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Chapter 120 Confession

 Cao Xinggong was afraid that his nephew would suffer a serious crime, so he changed the way of pleading, "Sir, what I'm afraid of is that my nephew can't withstand the terrifying methods of the Wolf Guard, and I'm afraid that my nephew will say something that shouldn't be said.

If the matter is revealed, the villain may die even if he is to blame!"

The old man inside slowly turned his head, looked outside the gauze curtain, and said indifferently: "What test question? I don't understand what you are talking about!"

Cao Xinggong immediately understood what they meant. If he couldn't handle the exam questions, he could only bear the responsibility and would have nothing to do with them.

What was even more frightening was that he knew that he had said the wrong thing in a hurry, so he slapped himself hard twice in the mouth, "It's the villain who got confused in a hurry, and it was the villain who said the wrong thing without hesitation." Then he kept kowtowing.

, I kept knocking, and I didn’t dare to stop even when my head began to bleed. Occasionally, I would slap myself twice in the face.

After a while, the old man inside slowly turned his head back, sighed, and seemed to relent, "Okay, okay, let's calm down for a while. The one who really supports the Wolf Guard behind the Wolf Guard is His Majesty.

I, no one can save your nephew tonight, you can only help him and seek happiness for yourself.

Good job, what I appreciate most about you is your knowledge and understanding, and don’t mess up your mind. The situation is unclear now, just wait. Whatever happened tonight, it won’t work if the wolf guard doesn’t give an explanation tomorrow. Everything will happen naturally tomorrow.

It’s all clear, I will decide according to the circumstances, go back and rest early.”

Cao Xinggong, whose face was already bleeding, did not dare to say any more. He said "yes" and quickly got up and left.

Someone appeared from the darkness nearby, brought a wiping tool to clean the blood on Cao Xinggong's face, and then helped apply the medicine.

There were also buckets carried to the place where Cao Xinggong had kowtowed just now, and the blood on the ground was washed away with water...

Xu Fei, who was pushed in, was seeing the military camp prison for the first time.

Especially the execution room in the prison was an eye-opener.

Xu Fei was pushed to a pile of torture instruments, which were rusty or blood-stained.

Wei Lin walked up to him, "Let me ask you again, did you omit or conceal anything in the confessions of the three ancient tombs in the wasteland?"

Xu Fei was extremely worried, but he still had to bite the bullet and said: "General, I really don't understand what you mean, and I don't remember anything to hide."

Wei Lin immediately stopped talking and raised his hand to strike forward, making a gesture.

Someone immediately lit a stove that looked like a stove, and someone also brought a basket of charcoal and poured it on the stove.

Then Xu Fei was held down, his shoes and socks were taken off on the spot, and someone pulled an iron chain down from above and tied his hands together.

The chain was pulled on the pulley several times, and Xu Fei was immediately lifted up.

It was hanging precariously in the air, but after it stopped swinging, the person was just above the stove.

The chain began to be lowered again, until Xu Fei's feet could just step on the charcoal.

When Xu Fei shrank subconsciously, a kind person lifted up an iron plate and placed it on the charcoal.

At this time, someone began to push and pull the bellows, and sparks flew out from around the iron plate.

After a while, the iron plate started to burn red from the middle.

Xu Fei, who was hanging on top, shrank his legs and did not dare to put them down. He said with a look of horror on his face: "I am an official of the imperial court, how could you do this!"

Wei Lin said, "It's not like I haven't killed dog officers with a higher level than you... The strength of the waist and legs is pretty good, it seems that he has been trained." He raised his hand and made another gesture.

The chain began to be lowered, and Xu Fei had to curl up and shorten his legs again.

So the chain continued to be lowered slowly.

In the end, it was useless to shrink his legs. Xu Fei did a belly curl and hugged his feet on the chain that bound his hands.

But it's useless, the chain is still being lowered.

Baked at higher and higher temperatures, and struggling to cling to the iron chain, Xu Fei was soon sweating profusely, and the dripping sweat continued to pour out sizzling green smoke on the red-hot iron plate.

He kept shouting about injustice, saying that he was an official of the imperial court and so on.

He is not stupid, nor is he a person without any knowledge. He knows that if he doesn't say something, he might still be fine, but once he says it, there will be no way out.

However, the reality is cruel. After all, there are very few people who can truly withstand severe torture. At least he is not among those very few.

Is it okay to lie down until it feels like a red-hot iron plate is about to be burned into my butt?

He stretched his body upwards with all his strength, but the chain kept falling, which was simply terrifying.

Xu Fei finally collapsed due to this set of punishments, and finally shouted, "I say!"

Wei Lin tilted his head to indicate, and the iron chain began to be lifted up again, until Xu Fei lowered his feet and was still some distance away from the red-hot iron plate.

The fire's bellows push-pull rod also stopped moving.

Not letting Xu Fei down for the time being, Wei Lin stared at Xu Fei who was sweating like rain, "Go ahead!"

Xu Fei was already in tears.

He once longed for the heroic spirit of the world, once imagined that he was a tough guy, and once imagined that he could help justice, but he found that he could do nothing.

For the sake of fame and fortune, and for the sake of being named on the gold medal list, I have repeatedly cheated.

