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Chapter 1050 Transferred

 Holding Feng in front, he suddenly closed his eyes again and called out seemingly in a whisper, "Donglianyu!"

As soon as he opened his eyes, the blade of the sword was reversed and thrust directly into his abdomen, as if he was committing suicide. However, with a swish sound, the sword disappeared, returned to its sheath, and wrapped around his waist. The man also rushed towards the window and kicked off with flying feet.

He kicked off the window sill and jumped off the tall building. His broad sleeves fluttered in the wind, like a bat in the night, gliding all the way to the ground.

At this moment, he didn't care whether anyone was watching or greeting Xiang Haihua's people.

There was no way. After discovering that something was wrong, it was already too late. Pang Wuzheng and Lao Shiwu were already at a moment when they could encounter each other at any time. The detection range of his current Yin Zi Jue was limited. With Pang Wuzheng,

His cultivation is so fast that once he takes someone far away, the consequences are unpredictable...

In the warehouse of the cellar of the restaurant, Pang Wuzheng pushed aside a heavy shelf filled with items and lifted up a thick floor, revealing a dark hole. He took out the glowstone and illuminated the layers below.

The steps, eyes probing, walked down the steps step by step.

In the secret passage, Yu Qing was still more cautious. He had ready-made manpower in front of him. He didn't need to use it in vain. He still asked Huang Xuxiong to explore the way in front, and they followed behind. Feng Guanyun was at the back to protect the group.

Yu Qing and Long Xingyun, who were walking in the middle, were relatively relaxed, holding fluorescent stones to look at the marks on the wall from time to time.

Suddenly, Yu Qing whispered: "Stop!"

All the people in front and behind paused. Huang Xuxiong, who was walking two or three feet away in front, looked back, a little confused.

Little did he know that just because he was walking in front, he picked up some dust and left it to those behind him. The signs of dust dancing in the glow of the fluorescent stone made Yu Qing notice something unusual.

His Guanzi Jue sensed that the exit was about eighty or ninety feet away and had been opened by someone.

"What's wrong?" Long Xingyun asked.

Yu Qing raised his index finger to his mouth, "Keep your voice down, there is someone here."

Long Xingyun suddenly became highly vigilant.

When they came back together, Huang Xuxiong and Feng Guanyun looked at each other inquiringly, understanding each other's doubts, but neither of them heard or noticed the movement of anyone coming.

The two men looked at Yu Qing with confusion in their eyes. Although this guy's cultivation level had reached Shangxuan, his cultivation level was definitely not as high as theirs, so they were skeptical about Yu Qing's reaction.

Yu Qing's Guanzi Jue noticed that the person who opened the entrance was walking down, so he whispered again, "Coming this way."

He glanced back behind him, and now he went back and hid?

The trouble was secondary. He didn't do that. Instead, he pinched the fluorescent stone in his hand and blocked the light.

The three people nearby immediately followed suit, and the scene instantly fell into darkness.

A group of four people waited quietly...

Pang Wuzheng walked into the tunnel step by step, looking around with cold eyes, just in case someone had already touched the entrance.

Just when his shoulders were about to sink into the tunnel, he suddenly heard a call, "Donglianyu..."

Just such a gentle sound made his hair stand up in shock, his mind was trembling, he turned around and looked around, and shouted in a deep voice, "Who?"

There was no response. Was it an auditory hallucination?

A dignified monk, his body was normal and there was nothing wrong with him. One delusion was a thing of the past, but he felt that it was impossible for him to have delusions one after another. An indescribable feeling of fear suddenly filled his heart.

Observing the entire cellar carefully, there was indeed no sign of anyone.

So he comforted himself in his heart, thinking that it might indeed be an illusion, hoping to deceive himself.

I turned around and continued walking underground, but I always felt like there was a pair of eyes staring at me from behind.

The little uncle fell from the sky and dived to the ground. He turned over in the air and landed floating on the ground. He walked around with one hand behind his back. He flung out the folding fan in his hand gracefully. It looked like he was fanning leisurely, but in fact it was half covered in front of his face, blocking his mouth.

Xing, called again, "Donglianyu..."

This time the voice was less murmuring and more deep and mean.

