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Chapter 12 Lucky Head

"Students pay homage to Mr. Zhou Mu!" More than 300 candidates bowed together to pay homage.

Yu Qing, who was among them, didn't want to be too conspicuous, so he had to follow along as he had practiced before.

"No need to be polite." Lu Jikai smiled and raised his hands to indicate that he was lying down.

All the candidates thanked me.

The chief officer in charge of this place introduced the six candidates in front of Lu Jikai, "Sir, these six are from this year..."

Lu Jikai raised his hand to interrupt, "You don't need to introduce me. I have met the six leaders of this year's provincial examination at the banquet after the provincial examination. They are all talented people from various states. I am deeply impressed!" He pointed with his finger.

Jie Yuanlang Zhan Muchun had a pleasant smile and looked very satisfied.

"Thank you, Lord Zhou Mu, for your compliments!" The radiant Zhan Muchun took the lead in thanking him, and the other five people also followed suit.

The group of candidates at the back, including Su Yingtao, Fang Wenxian, Zhang Manqu, and Pan Wenqing, were all envious of the top six candidates in the provincial examination, who were highly praised by Master Zhou Mu.

As we all know, even if the top six candidates of the provincial examination in this state go to Beijing to take the examination and fail to get a spot on the gold list, even if they fail in the Beijing examination, due to various internal reasons, the other states will still have to arrange official positions first and foremost in their state. If nothing happens,

The starting job openings are not too bad.

In other words, the top six candidates in the provincial examination will be the worst in the future and will soon become officials in various states. This is why Su Yingtao and the other four fawned over Zhan Muchun before. Now is the time when everyone is most approachable. If you want to fawn over others in the future, they may not know you.

.The rankings of the four of them in the provincial examination are within the top 30, and there is still great uncertainty.

Lu Jikai did not hesitate and immediately introduced the two people around him, "Come here, I would like to introduce to you two masters from all states. This is Mr. Di Zang, the leading spiritual planter in all states. This is

He is Mr. Yu Qi, the leading demon exterminator in the states."

All the candidates were somewhat surprised. They did not expect Lord Zhou Mu to bring such a person to such an occasion. To them, these two people were definitely important figures in the states and were beyond their normal reach. They immediately paid homage to them.

Two masters.

Di Zang and Yu Qi just smiled and nodded to everyone without saying anything. They had no common language with these candidates and did not want to overwhelm them.

After some polite greetings, the candidates parted ways to make way. Lu Jikai was led into the morning and evening garden for inspection. The Sixth Chief of the Provincial Examination accompanied him to answer the questions of Mr. Zhou Mu on behalf of the candidates. Others followed, and Yu Qingsi was among them.

, he really never thought that one day he would be able to fool around in such a situation, which can be regarded as a gain in experience.

Lu Jikai couldn't help but ask everyone how they were living here and how the food was. He especially told the person in charge of the place in public to take good care of the candidates' diet so that the talented people from all over the state could better bring glory to the state.

Speaking of where to stay, naturally you have to check out the room where you are temporarily staying, and the nearby Jie Yuanlang room became the focus.

There weren't enough people to go upstairs, so most of the candidates were waiting downstairs.

Yu Qing was naturally one of them. He watched Lu Jikai and others enter the room where he had lived before, and then looked at the candidates waiting eagerly around him. He didn't know what these people were waiting for with their eyes shining brightly, and how long they could wait.


Lu Jikai could not spend all his time in this accommodation. After looking at a nearby building, he casually walked around the garden and then changed his subject, "Almost all the new talents in our states are here. Opportunities

It's a rare opportunity to meet at the right time. Are these two gentlemen interested in taking a look at their talents?" After saying that, he stopped and turned around, facing the two masters.

As soon as he stopped, everyone stopped and stared at him. Some candidates vaguely sensed the opportunity to perform, and their eyes glowed with hope.

Di Zang and Yu Qi were belatedly aware of it. They looked at each other and smiled. Di Zang smiled and asked, "I don't know how to take a look at it?"

Lu Jikai glanced at all the candidates, raised his hand and stroked his beard and said: "The two gentlemen can each write a question. Each of our newly-promoted talents from the prefectures will write two essays in response to the question. The two gentlemen will judge the merits."

It can be regarded as a calligraphy treasure left to the academy before they went to Beijing for the academy students to observe and study. I wonder what you two gentlemen think of it?"

As soon as these words came out, Yu Qing, who was casually passing the time in the crowd, felt a chill go down his spine, his heart strings tightened, and his scalp felt a little numb.

He is good at writing Braille and the like. Practicing calligraphy was also his basic homework in Taoism. His handwriting is no worse than Ash Heng's, and is even better. He has this talent. He can also write letters and other articles.

No problem, let him write an essay based on a proposition. His level is really not good enough.

When they parted ways with A Shiheng, A Shiheng once said that it didn't matter if he didn't do well in the exam in Beijing. He didn't expect to pass the exam, but he still hoped that Yu Qing would put more thought into it. The reason is simple. If he doesn't do well in the exam, he will be dismissed.

It's normal to fail. You can answer poorly, but you can't just come to the marking officer. As soon as he looks at the answers, he can't help but want to check your background and find out how someone like you got selected. That would be too much.

He didn't know anything about the answering mode, and he planned to go to the capital to use the connections given by Ash Heng to learn a thing or two. But he suddenly encountered this incident. He would be lying if he said he wasn't panicked at all. He couldn't help but look around.


