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Chapter 1034 Exposed

Regarding his secret meeting with Huo Lang, Qingya would not easily tell Chu Wu about the killer organization as long as it was not exposed.

Including the search for the treasures of the Amber tribe, they will not be revealed to Cuwu without the permission of the deceased.

It doesn’t mean that Chu Wu’s high position in Qianliu Mountain means everything. In front of the Great Sage, Chu Wu alone doesn’t have the final say.

What's more, after his godmother learned that he was looking for treasures accumulated by the Amber clan for thousands of years, he was also very interested. He knew that his godmother was not someone who was interested in money. What she was interested in might be the traces of time in the treasures.

The godmother spoke, which gave him the confidence to tell lies in front of Chu Wu.

In the days that followed, Qingya would go to the blue sea almost every day to see how the drilling was progressing.

As for his current situation, he gradually realized it. He felt that because of the dog visiting flowers, everyone thought he was looking for an immortal mansion, and he couldn't count how many ghosts, ghosts, and snake gods were staring at him.

He wanted to cover it up and come quietly, but the bastard who spread the rumors insisted on saying that Gou Tanhua was looking for Xianfu, which had attracted the attention of everyone in the world. The news he was searching for was placed here again, and he wanted to prevent others from discovering it.

All difficult.

He also didn't expect that he would have such a high-profile day in the spiritual world.

Even though everyone in the world is watching, he is quite calm, because he knows who is behind Gou Tanhua, knows that there is no such thing as looking for immortals, and knows who is deliberately spreading rumors to harm Gou Tanhua, and he has no evil intentions in his heart.

, knowing that you won’t step on that red line, naturally it doesn’t matter, who wants to keep an eye on it.

A few days later, on the largest ship in the blue sea, his subordinates couldn't help nagging him, "Master Qing, are you sure there is really a treasure? The entire mountain below has been beaten dozens of times by us.

There is no sign of a treasure house at all. Even the underground is full of holes. Now we are drilling around. The drilling area is getting wider and wider. If there is no exact target range, we have to drill to


Qingya's face was a little gloomy. In fact, his face was getting worse and worse these days, and even chewing peanuts no longer tasted good.

He comes to the water every day, so it’s not like he doesn’t know what’s going on down there.

At this time, after hearing a bunch of words that were actually complaints, he, who came to the boat every day and wandered around, finally couldn't bear it anymore and suddenly shouted: "Notify the brothers to stop work!"

A subordinate on the side said in astonishment: "Stop the work? Stop now?"

"Stop now."

"Not looking for it?"

"Let the brothers wait first." Qingya dropped the words and flew up, landed on another smaller boat, and shouted, "Go back."

The siren obeyed, dragging the rope in the water to change its direction, and pulled the boat away through the wind and waves.

Qingya, who was bumping on the bow of the boat, had a gloomy look on his face. He originally planned to find the treasure and take it away, but he wanted to go behind Yu Qing's back to devour it all to himself. But now it was a bit nonsense. After thinking about it, he still had to go to Yu Qing to ask what was going on.


He somewhat doubted whether he had been tricked by Yu Qing.

He is now reflecting on himself on the boat. He knows clearly that Gou Tanhua is not a good thing and he has suffered losses from him more than once. Why do he still believe his lies?

Full of anger, he returned to Zhihai Pavilion and asked the men left behind to confirm that Yu Qing was still in the room.

Hey, that guy is quite comfortable, he eats and drinks for free, he hides in his house and practices every day, and he can’t find the treasure?

This didn't look like he was looking for treasure at all. The more Qingya thought about it, the more something was wrong. He felt more and more that he had been cheated, and became angrier. He went straight to Yu Qing's room, and when he got to the door, he clenched his fists and was about to smash open the door.

However, he raised his fist and paused again. Some things must be faced with reality. After smashing the door open, what should you say to Gou Tanhua?

He said that after getting the news, he ditched the dog Tanhua and went it alone. He wanted to be alone, so he went to find the treasure behind others' backs?

I couldn't find it. Can I blame others?

Thinking about it, I suddenly realized that I didn't seem to have the qualifications to come and question the crime.

After hesitating for a while, he lowered his fist, turned around and waved to the people following him, gesturing them to move away, as he didn't think it looked good to look like he was raising an army to accuse them.

Then he knocked on the door in a normal way.

The person who opened the door was Mu Aotie. Qingya didn't care about him. He just followed his lead and pushed the door open. As he walked in, he shouted: "Tanhua Lang, come out."

Mu Aotie glanced at the other people outside, and when he saw that they had no intention of following them, he closed the door.

Yu Qing, who had taken a batch of Guangling Pills in his hand and was practicing in the spare time, was naturally woken up. When he heard that, he knew that Qingya was here. He didn't know what he wanted to do, so he must go out to see him.

Seeing him, he got up and went out.

