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Chapter 1044 Whispering

 After receiving Chong'er's message, the junior uncle immediately used pen and ink to record the situation of those Gao Xuan monks.

When he finished writing and put the pen down, he couldn't help but smile knowingly, "That boy is quite fast. He got it so quickly. I am worthy of beating him up."

After finishing speaking, he shook the paper and analyzed it carefully. After looking at it, he discovered that there were omissions in the list. The dead Tian Yu was not among them. However, it is not difficult to understand. Those major forces should not know that Tian Yu is dead.

It seems that the whereabouts of Tian Yu's body that had been taken away from him are still being traced.

Elder Huan Yushan of Kunling Mountain was not among them, and it was understandable. He knew the relevant situation from Yu Qing and others.

Nie Rifu of Tianji Mountain is not among them. The reason is also understandable. Several major forces do not know his whereabouts. For the monks, the disappearance time is still short, and it cannot be concluded that he is missing.

Feng Jinqi, Chi Biyao, Chi Lan, and Zen Zhiyi all did not describe the cause of death. To put it bluntly, they did not mention Zhu Yao's state, and they all used the word "death" to summarize.

He didn't know this, but he was stunned for a while when he saw that nearly half of the Gao Xuan monks who had fallen in the past hundred years were related to that guy Lao Shiwu. How long had that guy been out of the mountain?

After shaking his head slightly, his eyes paused on a name called "Ye Alang". The number one master in the Amber Sea at that time was also the only high-level monk of the Amber tribe. The final result recorded was also death.

He knew very well that Ye Alang was not dead. He was still in the Amber Sea, the woman in green next to Pang Wuzheng.

Then his eyes fell on the name of Gu Demon Kermi. This person was still alive. He didn't know before that since he discovered that Lao Qiu, who was guarding the warehouse, intended to do evil to Yu Qing and others, that Lao Qiu had become his

The true identity of the key surveillance target has not been hidden from him.

His thoughts did not dwell too much on the situation of these two people. He sorted by time and directly folded the missing list of nearly fifty years.

In fact, he didn't want to look at the situation in the last fifty years at all. What he wanted to look at was the first fifty years. It was just that singling out the first fifty years would easily make people suspicious. Since he wanted to do it, it would be easier to just list it out all at once.

After the list was folded for fifty years, nine people were suddenly reduced and only five were left. In other words, in the first fifty years, one Gao Xuan died every ten years on average.

That's right, it's death, whether it's the first fifty years or the last fifty years, except for the missing Gao Xuan monk, all the others are deaths.

It was also after seeing this list that the young master discovered an interesting phenomenon. With so many high-level monks, almost none of them could die.

The only missing person is named Wen Qu. He was extremely dazzling in the spiritual world many years ago. Even though he has disappeared for almost seventy years, the current young master still admires his glorious deeds for a long time.

Let's put it this way, whether it is the Earth Master, the Earth Mother, or the Great Sage, Wen Qu has fought with them before stepping into the realm. At the same time, Wen Qu has fought with these three people and escaped unscathed.

Qu is the only one in the spiritual world.

Later, for unknown reasons, this piece of literature suddenly disappeared, and this record of relevant circumstances also states that it does not know its whereabouts.

According to the calculations in the records, he was in his fifties when he disappeared, and he is probably over one hundred and twenty years old now. There has been no news for so many years. If he is really gone, it is obvious that he may not have died at the end of his life.

Although the only missing person was this Wenqu, the young master felt that it was unlikely to be Pang Wuzheng who was living in seclusion in the Amber Sea.

The first is time. Pang Wuzheng appeared in the Amber Sea fifty years ago, and Wenqu disappeared seventy years ago. He lived in seclusion for ten or twenty years and then came to the Amber Sea to flatter and run a business? Wenqu is said to be quite popular.

He was a man of character and righteousness. He was considered a genius at that time. He was a figure that even the Earth Master, the Great Sage and the Earth Mother would praise. He could not believe that such a person would come to the Amber Sea to flatter him.


The three deceased people earlier in the timeline than Wen Qu were also eliminated by the young master uncle. His eyes were fixed on a Gao Xuan monk who disappeared fifty years ago. This person's death method was quite special, and he died in depression.