I found that once exposed here, it would be almost impossible to escape based on my own cultivation and strength.

He felt as if he had been woken up by a thunderbolt in a daze. He cursed Ashheng in his heart, knowing that accidents were easy to happen on the road. Sure enough, what should he do now?

He already felt a sword hanging above his head, ready to fall at any moment.

This is an unexpected surprise for the candidates present. No matter whether the article is well done or not, nothing will be lost. If it is done well, what if it falls into the eyes of Lord Zhou Mu?

Of course, for someone, disaster comes from heaven.

Compared with the gleaming expectant eyes around him, Yu Qing's eyes flashed sharply, thinking of ways to escape.

Di Zang and Yu Qi were stunned for a moment, and they did not expect Lord Zhou Mu to let them do this.

They looked at each other again and unified their opinions with their eyes. Di Zang declined and said: "This matter is not our turn. The matter of setting the topic should be personally handled by Mr. Zhou Mu."

Lu Jikai chuckled and said: "The proposition is a small matter. I would like to take the opportunity to let the two gentlemen come up with some lottery tickets as rewards. It is true that we, the scholars of Lizhou, have done great things. I hope you don't refuse."

After saying this, the two of them understood the deeper meaning. The Master Zhou Mu suddenly did this to let the students see that even the two of them had to obey orders.

It is a lie to ask the candidates to show their talents. Mr. Zhou Mu is using two people to show their strength to reassure people.

It seemed that just showing up was not enough, so the two looked at each other again.

It’s not that the two of them don’t give Lu Jikai face, but they are definitely not as good as these young candidates in terms of Jinxiu’s essays. They are all talents who have stood out from the provincial examination. It is really unworthy for them to judge the quality of these candidates’ essays and it is easy to cause trouble.


However, Lu Jikai said such words in public, and it was not enough not to give him face.

After thinking about it for a while, Yu Qi said: "Master Lu, in my opinion, essays based on propositions are enough. Firstly, without mentioning the time to answer the questions, just based on the essays of more than 300 people in front of us, the two of us don't know what we are going to see.

At that time, I was really too busy..."

Lu Jikai just wanted to say, if you can't read the article, then let everyone write poems. That way it will be easier, clearer and faster to read.

But Yu Qi didn't give him a chance to speak, and rushed to say: "Both of them, these young people have passed the provincial examination. They have already competed once in the state capital for essays, and their rankings have already been judged. Based on the two of us,

It’s not appropriate to make rash judgments about their level. Mr. Lu, why not test them on something they haven’t taken before? You might as well test their quick wits. With the adults as the leader, the three of us will each come up with some word puzzles and give them a stick of incense to see who can do it.

You can answer the most crossword puzzles in the shortest time without hurting your friendship. What do you think, sir?"

It turned into a charade? All the candidates looked at each other in shock.

Yu Qing, who was trying to think of a way to deal with the accident, was also stunned. If it really turned into a crossword puzzle, he wouldn't have to think of a way to escape. The article should be divided into good and bad. It doesn't matter if he can't guess the crossword puzzle.

He immediately stood on tiptoes to watch Lu Jikai's reaction, hoping very much that Lu Jikai would listen to his advice and stop writing nonsense articles.

Di Zang nodded repeatedly, thinking that what Yu Qi said was good, and he agreed deeply. This would not only resolve the embarrassment between the two of them, but also give Lu Jikai some face.

It was indeed reasonable and reasonable. Lu Jikai also nodded and said on the spot: "Okay! I will follow you two gentlemen. But... I wonder if I would like to give out a reward?" There was a joking look on his face.

The two masters looked at each other again, knowing that this time it would be impossible without some blood, and they couldn't help Lord Zhou Mu to say this in public.

Yu Qing put down his heels and breathed a sigh of relief.

Di Zang glanced at all the candidates and laughed loudly: "Since it is Master Zhoumu who opened the Golden Mouth, how can you refuse? I will give you a hundred kilograms of spiritual rice as a bonus!"

The winnings correspond to his identity.

As soon as these words came out, many candidates were in an uproar. They all knew that the value of one hundred kilograms of spiritual rice was at least ten thousand taels of silver.

What's going on? Yu Qing, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, immediately pricked up his ears, suddenly stood up on tiptoes, and stared at Di Zang with wide eyes. One hundred kilograms of rice? His eyes were full of disbelief.

He wanted to know whether one person would get one hundred kilograms of spiritual rice worth ten thousand taels, or whether it would be divided among more than three hundred candidates.

If it was the former, he would feel very aggrieved. Back then, he did not hesitate to beat up three of his fellow disciples for a few hundred taels of silver. Now, he could be awarded ten thousand taels of silver for just guessing a crossword puzzle. It was too light.

However, Di Zang did not say how to distribute the rewards.

Lu Jikai smiled with satisfaction and looked at Yu Qi with a smile.

Yu Qi smiled bitterly in his heart, knowing that it was time for him to express his position, so he said clearly and clearly: "A glass of Xuan-level 'Dian Yao Lu' as a reward."

"Some magic dew?" The candidates began to whisper, some of them didn't know what it was because of their lack of experience.

Yu Qing, who was standing on tiptoes and could not put down, felt his heart tremble again. It is understandable that the examinee does not know what "dianyaolu" is. How could he not know that as a man in the world, it is a good thing for subduing demons. All it takes is a drop of it.

It can make the demon cultivator show its original shape by putting it on its body, so it is called 'demon dew'.

The focus is naturally still on value.

This chapter has been completed!
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