of the family, one person at a time."

Qingya snorted and sneered, patting his shoulder to show that he understood.

Thank you to the new leader "Qingqing Buyu" for your support!

This chapter has been completed!
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