His name was Dong Lianyu, and he was the master of Lianshan Castle at that time. The circumstances of his death mentioned in the records were extremely simple. He once admired Earth Mother, but his courtship was rejected, and he died of depression.

Seeing this name, the young master uncle also thought of this person. Although he disappeared much longer than him, he had still heard of him. In fact, he had heard of every Gao Xuan monk on the list.

, I have heard some related rumors.

Legendary past events like Dong Lian Yu's are naturally more likely to be spread among people. The rumors that my uncle heard were far more detailed than those recorded. Anyway, he was shamelessly pursuing the Earth Mother. Not to mention being injured by the Earth Mother, it was later said that because of

Some male-female affair angered Earth Mother, who severely humiliated her. Later, she hid back in Lianshan Castle and was ashamed to see people. It is said that she died of depression because of this.

Uncle Master didn't know whether some rumors were true or not. It was said that Dong Lianyu was also raped by someone at that time. Anyway, it was because the relationship between Earth Master and Earth Mother was not good.

"Donglianyu...Donglianyu...Donglianyu..." The junior uncle, who raised his eyes from the record, muttered to himself for a long time before asking himself, "Could it be him?"

Judging from the timeline, this person is the most similar.

In the independent courtyard of Pang's Trading Company, the woman in Tsing Yi returned from crossing the sea and went straight to the brightly lit study.

Pang Wuzheng, who had closed his eyes in deep thought behind the desk, opened his eyes and saw her pushing in the door, and immediately asked: "How is the situation over there?"

The woman in green clothes closed the door, walked to the front of the case and said: "Nothing, it's still the same situation. There is nothing abnormal at the bottom of the sea. We have sent extra manpower to keep an eye on it. If there are any changes, we will report it immediately."

Pang Wuzheng just nodded, and she asked again: "I heard that you have sent invitations to Tanhua Lang and Xiao Qiu'er, and you are going to entertain them at Zhihai Pavilion tomorrow?"

Pang Wuzheng hummed, "I was just about to tell you this. They have already agreed to attend the banquet. You must be prepared to meet Lin Long tomorrow."

The woman in Tsing Yi seemed a little anxious and said: "Why did you book at Zhihai Pavilion? There are too many people watching over there, and they are not ordinary people. How could I possibly do this while having sex with Little Ball under their noses?"

It’s okay to not be discovered. It’s okay for me to be discovered. We can’t implicate the little ball because of our sloppiness.”

Pang Wuzheng reached out and plucked a bunch of drawings on the desk. The woman in green took a quick look and saw that they were the internal layout drawings of Zhihai Pavilion. She couldn't help but ask, "What do you mean?"

"I want to tell you that hosting the banquet in Zhihai Pavilion was a decision I made after careful consideration. I didn't make the decision where to host the banquet in Zhihai Pavilion. I used the excuse that I didn't know Lin Long's taste and environment preferences, so I left it to the Prime Minister.

Haihua went to prepare. I said that Lin Long had agreed to attend the banquet, and Xiang Haihua readily agreed.

If it is not convenient enough to place it in Zhihai Pavilion or placed too far away, Lin Long and the others may not agree to come to the banquet. After all, they have no friendship with us, and it is a time of great uncertainty. If it is not convenient enough, Xianghaihua may not agree to come to the banquet.

I will agree to attend the banquet. This girl has always had some objections to me. If Lin Long doesn't come, I may not be able to invite her at all.

If Xiang Haihua didn't participate, and if Xiang's power didn't intervene, I really wouldn't dare to meet Lin Long directly in private. I have to avoid suspicion, and there is no better way to avoid suspicion than Xiang's father and daughter testifying themselves. Let Xiang Haihua take care of it, it's safe.

The first place is that the banquet place must be an airtight place that is guarded. On the other hand, we can only get rid of our suspicions under the noses of Xiang's father and daughter. This is also using it to block other forces from noticing you.

Possibility of connection.”

The woman in green: "Don't talk about other forces, I'm just asking you, how do you connect under Xiang's nose?" Her eyes fell on the drawing, "Could it be that you have already prepared the banquet place?"