When he saw Qingya's friendly smile, Yu Qing's heart skipped a beat, and he vaguely realized something, and he immediately politely said, "Master Qing."

He stretched out his hand to indicate to sit down, Qingya pressed his hand down, stopped chatting with him, and went straight to the topic, "Tanhua Lang, I came here to tell you good news. The place you are looking for was accidentally discovered by my men.


Yu Qing blinked and pretended to be confused: "Where?"

Qingya looked back at the people in the room, raised his thumb and pointed, silently signaling, are these people okay if they hear it?

Yu Qing: "We are all our own people, but it doesn't matter. Mr. Qing, what's going on? It's mysterious."

Qingya clicked his tongue, disgusted with his memory, and reminded: "Gutai Ruins, it's the ancient ruins you mentioned."

Yu Qing was startled, "Ah? You found the Gutai Ruins? Where, where are they?" Then he looked suspicious again, "Master Qing, you must be kidding me. If you really found it by yourself,

If so, can you come and tell me? I don’t believe it!”

Qingya rolled his eyes, "Master Qing, I came out to hang out because of my loyalty. Am I a solitary eater? Let's share the blessings. Let's go and confirm whether it is Gutai Ruins." Without Yu Qing's consent.

, just pull it on and pull it away.

"Master Qing, Master Qing..." Yu Qing pretended to resist, but in the end he didn't refuse too much. He couldn't excuse his lack of enthusiasm for the treasure.

The two women stayed behind, and Nanzhu and Mu Aotie actively took the guy and chased them...

"Took Tanhua Lang away and took him to sea with him?"

Xiang Lanxuan, who was occupying the magpie's nest, was pouring a cup of tea when she heard the words and suddenly raised her head to confirm.

His subordinates nodded, "Yes, we have already set sail with the ship."

Xiang Lanxuan stood up immediately and asked, "Did Tanhua Lang and the others bring any packages or other luggage?"

His men thought for a moment, shook their heads and said, "Not that, they each have a sword."

"you sure?"

"Sure, sure."

After hearing this, Xiang Lanxuan, whose nerves suddenly became tense, relaxed again, slowly sat down again, and continued to make her own tea, "Yeah, I got it, keep staring."

She knew very well that if they really found the Immortal Mansion and wanted to open it, Yu Qing and his party would definitely bring the "white radish" with them. If they didn't bring the spiritual root, there was no need to worry.

She was not in a hurry, but some people were. The news that Yu Qing and Qingya were going to sea together quickly caused a large chain reaction. For a time, a large number of people going to sea appeared covertly and covertly...

In the capital city of the Kingdom of Jin, traffickers and pawns, wine shops and shops, the people's livelihoods coming and going are still the same, but ordinary people don't know that behind the calm, there has been a great uproar. Up and down the court, all the government offices are in panic.

Mei Mansion is also the current residence of Prime Minister You. The gatekeeper at the entrance has been replaced by several men in gray to guard the entire Mei Mansion. The entire Mei Mansion is guarded by a large number of men in gray inside and outside.

The troops of the Sinan Mansion jumped over the imperial court and directly surrounded the Mei Mansion. The right prime minister Mei Sanghai, who was about to go to court early in the morning, was directly blocked back to the mansion. No one in the Mei Mansion was allowed to go out, and the government and the public were shocked.

Many people want to know what happened, many people are waiting and watching.

Most of the people in Mei Mansion were restrained in their rooms, and they all felt confused. However, overall, the whole Mei Mansion was quite peaceful.

In the main hall, Mei Sanghai, whose face is full of traces of time, has changed out of his court clothes. He still looks noble in his plain clothes. He looks relaxed and at ease. He is playing chess with others in front of the chessboard. He has a calm demeanor that remains unchanged despite the collapse of the mountain.

The other man has long hair hanging back, a shiny forehead, a severely receding hairline, a clean face without beard, and an honest appearance. He is Mr. Chu Tianjian, the Housi of the Sinan Mansion.

After a lot of back and forth moves, seeing Mei Sanghai always indecisive, Chu Tianjian smiled and said with a pun: "Mei Xiang, haven't you figured out how to move?"

Mei Sanghai casually added, "You are deceiving me and I am confused. It seems that you are not responsible for arresting people for interrogation in the Sinan Mansion, right?"

Chu Tianjian returned the favor, "I volunteered. You and I have known each other for many years, and I have benefited a lot from you. In view of our past friendship, I want to give you some respect. I know you are waiting. It's useless. I advise you."

You'd better do it, if you continue to dawdle, it will hurt your harmony. Once it gets dark, it will really get dark."

"What are you recruiting for? I don't even know why the Sinan Mansion wants to trap me. You don't even examine me, you just let me recruit. How can I recruit?"