Pang Wuzheng paused as his head was about to disappear at the entrance of the tunnel. His whole body froze, and he stayed there in silence, looking at the corner of the tunnel below where he was still lying down.

He was frozen on the steps with the glowstone in his hand, while the other group was on high alert in the pitch-black darkness. There was a not-so-far distance between them. Depending on the strength of both sides, they might be able to meet each other in a flash.


The deep call sounded again. Pang Wuzheng pinched out the glow of the fluorescent stone in his hand, and waited silently in the darkness, staying the same to cope with the changes. He could hear his own heartbeat and was nervous.


The voice that seemed to be in his ears sounded again, Pang Wuzheng opened his palms, and the light bloomed again, illuminating his tense cheeks.

He was sure that he had to face reality. This was not an illusion or auditory hallucination at all.

He slowly turned around and looked behind him. He was the only figure on the steps, and no other figures were seen.

He suddenly stepped out, landed in the cellar, and looked around. The cellar was only so big, so there must be no one there.


The soul-like voice sounded again.

Pang Wuzheng couldn't help but try to ask, "Who is it?"

Uncle Master: You will know it when you see him. I will give you a moment to burn incense and come to Tianzi Alley.

Pang Wuzheng was shocked that he could talk to him? His Adam's apple shrugged, "Why should I listen to you?"

Uncle Junior: Do you have a choice?

Faced with the intimidation of this unknown fear and the fact that others knew his background, he really had no choice.

After hesitating for a moment, he looked around and replied: "Okay, I want to see where it is, and where is it in Tianzi Lane?"

Uncle Master: You will know when you come. If you come too late, you will die!

Pang Wuzheng tightened his lips, and the voice seemed to disappear after leaving a threat, but the shock in his heart still lingered. What kind of practice did this mysterious man have? With his cultivation level, he could only hear his voice.

I don't know where the person is, and the sound is transmitted through the air, which is simply terrifying.

He listened quietly to the movement in the secret passage again, but didn't notice any movement. After a little hesitation, he could only cover the floor, drag the heavy objects back on the shelves again, and then quickly left the cellar.

There was no other way. It would take a little time to get to Tianzi Lane from here, and he couldn't fly there directly.

The point is that if you take the person's word seriously, let him die if he comes too late.

This mysterious man is unfathomable and he doesn't dare to take risks. Compared to catching Tan Hwa Lang, his own life is more important at the moment.

After briefly explaining the matter to his subordinates, he said hello, and the restaurant's car was immediately given to him. After boarding the car, he said, "Go to Tianzi Lane, and hurry up."

The wheels of the carriage immediately turned, shaking him in the carriage. He felt nervous and heavy. He didn't know who the mysterious man was and what he wanted to do with him.

The young uncle who was walking on the street, waving a folding fan, made sure that Pang Wuzheng had set off immediately, breathed a sigh of relief, and finally transferred the people away.

The purpose of his continuous utterance was to divert Pang Wuzheng away from the tunnel.

It was also because he was in a hurry and couldn't find any other tricks. He had to prevent Pang Wuzheng from entering the secret passage. This person's strength was beyond what Old Fifteen could stop, and he couldn't let the two of them encounter each other. This was also caused by his negligence.

He also didn't expect that Old Fifteen could be so forceful in the current situation. That guy was really a bit nonsense.

As for the appointment with Pang Wuzheng, it is not a lie, but it is really a meeting.

There was no way, even testing Pang Wuzheng's Yin Zi Jue once could make people think it was an illusion. After greeting him repeatedly like this, he was not a fool.

He would not give Pang Wuzheng a chance to tell this secret to a second person, nor would he give Pang Wuzheng a chance to record the secret.

In other words, Pang Wuzheng can no longer be retained.

Not to mention Pang Wuzheng, even if it was Chong'er, if he failed to pass the test and said something he shouldn't have said to Aunt Alang, in order to keep the secret, he would still get rid of Chong'er.

Before her eyes was the biggest test that Zhong'er had faced since she joined Linglongguan, a test of seeing one's own heart and one's nature. She had never had such a touching opportunity before.

He did not prevent Chong'er from contacting Aunt Alang, and just sitting back and watching meant that he intentionally contributed to this test.

