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Chapter 1115 Abnormal

Tune the tiger away from the mountain? Lihua was startled and said in disbelief: "Do you doubt that the gate of this immortal mansion will still be opened?"

Yun Kun chuckled and advised her to calm down, "It doesn't matter. Although Xiang Lanxuan is in the realm, there should be a big gap between him and Pujia. Although Pujia's injury has not healed, Xiang Lanxuan wants to lose in a short time.

It shouldn't be easy for her. Let Pujie go and take a look first. If the tiger is not transferred away from the mountain, and if those people are here, this little journey is nothing to me, and it won't be too late for me to rush there."

Lihua was startled again, "Wait until she finds out the situation before informing you. Is it still too late?"

Yun Kun: "Relax, Pujia has a way to notify me immediately."

Lihua said, since they didn't explain, she couldn't ask any more questions.

Although she has become some kind of Lihua Empress now, the process was so hasty that there was no simple ceremony at the very least. She just said it publicly. She herself did not dare to take herself seriously, at least for the time being.


The large group of people set off, and Feng Guanyun, who was covered in bruises and bruises, was also escorted on the road. Before she could verify what she said, necessary supervision was inevitable, and she was also asked to confirm the specific hiding place.

Kemi couldn't hide easily this time, and his cultivation had to come in handy. If Pujie faced off against Xiang Lanxuan, he and Qiu Xia would have to entangle Ming Monk, Meng Po and another unknown Gao Xuannu.


Therefore, Qiu Xia also set out with the injury of his broken hand. No one cared about his injury, and he had to pretend to be indifferent.

It's just that it's a bit difficult to fly long distances in the air. His body is too big now, so in order to save energy, he flies up and down on the ground.

Now that things have come to this, it doesn't matter. What he feels deeply in his heart is Xiang Lanxuan, that woman has actually broken through to the next level!

The point is that after being under his nose for so long, he didn't find any clues. He was sure that Xiang Lanxuan didn't break through after coming here. This woman was hidden too deeply. He was afraid just thinking about it. That woman before

When he is showing off his majesty, he is afraid that the woman will look at him as if he were a dead person, right?

How did he break through to the realm? Combined with Yun Kun's point out that someone entered the Zhuyao Realm and bathed in the Tianquan, and the condition of Wuwu confessed by Fengguan Yun, it can be determined that Wuwuhe lied to Lanxuan about the Zhuyao Realm.

In other words, Xiang Lanxuan most likely found some kind of immortal fate in the realm of Zhuyao.

Ke Mi also had the same suspicion, but neither of them understood that since they had already reached the realm and had a long time to come, why bother to take risks in this giant spirit mansion? Find an excuse or deliberately create something to make it inconvenient to come in.

It shouldn't be difficult, right?

Huo Lang, who was riding on a flying-winged four-legged snake, looked at the sky and the earth, feeling anxious. He was still worried that the bug named "Big Head" would have an accident on the way.

In his opinion, such a little insect is indeed too weak, even though it has spirituality.

Fortunately, Big Head is not an ordinary bug, and we did encounter some interference on the way. There are indeed many birds, animals, and other flying insects here. There are always those who want to eat the weak and the strong, but they are all passed by by it.

Datou also knew that the situation was urgent, so he hurried all the way, and finally ran back to the place where Xiang Lanxuan and others were hiding as quickly as possible.

However, it still had its old habit. It sneaked back to Yu Qing first, quietly informed Yu Qing, and informed Yu Qing about Huo Langrang's report to Xiang Lanxuan.

What happened? Feng Guanyun was arrested and their hiding place was revealed? Yu Qing was almost startled and immediately observed Long Xingyun and the others, only to realize that Feng Guanyun had not shown up for a long time.

"Why are you so distracted?" Xiang Lanxuan's voice suddenly rang in his ears.

Yu Qing was almost startled again. When he looked back, he didn't know why this woman came over quietly.

Little did she know that Xiang Lanxuan had been waiting for Da Tou to come back. After learning from the past, she suspected that Da Tou would come here first after returning, so she kept secretly observing Yu Qing's side and noticed that he and Mu Aotie were hiding aside.

After the sneaky behavior, I realized something was wrong and immediately came over to verify.

"Big Head is back?" Xiang Lanxuan asked.

Yu Qing thought for a while and gave her the leaf in his hand. It was exactly the handwriting that Da Tou had scraped out just now.

Xiang Lanxuan also frowned after looking at it.

"I have to tell everyone to move quickly." Yu Qing dropped the words and was about to greet everyone, but Xiang Lanxuan raised her hand urgently and pressed her chest. Yu Qing was confused, "What's wrong?"

Xiang Lanxuan: "There is something wrong with this matter. Why did Feng Guanyun go there? And he was arrested."

Yu Qing was confused, "Today is the scheduled opening of the gate to the Immortal Mansion. Is there anything abnormal that Long Xingyun asked her to go and see?"

Xiang Lanxuan asked him, "Then why don't you send someone to look at it?"

"Of course I am..." Yu Qing pointed to his heart and then to his head, naturally because he knew that the gate to the Immortal Mansion would not be opened as promised.

Xiang Lanxuan rolled her eyes, knowing that her question was in vain. She was too lazy to waste time and pointed it out directly: "Excluding this reason, under normal circumstances, we would not send anyone there, because we know that Yun Kun is guarding there, even if the door is opened.

, we can’t go out, and we can’t hide such a big movement. We don’t need people to go to the scene to know the situation.