In order to survive under the iron chain hanging on him, he betrayed his friends.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a little sad because he truly realized what kind of person he was.

It turned out that he had become the person he once hated, and he couldn't help but roared in sorrow, "It's Ash Heng, the new beauty, and he forced me to hide it..."

He sputtered out what Yu Qing wanted him to hide.

To kill Hei Yunxiao, in order to survive and fool Tie Miaoqing and others, he had no choice but to help Tie Miaoqing find fire crickets and the like.

He scolded Yu Qing for being greedy for money and profit, saying that he had spent four thousand taels of silver to have Yu Qing save his life.

He told all about Yu Qing's various evil deeds, and also revealed that Yu Qing had repeatedly told him and Chong'er not to tell the truth to the imperial escorts.

He had already realized that he had been tricked by something Yu Qing had done.

He scolded Yu Qing for being greedy for money. Subconsciously, he wanted to give himself an explanation. It was not that I wanted to betray my friends, but that you, 'Ashiheng', were not a good person in the first place.

After hearing this, Wei Lin asked again: "We have already joined the escort, how can you still obey him? You are not a three-year-old child, you should know what you can and cannot say!"

Xu Fei burst into tears and said: "I was obsessed with him. I was obsessed with his pirate ship for a while. The first place in the crossword puzzle at Lizhou Wenhua Academy was not me, but him..." and he and Yu Qing teamed up in Wenhua Academy.

He told the story about cheating in Hua Academy and said that Yu Qing was threatening him with it, so he had to help in the deception.

Wei Lin was speechless and looked back at the document that recorded the confession. The latter nodded to indicate that everything had been recorded.

After a while, Xu Fei was let down and his confession was signed and tampered with. He was crying with sadness and didn't know why.

After receiving the confession, Wei Lin read it over again and was filled with sadness.

You really don’t know if you don’t dig it, but you will be shocked if you dig it.

I didn't expect that 'Ashi Heng' could dig out so many things just by going to Beijing to take the exam.

Who knows what secrets that guy hides behind his back.

No wonder he refuses to admit knowing Bai Lan, and dares to do things that seek wealth and murder.

He was really convinced when he saw that Wenhua College ranked first in the crossword puzzle. He didn't even know what the quiz questions were, but he was sure to get the first place. What a strong self-confidence this must have. Talented people have

With such talent, no wonder he was able to get perfect scores in all four subjects.

There was also the painting of a talisman to save his life, and he also used some method to help catch the fire cricket.

It's all nothing. It's hard for him to imagine that people who do all these things can actually get perfect scores in four subjects.

Do these seem like things that a serious scholar can do?

He just doesn't understand why, with such talent and means, he has to live a life where money is more important than life. Is it difficult to make some money openly with such ability?

Somehow, the more he read this confession, the more he felt that there was something sinister about that man.

Of course, none of this matters.

For him, the most important thing was to finally figure out the truth about the assassination.

Finally, the relationship between Yu Qing and Bai Lan was clarified, and why Hei Ling'er and Bai Lan wanted to kill Yu Qing.

He can give an explanation to Xuan Guogong Ying Xiaotang.

After learning about the murder of Ajiezhang's family, Duke Ying Xiaotang of Xuan State secretly issued an order and sent additional personnel to keep an eye on Yu Qing secretly.

Ying Xiaotang suspected that the man behind the incident would not give up easily, and might attack Ajiezhang's son again.

Ying Xiaotang is waiting for the mastermind behind the scenes to take action again, because what happened back then has been too long and new clues are needed to follow the clues.

The blood debt of Ajiezhang’s family cannot be treated as if it never happened!

This is also the reason why Hei Ling'er and Bai Lan caused such a big disturbance in the military. The army directly blocked Xiyuefang and even ransacked the entire Xiyuefang.

Although Bai Lan ran away after that, he would not give up the pursuit of Bai Lan and proceed quickly.

This is what happened next.

After Wei Lin learned that Bai Lan and his wife were involved in the assassination of Lizhou candidates, he suspected that it was an illusion and that he wanted to cover up the assassination of Ash Heng.

Yu Qing refused to tell the truth, and Wei Lin could not torture Yu Qing, so he had no choice but to arrest Xu Fei.

In the end, Xu Fei's mouth was pried open, but who knew the truth was like this.

Only then did they realize that Yu Qing was seeking wealth and murder. It was Yu Qing who killed Bai Lan's husband and Hei Ling'er's younger brother first.

Only then did they realize that Bai Lan and Hei Ling'er were just seeking personal revenge for attacking Yu Qing.

As a result, they also discovered a lot of bad things that Yu Qing had done secretly.

Wei Lin himself couldn't help but sigh. He couldn't understand what Yu Qing was thinking. It would be enough to just tell him the truth. Why would the wolf guards go to war to dig out a lot of embarrassing things about you?

It feels like this ‘Ashi Heng’ is not right about his relationship with Duke Xuan...

A carriage came out of the Wolf Guard station, and Xu Fei was shaking in it, a little lost.

The Wolf Guard did not embarrass him any more, and was not interested in his bad things. After getting the answer he wanted, he sent someone to send him back. After all, he was an official of the imperial court.

This chapter has been completed!
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