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Chapter 109 Resignation

 He ​​was a little excited, excited, excited!

It’s not that I didn’t believe it was true when I got the Sword Art from Yushitai Library.

He could tell that this thing must have been written by an expert. Some words could not be written by an amateur, but he must have doubts in his heart.

I always feel that it is too easy to get.

I always wonder how such a good thing could happen.

I always feel that I went to Yushitai on my first day, how could I pick up treasures on my first trip to Wenku?

I always feel that so many people have seen something that has been there for more than five hundred years, but no one really knows what it is. Could it be that I think it is too beautiful?

Even if the pole was accidentally crushed just now, I still wonder if the pole is too rotten.

It was not until then that I used my normal strength to crush one again.

It wasn't until he compared the two and confirmed that the pole was not rotten that he was so excited that his hair stood on end!

I saw the power of this sword technique.

He had just gotten started, and he had just tried to control his inner strength with the mental technique of the Sword Technique to Capture the Dragon, and the power of his shot suddenly increased dramatically.

His cultivation level is still his own. It is not even half as high as it is. He just changed the way he exerts force. His cultivation level at the martial arts level has actually brought out the power of a high martial arts level. This is simply incredible!

After such a short period of trial practice, I have exerted my strength beyond the realm of cultivation. How can I not be excited!

The evaluation of this sword technique in my mind subconsciously gave two words: Domineering!

Now that things have happened, what can he have to doubt? There is no doubt that this sword technique is absolutely genuine.

If even those who lie can develop this power, then he would be happy with it.

She was so happy that she held her sword in hand and kissed her hard several times, saying "Okay, okay, okay".

On the first day, I went shopping at Yushitai and picked up this thing. He almost went crazy with joy.

Again, this kind of cultivation technique will never be spread among the various sects. This time, I really got lucky.

He could no longer rest his emotions now. He had to be addicted to it before he could let it go. He started studying again in the study room and used his skills to imitate the study. Later, he felt that the space in the study room was too small and the floor was too small.

I broke something that was in the way and left the study to change places.

Of course it was not possible to practice openly in the courtyard outside, and the entire east courtyard was only as big as the main hall, so I entered the main hall and closed the door.

If he really wanted to practice, the Thirty-Six Movements of Dragon Capturing Hand and Wandering Dragon Technique had to be practiced together. The main hall was still not enough space, and the entire Zhong Mansion was not a place to practice such things. He could only practice his mind but not his skills.

Just imitate the movements of the mind, luck, body, and hands, and do it slowly, without being too serious, and figure it out while doing the gestures.

During the long night, the oil lamp was turned on many times.

When the wick was completely burned out, Yu Qing discovered that the window paper was already dimly lit. It was daybreak, and he could hear the rooster crow when he woke up.

I looked at the sword art in my hand and saw the end of it. I was a little surprised. I just thought about the whole sword art once, and it was actually dawn.

After thinking about it for a moment, I realized that it probably started at midnight last night, and five hours had passed before I knew it.

After a little tidying up, he had to go to the Yushitai again. There was no time for him to participate in the research. He immediately put away the scroll and looked around, not knowing where to put it before he felt at ease. He also didn't want to leak this thing easily, so he retreated for a while.

Wan Bu said that even if he couldn't practice it, he would probably be able to sell it for a lot of money.

Finally, he found a box, put the scroll in it, and stuffed the box and the box into the sand table where scholars wrote and discussed Taoism. They buried it deep under the sand, and then scraped the surface of the sand flat.

I walked back and forth around the sand platform twice to make sure that I couldn't see any clues, and then I gave up with confidence.

He turned around and saw the sword hanging on the wall, and couldn't help but want to try how it felt, so he drew the sword in his hand and held the sword with the mental skills of catching a dragon. An iron guy is an iron guy, even if he uses a little force,

There was no abnormality in the hilt of the sword, and it was even less likely to explode.

But there was obviously a different feeling.

The force of holding the sword is released, like a violent sprint, scattered and shunted, like the roots of a big tree, the roots penetrate into the body of the sword. Unlike the previous time when the power was injected into the sword, the power was dispersed and poured into the entire sword.


He did not expect that such a strange phenomenon would occur when holding the sword with the mental skills of the dragon-capturing hand. After the force was exerted in a different way, the internal force could naturally converge into a root state within the sword body.

This way of holding the sword allows him to clearly feel that the sword is connected to his entire body, rather than the feeling of pouring internal force into the sword body to forcibly control the entire sword.

He waved the sword twice in his hand. There was nothing unusual about swinging it in the air.

He suddenly waved his hand and threw the sword out, and immediately felt that the energy in the sword was still there.

The sword had already been released and separated from the person. Using the mental skills of the Dragon Capture Hand to control the sword, he could still feel the connection with the sword. He quickly used the Dragon Capture Hand to grab it from the air and pulled it back with his wrist.

The thrown sword was buffered just as it was about to hit the wall. It hovered slightly and then shot back.

Yu Qing turned sideways to avoid the edge of the sword, grabbed it in front of him, and held the sword across his chest.

The sword he grabbed from the air was quietly in his hand, but his heart was filled with excitement.

He clearly knew that this was not just a matter of photographing objects from the air, he could also photograph objects from the air at a close range.