Pang Wuzheng shook his head, "What tricks are you doing? I don't even know where Xiang Haihua will hold the banquet, but I estimate that if the weather does not cause any accident, she is most likely to be placed on the top floor with the best environment. Lin Longgang

Something almost happened. If something happened again at tomorrow's banquet, Xiang's father and his daughter would not be able to explain it to Li Chenghu. Since Xiang Haihua agreed to prepare for the banquet, he could not wait until tomorrow to make preparations. Security at the banquet point must have been deployed now.

, it’s our turn to do something now.”

Under the puzzled gaze of the woman in green, he flipped the drawings on the table again, "One thing is for sure, Xiang Haihua will not choose a too hasty place to host the banquet. In short, no matter which location she chooses, one thing is inevitable, women

There has to be a convenient place, but you can't have people keeping an eye on it, right?

In convenient places, they will only clear the place in advance, and then prevent other people from entering the banquet area, seal all possible entrances and exits, and have people guarding all key points, so basically only people attending the banquet can enter the convenient places. Naturally, you are

If you can come with me, as long as you and Lin Long are present, the rest of the matter will be easy to handle."

The woman in green clothes gradually realized the meaning, and her mood stabilized, but she was a little excited and said: "The situation when I ran for my life seems like yesterday. It has been so many years, and I didn't expect that I am still alive."

Pang Wuzheng reminded in a deep voice: "Don't get excited first. You can't reveal your current identity to Lin Long during this meeting. First of all, people will change. You need to find out what her current attitude is.

, will she still listen to you, my aunt? Secondly, your meeting this time must not be too long. As long as the conditions are suitable, you must let her cooperate with you and make an appointment for the meeting place for the next detailed discussion. "

She was thrown cold water on her, but after thinking about it, the woman in Tsing Yi nodded, admitting that what the other party said was reasonable and that people may indeed change.

Seeing that she had been convinced, Pang Wuzheng leaned back in his chair and breathed a sigh of relief. The beginning of the plan was finally settled.

But at this moment, a murmuring voice suddenly sounded in his ears: "Donglianyu..."

Hearing the sound, his figure suddenly tensed up, and he urgently released his magic power to expand and explore, and then quickly looked around. The study was only so big, and there was no one else there. Then he ducked out of his seat, quickly opened the door and went out, passing through the corridor and eaves, covering all the people in the courtyard.

Every corner where someone might be hiding was quickly checked.

Finally, he flew and landed on the roof, and the mana he released enveloped the surrounding area. He scanned everywhere with cold eyes, but no suspicious figure was found from the beginning to the end.

The woman in green clothes who had arrived in the yard looked up and observed him for a while, then flew down beside him and asked in a low voice: "What's wrong?"

Pang Wuzheng's cheeks bulged, and he couldn't hide his frightened eyes. He gritted his teeth and said, "The person who just spoke is extraordinary."

The woman in green clothes was suspicious, "Who is talking?"

"..." Pang Wuzheng was startled, turned to look at her, and hesitated for a while before asking, "That's the sound of the whisper just now."

The woman in green clothes was still puzzled, "Besides you and me talking just now, how could there be any other voice?"

"Didn't you hear that?"

"No one else is talking. How could I not hear anything? Are you thinking too much?"

"..." Pang Wuzheng was immediately stunned. The voice he spoke just now was so clear. With Ayu's cultivation, how could he not hear it? He couldn't help but ask again, "You really didn't hear it?"

"Why did I lie to you? What did you hear?"

"It's nothing." Pang Wuzheng smiled bitterly, thinking in his mind that it seemed that he might have been confused because of his own thoughts.

In the room where the hanging gauze was floating, the young uncle sitting in front of the case slowly opened his eyes.

He picked up the record in his hand, stared at the name on it, and smiled lightly, "It's really this old guy."

The person who whispered to Pang Wuzheng just now was him. He also learned from the woman in green. She tried Chong'er like that. As a master, he was not polite and responded to Pang Wuzheng.

As for the plan against Chong'er that he heard about, he had no intention of stopping it, nor did he intend to tell Chong'er. Some things could be regarded as a test for him, and it was also a tradition of Linglongguan.

This chapter has been completed!
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