This time, one of the main purposes of bringing Chong'er to the Amber Sea was to test Chong'er, but she had never thought that Aunt Alang was still alive.

It's not that he is cruel, this is his responsibility as a true disciple of Linglong Guanyin Zijue. This is the disciple he accepted, and he must be responsible for the entire sect.

On the way, when a woman suddenly saw such a handsome man, she couldn't help but look sideways. The young uncle, who was gently shaking his folding fan, smiled and nodded in greeting, which aroused the hearts of all the way...

"Jumped out of the building?"

Xiang Haihua, who had written the first sentence of the crime, raised her head in shock when she heard the report. In her impression, every move of the man with a beautiful tree in front of the wind was pleasing to the eye, and he rarely did anything out of the ordinary.

The fair-skinned and wealthy woman said: "Yes, I have repeatedly confirmed that the person staring outside was not mistaken. He indeed jumped from the window."

Xiang Haihua put down her pen and stood up, asking: "Have you lost me again?"

The fair-skinned and wealthy woman shook her head, "Not this time. He was wandering around leisurely. Our people were watching in secret and he didn't get lost."

Xiang Haihua breathed a sigh of relief and smiled slightly, "It's okay to escape from time to time. He may be too bored. Amber Hai is in this period. All kinds of ghosts and ghosts gather here. I have a lot of things to do and rarely have time to accompany him.


The woman smiled bitterly, "That's right, but he's too tall to attract women."

Xiang Haihua pinched her forehead. In this regard, she was also quite worried. It was not good to think too much. She changed the subject and asked, "What's going on with the Nishang clothing store now?"

The woman said: "Tanhua Lang is obviously causing trouble. A group of people are stuck in the shop trying on clothes without buying anything. Tanhualang and Long Xingyun are hiding in the fitting room and haven't come out. It seems that there is indeed something going on in this shop.


"Is it related to Lin Long?" Xiang Haihua said to herself. Lin Long was involved, and she didn't dare to act rashly until the situation was clear.

She didn't dare, but some people did.

The flaming red-lipped Xiang Lanxuan arrived in person. He raised his head and looked at the signboard. Someone from the entourage immediately rushed in to clear the way.

Xiang Lanxuan walked in immediately. Her appearance was quite cooling. The noisy shop instantly became audible. A pair of lovely eyes followed her movements. The clothes in someone's hands were quietly put down.

It's like he is a thief.

Xiang Lanxuan glanced at the crowded scene and said calmly, "Everyone, squat outside."

The sound is not loud, it is pleasant to listen to, but it is not angry or intimidating.

After giving the order, some were kicked out, and some trembled and took the initiative to obey the order. After leaving, everyone squatted on the roadside with their heads in their hands, amidst the scoldings of the Dayesi people.

The shop instantly became clean, but there were still people there. Anyi and Su Qiuzi were still standing in front of Yu Qing's fitting room. The situation in front of them made them very tormented. Should they leave or not?

Nanzhu was also there, dressed like a bridegroom, and ran to Xiang Lanxuan, nodding and bowing, "Xiang Daxing, you're here."

Xiang Lanxuan glanced at him, with a look on her face and said, "Get out and squat."

"Uh..." Nan Zhudun looked embarrassed.

When Xiang Lanxuan turned around and stared at her coldly and said "Hmm", he immediately trotted out. When he saw the people squatting outside, they also followed suit and squatted down with their heads in their hands.

Now that he was like this, Anyi and Su Qiuzi still dared to be stubborn, so they hurried outside and squatted next to him.

Xiang Lanxuan, who was in the shop, glanced around and asked, "Where is Dog Tanhua?"

Someone immediately pointed to a room and said, "That room."

He walked over to Lan Xuan, not bothering to say hello. He raised his leg and kicked the door into pieces. Except for a pile of clothes, there was not even half a person inside.

"Hmph." Xiang Lanxuan sneered, with a mocking look on her face, "Search!"

"Yes." A group of people accepted the order.

Shopkeeper Tao's face at the counter suddenly changed. He knew that he was in big trouble. He never dreamed that Da Xingxing of Dayesi would personally lead a team to deal with this place. He knew that he couldn't escape now even if he wanted to.

This chapter has been completed!
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