That feeling of qi pulling actually gave him the first taste of the legendary feeling of wielding a sword through the air.

He once again marveled in his heart at the extraordinary mental technique of this sword technique.


The servants' shouts came from outside.

Yu Qing immediately calmed down, sheathed his sword, opened the door and walked out.

A new day has begun.

After washing, eating and drinking, I naturally went to Yushitai to start work, even though I was still studying.

He first went back to the study to get the resignation letter he wrote last night, stuffed it into his sleeve and left. Someone would naturally clean up the study.

On the way, he met Zhong Su again, who seemed to be waiting for him. The two chatted for a few words before they separated. There was a carriage ready outside the gate of Zhong Mansion to see them off.

Like a great gentleman, the carriage shook all the way to the censor's platform.

As soon as he got out of the car and showed up, he met an acquaintance, Lin Chengdao from Wenku, waving over. The two of them chatted and laughed together as they climbed up the steps and entered the gate of Yushitai.

After they parted ways, Yu Qing went directly to Pei Qingcheng's official office, but he was not there. After asking other people, he found out that there was no fixed time for Mr. Zhongcheng to come. He had to go to court first and had to deal with the court affairs first.

After that, it is possible to come here during the rest of the time.

He is still studying and has no specific plans to do anything, so he just hangs around and waits outside Mr. Zhongcheng's official room.

Later, he picked up a broom from somewhere and started sweeping the floor because his colleagues asked him to write something, but he was unwilling and would rather do this.

Fortunately, Master Zhongcheng did not keep him waiting for long.

Wearing a purple robe, Pei Qingcheng arrived majesticly. Seeing the sweeper at the door, Pei Qingcheng frowned, "Has someone arranged for you to do this?"

Yu Qing hurriedly explained, "No, I volunteered."

Pei Qingcheng didn't seem to believe it. He glanced coldly at the surrounding rooms, but didn't say much and strode into the house.

Yu Qing threw the broom away, took out a small notebook from his sleeve, and followed directly.

In the back room, he took off his official hat and put it away. Pei Qingcheng sat down behind the case. Then someone brought brewed tea and a tray of official documents.

Seeing people coming and going, Yu Qing waited patiently.

Pei Qingcheng, who was serving tea and looking through things, was a little busy with his hands. From time to time, he glanced at Yu Qing standing beside him and saw the post in his hand. He didn't know what the boy was hesitantly trying to do.

When everything that was supposed to be delivered was placed on the desk, Pei Qingcheng waved for the others to leave, and finally asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Yu Qing then hurried forward and presented his resignation with both hands.

Pei Qingcheng took the hand and glanced at him before opening it to check. It was better not to see clearly what it was. When he saw it clearly, he immediately stretched out his hand to rub his eyebrows. He thought he had seen it wrong. After confirming that it was indeed a resignation, he immediately asked:

"What's the meaning?"

Yu Qing leaned slightly and said: "Resign!"

Pei Qingcheng: "I just passed the exam and was just appointed as an official. I haven't even put on the official robe yet. Are you kidding me?"

Yu Qing said sincerely: "Sir, this is not a joke."

Pei Qingcheng: "Reason."

Yu Qing: "It has been listed in the resignation letter."

Pei Qingcheng remembered the situation when he was sweeping the floor outside, and frowned: "Is someone forcing you?"

Yu Qing shook his head, "No, I just don't care about officialdom."

Pei Qingcheng: "Then why are you going to Beijing to take the exam? Tell me honestly if anyone is forcing you. You can speak freely. In Jin Kingdom, no one can cover the sky with one hand, not even Your Majesty!"

Yu Qing found that this person was very verbose, so he had to make up another reason: "Sir, I really have no interest in officialdom. The reason why I went to Beijing to take the exam was just to prove that I can do it, not to become an official."

Pei Qingcheng raised his eyebrows, swiped twice, tore up the resignation letter and threw it at him, "I haven't written the resignation letter well, so you can do whatever you need to do when you go back."

"Uh..." Yu Qing was stunned and tried to ask, "Didn't you write your resignation letter well?"

Pei Qingcheng hummed, took a sip of tea, and continued to deal with his official duties with his head down.

Yu Qing had no choice but to lean over and pick up the resignation letter that was torn in half from the ground, turned around and went out in confusion.

As soon as he left, Pei Qingcheng looked a little surprised again. He was a little strange. The guy obviously had no intention of leaving, but he didn't expect that he could be dismissed so easily.

After leaving the official room, Yu Qing pieced together the torn resignation letter and looked at it repeatedly. He was very confused. Is the format wrong? It should be right. He read several copies yesterday, and it was almost in this format.

However, he was not sure in his heart. After asking Mr. Ming to answer questions and being admitted as a full-scoring member, he became seriously unconfident about his own reading vision in this area.

I turned over the broken resignation letter for a while, wondering how it could be used, so I finally tore it into pieces with my own hands and threw it into the trash can.

He knew that it was difficult to find out the crux of the resignation problem based on his own skills, so he was too lazy to waste time and went directly to the library. He simply went to find someone for help.

After arriving at the library, he saw Yin Jizhen again. Yu Qing just raised his hand and said hello, then ignored him and went directly to Lin Chengdao.

This chapter has been completed!
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