Especially at this time, Yun Kun is very likely to be waiting with his mouth open, waiting for us to fall into the trap. If he really wants to observe, he will not let someone with your level of cultivation and know where we are hiding to visit, either.

I will go there myself or let Ye Alang go. Meng Pogui is the former secretary of the Sinan Mansion and has worked in front of the stage for many years. I know him too well and there is no way he would make such a stupid mistake."

The two junior brothers looked at each other, and they both seemed to understand.

Yu Qing: "Where are the Long Xingyun sect?"

Xiang Lanxuan: "You underestimated the loyalty of the four guards of Chilan Pavilion. Also, do you think that among the things that that idiot Long Xingyun is thinking about, whether he can go out is what he cares about now? I haven't seen that idiot.

No matter what the coffin looks like, he will not shed tears until he sees the coffin. If death is not imminent, he will not take death seriously at all."

"Uh..." Yu Qing said in surprise: "What do you mean?"

Xiang Lanxuan glanced at Meng Po and said, "Don't worry, if something really happens, we'll already be in trouble before the boss comes over. Since Yun Kun didn't take action directly, and since they are still mobilizing troops and making arrangements,

Then there is still enough time, let’s wait and see, if we really want to do something, we should take action soon.”

Seeing what was being talked about here, Meng Po couldn't sit still anymore, got up and walked around. When Huang Xuxiong looked over, he tilted his head and winked.

After he disappeared into the forest, Huang Xuxiong left the scene quietly, went deep into the shade, and saw Meng Po behind a big tree.

He glanced around before asking: "Why do you have to avoid our Pavilion Master?"

Meng Po said solemnly: "I suddenly realized that I had overlooked an issue before. Feng Guanyun betrayed this side, and as a result, none of the people from Chilan Pavilion happened to be there. Will it arouse Yun Kun's suspicion? I don't know about others.

Qiu Xia knows the depth of the relationship between you, and it’s hard not to doubt her. Once Yun Kun becomes suspicious, Feng Guanyun will be in danger, wouldn’t that mean we let her die?"

As soon as these words came out, Huang Xuxiong fell into deathly silence.

"There is another question. That woman Xiang Lanxuan is not a vegetarian. I know her very well and she is extremely vigilant. If we all run away, once her vigilance is triggered, once she has a sense of risk aversion, I'm afraid

He would also immediately take people to move. When we were not here, Xiang Lanxuan also ran away, and Feng Guanyun came with people and jumped into the air. I really can't imagine what kind of end she will end up with, ugh!"

Huang Xuxiong's breathing became increasingly heavy, and he stared at the ugly skull face opposite him. He was not a fool, and he realized the methods of these big guys who were changing things in the spiritual world. The problem was that they were doing this step by step.

If he dared to speak out, he would have no choice.

After his Adam's apple moved, he asked, "What do you mean?"

Meng Po waved his hand, "Nothing else. Don't worry, I will never force you. But I still think that if you can stay and stabilize them, things will go much smoother. At least Feng Guanyun will be much safer and will not be in danger."

It’s all a waste of time.”

Huang Xuxiong stared at him for a while, then asked: "Master Long fell into your hands, wouldn't he be at your mercy?"

Meng Po waved his hand again, "Don't worry too much. If I want to manipulate him, what difference will one more you make? Don't worry, as long as you stand firm on Yun Kun's side, I will still count on you and never dare to let Long

Xingyun is missing one hair, so besides protecting him with all my strength, I will also protect him with all my strength."

Huang Xuxiong fell into deathly silence again.

"Time is running out!" Meng Po sighed there.

After the two people appeared in front of everyone again, Long Xingyun gave them a strange look and asked, "Where are you going?"

Meng Po drifted towards Lan Xuan and the others indifferently.

Huang Xuxiong approached Long Xingyun and whispered, "Pavilion Master, prepare to leave..."

Meng Po, who landed in front of Yu Qing and others, asked, "Has any of you here seen Feng Guanyun?"

The uninformed Aunt Alang and others were a little confused. Brother Yu Qing secretly examined this person, wondering what the incident was. Could it be that Feng Guanyun was arrested as Xiang Lanxuan said?

"Feng Guanyun?" Xiang Lanxuan chuckled, "Skull head, you actually care about the people in Chilan Pavilion. Why does it sound funny to me? Do you want to poach Ding Jiaqing?"

Meng Po: "Xiang Lanxuan, I'm not kidding you. She has been gone for a long time and has not come back. We went to look for her just now and found that she was missing. This is very abnormal. I said to Xiang Lanxuan

, you always look sneaky, isn't it you who did something?"

Xiang Lanxuan: "Is she worthy?"

"Now is not the time to separate each other. It's best not to play any tricks." Meng Po pointed at her nose and warned, then turned his attention to Yu Qing, and patted Yu Qing's shoulder with his falling hand.

He glanced at it with unclear meaning, then turned around and waved to Long Xingyun: "Let's go, let's expand the scope and search."

Long Xingyun and Huang Xuxiong over there naturally cooperated, and the three of them quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

The monk who was sitting cross-legged and meditating next to Wu Wu also opened his eyes and looked at them.

Xiang Lanxuan narrowed her eyes slightly and watched with a smile on her face. She raised her hand and hooked her fingers.

Aunt Alang, who was accused, immediately came closer without even realizing that she was cooperating naturally.

Xiang Lanxuan whispered: "Go and take a look, don't let them find out."

Aunt Alang looked at Yu Qing, and when she saw no response, she left silently.

"Let Datou go too." Xiang Lanxuan was afraid of an accident, so she pulled Yu Qing's ear over and muttered.

This chapter has been completed!
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