"Mei Xiang is the pillar of the country and the face of the imperial court. It is impossible to directly touch you without confirming a certain situation. What would cause the Sinan Mansion to directly touch you? Therefore, Mei Xiang knows what he wants to recruit, so why bother?

I'm talking nonsense. I didn't throw you directly into prison, I just kept you behind closed doors. This not only left you dignity, but also left you a way out. As long as you take the initiative to explain the matter clearly, maybe the matter will pass easily. "

"I really can't think of what I want to recruit. Mr. Hou Si is so kind, maybe he is waiting for something?"

"Mei Xiang, you are accompanied by two tigers and leopards who have been starved for several days. You have lush branches and many heirs. Those beasts don't know what human kindness is, and they don't understand anything.

If your identity is really torn apart, the process will be beyond your imagination and you won't be able to bear it."

Mei Sanghai sighed, "It's inexplicable."

Continue to fall calmly.

At this moment, the housekeeper Kong Shen walked in quickly from outside and walked to his side. When he saw Chu Tianjian playing chess, he hesitated to speak but did not dare to say a word.

Chu Tianjian glanced at his subordinates who were standing outside the door, and after seeing him nodding slightly, he said casually, "Is the news coming? As expected of Prime Minister Mei, who has been operating in the capital for many years with high authority, the Mei Mansion has been occupied by the people of the Sinan Mansion.

With such a siege, there are still ways to get information from the outside. It seems that Prime Minister Mei usually works hard inside the Sinan Mansion."

Mei Sanghai, who was staring at the chessboard, frowned, "I asked why you didn't interrogate me, but just trapped me here. It turned out that the purpose was to create a situation where a dog jumps over the wall in a hurry, to observe who is there and what movement appears. It seems that this time in the Sinan Mansion

You really want to uproot me. Kong Shen, the matter is over, there is no need to be shy, tell me, what is the situation with Duke Xuan?"

Kong Shen said with a bitter look on his face: "After your Majesty learned of your situation, he went to Sinan Mansion in person, but was turned away by Earth Mother. After returning to the palace, he summoned Duke Xuan Guo. Duke Xuan Guo claimed he was ill and did not move any troops!"

Bang, Mei Sanghai shook his hand, and the chess piece fell on the chessboard. He also stopped his hand and leaned on the back of the chair. He lost his mind of playing chess leisurely and lost his composure.

Under normal circumstances, if the Sinan Mansion skipped the court and did something that was against the imperial court, Xuan Guo Gong Ying Xiaotang would definitely jump out and confront him.

Although he is not usually on Ying Xiaotang's side, Ying Xiaotang is indeed his last resort to remain calm and face the Sinan Mansion.

After a while of silence, he sighed quietly, "I understand, the assassination of Ash Heng has been exposed."

Kong Shen stared, shocked.

Chu Tianjian also played with the chess pieces in his hand, "In other words, Mei Xiang admitted it. It seems that there will no longer be a stalemate in circles, and we can have a good chat."

Mei Sanghai stared at him, "It's just Ashheng. Even if there are reasons for being a disciple of Earth Mother, Ashheng is not dead after all. The most he can do is warn me not to touch him again. It's not worth the effort of the Sinan Mansion to mobilize so many troops."

Chu Tianjian: "You are right. With your status, it is indeed the case. Everything is in your calculations. No wonder you are confident. But, you should never, never, should not get involved.

In matters concerning the spiritual world."

"The world of spiritual practice and the secular world are interdependent. How can a person at my level not be involved in it? Otherwise, how could you and I sit here and play chess..." Mei Sanghai, who was talking with a hint of indignation, was suddenly startled.

As if he understood something, he said in surprise: "Ashiheng is really looking for the Immortal Mansion?"

Chu Tianjian's face darkened slightly, "It seems that Mei Xiang admitted that you were the one who spread the rumor."

Mei Sanghai, who had been dazed for a while, suddenly burst out laughing. He looked up to the sky and laughed wildly. He slapped the chess pieces on the chessboard and jumped up. Some pieces fell to the ground with a clatter. "He was really looking for the Immortal Mansion, but he lost here.

Lose here..."

Chu Tianjian interrupted his laughter, "Now that you have confessed, let's talk about it. How did you know that he was looking for the Immortal Mansion?"

Mei Sanghai, who burst into tears from laughter, shook his head, raised his sleeves to wipe away his tears, sighed again, and waved his hands repeatedly, as if you don't want to ask anymore, I don't want to say anything.

Chu Tianjian stood up with a sullen face, walked to the door, and winked at the people outside.

Soon, a leopard with fierce eyes and a colorful tiger were led outside on chains, followed closely by two more children.

The things that trapped the two tigers' mouths were taken off, and a roar suddenly sounded in the yard, which scared the two children to tears on the spot.

Mei Sanghai, who was sitting in the room, looked pale and was breathing rapidly...

This chapter has been completed!
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